索海翠, 刘计涛, 王丽, 李成晨, 单建伟, 李小波

Functional analysis of StZIP12 in regulating potato Zn uptake
SUO Hai-Cui, LIU Ji-Tao, WANG Li, LI Cheng-Chen, SHAN Jian-Wei, LI Xiao-Bo
图4 StZIP12对酵母锌吸收障碍突变体功能互补
VC: 空载体对照; 10-1~10-4代表菌液稀释浓度。
Fig. 4 Functional complementation of StZIP12 to yeast zinc uptake deficient mutant
VC: the empty vector controls; 10-1-10-4 represent the dilution concentration of bacterial solution, respectively.