聂良鹏1,3, 郭利伟1, 牛海燕2, 魏杰2, 李增嘉1, 宁堂原1,* |
Effects of Rotational Tillage on Tilth Soil Structure and Crop Yield and Quality in Maize-Wheat Cropping System
NIE Liang-Peng 1,3, GUO Li-Wei 1, NIU Hai-Yan 2, WEI Jie 2, LI Zeng-Jia 1, NING Tang-Yuan 1,*
图1 不同处理表层土壤0~10 cm A, B、10~20 cm C, D、20~40 cm E, F土壤总孔隙度的周年变化 处理为全年小麦-玉米两季轮耕模式, 其中ZT为免耕, SS为深松, CT为传统翻耕。 Fig. 1 Annual changes of soil porosity in 0-10 cm A, B, 10-20 cm C, D, and 20-40 cm E, F layer under different treatments Treatments are the whole year tillage patterns wheat-maize including zero-tillage ZT, subsoiling SS, and conventional tillage CT. |