李旭娟, 李纯佳, 田春艳, 孔春艳, 徐超华, 刘新龙

Identification of nitrate transporter protein 1/peptide transporter protein family 6.4 gene (ScNPF6.4) and functional analysis of its regulation of tillering in sugarcane
LI Xu-Juan, LI Chun-Jia, TIAN Chun-Yan, KONG Chun-Yan, XU Chao-Hua, LIU Xin-Long
图4 ScNPF6.4的表达模式分析
A: ScNPF6.4在ROC22不同组织部位的相对表达量; B: ScNPF6.4在华南56-21、桂糖17号和ROC22腋芽发生不同发育阶段表达情况; C: 不同外源植物激素处理下ScNPF6.4的相对表达量。甘油醛-3-磷酸脱氢酶基因(GAPDH)被用作内参基因。误差棒表示重复的平均值 ± 标准差(n = 3)。柱状图上不同的小写字母表示显著差异(邓肯新多量程测试(P < 0.05))。Bud 0: 休眠芽; bud 1: 萌动芽; bud 2: 膨大芽; bud 3: 伸长芽; bud 4: 冒尖叶芽。6-BA: 6-苄氨基嘌呤(400 mg L-1); ABA: 脱落酸(4 mg L-1); GA3: 赤霉素A3 (200 mg L-1); IBA: 吲哚-3-丁酸(400 mg L-1); Ethephone: 乙烯利(100 mg L-1); SLs: 独角酯内酯(20 mg L-1)。
Fig. 4 Relative expression patterns of ScNPF6.4 genes
A: the relative expression level of ScNPF6.4 in different tissues of ROC22; B: the relative expression level of ScNPF6.4 at different developmental stages of axillary buds of Huanan 56-21, Guitang 17 and ROC22; C: the relative expression level of ScNPF6.4 under different exogenous plant hormones treatments. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) is used as an internal reference gene. The error bar represents the mean ± standard deviation (n = 3) of the repeats. Different lowercase letters above the bars indicate significant difference between treatments, as determined by the Duncan’s new multiple range test (P < 0.05). bud 0: dormant bud; bud 1: budding bud; bud 2: enlarged bud; bud 3: elongation bud; bud 4: sharp leaf bud. 6-BA: 6-benzylaminopurine (400 mg L-1); ABA: abscisic acid (4 mg L-1); GA3: gibberellin A3 (200 mg L-1); IBA: indole-3-butytric acid (400 mg L-1); Ethephon: 100 mg L-1; SLs: strigolactones (20 mg L-1).