索海翠, 刘计涛, 王丽, 李成晨, 单建伟, 李小波

Functional analysis of StZIP12 in regulating potato Zn uptake
SUO Hai-Cui, LIU Ji-Tao, WANG Li, LI Cheng-Chen, SHAN Jian-Wei, LI Xiao-Bo
图7 正常和缺锌处理下下转基因马铃薯植株表型、株高和锌含量
CK: 正常锌;-Zn: 缺锌处理。误差线代表标准误, 多重比较采用Duncan分析法, 不同小写字母代表显著水平(P < 0.05)。
Fig. 7 Phenotype, plant height, and zinc content of transgenic lines under zinc deficiency treatment
CK: normal zinc treatment;-Zn: zinc deficiency treatment. Error bar represents standard error. Duncan’s analysis method is used for multiple comparisons. Different lowercase represents significant difference at P < 0.05.