秦金燕1, 李在峰2, 闫晓翠1, 苏集华1, 姚占军1,* , 刘大群2,* |
Molecular Identification of Leaf Rust Resistance Gene in Wheat Line 5R625
QIN Jin-Yan 1, LI Zai-Feng 2, YAN Xiao-Cui 1, SU Ji-Hua 1, YAO Zhan-Jun 1,* , LIU Da-Qun 2,*
图1 叶锈菌生理小种THJP对感病亲本郑州5389左和抗病亲本5R625右的苗期侵染型 Fig. 1 Seedling infection types of susceptible parent Zhengzhou 5389 left and resistant parent 5R625 right in response to Puccinia triticina pathotype THJP |