基于氮肥运筹下水稻产量与品质协同的农艺生理指标解析 |
覃金华, 洪卫源, 冯向前, 李子秋, 周子榆, 王爱冬, 李瑞杰, 王丹英, 张运波, 陈松 |
Analysis of agronomic and physiological indicators of rice yield and grain quality under nitrogen fertilization management |
QIN Jin-Hua, HONG Wei-Yuan, FENG Xiang-Qian, LI Zi-Qiu, ZHOU Zi-Yu, WANG Ai-Dong, LI Rui-Jie, WANG Dan-Ying, ZHANG Yun-Bo, CHEN Song |
图5 水稻产量及GQI与各生育期的静态农艺指标的相关性图 A、B分别是水稻产量、GQI与各生育期静态农艺指标的相关性, 红色代表显著相关(P < 0.05), 蓝色代表不相关; C是各生育期里的静态农艺指标与水稻产量和GQI显著相关的数量及占比; D是各生育期里同时与水稻产量、GQI显著相关的静态农艺指标。MT: 分蘖期; PI: 幼穗分化期; FL: 齐穗期; MGF: 灌浆中期; FGP: 结实率; GW: 千粒重; PN: 有效穗数; GN: 每穗粒数; BIO: 生物量; LAI: 叶面积指数; SLA: 比叶面积; SNA: 茎鞘氮积累; LNA: 叶氮积累量; PNA: 穗氮积累量; SNC: 茎鞘氮浓度; LNC: 叶片氮浓度; PNC: 穗氮浓度; PH: 平均株高; TILL: 平均分蘖; SW: 单位面积茎鞘重; LW: 单位面积叶重; PW: 单位面积穗重; TW: 单位面积总重; TNA: 总氮积累量; TNC: 全株氮浓度; NI: 氮肥投入量; IEN: 氮素产谷利用率; RE: 氮吸收利用率; AE: 农学氮肥利用效率。 |
Fig. 5 Correlation graph between rice yield and GQI with the static agronomic indicators of each growth period A and B are the correlation between rice yield, GQI and static agronomic indicators at different growth stages, respectively, where red indicates significant correlation (P < 0.05) and blue indicates no correlation; C shows the quantity and proportion of static agronomic indicators significantly correlated with rice yield and GQI at different growth stages; D represents the static agronomic indicators that are simultaneously significantly correlated with rice yield and GQI at different growth stages. MT: tillering stage; PI: panicle initiation stage; FL: heading stage; MGF: mid-grain filling stage; FGP: setting rate; GW: thousand-grain weight; PN: effective panicle number; GN: grains per panicle; BIO: biomass; LAI: leaf area index; SLA: specific leaf area; SNA: stem sheath nitrogen accumulation; LNA: leaf nitrogen accumulation; PNA: panicle nitrogen accumulation; SNC: stem sheath nitrogen concentration; LNC: leaf nitrogen concentration; PNC: panicle nitrogen concentration; PH: average plant height; TILL: average tiller number; SW: stem sheath weight per unit area; LW: leaf weight per unit area; PW: panicle weight per unit area; TW: total weight per unit area; TNA: total nitrogen accumulation; TNC: whole plant nitrogen concentration; NI: nitrogen input; IEN: nitrogen use efficiency for grain production; RE: nitrogen absorption efficiency; AE: agronomic nitrogen use efficiency. |
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