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Acta Agron Sin ›› 2010, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (06): 1030-1036.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2010.01030

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Correlation of Root Physiology and Leaf Photosynthesis Characteristics in Northern Chinese Japonica Super Rice

XU Ming,JIA De-Tao,MA Dian-Rong,WANG Jia-Yu,MIAO Wei,CHEN Wen-Fu*

  1. Rice Research Institute, Shenyang Agricultural University / Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology and Ecology, Ministry of Agriculture / Key Laboratory of Northern Japonica Rice Breeding of Liaoning, Shenyang 110161, Liaoning, China
  • Received:2009-11-09 Revised:2010-02-06 Online:2010-06-12 Published:2010-04-14
  • Contact: CHEN Wen-Fu,E-mail:wfchen5512@yahoo.com.cn;Tel:024-88487186


Two typical japonica super rice cultivar Shennong 265 and Shennong 606 were used as experimental materials and Akihikari and Liaojing 294 as control cultivation.Root physiological activity and leaf photosynthetic capability of Northern Chinese Japonica Super Rice were measured in pot experiment. At every stage of root development, total absorption area, active absorption area, root oxidizing ability per plant, and bleeding rate in Shennong 265 and Shennong 606 were significantly higher than control cultivar. During the filling stage, Shennong 265 and Shennong 606 roots showed slower roots senescence and stronger physiological activity than the control. During the filling period both chlorophyll degradation rate and photosynthetic rate of Shennong 265 and Shennong 606 were significantly slower than those of control cultivar. Furthermore, root physiological activities showed a positive correlation with leaf chlorophyll content in Japonica Super Rice during filling periods, showing that Shennong 265 and Shennong 606 had advantages in root physiology and leaf photosynthesis characteristics compared with Akihikari and Liaojing 294.

Key words: Japonica super rice, Root physilogical activity, Leaves photosynthetic capacity

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