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Acta Agron Sin ›› 2008, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (08): 1317-1322.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2008.01317


Heritability and Number of Genes Controlling Slow-Mildewing Resis-tance in Wheat Cultivar Lumai 21

NI Xiao-Wen1,YAN Jun2,CHEN Xin-Min1*,XIA Xian-Chun1,HE Zhong-Hu1,ZHANG Yong1,WANG De-Sen1,Morten Lillemo3   

  1. 1 National Wheat Improvement Center / National Key Facility for Crop Gene Resource and Genetic Improvement, Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081; 2 Institute of Cotton, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Anyang 455000, Henan, China; 3 Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, 5003, Ås, Norway
  • Received:2008-02-02 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2008-08-12 Published:2008-08-12
  • Contact: CHEN Xin-Min

Abstract: It is very important to apply slow-mildewing resistance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) breeding, because slow-mildewing resistance is more durable than hypersensitive resistance. However, little information is available about the genetics of slow-mildewing resistance in Chinese wheat cultivars. Lumai 21 is identified as a slow-mildewing resistant wheat cultivar. To estimate the number of genes and its heritability, 200 lines of F2:3 and F2:4 populations derived from the cross between Lumai 21 and Jingshuang 16 (susceptible to mildew) and their parents were planted at Beijing and Anyang, Henan for disease evaluation in 2005–2007 growing seasons. The resistance was analyzed on the bases of both quantitative and qualitative genetic models. At least 4 resistance genes were detected in the 2 populations. The broad-sense heritability of the resistance was 0.53–0.78. Transgressive segregation result indicated that Jingshuang 16 might hold 1 minor gene for the resistance, and Lumai 21 involves at least 3 genes, accordingly.

Key words: Lumai 21, Adult-plant resistance to powdery mildew, Number of resistance genes, Heritability

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