
作物学报 ›› 2011, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (05): 755-763.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2011.00755

• 作物遗传育种·种质资源·分子遗传学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 湖南农业大学水稻科学研究所,湖南长沙410128
  • 收稿日期:2010-10-08 修回日期:2011-03-08 出版日期:2011-05-12 网络出版日期:2011-03-24
  • 通讯作者: 陈立云, E-mail: chenliyun996@163.com, Tel: 0731-84618757
  • 基金资助:


Development and Application of a Computer-Aided Selection System for Thermo-Sensitive Genic Male Sterile Rice Multiplying Site

LIU Hai, XIAO Ying-Hui, TANG Wen-Bang, DENG Hua-Bing,CHEN Li-Yun*   

  1. Rice Research Institute, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, China
  • Received:2010-10-08 Revised:2011-03-08 Published:2011-05-12 Published online:2011-03-24
  • Contact: 陈立云, E-mail: chenliyun996@163.com, Tel: 0731-84618757

摘要: 为了解决水稻两用核不育系繁殖产量不高不稳、种子质量差、效益低的问题,利用全国740个气象站点50年的气象资料,应用计算机处理技术,开发了水稻两用核不育系繁殖基地计算机选择系统,并利用该系统筛选最适宜的水稻两用核不育系繁殖基地。该系统以同时满足不育系育性敏感安全期和抽穗扬花安全期光温条件为依据,采用Java语言编制而成。针对不育起点温度为22.0℃、22.5℃、23.0℃、23.5℃和24.0℃的水稻两用核不育系,分别筛选到24、29、20、21和22个安全系数优于海南三亚冬繁的基地,以上5种不育起点温度的水稻两用核不育系在最佳繁殖基地繁种成功概率分别可达83%、93%、100%、100%和100%。2010年,在应用本系统筛选到的云南保山繁种基地进行了不育起点温度为22.0℃的水稻两用核不育系C815S的繁殖,单产达8 437.5 kg hm-2,创造了我国水稻两用核不育系繁殖产量最高记录,证实采用该计算机系统选择两用不育系繁殖基地是有效的。因此,采用本系统筛选到的繁殖基地进行水稻两用核不育系繁殖,可望解决海南冬季繁殖风险大、产量不高、种子质量差以及冷水串灌繁殖产量不高不稳和效益低下的问题,值得推广应用。

关键词: 水稻两用核不育系, 繁殖基地选择, 计算机程序, 气象数据库

Abstract: Great success has been achieved in the utilization of two-line hybrid rice in China. Nevertheless, the seed production of two-line hybrid rice is still a key technology that limited the extension of two-line hybrid rice on large scale. Seed multiplication of the thermo-sensitive genic male sterile (TGMS) rice, which with a narrow range of temperature for fertility restoration, is hard to be success by using the most common multiplying technologies currently. In order to improve the yield stability and security in TGMS rice multiplication, we developed a practical computer selection system for choosing an optimal multiplying site. This system using the java language was able to select suitable multiplying sites with optimal ecological factors which meet the requirement of the fertility sensitive stage (FSS) and heading-flowering stage (HFS) for TGMS rice multiplication. By using this computer-aided selection system, 24, 29, 20, 21, and 22 ecological areas were selected ,which were superior to the most common seed producing area, Sanya of Hainan province, where the suitable probabilities of FSS and HFS are 35.0%, 42.5%, 55.0%, 65.0%, and 75.0% for the TGMS with the critical temperature of 22.0℃, 22.5℃, 23.0℃, 23.5℃, and 24.0℃, respectively, while the suitable probability of the optimal multiplying site selected by the computer-aided selection system were 83%, 93%, 100%, 100%, and 100% in both FSS and HFS for TGMS with different critical temperature, respectively, showing much higher values than those in Sanya, Hainan Province. In 2010, we tried to produce the seed of C815S, a TGMS rice with the critical temperature of 22.0℃ in Baoshan, Yunnan Province selected by the computer-aided selection system. The grain yield reached 8 437.5 kg ha-1, and created the highest yield record of seed multiplication of the TGMS rice. These results suggested that the problems of unstable yield and low security for the TGMS rice seed multiplication should be solved by this computer aided selection system, and we believe the optimal multiplying site selected by the computer-aided selection system will provide a useful technical support for healthy and sustainable development in the two-line hybrid rice.

Key words: Thermo-sensitive genic male sterile rice, Multiplication site selecting, Computer program, Meteorological data

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