Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2023, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (1): 1-11.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.23018
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ZHU Da-Zhou1,3(), WU Ning1,3, ZHANG Yong2, SUN Jun-Mao1,*(
), CHEN Meng-Shan1,*(
[1] | 王志宏, 孙静, 王惠君, 刘爱玲, 张兵, 丁钢强. 中国居民膳食结构的变迁与营养干预策略发展. 营养学报, 2019, 41: 427-432. |
Wang Z H, Sun J, Wang H J, Liu A L, Zhang B, Ding G Q. Dietary structure transition and development of nutritional intervention strategies in China. Acta Nutr Sin, 2019, 41: 427-432. (in Chinese with English abstract) | |
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Wei M H. Construction, Promotion and Application of Optimization System on Nutritional and Healthy Ingredients of Edible Agricultural Products. PhD Dissertation of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou, Fujian, China, 2017. (in Chinese with English abstract) | |
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Tan Y H. Health starts with nutritious food: nutritive agriculture helps the construction of “Healthy China”. High Technol Ind, 2019, (11): 30-32. (in Chinese with English abstract) | |
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Xie Y Z, Guo X D, Jia Z D, Ma P Y, Bian X F, Yu Y. Progresses and prospects on edible sweetpotato breeding in China. Jiangsu J Agric Sci, 2018, 34: 1419-1424. (in Chinese with English abstract) | |
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Xie Y Z, Guo X D, Jia Z D, Ma P Y, Bian X F. Progresses and prospects on purple sweetpotato breeding. J Plant Genet Resour, 2012, 13: 709-713. (in Chinese with English abstract) | |
[18] | 卢士军, 黄家章, 吴鸣, 沈东婧, 孙君茂. 营养导向型农业的概念、发展与启示. 中国农业科学, 2019, 52: 3083-3088. |
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Zhu H, Liang K H, Xu H Q, Qiu J, Guo Y Z, Huang J Z, Zhu D Z, Sun J M. Review and suggestion for nutrition standard of agricultural products in China. Sci Agric Sin, 2019, 52: 3145-3154. (in Chinese with English abstract) | |
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