
作物学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (8): 1885-1895.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.34195

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刘春燕1(), 张利影1, 周杰2, 许依1, 杨亚东1, 曾昭海1, 臧华栋1,*()   

  1. 1中国农业大学农学院 / 农业农村部农作制度重点实验室, 北京 100193
    2南京农业大学农学院, 江苏南京 215000
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-17 接受日期:2024-05-07 出版日期:2024-08-12 网络出版日期:2024-05-16
  • 通讯作者: * 臧华栋, E-mail: zanghuadong@cau.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:E-mail: 17861505606@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Research progress on the intensification of agroecosystem functions through legume-based crop rotation

LIU Chun-Yan1(), ZHANG Li-Ying1, ZHOU Jie2, XU Yi1, YANG Ya-Dong1, ZENG Zhao-Hai1, ZANG Hua-Dong1,*()   

  1. 1College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, China Agricultural University / Key Laboratory of Farming System, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing 100193, China
    2College of Agriculture, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 215000, Jiangsu, China
  • Received:2023-11-17 Accepted:2024-05-07 Published:2024-08-12 Published online:2024-05-16
  • Contact: * E-mail: zanghuadong@cau.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Key Research and Development Program of China(2022YFD1901100);National Natural Science Foundation of China(32101850);National Natural Science Foundation of China(42207388)


集约化农业对保障国家粮食安全至关重要, 但其导致的生态环境代价与绿色可持续发展之间的矛盾日益突出。引入豆科作物到农田生态系统对于实现地力保育、作物丰产稳产和资源优化利用等多目标协同具有重要意义。本文系统总结了豆科作物轮作对作物生产和土壤功能的主要影响: 1) 豆科作物通过生物固氮、高质量的根际分泌物输入、秸秆还田等过程改善了土壤氮素水平, 产生正向的残留效应, 有利于后茬作物增产, 且增产效应在低产区更显著; 2) 豆科作物轮作可以通过氮肥减施降低系统N2O排放, 但豆科的生物固氮过程有增加CO2排放的风险; 3) 低C/N、高氮含量的豆科秸秆还田能够提高土壤微生物活性和残体积累, 提高土壤固碳效率, 但其固碳效应也受到较低的秸秆生物量投入限制; 4) 豆科作物可以提高后茬作物的水肥利用效率, 同时利用前后茬作物根系深浅合理搭配, 实现轮作周年水肥高效利用。因此, 将豆科作物引入到轮作系统可实现氮肥减施和增产, 但其产生的土壤固碳和温室气体减排效应受到作物种类、肥料投入、土壤和气候条件等多种因素的综合影响。为更好地发挥豆科作物轮作优势, 应深入探究豆科促进后茬作物增产和驱动地下部生态功能提升的耦合机制, 开发豆科作物轮作配套田间管理技术, 并定向设计适合我国典型生态区的新型生态高效种植体系, 对推动豆科作物轮作模式构建与应用及农业绿色发展具有重要理论意义和实践价值。

关键词: 谷物豆科, 豆禾轮作, 作物生产力, 土壤功能, 经济效益


Although intensive agriculture plays a crucial role in ensuring global food security, the conflict between its environmental costs and sustainable development is becoming increasingly prominent. Legume inclusion into agroecosystem is vital for improving soil health, enhancing agroecosystem stability, and achieving resource utilization efficiency. This paper provides a systematic summary of the main effects of the legume-based rotation on crop production and soil function as follows: 1) Legume enhance soil nitrogen (N) content through biological N fixation, high-quality rhizosphere exudates input, and straw incorporation, resulting in positive legacy effects. This, in turn, benefits the subsequent crop yields, particularly in agroecosystems with low soil fertility. 2) Although the biological N fixation of legumes poses the risk of increasing CO2 emissions, it can mitigate greenhouse gas emissions by reducing N fertilization in the rotation. 3) The low C/N ratio and high N content of legume straw promote soil microbial activity and microbial residue accumulation, thereby improving soil carbon sequestration efficiency. However, the limited amount of straw for legumes restricts C sequestration. 4) Legumes can improve water and fertilizer utilization efficiency of subsequent crops, and optimizing the root depth between legume and subsequent crop can enhance the overall efficiency of water and fertilizer usage in the rotation. In conclusion, the inclusion of legumes in crop rotation can achieve a reduction in N fertilizer usage and an increase in yield. However, the effects of soil carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emission reduction are influenced by various factors such as crop type, fertilizer input, soil, and climate conditions. Exploring the coupling mechanisms between the effects of legumes on subsequent crop yield and belowground ecological functions is of great significance. Developing field management technologies for legume-based crop rotation and designing new ecological and efficient cropping systems suitable for various regions in China will facilitate the construction and implementation of legume-based rotations, contributing to agricultural green development.

Key words: grain legumes, crop rotation, crop productivity, soil ecosystem multifunction, economic benefit


豆科残留效应对农田生态系统功能的影响[10] 此图使用BioRender 软件绘制(https://biorender.com/)。"



Subsequent crop
Experiment year
Effect on SOC fraction
玉米Maize 玉米Maize 2 [42]
豇豆Cowpea 玉米Maize 2 SOC+1.7%, TN+23.4%, C/N-18.4%, MBC+30.6%, MBN+193.4% [42]
大豆Soybean 玉米Maize 2 SOC+5.2%, TN+27.7%, C/N-18.4%, MBC+33.2%, MBN+195.3% [42]
小麦Wheat 小麦Wheat 31 [43]
豌豆Pea 小麦Wheat 31 SOC-1.6%, TN-2.8%, Labile SOC+7.4% [43]
小麦Wheat 小麦Wheat 8 [44]
鹰嘴豆Chickpea 小麦Wheat 8 SOC+8.3% [44]
扁豆Lentil 小麦Wheat 8 SOC+0.9% [44]
豌豆Pea 小麦Wheat 8 SOC+5.6% [44]
玉米Maize 玉米Maize 30 [45]
大豆Soybean 玉米Maize 30 SOC-14.0%, C/N-6.5% [45]
小麦Wheat 珍珠栗Pearl millet 3 [46]
鹰嘴豆Chickpea 珍珠栗Pearl millet 3 SOC-0.3% [46]
玉米Maize 玉米Maize [47]
大豆Soybean 玉米Maize TN+4.9% [47]
小麦Wheat 水稻Rice 7 [48]
鹰嘴豆Chickpea 水稻Rice 7 SOC+9.7%, Active C pool+6.0%, Passive C pool +11.3%, POC+31.9% [48]
休耕Fallow 小麦Wheat 2 [49]
绿豆Mungbean 小麦Wheat 2 MBC+13.2%, DOC-13.5%, POC-68.2% [49]
玉米Maize 玉米Maize 2 [50]
藜豆Velvet bean 玉米Maize 2 SOC+15.5%, TN+18.7% [50]
豇豆Cowpea 玉米Maize 2 SOC-2.3%, TN+6.2% [50]
大豆Soybean 玉米Maize 2 SOC+16.3%, TN+18.7% [50]
休耕Fallow 谷物Grain 4 [51]
豆科Legume 谷物Grain 4 SOC+12.0%, MAOM+9.4% [51]





Subsequent crop
Experiment year
N application
(kg N hm-2)
N2O emission
(kg N hm-2)
豆科种类Legume specie
扁豆Lentil 加拿大Canada 100 1.29
豌豆Pea 加拿大Canada 100 2.88
蚕豆Fava bean 西班牙Spain 2 20 0.72
黑吉豆Black gram 印度India 0 1.01
大豆Soybean 印度India 0 1.25
扁豆Lentil 印度India 0 0.88
豇豆Bengal gram 印度India 0 0.87
豆科秸秆还田Legume straws returning
落花生Groundnut 水稻Rice 泰国Thailand 1 18.75 (+2.8%)
水稻Rice 水稻Rice 泰国Thailand 1 18.75 7.1
豇豆Cowpea 黑小麦Triticale 葡萄牙Portugal 3 0 (-26.3%)
休耕Fallow 黑小麦Triticale 葡萄牙Portugal 3 0 0.38
豆科作物轮作系统 Legume-grain rotation
蚕豆Fava bean 水稻Rice 中国China 6 240 (-28.9%, -35.5%)
小麦Wheat 水稻Rice 中国China 6 440 1.97
油菜Rape 水稻Rice 中国China 6 440 2.17
蚕豆、豌豆等Faba bea, field pea, etc. 小麦、黑小麦等
Wheat, Triticale, etc.
德国Germany (-16.6%)
非豆科Non-leguminous crops 德国Germany 3.6
豆科Legume 玉米Maize 西班牙Spain 3 150 (-19.7%)
玉米Maize 玉米Maize 西班牙Spain 3 200 0.61
大豆Soybean 玉米Maize 加拿大Canada 2 110 (-29.4%)
玉米Maize 玉米Maize 加拿大Canada 2 310 13.6
羽扇豆Lupin 小麦Wheat 澳大利亚Australia 2 20 (-26.4%)
小麦Wheat 小麦Wheat 澳大利亚Australia 2 125 0.129
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