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    12 December 2005, Volume 31 Issue 12
      Effect of Maize Cell-free Extract on Genetic Repair Directed by Oligonucleotides
      TANG Zhong-Hui;ZHENG Yong-Lian;ZHANG Fang-Dong
      Acta Agron Sin. 2005, 31(12):  1531-1536. 
      Abstract ( 1554 )   PDF (941KB) ( 1263 )   Save
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      The glut of sequence information now available for many organisms demands the application of reliable reverse genetics techniques to associate genes with their functions. Precise modification of target gene provides an important tool for studies of gene function in vivo. An experimental strategy recently has been developed for repair of specific mutations as an altemative to the gene targeting strategy. This technique relies on the use of chimeric RNA/DNA oligonucleotides designed to correct single-base mutations through the mechanism of gene conversion. Although the production of chimera mediated point and frame shift mutations in genomic and in artificial targets, respectively, were described in somatic cells of tobacco and maize, ... ...
      Studies on the Heterosis of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
      XU Ru-Gen;LÜ Chao;MIAO Li-Xia;MO Hui-Dong
      Acta Agron Sin. 2005, 31(12):  1537-1543. 
      Abstract ( 1840 )   PDF (531KB) ( 1004 )   Save
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      Tow-row or six-row of kernel rows on a barley spike is an outstanding feature in barley morphology. Each node of the rachis on a barley spike has 3 spikelets, but only the central spikelet is fertile and 2 lateral spikelets are sterile in 2-row barley, while all 3 spikelets are fertile in 6-row barley. It can cause a considerable difference on agrinomic traits between 2 and 6-row barley cultivars. Generally speaking, there are more spikes per plant, larger, heavier and less kernels in 2-row barley cultivars, and more kernels and lower kernel weight in 6-row cultivars. In the present research, the trait performances and characteristics and characteristics of F1 hybrids in 4 cross types, i.e. 2-row×2-row, 2-row×6-row, 6-row×2-row and 6-row×6-row, were investigated, and the occurrence rates of Hh,which stands for the hybrid value exceeding the higher parent significantly(P‹0.05),were compared between between the homo-row mating group(2-row×2-row and 6-row×6-row hybrids)and hetero-row mating group(2-row×6-row and 6-row×2-row hybrids). 13barley quantitative traits, including plant height(PH),spike length excluding awns(SL),rachis internode length(RIL),spikes per plant (SP),kernels on main spike(KMS),kernels per spike(KPS), kernels per plant(KP), kernel weight per plant(KWP), dry matter weight per plant(SWP), kilograin weight(KW),kernel yield(KY), protein content(PC) and lysine content(LC), were evaluated for total of 63 hybrids and 17 parents in 2 randomized complete block trials each with 3 replications. The results and summarized as follows.
      Differences between Maize and Wheat for Non-photochemical Quenching (qN) during Photosynthetic Induction
      ZHAO Ming; Ryuichi Ishil; DING Zai-Song; JIANG Wen; CHEN Li
      Acta Agron Sin. 2005, 31(12):  1544-1551. 
      Abstract ( 1962 )   PDF (457KB) ( 1065 )   Save
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      In order to compare the difference between maize (Zea mays L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in response to adaptation from dark to light, the dynamics of non-photochemical quenching (qN) were observed and analyzed during photosynthetic induction. The results showed that the dynamics of qN could be classified into three types, which were F-form, M-form and S-form.During the dark adaptation from 15 minutes to 24 hours, wheat had F-form and M-form,while M-from and S-form were showed in maize. There was no marked difference between maize and wheat in Fv/Fm,qp and ΦpsII,while apparent difference existed in qN, and the time of reaching the maximum and steady-state of qN(expressed as TqNmtx and TqN, respectively),which were new parameters defined here, was markedly higher in maize leaves than in wheat leaves when tllumination occurred after dark adaptation. However, there was no apparent difference between maize and wheat in the time needed to reach the steady-state of photosynthetic rate(Pm) and stomatal conductance(Gs) under 1600 μmol·m-2·s-1 light intensity after dark adaptation. Meanwhile, the limitation of CO2 supplied to leaves with plastic film sealing up the leaves in a short period(less than 30 min) had a minimal effect on the dynamics of qN, which implied that the different dynamics did not result from the start of CO2 assimilation or stomatal regulstion. The messurement of the typical pattern for oxidation-reduction of P700 and the estimate of the functional pool size of intersystem electrons per reaction center supported our belief that the redox state of P700 in PSI and the pool size of the intersystem were not the main factors that led to great differences in dynamics of qN between maise and wheat. However, the analsis of the qN component showed that high-energy state quenching(qE), state transitional quenching(qT) and photoinhibitory quenching (q1) were 55.6%, 18.5%, and 25.9% of qN when reaching qNmex, respectively, which meant it might be qE that resulted in the different dynsmics of qN between maize and wheat. The results suggested that maize(C4) might have a higher qE to maintain the proton gradient of thylakoid than wheat (C3) for adapting to the transition from dark to light and to initate the use of NADPH and ATP by carbon fixation during photosynthetic induction.
      Screening of Wheat Genotypes Sensitive to Agrobacterium tumefaciens Infection and Transformation
      YE Xing-Guo; WANG Yan-Li; KANG Le; DU Li-Pu; XU Hui-Jun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2005, 31(12):  1552-1556. 
      Abstract ( 1995 )   PDF (730KB) ( 969 )   Save
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      Thirty-five Chinese spring wheat genotypes were tested for their sensitivity to C58c1 Agrobacterium strain’s (harboring a binary vector pPTN290 with nptⅡ gene and GUS gene) infection and final transformation. Six cultivars including PM97034, P187, Ba1401051, Yangmai 158, Xinchun 9 and Kefeng 6 were proved to be more sensitive than Bobwhite to the Agro-infection according to X-Gluc staining, with GUS gene transient expression frequency of 15.0% to 30.0%. Regeneration plants obtained from selection medium were identified by ELISA, PCR, leaf bleach and X-Gluc, and stable transformation events were obtained from Xinchun 9, PM97034 and Bobwhite by 3.3%, 2.0% and 1.1%, respectively. Southern blot analysis showed the alien genes integrated in most transgenic plants just by single copy. The alien genes in most T1 transgenic lines segregated by Mendelian regulation, but the segregation ratio in a few T1 transgenic lines was a little bit away from the expecting value, according to X2c test. Xinchun 9 and PM97034 are suggested to be used in wheat Agrobacterium mediated transformation to replace Bobwhite for better result.
      Genetic Analysis for Chemical Constituents in Flue-cured Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.)
      XIAO Bing-Guang; ZHU Jun; LU Xiu-Ping; LI Yong-Ping; BAI Yong-Fu
      Acta Agron Sin. 2005, 31(12):  1557-1561. 
      Abstract ( 1941 )   PDF (385KB) ( 1063 )   Save
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      Chemical constituents are the major factors attributed to leaf quality in the flue-cured tobacco, and are sensitive to environments. Despite inheritance of some chemical characteristics was reported, information on genotype by environment interaction is generally lacking. The objectives of this research were to evaluate the genetic effects for chemical constituents, and to understand the genetic correlations among the traits analyzed. By using randomized complete block design, 14 flue-cured tobacco cultivars(or breeding lines) and their 41 F1 crosses were grown in four locations with two replications at each location in Yunnan Province in 2002. Percents of total sugar, reducing sugar, sugar difference between percents of total sugar and reducing sugar, percents of total nitrogen, nicotine, protein and K2O were evaluated for the cured leaves. A genetic model including additive and dominance effects and their interaction with environments was applied for genetic and correlation analyses. Additive, dominance, additive by enviroment interaction and dominance by environment interaction genetic effects appeared to play an importance role in the inheritance of additive variance to phenotypic variance was 0.302(See in Table 1). Dominance×environment interaction effects played a major role for total sugar, reducing sugar,sugar difference, total nitrogen, protein, and K2O. No parents and crosses investigated had negative effects for sugar difference and nicotine, but positive effects for K2O.The analysis of correlation among chemical constituents revealed that there were positive correlations of phenotypic, genotypic and additive effects among the nitrogenous compounds such as total nitrogen, nicotine, protein, and negative correlation with total sugar and reducing sugar for phenotypic, genotypic and additive effects. Sugar difference, nicotine and K2O had low or no correlation with each others(Table 4). The predominance of additive genetic variance for nicotine in this study suggests that the most effective breeding procedures for improving nititine content will be those which lead to the superior homozygous lines. The predominance of dominance by environment interaction variance for those which lead to the superior homozygous lines. The predominance of dominance by environment interaction variance for sugar difference and K2O percent suggests that the utility of heterosis should be considered in specific environments. It is possible to decrease sugar difference and nicotine, and increase K2O simultaneously in tobacco leaves by making more crosses or enlarging offspring population.
      Effects of trxs Gene on Germination of Transgenic Barley Seeds
      LIU Lei; YIN Jun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2005, 31(12):  1562-1566. 
      Abstract ( 1822 )   PDF (515KB) ( 931 )   Save
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      Thioredoxin h (Trx h) is a small disulfide-containing redox protein. During seed germination Trx h amylase,protease and other enzyme activities can be enhanced and the hydrolysis of the endosperm storage substances such as starch and protein promoted by Trx h. It’s very likely to affect the malting barley qualith by changing Trx h activity. Thioredoxin s (trxs) gene, isolated from Phalaris coerulescens, belongs to thioredoxin(trx)gene family. As far as catalysis reduction reaction of S-S is concemed, expression product of trxs gene has the same bio-function as Trx h. Trx h activity may be enhanced and carbon-nitrogen metabolic activity during seed genmination promoted and diastatic power(DP) and extract material of malting barley increased by transferring trxs into barley. To achieve barley with higher Trx h activity, trxs gene had been transformed into barley immature embryos and transgenic plants had been obtained via tissue culture in previous study. In this study, ... ...
      Preliminary Approach on Adaptability of ORYZA2000 Model for Aerobic Rice in Beijing Region
      XUE Chang-Ying;YANG Xiao-Guang; B A M Bouman;FENG Li-Ping;Gon van Laar;WANG Hua-Qi;WANG Pu; WANG Zhi-Min
      Acta Agron Sin. 2005, 31(12):  1567-1571. 
      Abstract ( 1842 )   PDF (244KB) ( 1686 )   Save
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      The ORYZA2000 model for aerobic rice was tested and verified via field experiments conducted at the Changping Experiment Station (40˚02’ N, 116˚10’E; elevation of 43 m) of the China Agricultural University in Beijing, in 2002 and 2003. From aerobic field results in 2003, the developmental rates of aerobic rice in different stages, partitioning factors of dry matter, specific leaf areas and maxinmum root depth were obtained. The biomass, LAI and yield were verified using the experimental data in 2002. The slope(β), intercept(α),and determination coefficient(R2) of the linear regression between simulated and measured values as well as the student's t-test assuming unequal variance and the normalized root mean square error(NRMSE) were used for the evaluation of ORYZ2000 model's effective.The results showed that ORYZA2000 model was acceptable in simulations of biomasses and LAI. In general, the simulations for total biomass and panicle biomass were more accurate than that for green leave biomass and stem biomass. NRMSE of total biomass, green leave biomass, stem biomass and panicle biomass were 45%,35%,57%and 37%, respectively(Table 1). The simulations of yield were lower than the messured ones with NRMSE of 23% and LAI's simulations were with NRMSE of 35%(Table2).
      An Approach on Monitoring the Albedo of Winter Wheat at Growing Period by Using MODIS Data
      WAN Hua-Wei; WANG Jin-Di; ZHANG Yong-Qiang; XIANG Yue-Qin; JIAO Zi-Ti; ZHANG Xiao-Yu
      Acta Agron Sin. 2005, 31(12):  1572-1578. 
      Abstract ( 1804 )   PDF (690KB) ( 969 )   Save
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      Albedo is an important parameter reflecting the energy balance of winter wheat field. For monitoring the albedo changing during winter wheat growing period, the albedo measured by the albedometer in ground fields can’t represent the spatial distribution well. So the remote sensing data should be helpful if we can use them effectively. MODIS(moderate resolution imaging spectro-radiometer)data products have been used widely in many remote sensing application fields now. Validations are necessary before using the MODIS albedo products in the large-area crop research. Due to the different scales between MODIS albedo product and the albedo measured in ground field, some unusual data processing method should be adopted.

      ... ...

      The Analysis of the Biological Characters in Hexapod hybrids Derived from Brassica carinata and B. rapa
      LI Mao-Teng; ZHANG Chun-Yu; LI Zong-Yun; MENG Jin-Ling
      Acta Agron Sin. 2005, 31(12):  1579-1585. 
      Abstract ( 1732 )   PDF (463KB) ( 1044 )   Save
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      Interspecific hybridization between Brassica species is an important way to create new resources and combine the valuable characters of different species, which is widely used in plant breeding. 120 plants of triploid hybrid (ABC, n=27) derived from cross between B. carinata (BBCC, 2n=34) and B. rapa(AA,2n=20)was obtained which played a important role in creating bridge materials for other Brassica species with one or two of the three genomes, 80% of the hybrid plants had expected 27 chromosomes and showed intermediate characteristics. RAPD markers also verified the true hybrid nature. Two waye were used for chromosome doubling, one was that the 0.05% colchicine aolution was dropped on the growing point, another was that the seedlings were dipped into the 0.05% colchicine solution for 8 hours, the ratio for chromosome doubling varied much between two methods.... ...
      AMMI Analysis of Genotype by Sowing Date Interaction Reveals the Fertility Sensitivity to Photoperiod and Temperature of P(T)GMS Rice
      TAO Hua;XUE Qing-Zhong
      Acta Agron Sin. 2005, 31(12):  1586-1592. 
      Abstract ( 1896 )   PDF (500KB) ( 1165 )   Save
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      Pollen and seed fertility data of nine P (T) GMS and the two control sterile lines(Pei’ai 64S, ZAU11S ) were analyzed based on AMMI model, linear regression model and hierarchical cluster analysis under the nine sowing dates. The Biplot of this AMMI analysis showed clearly the interactive pattern between the genotypes and the sowing dates. According to their IPCA1 value and mean pollen fertility, the male-sterile lines could be divided into three groups. The first group[Pei'ai 64S(1),ZU21S(10) and ZU22S (11)] had the lower mean pollen fertility and the higher IPCA1(the largest Interaction Principle Components Axis) value, indicating quietly sensitive to the temperature change, and the great negative effect. The second group which in volved ZAU11S(2),ZU4S(3),ZU5S(4),... ...
      The Relationship between Water Use Efficiency and Related Physiological Traits in Wheat Leaves
      ZHANG Juan; ZHANG Zheng-Bin; XIE Hui-Min; DONG Bao-Di; HU Meng-Yun; XU Ping
      Acta Agron Sin. 2005, 31(12):  1593-1599. 
      Abstract ( 1942 )   PDF (550KB) ( 1437 )   Save
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      Water shortage is a main limited factor to agriculture and crop production, so it is important to improve the crop water use efficiency (WUE) in limited water resource. The leaf WUE is the physiological foundation for improving field water use efficiency. In early researches only one or a few wheat cultivars were employed to analyze the relationship between WUE and single or a few physiological traits, or only the daily variation regularity of leaf WUE and relevant physiological traits studied. 19 wheat cultivars, possessing different drought-resistance, from different winter wheat growth regions in China, were employed in this drought-resistance trial,with no irrigation during whole growth period, for analyzing the correlation between leaf WUE and other 11 traits of wheat flag leaf, including photosynthetic rate(Pn), transpiration rate(Tr), ... ...
      Effects of Defatting and Reconstitution on Dough Mixogram and Processing Quality of Bread
      CHI Xiao-Yuan; TIAN Ji-Chun; HU Rui-Bo
      Acta Agron Sin. 2005, 31(12):  1600-1605. 
      Abstract ( 1981 )   PDF (411KB) ( 1097 )   Save
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      Wheat flour lipids, although only constituting about 2% of flour in weight, makes important contributions to dough properties, baking behavior, and bread staling. Function of lipid is expressed through interactions with other components of dough. Especially, lipid-protein interactions have attracted attention of the cereal scientists since the time more than 40 years ago. Zawistowska and co-workers reported that 56% of the gluten lipids were associated with gliadin proteins and 44% were associated with glutenin proteins. Different models associating gliadins-glutenins and lipids or gliadin-glutenin and starch have been proposed to explain the role of lipid-protein interactions in the dough and gluten viscoelasticity. Lipids and lipid-protein complexes influence the formation and stability of air-water(foam) and oil-water(emulsion)interfaces during dough mixing, proofing and baking. Lipid-carbohydrate interactions are also of importance for the quality of all cereal products. The presence of lipids, resulting in a decreased amylose leaching, less amylose will be available for the formation of a metwork, and a softer product could be expected. Amylopectin-lipid complexes can decrease the retrogradation and keep the bread soft for a longer period of time. In this study, three wheat cultivars(lines) with different gluten strength were used to study the effect of wheat flour lipids on mixogram characteristics of dough and processing quality of bread. The result showed that:... ...
      Preparation of Dietary Fiber from the Root Dregs of Kudzu Vine (Pueraia lobata Ohwi) by Enzymatic Method
      ZHONG Hai-Yan;HAN Jun;SU Yong;LI Zhong-Hai
      Acta Agron Sin. 2005, 31(12):  1606-1610. 
      Abstract ( 1435 )   PDF (339KB) ( 824 )   Save
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      Kudzu plants are widely distributed in China. The total content of dietary fiber (DF) in the root dreg reaches over 70%. The root dreg is a kind of natural sources of dietary fiber. The optimal technology parameters were been studied for four kinds of kudzu root dietary fiber with enzymatic hydrolysis, by using single factor and orthogonal design experments. Results showed that the best conditions for preparation evalusted by DF swelling ability were:(1)mixed enzyme(a-amylase: glucoamylose, 1:2) amount of 0.2%, 70℃,80 min for treatment; and (2) proteinase amount of 0.3%, 50℃,60 min for incubation(Table 1,Fig.6,Fig.7).After incubation of mixed enzymes and proteinase, the acid detergent fiber contents of four kinds of dietary fibers in the wild and cultivated kudzu in Zhangjiajie and Yueyang, Were increased to 78.69%,78.41%,76.34% and 73.11%, respectively(Table 2). Therefore this technology of enzymatic preparation may lay the foundation of processing for kudzu root dietary fiber.
      The Factors Influencing RVA Profile of Rice Starch and Its Changes with Altitudes in Panxi Region
      YUAN Ji-Chao; DING Zhi-Yong; CAI Guang-Ce; YANG Shi-Ming; ZHU Qing-Sen; YANG Jian-Chang
      Acta Agron Sin. 2005, 31(12):  1611-1619. 
      Abstract ( 1819 )   PDF (638KB) ( 1023 )   Save
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      There have been a lot of reports on the relationship between RVA profile of rice starch and the cooking and eating quality properties in rice, and on the differences of RVA profile in different cultivars of rice, too. There are, however, few reports on the differences of RVA profile of a same cultivar, which is planted at different sites and on relationship between the RVA profile and the altitude of planting sites. Through field experiments with different sowing dates and different planting altitudes in two years in Panxi region, Sichuan Province, these aspects were studied and presented in this paper. Among the characteristic values of RVA profile of rice starch, the setback viscosity(SBV) was the most strongly inflrenced by environmental factors. The RVA profile varied with the planting sites(Table 2).The 3D graph of breakdown viscosity(BDV, z) with altitude(x) and latitude(y) of planting sites were establiahed where the regression equation was z=z0+ax+by+cx2+dy2(Table 4,Fig.3). From this graph, a "golden planting area" (the most suitable planting area)with... ...
      Identification of Quantitative Traits Loci for Yield Component Traits Using (Pei’ai64s/Nipponbare) F2 Population
      YE Shao-Ping; ZHANG Qi-Jun; LI Jie-Qin; ZHAO Bing; LI Ping
      Acta Agron Sin. 2005, 31(12):  1620-1627. 
      Abstract ( 1972 )   PDF (504KB) ( 1685 )   Save
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      Recently QTL (quantitative trait loci) mapping has mostly adopted such markers as RFLP marker, which is costly and difficult to operate. Besides, in such mapping the genome information of the mapping parents is not known, which makes it difficult to compare and share the outcomes achieved by different researchera. QTL mapping, using genetic linkage map constructed by sequenced rice cultivar, will facilitate the application of rice genome outcomes, and can provide a basis for the comparison of different rice QTL mapping and molecular marker assistant selection. It will prove to be a pathway to integrate QTL mapping and genome findings application.
      Effect of Free-air CO2 Enrichment on Root Growth Dynamics of Japonica Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Cultivar Wuxiangjing 14
      YANG Hong-Jian; YANG Lian-Xin; LIU Hong-Jiang; HUANG Jian-Ye; DONG Gui-Chun; ZHU Jian-Guo; WANG Yu-Long
      Acta Agron Sin. 2005, 31(12):  1628-1633. 
      Abstract ( 1857 )   PDF (440KB) ( 994 )   Save
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      Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations are generally expected to enhance photosynthesis and growth and as a result substantially increase yields in C3 cereal crops. However, little is known about the effect of elevated CO2 on root growth of rice. To better understand the response of rice root system to elevated CO2 concentration, a free-air CO2 enrichment[FACE,200 μmol·mol-1 higher than Ambient(AMB)] experiment was conducted at Anzhen town, Jiangsu, China, to stud the root growth dynamics of rice, with japonica cultivar Wuxiangjing 14, in 2002-2003. the results showed that:(1)the number of adventitious roots per hole, the length of adventitious roots per hole, the roots volume per hole and the dry weight of roots per hole under FACE... ...
      Effects of Free-air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment on Growth and Uptake of Nitrogen in Winter Wheat
      MA Hong-Liang; ZHU Jian-Guo; XIE Zu-Bin; LIU Gang; ZHANG Ya-Li; ZENG Qing
      Acta Agron Sin. 2005, 31(12):  1634-1639. 
      Abstract ( 1877 )   PDF (391KB) ( 894 )   Save
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      Increased atmospheric CO2 supply is predicted to alter plant growth and the nutrients level. It is not clear whether the biomass of winter wheat in rice-wheat rotation system is still increased and more nitrogen application is necessary. The biomass and N uptake were studied at two concentration of CO2[Ambient and Elevated(Ambient+200μmol·mol-1)] and at low and normal nitrogen levels (LN,150 kg N·ha-1 and NN, 250 kg N·ha-1) for winter wheat. Growth and N uptake responses of winter wheat at four growth stages were determined. Results showed that the biomass of different parts of wheat increased by 28.3%-44.5% averagely. The response of biomass was significant and the increase degree was the largest at jointing stage. Under LN and NN conditions, the biomass for leave, shoot, ear and root increased significantly by 36.8%,40.9%,91.2% and 53.2%, 89.4%,52.2%, 55.5% and 67.9%, respectively. Moreover, ... ...
      Classification, Identification and Evaluation of Nitrogen Nutrition Efficiencies in Rice Germplasms at Seedling Stage
      CHENG Jiang-Feng; DAI Ting-Bo; CAO Wei-Xing; JIANG Dong
      Acta Agron Sin. 2005, 31(12):  1640-1647. 
      Abstract ( 1635 )   PDF (553KB) ( 1027 )   Save
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      The decline of nitrogen nutrition efficiencies as well as increases in crop production cost and soil and water contamination are becoming urgent problems due to heavy application of nitrogen fertilizers in rice production. Exploring and utilizing crop’s self-potential is an ideal approach to improving nitrogen nutrition efficiencies. Most researches have focused on the comparison of nitrogen nutrition efficiencies among rice cultivars but paid less attention to establishing... ...
      Comparison of Three Non-tissue Culture Plant Transformation Approaches
      LIANG Xue-Lian; GUO Ping-Yi; SUN Yi; LIU Hui-Min; WANG Jing-Xue; LIU Shao-Xiang
      Acta Agron Sin. 2005, 31(12):  1648-1653. 
      Abstract ( 1588 )   PDF (1969KB) ( 1184 )   Save
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      At present, high velocity microprojectile and Agrobacterium tumeficiens infection are two main methods to transform cereal such as wheat and maize. The former is not only expensive, but also with low transgenic and high infertile frequency, and the later also takes immature embryo as the object, spending much time in tissue culture, and is with low transgenic frequency too. Although acetosyringone has been introduced into Agrobacterium tumeficiens infection, the transgenic frequency is still not high. At the same time, all these transgenic experiments can only be done in instrumented laboratory by few scientists. In this study, three non-tissue culture methods were used to transform foreign bar gene into maize. T1 seeds were identified by Basta resistance, RCR amplification and Southern blotting, T2 genetic rate and phenotype, in order to select a simple highly effective transgenic approach.
      Construction and Functional Analysis of Antisense Vector of Maize Starch Branching Enzyme Gene
      CHAI Xiao-Jie;WANG Pi-Wu;GUAN Shu-Yan;XU Ya-Wei
      Acta Agron Sin. 2005, 31(12):  1654-1656. 
      Abstract ( 1513 )   PDF (473KB) ( 1041 )   Save
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      An Improved Simple Protocol for Isolation of High Quality RNA from Gossypium spp. Suitable for cDNA Library Construction
      ZHU Long-Fu; TU Li-Li; ZHEN Fan-Chang; LIU Di-Qiu; ZHANG Xian-Long
      Acta Agron Sin. 2005, 31(12):  1657-1659. 
      Abstract ( 1642 )   PDF (446KB) ( 1208 )   Save
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      Due to the large amounts of polyphenolics and polysaccharides, the extraction of high quality biochemical molecules like RNA and DNA is always an obstacle to the molecular biology study of cotton. The conventional RNA extraction methods and commercial kits always failed to get high quality RNA or even nothing. Perfect RNA was extracted from embtyogenic callus in cotton uaing Trirol(Invitrogen, # 15596-026) but failed to other tiasues in this study. Here a modified simple protocol was described using guanidinium thiocyanate to extract high quality RNA from cotton with low cost,... ...
      Changes in Yield under Different Irrigating Schemes and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Peanut in Oasis
      SU Pei-Xi; CHEN Huai-Shun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2005, 31(12):  1660-1664. 
      Abstract ( 1329 )   PDF (354KB) ( 948 )   Save
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      Transportation and Distribution of 14C Photosynthate Produced in Ineffective Tillers of Wheat
      ZHOU Yang-Mei; GUO Wen-Shan; FENG Chao-Nian; ZHU Xin-Kai; GE Cai-Lin; PENG Yong-Xin
      Acta Agron Sin. 2005, 31(12):  1665-1667. 
      Abstract ( 1445 )   PDF (223KB) ( 910 )   Save
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      The Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Relationship of Elite Kenaf Germplasm Based on Inter-simple Sequence Repeats
      TAO Ai-Fen; QI Jian-Min; LI Ai-Qing; FANG Ping-Ping; LIN Li-Hui; WU Jian-Mei; WU Wei-Ren
      Acta Agron Sin. 2005, 31(12):  1668-1671. 
      Abstract ( 1368 )   PDF (269KB) ( 849 )   Save
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      Analysis on QTL and Epistasis Related to Storable Characteristics in Rice
      LIU Wu-Ge;WANG Feng;LI Jin-Hua;FU Fu-Hong;LIU Zhen-Rong;LIAO Yi-Long; ZHU Man-Shan;HUANG De-Juan
      Acta Agron Sin. 2005, 31(12):  1672-1675. 
      Abstract ( 1600 )   PDF (238KB) ( 931 )   Save
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the Crop Science Society of China
the Institute of Crop Science, CAAS
China Science Publishing & Media Ltd.
Published: Science Press
Editor-in-chief: Wan Jian-min
Associate Editors-in-Chief:
Chen Xiao-ya Yang Jian-chang Zhang Xian-long Wang Jian-kang Xu Ming-liang Liu Chun-ming Wang Dao-wen Sun Chuan-qing Ding Yan-feng Jin Wei-wei Chu Cheng-cai Cheng Wei-hong
Director of the editorial department:
Yan Chun-ling
CN 11-1809/S
ISSN 0496-3490
Post subscription code: 82-336

  • Started in 2013
  • Covered by SCIE
  • Open access in ScienceDirect

Editor in chief: Wan Jian-min
CN 10-1112/S
ISSN 2095-5421, 2214-5141(online)
Online published:
Submission: https://www.editorialmanager.com/cj/
E-mail: cropjournal@caas.cn
