
Drought Tolerance Evaluation of Wheat Germplasm Resources
Long LI,Xin-Guo MAO,Jing-Yi WANG,Xiao-Ping CHANG,Yu-Ping LIU,Rui-Lian JING
图5 早洋麦与紫秆白芒先各产量构成因素的抗旱系数 SPP: 单株穗数; SNPP: 每穗小穗数; GNPS: 穗粒数; TKW: 千粒重。误差线为3次重复的标准差。**表示两品种在0.01水平差异显著。

Fig. 5 Drought tolerance coefficient of yield components of Early Premium and Ziganbaimangxian SPP: spikes per plant; SNPP: spikelet number per spike; GNPS: grain number per spike; TKW: thousand kernel weight. The error bar denotes the standard deviation of three replicates. ** indicates significant difference between the two varieties at the 0.01 probability level.