小麦株高QTL Qph.nau-5B的效应评价
韩玉洲, 张勇, 杨阳, 顾正中, 吴科, 谢全, 孔忠新, 贾海燕, 马正强

Effect evaluation of QTL Qph.nau-5B controlling plant height in wheat
HAN Yu-Zhou, ZHANG Yong, YANG Yang, GU Zheng-Zhong, WU Ke, XIE Quan, KONG Zhong-Xin, JIA Hai-Yan, MA Zheng-Qiang
图1 Qph.nau-5B不同等位变异近等基因系及其轮回亲本的株高
A: 7个环境株高平均表现; B~H: 单环境株高表现; ZY: 轮回亲本中优9507。柱形图上方不同小写字母表示在P = 0.05水平上差异显著。
Fig. 1 Plant height of the NILs with different alleles of Qph.nau-5B and their recurrent parent
A: average plant height under seven environments; B-H: plant height in individual environments; ZY: the recurrent parent Zhongyou 9507. Different lowercases on the bars indicate significant differences at P = 0.05.