曹松, 姚敏, 任睿, 贾元, 向星汝, 李文, 何昕, 刘忠松, 官春云, 钱论文, 熊兴华

A combination of genome-wide association and transcriptome analysis reveal candidate genes affecting seed oil accumulation in Brassica napus
CAO Song, YAO Min, REN Rui, JIA Yuan, XIANG Xing-Ru, LI Wen, HE Xin, LIU Zhong-Song, GUAN Chun-Yun, QIAN Lun-Wen, XIONG Xing-Hua
图5 50个重测序材料中单体型(4,389,567~4,439,432 bp)区域的含油量关联分析
(a) 单体型(4,389,567~4,439,432 bp; R2=0.99)区域的含油量关联分析。蓝色实线表示全基因组显著性的阈值P值为1.0×10-4。(b)和(c) 9个SNP (A05: 4414567; P =1.42×10-4)与含油量显著相关, 并定位在BnABI5-A05基因区域。热图显示这些SNPs存在强的连锁不平衡。在BnABI5-A05单倍型区检测到3个单倍型等位基因。(d) 比较分析3个单体型等位基因对应材料的含油量。单体型等位基因在群体中的频率大于0.01将被用于此分析。箱型图显示BnABI5-A05_Hap1等位基因对应的材料有较高的含油量。*、**、***分别表示在0.05、0.01和0.001水平差异显著。
Fig. 5 Correlation analysis of oil content in haplotype (4,389,567-4,439,432 bp) regions of 50 resequenced materials
(a) Haplotype (4,389,567-4,439,432 bp; R2=0.99) oil content correlation analysis. The solid blue line indicates a threshold P-value of 1.0×10-4 for genome-wide significance. (b)-(c) nine SNPs (A05: 4,414,567; P = 1.42×10-4) was significantly correlated with oil content and was localized in the BnABI5-A05 gene region. Heat maps show a strong linkage imbalance in these SNPs. Three haplotype alleles were detected in the haplotype region of BnABI5-A05. (d) Comparative analysis of the oil content of the materials corresponding to the three haplotype alleles. Haplotype alleles with frequencies greater than 0.01 in the population will be used for this analysis. The box pattern shows that the material corresponding to the BnABI5-A05_Hap1 allele has a higher oil content. *, **, and *** mean significant difference at the 0.05, 0.01, and 0.001 probability levels, respectively.