张振, 赵俊晔, 石玉, 张永丽, 于振文

Effects of different sowing space on photosynthetic characteristics after anthesis and grain yield of wheat
ZHANG Zhen, ZHAO Jun-Ye, SHI Yu, ZHANG Yong-Li, YU Zhen-Wen
图1 不同处理开花后叶面积指数
B1: 播幅为8 cm;B2: 播幅为3 cm。A, B分别表示2019-2020和2020-2021生长季开花后叶面积指数。图中所示数据均为每处理测定的3次重复, **表示不同处理在0.01概率水平差异显著。
Fig. 1 Leaf area index after anthesis under different treatments
B1: the broadcast width is 8 cm; B2: the broadcast width is 3 cm. A and B represent the leaf area index after anthesis in the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 growing seasons, respectively. The data shown in the figure are all three replicates of each treatment. ** indicate significant differences between different treatments at the 0.01 probability level.