黄宏胜, 张馨月, 居辉, 韩雪

Spectral characteristics of winter wheat canopy and estimation of aboveground biomass under elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration
HUANG Hong-Sheng, ZHANG Xin-Yue, JU Hui, HAN Xue
图5 冬小麦地上生物量PLSR模型训练组和测试组拟合关系
a, b: 基于光谱反射率为自变量的地上生物量偏最小二乘法回归模型, a为训练组, b为测试组; c, d: 基于光谱参数为自变量的地上生物量偏最小二乘法回归模型, c为训练组, d为测试组; ncomps: 最佳成分个数; Y-Var: 因变量累积方差解释百分数。
Fig. 5 Fitting relationships between the training and test groups of the PLSR model for aboveground biomass of winter wheat
a, b: the above-ground biomass partial least squares regression model based on spectral reflectance as the independent variable, with a as the training group and b as the test group; c, d: the above-ground biomass partial least squares regression model based on spectral parameters as the independent variable, with c as the training group and d as the test group; ncomps: the number of components; Y-Var: the cumulative variance explained percentage of dependent variables.