基于大刍草渗入系的玉米抗旱优异等位基因挖掘 |
刘爽, 李珅, 王东梅, 沙小茜, 何冠华, 张登峰, 李永祥, 刘旭洋, 王天宇, 黎裕, 李春辉 |
Superior allele genes mining for drought tolerance in maize based on introgression line from a cross between maize and teosinte |
LIU Shuang, LI Shen, WANG Dong-Mei, SHA Xiao-Qian, HE Guan-Hua, ZHANG Deng-Feng, LI Yong-Xiang, LIU Xu-Yang, WANG Tian-Yu, LI Yu, LI Chun-Hui |
图6 候选抗旱基因不同处理下基因表达水平 A~B图为转录组数据, C~D图为RT-PCR实验结果, FPKM代表差异显著基因的表达量, Relative expression level为RT-PCR实验得到的基因表达量, WW代表正常水分(watered)条件下基因表达量, MD代表中度干旱胁迫(moderate-drought)条件下基因表达量, SD代表重度干旱胁迫(severe-drought)条件下基因表达量。*和**分别表示在P < 0.05和P < 0.01水平差异显著, ns表示无差异显著性。 |
Fig. 6 Gene expression levels of candidate drought-resistant genes under different treatments A-B: the transcriptome data; C-D: the results of RT-PCR experiments; FPKM: the relative expression of genes with significant differences; Relative expression level is the relative expression level of genes by RT-PCR. WW: the relative expression of genes under normal watered conditions (watered); MD: the relative expression level of genes under moderate drought stress (moderate-drought); SD: the relative expression level of genes under severe drought stress (severe-drought); * and ** indicate significant difference at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, respectively, and ns indicates no significance. |
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