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    12 September 2007, Volume 33 Issue 09
      Marker-Based Evidence of Broadening the Genetic Base of Chinese Soybeans by Using Introduced Soybeans
      GUAN Rong-Xia;GUO Juan-Juan;CHANG Ru-Zhen;QIU Li-Juan
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(09):  1393-1398. 
      Abstract ( 1892 )   PDF (458KB) ( 1186 )   Save
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      Molecular marker analysis can be used to quantify diversity of Chinese and introduced soybean germplasm and can provide useful information for the relationship of these materials. The genetic diversity of 32 Chinese varieties and 40 foreign ancestral cultivars were investigated by 22 SSR markers. One hundred and seventy alleles were detected, with an average of 6.0 and 6.9 in Chinese and foreign materials, respectively. The polymorphism information content (PIC) was 0.71 in both populations, which indicated a relatively high genetic diversity. There were 48 specific alleles in foreign materials and only 22 in Chinese varieties. The frequency of the alleles in common was very different in the two populations. Great differentiation was also observed between the two populations when UPGMA cluster analysis was used. We analyzed the pedigree of 5 Chinese cultivars derived from two introduced soybean cultivars, Amsoy and Tokachi nagaha, and found 23 specific alleles from foreign materials. The reserved specific alleles were different in each genetic background, and 29.13% specific alleles were reserved in total. This indicated that the introduction of foreign materials in Chinese soybean breeding increased the soybean genetic diversity. For foreign materials, more specific alleles have not been used yet, and should be used as parental materials in elite lines breeding in the future to enlarge the genetic bases of Chinese soybean.

      Genetic Effects of Cytoplasm and Nucleoplasmic Interaction on Resistance to Chilo suppressalis in Hybrid Rice
      SHEN Jun-Hui;LIU Guang-Jie;HUANG De-Run;ZHAN Xiao-Deng;CHEN Sheng-Guang;CAO Li-Yong;CHENG Shi-Hua
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(09):  1399-1404. 
      Abstract ( 1899 )   PDF (498KB) ( 932 )   Save
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      Two restorer lines “Shuhui 162” and “Miyang 46” were crossed with one set of the wide-compatible, homonucleus-heteroplasmic (HN-HP) cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) lines containing 6 different types of cytoplasm and two sets of homoplasm-heteronuclear (HP-HN) CMS lines containing the cytoplasmic types of wild abortion (WA) and Indonesia paddy rice (IPR), generating F1 hybrids. Resistance to Chilo suppressalis was investigated in greenhouse and rice field with percentage of larval survival, larval body weight and percentage of rice dead heart (DH). Genetic effects of cytoplasm, nucleus, and nucleoplasmic interaction (NPI) on the resistance to C. suppressalis were analyzed. Insect resistance bioassays revealed that in the HN-HP CMS lines, the larval body weight on the dwarf-abortive “Guoguang 2A”, D-type “Guoguang 4A” (G-4A), Indonesia paddy rice “Guoguang 5A” (G-5A) and K-type “Guoguang 6A” were significantly lower than those on the wild abortive “Guoguang 1A” and Gang-type “Guoguang 3A”. The percentages of (DH) in G-4A (12.9%) and G-5A (14.1%) were significantly lower than those in the rest of the HN-HP CMS lines. Significant difference was found in the DH percentage between the WA and IPR in HP-HN CMS lines. Analysis of genetic effects indicated that there were no effects of cytoplasm and nucleoplasmic interaction on larval survival rate both in the HN-HP CMS lines and in the IPR HP-HN CMS lines. On the HN-HP CMS lines, larval body weight was mainly affected by NPI (47.1%) and cytoplasmic effect (CE) (29.4%), and DH percentage affected by nuclear effect (NE) (76.0%), CE (12.1%), and NPI (10.4%). On the WA HN-HP CMS lines, larval body weight was mainly affected by NE (78.5%) and CE (17.7%); NE (58.5%) and NPI (35.7%) affected DH percentage. NPI affected both larval body weight and DH percentage, with 26.5% and 66.9% in the IPR HN-HP CMS lines, respectively. Larval body weight was also affected by NE (50.7%) and CE (21.9%).

      Cloning and Expression of a Pathogen-induced ERF Gene in Thinopyrum intermedium
      YAO Wu-Lan;ZHANG Zeng-Yan;CHEN Liang
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(09):  1405-1410. 
      Abstract ( 1805 )   PDF (1005KB) ( 1150 )   Save
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      Thinopyrum intermedium is a wild wheat-relative that possesses multi-resistances to wheat diseases. In order to understand its defense mechanism, a pathogen-inducible ERF gene, tentatively named TiERF1a, was isolated from leaf cDNA of Thinopyrum intermedium through RT-PCR and RACE approach. The TiERF1a protein contains a conserved AP2/ERF DNA binding domain, a nuclear localization site and a transcription activation domain. The amino acid sequence of TiERF1a shares 66.3% homology with OsBIERF3 and 39.7% homology with AtERF1a. The TiERF1a gene encodes a protein belonging to one new member of B3 subgroup of ERF transcription factor family. The expression of TiERF1a was induced respectively by Rhizoctonia cerealis and Fusarium graminearum, as well as ethylene and methyl jasmonate (MeJA). However, the induced expression of TiERF1a by MeJA and ethylene was earlier than that by the pathogen infection, suggesting the MeJA and ethylene pathways may be involved in regulating the host defence responses.
      Classification of Panicle Type and Its Relationship with Grain Yield and Quality of Rice in Liaoning Province
      XU Zheng-Jin;CHEN Wen-Fu;HAN Yong;SHAO Guo-Jun;ZHANG Wen-Zhong;MA Dian-Rong
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(09):  1411-1418. 
      Abstract ( 2066 )   PDF (654KB) ( 1217 )   Save
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      Panicle is one of the important objective for improving the plant type of rice. Studying on the panicle traits were lagged behind compared with studying on the culm and leaf. Recent years, studying on the effect of panicle traits on seed setting ability and yield increased, but little of reports could be found in integrative comparing with the classification in different panicle type and studying on the relationship of panicle type with yield and quality. In this paper, 40 rice cultivars bred during recent years in Liaoning were used to study panicle character differences, panicle type classification and their relationships with grain yield and quality for providing the theoritic basis to improve panicle type. The results showed that 13 panicle traits varied significantly among cultivars. The tested cultivars were classified into heavy panicle type (HPT), middle panicle type (MPT), and thin panicle type (TPT) according to panicle weight; dense panicle type (DPT), semi-dense panicle type (SDPT) and loose panicle type (LPT) according to grains density; erect panicle type (EPT), semi-erect panicle type (SEPT), and curved panicle type (CPT) according to panicle-neck curvature (PNC); superior-on-the-up-part type (SUT), superior-on-the-middle-part type (SMT), and superior-on-the-low-part type (SLT) according to panicle trait index (PTI), respectively. The panicle characters of HPT were similar to those of DPT, with fewer panicles per plant, more grains per panicle, higher grain density, higher ratio of secondary branch grains/total grains, lower seed-setting rate, which resulted in the higher yield and inferior grain quality. Relation of EPT with HPT or DPT was not as significant as that of HPT with DPT. The panicle number, primary branches, grains per panicle, grain density of EPT were similar to those of HPT or DPT. EPT had lower ratio of secondary branch grains to total grains per panicle, but higher seed setting rate, which resulted in that the processing qualities, appearance qualities and eating qualities of erect panicle rice cultivars were superior to those of heavy panicle type and compact panicle type rice cultivars. SUT cultivars had higher seed setting rate and better quality characters, but lower grain yield. Therefore, it may be advantageous for harmonizing yield and quality by combining EPT with SUT.

      Cloning and Genetic Mapping of Cytokinin Oxidase/Dehydrogenase Gene (TaCKX2) in Wheat
      ZHANG Lei;ZHANG Bao-Shi;ZHOU Rong-Hua;GAO Li-Feng;ZHAO Guang-Yao;SONG Yan-Xia;JIA Ji-Zeng
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(09):  1419-1425. 
      Abstract ( 2498 )   PDF (1479KB) ( 1131 )   Save
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      Phytohormone cytokinin (CK) has been shown to influence various aspects of plant growth and developmental events including shoot and root branching, leaf development, the release of buds from apical dominance, the delay of senescence, the promotion of seed germination, and chloroplast formation. Cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenases (CKX) catalyze the irreversible degradation of the cytokinins isopentenyladenine, zeatin, and their ribosides in a single enzymatic step by cleavage of the unsaturated N6-isoprenoid side chains. This enzyme probably plays the principal role in controlling CK levels in plant tissues. So it is conceivable that genetic manipulation of CKX improves agricultural traits, such as yield attributes or adaptation to environmental stress in crops. In the present work, a novel gene that encodes cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase (TaCKX2) was cloned from hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum) through the homologous cloning method, and a SSR marker for TaCKX2 was developed according to 3’-UTR sequence of TaCKX2. Sequence analysis showed that the complete ORF of TaCKX2 was 1 554 bp, and encodes a putative protein composed of 517 amino acids. Sequence alignment proved TaCKX2 shared the highest homology with rice OsCKX11 (85.3% cDNA sequence identity) instead of OsCKX6 as previously reported. A series of ‘Chinese Spring’ nulli-tetrasomic stocks were employed to ascertain the chromosomal location of TaCKX2, the result showed that TaCKX2 was on wheat chromosome 7B and 7D. Using a population of 199 recombinant inbred lines from the cross Yanzhan1×Neixiang188, TaCKX2 was mapped between SSR markers Wmc316 and Wmc276 on chromosome 7B, and the map distance was 26.7 cM and 6.9 cM respectively. Sequence alignment, structure analysis, and comparative mapping all showed that TaCKX2 was highly homologous to OsCKX11 in rice. From the closely evolutionary relationship of orthologous CKX genes, we considered that CKX genes may be very conservative in cereals.

      Dynamic Characteristics of Photosynthetic Rate and Carbon Assimilation Enzyme Activities of Different Green Organs in Different Genotypes of Wheat
      WEI A-Li;ZHANG Ying-Hua; HUANG Qin;WANG Zhi-Min
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(09):  1426-1431. 
      Abstract ( 1984 )   PDF (462KB) ( 1367 )   Save
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      The photosynthesis of flag leaf and non-leaf green organs (sheath, peduncle and ear parts) makes a major contribution to final grain yield in wheat; however, there have been the few attentions paid to photosynthetic characteristics of the non-leaf green organs other than flag leaf. In order to increase wheat productivity through improving photosynthetic capacity of the whole plant, it is important and necessary to understand photosynthetic characteristics of the non-leaf green organs. In the present experiment, net photosynthetic rate and carbon assimilation enzyme activities in different green organs (flag leaf blade, sheath, peduncle and ear parts) after anthesis were studied with five genotypes of wheat. The results showed that the net photosynthetic rate and RuBPC and PEPC activities were different among green organs or genotypes. Compared with flag leaf blade, non-leaf organs (sheath, peduncle and ear parts) had lower net photosynthetic rates in the early stage of grain growth, but more slowly decreased ones in the later stage of grain growth. RuBPC activity was highest in flag leaf blade, then in awn, sheath, lemma, peduncle and glume in turn; PEPC activity was higher in every non-leaf organs than in flag leaf blade. The ratio of PEPC/RuBPC activities in various organs of all genotypes gradually increased from 0 to 23d after anthesis, and that of every non-leaf organs was higher than that of flag leaf blade. All of these showed that the non-leaf organs are very important in the photosynthesis of whole plant in the later growth stages, and PEPC may play an important role in maintaining carbon assimilation activity of the non-leaf organs. It is suggested paying more attentions to photosynthetic traits of the non-leaf organs in wheat breeding.

      Molecular Cytogenetic Analysis of a Triticum aestivum-Haynaldia villosa Reciprocal Chromosomal Translocation Induced by Pollen Irradiation
      BIE Tong-De;WANG Le;HE Huang-Gang; QI Zeng-Jun;FENG Yi-Gao;CHEN Quan-Zhan;LI Hai-Feng;CHEN Pei-Du
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(09):  1432-1438. 
      Abstract ( 1941 )   PDF (730KB) ( 1052 )   Save
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      The short arm of Haynaldia villosa chromosome 6V confers Pm21 that conditions immunity from or high resistance to almost all known powdery mildew races. In the middle of the 1990s, Cytogenetic Institute, Nanjing Agricultural University (CINAU) has obtained the T6VS•6AL translocation line by which some wheat cultivars with high yield and powdery mildew resistance have been developed. However, this translocation obviously has a large amount of redundant alien genes. To develop terminal and/or intercalary translocations with as short as possible alien chromosomal segments conferring Pm21 is more important in wheat breeding. In addition, the more translocations with different breakpoint positions at the length of 6VS are, the higher resolution of physical mapping of Pm21 is. In this research, our objective is to induce new translocations involving H. villosa chromosome 6V through pollen irradiation. Pollen of Triticum aestivum-Haynaldia villosa 6V monosomic addition lines (2n = 43), treated with 1 000 rad 60Co-γ-rays, was pollinated to T. aestivum cv. ‘Chinese Spring’. Pollen mother cells (PMCs) of M1 plants at meiotic metaphase Ⅰ were used for GISH analysis. A trivalent observed was formed by two T. aestivum-H. villosa translocation chromosomes and a wheat chromosome in a M1 plant, indicating that the translocation chromosomes might be resulted from a reciprocal translocation event. The translocation involving the large alien segment was called ‘large alien segment translocation’ (LAST) while the translocation involving the small alien segment was called ‘small alien segment translocation’ (SAST). Sequential C-banding and GISH technique were used to identify a homozygous M2 plant (LAST’’+SAST’’, 2n = 44). The results showed that the reciprocal translocation involved T. aestivum chromosome 7B and H. villosa chromosome 6V with the translocation breakpoints at about FL0.60 of 7BS and about FL0.70 of 6VS, respectively. The LAST chromosome was identified as T7BS-6VS•6VL while the SAST chromosome was identified as T6VS-7BS•7BL. Seven chromosome constitution types were observed in the M2 population with the ratio of 3(LAST’’+SAST’’):20(LAST’+SAST’):2(LAST’’+SAST’):1(LAST’+SAST’’):1LAST’:2SAST’:22(none alien). The LAST chromosome occurred accompanied by the SAST chromosome at most times. Resistance analysis showed that the plant with a single LAST chromosome was resistant to powdery mildew. Then, Pm21 was located at the proximal region of FL0.70 of 6VS. Meiotic analysis of M2 plants with the genome of 20ⅡW+Ⅰ7B+ⅠT7BS-6VS•6VL+ⅠT6VS-7BS•7BL (2n = 43) showed that T7BS-6VS•6VL and T6VS-7BS•7BL co-segregated at meiotic anaphase Ⅰ or telophase Ⅰ in 88.5% of PMCs. The LAST chromosome T7BS-6VS•6VL stayed late or centric-misdivided in several PMCs at anaphase Ⅰ. An intercalary translocation, T7BL•6VS-7BS, arising from the centric breakage-fusion of 7B and T7BS-6VS•6VL, was then detected in a progeny of a plant with the genome of 20ⅡW+Ⅰ7B+ⅠT7BS-6VS•6VL. It provided a new strategy for inducing intercalary translocations with alien chromosomal segments conferring resistance genes. Homozygous T7BS-6VS•6VL and T6VS-7BS•7BL translocation lines were obtained in M3 generation.

      Effects of Nitrogen Application Rate on the Accumulation and Redistribution of Nitrogen and Sulphur, and Grain Quality of Wheat
      WANG Dong;YU Zhen-Wen
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(09):  1439-1445. 
      Abstract ( 1790 )   PDF (475KB) ( 1128 )   Save
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      Nitrogen (N) and sulphur (S) are essential plant nutrients, both of them are constituents of protein. About 70% of N and 1/3 of S in vegetative organs were redistributed to the ears after anthesis. The proportion of ear N and S allocated from the redistribution of vegetative organs are 70% and 48%, respectively. The N and S accumulated in vegetative organs before anthesis then redistributed to grains after anthesis are important for the grain quality of wheat. The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of nitrogen application rate on the accumulation and redistribution of N and S, and grain quality of wheat, for providing a theoretical basis on appropriate amount of nitrogen application in production. In the present study, field experiments were carried out using the winter wheat cultivar “Jimai 20”, on two locations, one with alkalihydrolysable nitrogen of 85.87 mg kg-1 and available sulphur of 18.91 mg kg-1 in 0–20 cm soil layer, and treatments of 0, 105, 195, 285 kg ha-1 nitrogen applications, another with alkalihydrolysable nitrogen of 84.00 mg kg-1 and available sulphur of 16.74 mg kg-1 in 0–20 cm soil layer, and treatments of 0, 132, 204, 276 kg ha-1 nitrogen applications, using urea as the nitrogen fertilizer. Half of the nitrogen fertilizer was applied before sowing, the other half topdressed at jointing stage. The treatments were applied also with105 kg P2O5 ha-1 and 135 kg K2O ha-1 before sowing. Each treatment had three replicates, and the plot area was 3 m×8 m =24 m2. The basic seedlings were 150 plant m-2. The results showed that the amount of N and S accumulated in vegetative organs before anthesis and the amount of N and S in grains from the absorption after anthesis, the amount of N redistributed from vegetative organs to grains, the amount of S redistributed from leaves and spike axis + glume to grains increased, the contents of N and S, the proportion of glutenin in grains increased and the grain quality improved, the N/S ratio in grains decreased from16.38–16.98 to 14.22–14.48 with nitrogen applied from 0 to 195–204 kg ha-1. The residual N in stem + sheath increased and the S redistribution was inhibited, the amount of N accumulated in plant were not affected significantly by excessive nitrogen applications of 276–285 kg ha-1, and consequently, resulted in the decrease of sulphur accumulation amount, sulphur content, the proportion of glutenin in grains and the grain quality, and the increase of N/S ratio (increased to 15.20–15.27) in grains. It was suggested that the regulation of nitrogen application rate on protein compositions and grain quality is based on the changes of N and S contents and N/S ratio in grains due to the accumulation and redistribution of N and S. The optimal N/S ratio in grains for quality improvement was 14.22–15.27. The appropriate amount of nitrogen application for high yield and high quality was 195–204 kg ha-1.

      Physiological Characteristics of Water in Wheat Cultivar SX733: the Effect of Water-Saving Irrigation
      MA Rui-Kun; JIA Xiu-Ling; ZHANG Quan-Guo; ZHANG Li-Hua; YAO Yan-Rong; and YANG Li-Hua
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(09):  1446-1451. 
      Abstract ( 2255 )   PDF (383KB) ( 1009 )   Save
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      The objective of this study was to measure leaf water potential, photosynthesis, transpiration, stomatal conductance, inter-cellular CO2 concentration, transpiration effeciency, water-saving irrigation effects on physiological traits and grain yield using SX733, a new high-yielding and good-quality winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivar and HM9, SM9, and H7228 in the field experiments irrigated with differrent times during 2003–2004 and 2004–2005. The results indicated that the leaf osmotic adjustment capability of SX733 was 0.11 MPa, which was higher than the average (0.065 MPa) of other 3 cultivars by 71.6%. Leaf water potential of SX733 was higher than that of H7228 by about 0.1 MPa, and the excised-leaf water loss rate of SX733 was higher than that of other cultivars when it was well-irrigated. Transpiration rate, photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance of SX733 were similar to those of SM9 and HM9, but higher than those of H7228. There was no remarkable difference among cultivars in inter-cellular CO2 concentration and transpiration efficiency. The 2 times irrigation treatment maintained almost the same level of leaf water potential and leaf gas exchange parameters as the 5 times irrigation treatment with improved photosynthesis and transpiration efficiency during grain-filling period. Compared with other 3 cultivars, the yield of SX733 was increased by 11.3% and 7.0% in non-irrigation and 2 times irrigation treatments, respectively. The yield of 2 times irrigation treatment at stem elongation and heading for SX733 was 5.6% higher than that of 4 times irrigation treatment. It is concluded that water-saving irrigation management can be well implemented in SX733 production.

      Temporary Maintainer for Self-Incompatibility and Its Linked AFLP Markers in Brassica napus L.
      LI Chun-Yan;ZHANG Xing-Guo;WANG Tong-Hua;LI Yuan-Yuan;CHEN Qing-Fang;FU Ting-Dong;SHEN Jin-Xiong;MA Chao-Zhi
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(09):  1452-1457. 
      Abstract ( 1873 )   PDF (492KB) ( 1183 )   Save
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      Self-incompatibility (SI) temporary maintainer in Brassica napus plays an important role in self-incompatibility hybrid production and in detecting genetic and molecular bases of Brassica self-incompatibility. In this report, temporary maintainer was genetically analyzed using BC6, BC
      Correlation between Rice Plant Aerenchyma System and Methane Emission from Paddy Field
      FU Zhi-Qiang;HUANG Huang;HE Bao-Liang; XIE Wei;LIAO Xiao-Lan
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(09):  1458-1467. 
      Abstract ( 1947 )   PDF (637KB) ( 1009 )   Save
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      Rice plants play a pivotal role in methane emission and more than 90% of CH4 released from a rice field during a growing season can be emitted by rice plant-mediated transport. Studying the relationship between rice plant aerenchyma system and methane emission may provide the theoretical and practic
      Prediction of Grain Protein Content Based on Parallel Plane Spectral Characteristics of Winter Wheat Canopy
      XIAO Chun-Hua;LI Shao-Kun;LU Yan-Li;WANG Ke-Ru;XIE Rui-Zhi;GAO Shi-Ju;LI Xiao-Jun;SUI Xue-Yan
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(09):  1468-1473. 
      Abstract ( 1797 )   PDF (350KB) ( 1113 )   Save
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      A number of studies have focused on the application of remote sensing data from vertical view angle, but the method is not enough to monitor and forecast the crop dynamic information. The crop canopy is represented as a set of plane leaves statistically distributed into homogeneous horizontal layers
      QTL Mapping of Seed Dormancy in Maize (Zea mays L.)
      LAN Hai;LI Xin-Hai;WANG Feng-Ge;GAO Shi-Bin;CAO Mo-Ju;TANG Qi-Lin;PAN Guang-Tang;ZHAO Jiu-Ran;RONG Ting-Zhao
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(09):  1474-1478. 
      Abstract ( 1806 )   PDF (280KB) ( 1152 )   Save
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      Seed dormancy defined as the inability of a viable seed to germinate under favorable environmental conditions is an very important trait of cereal crops, because it is associated with pre-harvest sprouting,. Pre-harvest sprouting can be a serious problem in the world resulting in economically import
      Effect of Salicylic Acid on Stomatal Movement and K Channel on Plasma Membrane of Guard Cell in Vicia faba L.
      HE Jin-Huan;WANG Peng-Tao;WANG Wen-Jing;SONG Chun-Peng
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(09):  1479-1487. 
      Abstract ( 1671 )   PDF (609KB) ( 903 )   Save
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      Salicylic acid is an endogenous signal compound with many functions especially in disease-resistance in plants. Previous studies have suggested that SA can inhibit catalase, resulting in elevated levels of H2O2, which activate defense responses in plants. At present, it is acce
      Photosynthetic Characteristics of Transgenic Upland Rice with TERF1 and LeERF2 Genes under Environmental Stress
      SHI Yun-Lu;DING Zai-Song;ZHANG Bin;HUANG Rong-Feng;ZHAO Ming
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(09):  1488-1494. 
      Abstract ( 2013 )   PDF (719KB) ( 980 )   Save
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      Transcription factors play extensive regulatory roles in responses to abiotic stresses. When plants are exposed to these stress stimuli, multiple stress-responsive genes are induced to protect plants from further injury. Recently tomato ethylene responsive factor 1(TERF1) and Lycopersic
      Inheritance and QTL Identification of Oil Content in Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.)
      ZHANG Jie-Fu;QI Cun-Kou;PU Hui-Ming;CHEN Song;CHEN Xin-Jun;GAO Jian-Qin;CHEN Feng;GU Hui;FU Shou-ZhongC
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(09):  1495-1501. 
      Abstract ( 1958 )   PDF (422KB) ( 1032 )   Save
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      Oilseed rape is one of the most important oil crops in China, and its oil content is a very important quantitative trait, which is easily affected by environment. Oil content in seeds of oilseed rape is mainly controlled by genes and affected by the interaction of genotype and environment. In the present research, a low oil content line APL01 (Brassica napus L.) was crossed with a high oil content line M083 (B. napus L.) to develop six basic populations (P1, P2, F1, B1, B2 and F2) for analysis of the genetic model. Results showed that seed oil content in this cross was controlled by an additive-dominance major gene plus additive-dominance-epistasis polygene. The heritabilities of major gene were 38.37%–47.16%, while those of the polygene were 24.29%-38.28%. A genetic linkage map of Brassica napus L. was constructed by BC1F1 and 251 molecular markers, which contained 19 linkage groups. Five QTLs, qOC1, qOC8, qOC10, qOC13-1 and qOC13-2, related to seed oil content were identified from this cross by WinQtlCart 2.0. qOC1 was located in the region of m19e21c–A0214Ra142 on linkage group N1, which could explain 5.21% of the oil content variation in the population. qOC8 was located in the region of A0216Gb206-m5e42 on N8, and accounted for 6.34% of phenotypic variation. qOC10 was located between m15e48 and A0228Bb437 on linkage group N10 and explained 9.45% of phenotypic variation. qOC13-1 was located in the region of A0224Rb157–A0301Gb399 on linkage group N13, and accounted for 18.12% of phenotypic variation. qOC13-2 was located in the region of A0226Ba377–A0226Ba367 on linkage group N13, and accounted for 10.17% of phenotypic variation. Among these five QTLs, the positive effects of qOC10 and qOC13-2 loci for oil content were from APL01, while those of qOC1, qOC8 and qOC13-1 loci from M083. The qOC13-1 with larger phenotypic effect could be regarded as major gene locus, and other four QTLs with relative smaller effects could be regarded as polygene loci.

      Effects of Shading in Maize/Soybean Relay-Cropping System on the Photosynthetic Characteristics and Yield of Soybean
      WANG Zhu;YANG Wen-Yu;WU Qi-Lin
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(09):  1502-1507. 
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      The maize/soybean relay-cropping experiment was conducted using three plant types of maize(with erect, semi-erect and flat leaves), and the mono-cropping soybean as control. The results showed that different plant-types of maize led to a different micro-climate for soybean growth, which was a direct factor leading to the changes in morphological and photosynthetic characters of soybean leaves after four-leaf age stage. Poor light resulted in lower SLW, photosynthetic rate, chlorophyl a/b ratio and higher LAI. And the more the shading, the lower photosynthetic ability and yield were. After harvesting maize, the photosynthesis inhibition is by shading at early stage of soybean could be ameliorated, its photosynthetic capacity recovered gradually. The restoration capability of soybean that in relay-cropping with erect maize was better than in others, and similar to that in mono-cropping at late growing stage. From the section at early bloom, we found that under shading, the leaf thickness decreased, epidermis cell became larger, cuticle became thinner, the differentiation of palisade tissue and spongy tissue was unconspicuous, intercellular space was larger. In conclusion, the relay-cropping with erect maize can reduce the shading stress and increase yield in soybean.

      Photosynthetic Function of the Flag Leaf Sheath for Super Hybrid Rice Liangyoupeijiu
      GUO Zhao-Wu;XIAO Lang-Tao;LUO Xiao-He;LI He-Song;WU Cheng-Chun;KANG Duo-Lan;SHI Qi
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(09):  1508-1515. 
      Abstract ( 2279 )   PDF (522KB) ( 1213 )   Save
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      This study was designed to research the photosynthetic capacities of the flag leaf sheathes and photosynthetic products’ distribution of the leaf sheathes of Liangyoupeijiu, using Liangyoupeijiu (super hybrid rice), its parents 9311, Pei’ai 64S and Shanyou 63 (three-line hybrid rice combination) by the isotopic labeling and other techniques. The results showed that the mean of the Pn of the flag leaf sheathes for Liangyoupeijiu was 0.10 µmolCO2.m-2.s-1 higher than that for Shanyou 63, and it was significantly higher at the third stage which was the key period of rice profuse filling, while it was not at other stages. The mean of the chlorophyll content of the flag leaf sheathes for Liangyoupeijiu was 2.26 SPAD value higher than that for Shanyou 63, and it was higher at every stage, and significantly higher at the first and the third stages. There was no significant difference in Rubisco incipient activities and total activities between the flag leaf sheathes of Liangyoupeijiu and those of Shanyou 63. Rubisco activated percentage mean of the flag leaf sheathes for Liangyoupeijiu was 1.52% higher than that for Shanyou 63, and Liangyoupeijiu had mean potence. At the third stage, that for Liangyoupeijiu was significantly higher than that for Shanyou 63. The transportation of photosynthate to the spikes of all leaf sheathes for Liangyoupeijiu was more and quicker than that for Shanyou 63, leading to more economic yield for Liangyoupeijiu than for Shanyou 63. The photosynthetic capacity mean of the flag leaf sheathes for Liangyoupeijiu was of the mean potence or heterobeltiosis as comparison with that for its parents. Rice leaf sheath had completely the same kind of photosynthesis as comparison with rice leaf blade but their quantitive difference. The photosynthate of rice leaf sheath transported mostly to its spikes, blades etc, and the contribution to yields was between 10% and 20%. The strong photosynthetic function of both the sheath and blade is one of the main reasons why Liangyoupeijiu is of super high yield.

      Effects of Transient High Temperature after Anthesis on Grain Protein Content and Physiological Mechanism in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
      LIU Ping;GUO Wen-Shan;PU Han-Chun;FENG Chao-Nian;ZHU Xin-Kai;PENG Yong-Xin
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(09):  1516-1522. 
      Abstract ( 1771 )   PDF (375KB) ( 1088 )   Save
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      Wheat grain yield and quality are affected by environmental factors. Temperature is a major component in environmental variations with a marked effect on grain filling in wheat. Short period of heat shock, above 30℃ for a few days, happens frequently during grain filling period in many wheat-growing areas in the world, and becomes an important factor limiting wheat yield and quality. The present study investigated the effects of transient high temperature after anthesis on grain protein content and activities of nitrate reductase(NR) and glutamine synthetase(GS) in wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) to understand the mechanism of heat damage. We arranged daily average temperature 25, 30, 35, and 40℃, respectively in a phytotron, and treated wheat plants during different grain filling periods. The tested wheat cultivars were Yangmai 9 with weak gluten and Yangmai 12 with medium gluten. The results showed that grain protein content under the temperature above 35℃ from anthesis to the 33rd days after anthesis (DAA) was significantly higher than that under normal temperature, and significantly increased with the raise of temperature. There was a little effect of heat stress on protein content after the 33rd DAA. High temperature at different filling stages had different effects on protein content in grains. When heat shock temperature was above 35℃ at the early filling stage, the effect of heat shock from the 6th to 8th DAA was the greatest, followed by that from the 1st to 3rd DAA. Under the same temperature at the middle and late stages, the effect of heat shock from the 19th to 21st DAA was greater, while that from the 36th to 38th DAA was lower. Effects of heat shock at the early filling stage on grain protein content were greater than those at the middle and late stages. At the same stage, the higher the temperature, the lower the NR and GS activities in flag leaves. High temperature stress during grain filling decreased the duration of grain filling and grain weight, which increased grain protein content relatively. Heat damage led to lower quality of grain protein in wheat.

      Screening Indexes of Drought Resistance during Seedling Stage in Rice
      WANG He-Zheng;LI Yan;MA Jun;ZHANG Rong-Ping;LI Xu-Pi;WANG Ren-Quan
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(09):  1523-1529. 
      Abstract ( 2077 )   PDF (392KB) ( 1591 )   Save
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      Rice plants may suffer serious water stress during its growth period, so that change their morphological characteristics and the process of physiological metabolic activity. Screening indexes of drought resistance has been focused in the concerned researched. To explore the morphological and physiological mechanisms and screen indexes of drought resistance during seedling stage in rice, in this paper, morphological and physiological characteristics correlating with drought resistance were monitored under both normal and drought conditions during seedling stage using 15 paddy rice cultivars. The results showed that relative leaf age, relative area of first leaf under the central leaf, relative leaf fresh weight, relative root length were significantly and very significantly correlated with survival percentage under repeated drought condition and could be used as the morphological indexes to identify the drought resistance. Relative activities of superoxide dismutase(SOD), catalase(CAT), peroxidase(POD) and relative contents of amino acid(AA), ascorbic acid(AsA), reduced glutathione (GSH), soluble protein and malondialdehyde(MDA) were significantly and very significantly correlated with the survival percentage under repeated drought condition and could be used as the physiological indexes to identify the drought resistance. The integrated drought resistance indexes including the relative activity of SOD, relative GSH content, leaf fresh weight, and leaf age were established by principal components analysis. The drought resistance of 15 rice cultivars was evaluated by stepwise regression equation and was basically consistent with the results from paddy field, proving it is effective to predict the drought resistance during seedling stage in rice using the integrated identification index screened out in this study.

      Genetic Gain of Wheat Breeding for Yield in Northern Winter Wheat Zone over 30 Years
      ZHOU Yang;HE Zhong-Hu;CHEN Xin-Min;WANG De-Sen;ZHANG Yong;ZHANG Gai-Sheng
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(09):  1530-1535. 
      Abstract ( 1958 )   PDF (378KB) ( 1352 )   Save
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      Knowledge on genetic gain of yield potential and its associated traits is essential for understanding yield-limiting factors and developing strategies for future variety improvement. Yield potential trials, comprised of 10 landmark and newly released wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.) from Beijing, were conducted, using a complete randomised block design with three replicates, under controlled environment during 2001–2002 and 2002–2003 seasons. Molecular markers were used to detect the presence of dwarfing genes and the 1B/1R translocation. The result showed that genetic gain in yield was 64.63 kg ha-1 year-1 or 1.20% per year. The breakthrough on yield plateau occurred at the period of release of Fengkang cultivars in 1980. Fengkang 2 and Fengkang 8 were the first cultivars carrying 1B/1R and Rht-D1b released in Beijing. Yield genetic gain was slowed down after 1980. Newly released cultivars were characterized by early heading, reduced plant height, decrease of spikes per square meter, slight increase of kernels per spike, remarkable increase of thousand kernel weight and harvest index, with annual genetic gains of -0.10%, -0.70%, 0.35%, -0.50%, 0.63%, 1.12%, and 0.79%, respectively. Increasing the number of kernels per spike by reducing the number of sterile spikelets per spike and reducing the number of sterile florets per spikelet, increasing thousand kernel weight by increasing the rate of grain filling, then combining greater weight of grains per spike with higher number of spikes per squire meter, is one of the best approaches in breeding for further yield increase.

      QTL Mapping of Yield under Irrigation and Rainfed Field Conditions for Advanced Backcrossing Introgression Lines in Rice
      ZHAO Xiu-Qin;ZHU Ling-Hua;XU Jian-Long;LI Zhi-Kang
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(09):  1536-1542. 
      Abstract ( 1967 )   PDF (335KB) ( 1089 )   Save
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      In rice breeding community, drought tolerance (DT) is becoming one of the most important target traits for variety improvement under ever-increasing severe drought situation all over the world. Yield is the most important target focused by breeders, so identification of favorable alleles related to yield and yield components for introgression into rice varieties that suit the specific environments is an efficient practice in plant MAS breeding. In the present study, the QTL conditioning the grain yield per plant (GY) and its component traits including 1000-grain weight (GW) and filled grain number per panicle (GN) in irrigation(control) and rainfed (drought stress) fields were investigated using 254 advanced backcrossing introgression lines (IL) of Lemont with Teqing genetic background and the two parents. Total of 32 main-effect QTLs for GY, GW, and GN were identified in the two conditions which can be grouped into three types based on their behaviors. TypeⅠincluded 10 QTLs which were detected both in the two conditions, type Ⅱ consisted of 14 QTLs which were mapped only in control condition, and type Ⅲ comprised 8 QTLs which were induced by drought and detected only under stress. In addition, nine QTLs affecting trait differences between stress and control were identified (QGn5, QGn6,QGn11a, QGw2, QGw8, QGw11a, QGw11b, QGy1, and QGy11). There were three QTLs (QGn11b, QGn12, and QGn11b) which expressed both in the two conditions with same direction and magnitude of gene effect. Therefore the three GN-QTLs and nine QTLs affecting trait differences were considered to directly contribute to drought tolerance (DT). Teqing alleles at the 12 DT-QTLs except QGn5 and QGy1 were associated with DT. As compared with the results from different mapping populations derived from the same parent, Lemont and Teqing, in different environments, seven QTLs including QGn3b, QGw1, QGw5, QGy1, QGy5, QGy8, and QGy10 which stably expressed across different genetic backgrounds and environments were identified. The strategy of applying QTL mapping results in rice improvement for DT by marker-assisted selection was discussed.

      Genetic Analysis of Quantitative Traits Associated with Soluble Carbohydrate Content of Doubled Haploid Population in Wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) Stem
      YANG De-Long;LI Wei;JING Rui-Lian;CHANG Xiao-Ping
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(09):  1543-1547. 
      Abstract ( 2022 )   PDF (396KB) ( 1008 )   Save
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      Genetic analysis of eight traits associated with stem soluble carbohydrate content under rainfed and well-watered conditions were undertaken using 150 doubled haploid population lines (DHLs) derived from two Chinese common wheat cultivars, Hanxuan 10 and Lumai 14. Mean values of all traits of DHLs were intermediate between two parents with the variation coefficients ranging from 6.96% to 65.72% under two irrigation regimes. All traits of DHLs showed substantial transgressive segregation. And, phenotypic means of all traits of DHLs and their parents under rainfed condition were higher than those under the well-watered. Poor correlations were observed among stem soluble carbohydrate contents at three stages. But significant or very significant positive correlations were observed between stem soluble carbohydrate content at 14 d after flowering (SSCf14) and other traits. The heritability and the number of genes for all traits showed great differences between two irrigation regimes. Under rainfed condition, the heritability of SSCf14 was the highest, up to 0.49, that of grain-filling efficiency (GFE) was the lowest (0.11), and that of other traits intermediated between them. Under well-watered condition, on the contrary, the heritability of GFE was the highest (0.65), while that of SSCf14 was the lowest (0.51). Under rainfed condition, the number of genes controlling GFE, AESSC (accumulation efficiency of stem soluble carbohydrate), SSCf14, and SSCm (stem soluble carbohydrate content at the maturity stage) was the most with 27, 26, 22, and 20, respectively; but that of RESSC (remobilization efficiency of stem soluble carbohydrates) was only nine. Under well-watered condition, the number of genes was 19 for SSCf14, and 4 for RESSC. The complementary interactions were observed for SSCm under two irrigation regimes and SSCf14 under well-watered condition, and the overlapping interactions were detected for RESSC and GFE under two irrigation regimes and AESSC under well-watered condition, while no gene interaction was found for other traits. It indicated that the inheritance of these traits is complex, and there are different expression patterns of these genes according to different developmental stages or water regimes in wheat.

      Co-Transferring of Virus Replicase Gene Nib8 and ERF Gene W17 into Wheat Through Microprojectile Bombardment
      LIU Yong-Wei;XU Zhao-Shi;DU Li-Pu;XU Hui-Jun;LI Lian-Cheng;MA You-Zhi;CHEN Ming
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(09):  1548-1552. 
      Abstract ( 1699 )   PDF (593KB) ( 958 )   Save
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      Wheat yellow mosaic virus replicase gene Nib8 and broad disease-resistant ERF gene W17 were integrated into high-efficient constitutive expression vector for monocots and then co-transferred into wheat through microprojectile bombardment. Positive plants of T0 generation were identified by using PCR method, among which 42 plants were confirmed to be with Nib8, 48 plants with W17, and 6 plants with both Nib8 and W17. The transformation frequency for Yangmai 12 was 1.53% (Nib8), 4.87% (W17), and 0.42% (Nib8+W17), respectively, while for Yangmai 16 it was 2.05% (Nib8), 0.86% (W17), and 0.20% (Nib8+W17). Six positive plants containing two target genes of W17 and Nib8 were analyzed by southern blotting, which further demonstrated that the functional genes were successfully integrated into wheat genome. The study provided a basis for obtaining new resource of comprehensive disease-resistant wheat materials.

      The Mixed Genetic Analysis of Photoperiod-Temperature Sensitive Male Sterility of BS210 in Wheat
      ZHANG Li-Ping;ZHAO Chang-Ping;SAN Fu-Huan;ZHANG Feng-Ting;YE Zhi-Jie
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(09):  1553-1557. 
      Abstract ( 2056 )   PDF (317KB) ( 965 )   Save
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      Fertility inheritance in 4 populations of 2 parents (P1 and P2), F1 and F2 from each of the two crosses (BS210×BY149, BS210×O201) in wheat , were investigated by the mixed major gene plus poly-genes in genetic model of quantitative traits. The female parent BS210 is a photo-thermo sensitive male genic sterile line. The frequency distribution of fertility in F2 population of two crosses showed characteristics of a mixed normal distribution, which indicated that the inheritance of fertility followed a major gene plus poly-genes model. Twenty-four genetic models were established, which could be classified into five types: one major gene, two major genes, polygenes, one major gene plus polygenes and two major genes plus polygenes. Results showed the genetic model E-1 was the most suitable model for the trait, i.e. the fertility was controlled by two additive-dominance-epitasis major genes plus additive- dominance polygenes. The additive effects of two major genes were equal approximately with -10.626, -10.068 and -14.659, -14.655 in two crosses, respectively. The heritabilitis of major genes were 25% and 40% in two crosses, respectively. The additive effects of polygenes were -6.225 and 5.025, and the heritabilitis of polygenes were 16.67% and 13.33% in two crosses, respectively. Those indicated that the effects of major genes were identical approximately but the effects of poly-genes were great different possibly in the crosses with same female parent (photo-thermo sensitive male sterile line) and different male parents (restore lines). The effect of environment was significant to fertility. Therefore, the fertility was controlled by both of inheritable factor and environmental factor in this study.

      Photosynthetic Characteristics of Chaling Wild Rice
      KANG Gong-Ping;XU Guo-Yun;CHEN Zhi;XU Meng-Liang;CHEN Liang-Bi
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(09):  1558-1562. 
      Abstract ( 1937 )   PDF (339KB) ( 937 )   Save
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      Chaling wild rice, one of groups of common wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff), was found in Chaling county, Hunan province, and has not been studied on its photosynthesis at home and abroad. The objective of this study was to measure the photosynthetic parameters of flag leaves at flowering stage using Chaling wild rice with several super-high yielding or high-yielding rice cultivars (Liangyoupeijiu, Shanyou 63, V46, and 93-11) as controls. The net photosynthetic rate (Pn) of rice flag leaves was measured with the LI-6400 Portable Photosynthesis System from 9:00 to 17:00 at sunny day under natural condition. The response of Pn to light intensity was measured from 9:00 knowledge of photosynthesis of wild rice to 11:00 at sunny day under different light intensities of red-blue light provided by the LI-6400 machine. The responses of Pn to CO2 concentration and temperature were measured from 9:00 to 11:00 at sunny day under different CO2 concentrations and different temperatures respectively, as well as 1 500 µmol photons m-2 s-1 of stable red-blue light provided by the LI-6400 machine. Photosynthetic pigment contents were measured by 7230G spectrophotometer. The results showed that the Pn of Chaling wild rice was much significently higher than that of cultivars in the afternoon and under high temperature (40℃ and 45℃). The light saturation point (LSP) of Chaling wild rice was 1 810 µmol photons·m-2·s-1, which was much significantly higher than that of cultivars (1 530–1 628 µmol photons m-2 s-1) except 93-11, and the light compensation point (LCP) of Chaling wild rice was 22.3 µmol photons m-2 s-1, without significant difference with that of cultivars (20.1–23.7 µmol photons m-2 s-1). There was no significant difference of AQY between Chaling wild rice and cultivars. The carboxylation efficiency (CE) and CO2 saturation point of Chaling wild rice were 0.1511 mol m-2 s-1 and 644.5 μmol mol-1 respectively, significantly higher than those of cultivars (0.1277–0.1384 mol m-2 s-1 and 521.1–581.3 μmol mol-1 respectively), and its CO2 compensation point (52.7 μmol mol-1) was a little higher than that of cultivars (42.7–50.1 μmol mol-1). The chlorophyll content of Chaling wild rice was much significantly higher than that of cultivars. Based on the above results we think that the photosynthetic capacity of Chaling wild rice is stronger than that of super-high yielding or high yielding cultivar controls , especially under high temperature.

      Effects of Removing Partial Spikelets and Daubing Naphthyleneacetic Acid on the Incision on the Distribution of Assimilate and Phosphorus in Wheat
      PENG Zheng-Ping;MEN Ming-Xin;MA Zhi-Ying;XUE Shi-Chuan;WANG Hong;WANG Lei
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(09):  1563-1566. 
      Abstract ( 1666 )   PDF (251KB) ( 965 )   Save
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      A wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivar CA9325 was cultured in quartz sand and nutrient solution with the treatments of P supplied all the time and P deficiency at flagging stage. At anthesis stage, plants were treated with removing partial spikelet and daubing NAA or not on the incision part. The results showed that at maturity, the dry weight and P content were the highest in grains and the lowest in flag leaves. In P supply treatments, dry weights of different organs were higher in CK than in those with 1/3 spikelets removal, and less than in those with 1/4 or 1/5 spikelets removal. Dry weight of roots, ratio of root to shoot, 1 000-grain weight and P content in all plants removed partial spikelets showed a compensatory increase. Grains and whole plant with 1/4 spikelets removal both had the highest dry weight and P content. This was a significantly negative correlation between P accumulation in the plant and P utilization efficiency in grains. In the removing partial spikelets treatments, dry weight and P accumulation in grains were higher in the combined treatments daubed by NAA than in those no NAA, indicating that NAA has a positive capacity to regulate and control grain construction, sink potential, assimilate and P transportation and distribution in plant and accumulation in grains.

the Crop Science Society of China
the Institute of Crop Science, CAAS
China Science Publishing & Media Ltd.
Published: Science Press
Editor-in-chief: Wan Jian-min
Associate Editors-in-Chief:
Chen Xiao-ya Yang Jian-chang Zhang Xian-long Wang Jian-kang Xu Ming-liang Liu Chun-ming Wang Dao-wen Sun Chuan-qing Ding Yan-feng Jin Wei-wei Chu Cheng-cai Cheng Wei-hong
Director of the editorial department:
Yan Chun-ling
CN 11-1809/S
ISSN 0496-3490
Post subscription code: 82-336

  • Started in 2013
  • Covered by SCIE
  • Open access in ScienceDirect

Editor in chief: Wan Jian-min
CN 10-1112/S
ISSN 2095-5421, 2214-5141(online)
Online published:
Submission: https://www.editorialmanager.com/cj/
E-mail: cropjournal@caas.cn
