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    12 May 2007, Volume 33 Issue 05
      Analysis of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Plants Transformed with a Silkworm Fibroin Light Chain Gene
      SHANG-GUAN Xiao-Xia;WANG Ling-Jian;LI Yan-E;LIANG Yun-Sheng;WU Xia
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(05):  697-702. 
      Abstract ( 1835 )   PDF (814KB) ( 1067 )   Save
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      By Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, a silkworm fibroin light chain gene (FBN), driven by a fiber-specific promoter GAE6-3A, was introduced into the upland cotton G. hirsutum L. cv R15. The plant expression vector used in this study also contains a GUS gene,and a nptⅡ gene driven by 35S promoter, respectively. Kanamycin-resistance analysis, GUS-histochemical staining, and PCR detection were conducted in the 20 T0 generation plants form 11 different transgenic lines. Seventeen plants showed kanamycin resistance, 13 plants were positive in GUS detection, and 14 were positive by PCR analysis for the silkworm fibroin light chain gene FBN. Thirteen positive plants were obtained by the three examination methods among the 20 T0 generation plants. Southern hybridization of T1 progenies of lines H18, H21, H32, and H34 were performed, the result showed that among the four T1 lines, three lines contained two copies and one line contained a single copy of the transgene, no clear hybridization signal was detected for non-transformed control plants, indicating that FBN gene was inserted into the cotton genome by Agrobacterium-medicated transformation. Northern analysis demonstrated that the FBN gene was indeed expressed in the transgenic cotton fiber of above four transgenic lines. Kanamycin-resistance assay and GUS–histochemical staining was used for screening transgenic progenies. Kanamycin assay was performed in the field as a preliminary screening, which may be influenced by climate and other circumstance factors, however, the operation is simple and fast, laying the basis for further selection by GUS histochemical localization. Proceeded the two methods together, the limitation of each measure can be compensated, accordingly the efficiency of homozygous breeding of transgenic progenies could be increased obviously. Till now four T3 positive lines, in addition to several T1 or T2 transgenic plants were obtained, and the foreign gene could be inherited stably form generation to generation. Analysis of fiber quality traits showed that, among the six transgenic lines whose cotton fiber quality was evaluated, the fiber strength of three lines were increased, with the highest in transgenic line H18. These results demonstrate that plant genetic engineering of silkworm fibroin genes has a great potential for improving cotton fiber quality.

      Detection of the Introgression Loci of Synthetic Hexaploid Wheat in Wheat Cultivar Chuanmai 42 by SSR Markers
      LIAO Jie;WEI Hui-Ting;LI Jun;YANG Yu-Min;ZENG Yun-Chao;PENG Zheng-Song;YANG Wu-Yun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(05):  703-707. 
      Abstract ( 2042 )   PDF (681KB) ( 1316 )   Save
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      Triticum durum and Aegilops tauschii are the secondary gene pool of hexaploid common wheat, and their synthetic hexaploid wheat possesses rich genetic diversities and elite genes for common wheat improvement. An elite synthetic hexaploid wheat Syn769 (Decoy1/Aegilops tauschii 188) with beneficial traits such as large kernels and high resistance to stripe rust, was crossed and backcrossed with Sichuan commercial wheat cultivars SW3243 and Chuan 6415, and a high yield potential and good stripe rust resistance wheat cultivar Chuanmai 42 was developed. In the present study, 217 SSR primers were used to reveal the introgression loci of synthetic hexaploid wheat in Chuanmai 42 by comparing Chuanmai 42 with its parents synthetic hexaploid wheat Syn769, and common wheat cultivars SW3243 and Chuan 6415, and 24 synthetic introgression loci in Chuanmai 42 were detected. The frequency of synthetic introgression loci in Chuanmai 42 was 11.06%, which is significantly deviated from the expected segregation ratio 25%. Distribution of synthetic introgression loci in A, B, and D genomes was unbalanced in Chuanmai 42, with the distribution frequency order of D >B >A genomes. Unbalanced distribution of synthetic introgression loci among different chromosomes was also observed. Synthetic chromosome fragments were observed most frequently on chromosomes 1B, 2B and 5A in Chuanmai 42, while non-loci were detected on chromosomes 1A and 10 others. The result indicated that selection stress was the main reason resulting in the significant deviations of synthetic introgression loci from expected segregation ratios. Significant deviations of the expected allele frequencies in the direction of synthetic hexaploid wheat parent Syn769 in Chuanmai 42 can be used to detect chromosomal regions of interest coming from Syn769.

      Nutrient Uptake and Use Efficiency of Diploid, Tetraploid, and Hexaploid Wheats under Different Water and Nutrition Conditions
      HUANG Ming-Li;DENG Xi-Ping;ZHOU Sheng-Lu;ZHAO Yu-Zong;Shinobu INANAGA
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(05):  708-716. 
      Abstract ( 2095 )   PDF (731KB) ( 1107 )   Save
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      Three diploid (Triticum boeoticum, AA; Aegilops speltoides, BB and Ae. tauschii, DD), two tetraploid (T. dicoccoides, AABB and T. dicoccum, AABB) and one hexaploid (T. aestivum, AABBDD) wheats were chosen, and a pot experiment was carried out under different water and nutrition conditions (i) to understand the variation trend of nutrient use efficiency in the evolution of wheat (from diploid to tetraploid then to hexaploid); (ii) to assess the effects of soil water and nutrient condition on nutrient use. Our results showed that with the evolution of wheat, nutrient uptake and uptake efficiency increased, but grain nutrient concentration decreased. Generally, water stress and low nutrient supply resulted in the lower grain nutrient concentration, and nutrient uptake and uptake efficiency. Nutrient use efficiency for biomass and that for grain yield were all different significantly among wheat genotypes, but the differences of the latter were more significantly than those of the former. With the increase of wheat ploidies, nutrient use efficiency for biomass and that for grain yield all increased significantly. Nitrogen and phosphorus use efficiency for biomass (NUTEb and PUTEb) dereased in the same order:Ae. speltoides > T. dicoccum, T. dicoccoides, Ae. tauschii, T. boeoticum > T. aestivum, and potassium use efficiency for biomass (KUTEb): T. aestivum, Ae. tauschii, Ae. speltoides > T. dicoccoides > T. dicoccum > T. boeoticum. All of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium use efficiencies for grain yield (NUTEg, PUTEg, KUTEg) and harvest index (HI) decreased in the similar order:T. aestivum > T. dicoccum, T. dicoccoides, Ae. tauschii > T. boeoticum, Ae. speltoides. Compared to the other two diploid wheats, Ae. tauschii had significant higher nutrient use efficiency for grain yield, indicating that the genome D may carry genes controlling high efficient use of nutrient. The effects of water and nutrient application on nutrient use for biomass were prominent, but not for that for grain yield, suggesting that wheat nutrient use efficiency for grain yield is mainly controlled by genotypes. Generally, water stress increased nutrient use efficiency for biomass, but higher nutrient application decreased them. Some of these results and their significance for breeding were discussed.

      Effect of Overexpression of Maize ppc Gene on Photosynthesis in Transgenic Rice Plants
      DING Zai-Song;ZHAO Ming;JING Yu-Xiang;LI Liang-Bi;KUANG Ting-Yun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(05):  717-722. 
      Abstract ( 2224 )   PDF (804KB) ( 1373 )   Save
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      Overexpression of ppc gene in transgenic rice to improve photosynthesis and yield have brought extensive interest in the world. Many attempts have been made to transfer maize ppc gene to rice plants using genetic engineering techniques. But there was still a controversy on whether overexpression of PEPC could increase photosynthetic rates (Pn) in transgenic rice plants. We thought the different results were caused by the difference on materials, ppc gene inserting site and the measuremental circumstance. In order to validate our ideas, we repeated to introduce maize ppc gene into rice plants by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation and a lot of transgenic rice plants were obtained. PCR, Southern, Western analyse and PEPC activity detection indicated that the maize ppc gene was integrated into rice genome and expressed correctly and efficiently. The Pn was 27.3% higher in one transgenic line with the highest PEPC activity than in untransformed plants. The increase is at least in part due to the enhanced stomatal conductivity and higher internal CO2 concentration. Nearly all the ppc transgenic rice lines showed higher Pn (up to 68.8%) than untransformed plants grown in dry field and full sunlight. Compared with that in appropriated conditions, the 6 transgenic lines showed higher Pn in stress condition. These results indicated that photosynthesis can be improved by introduction of PEPC into rice, especially in stress conditions.

      Characterization and Expression of Nitrate Transporter Gene OsTNrt2.1 in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
      XU Hai-Rong;GU Jun-Tao;LU Wen-Jing;DENG Ruo-Lei;CAO Yun-Fei;XIAO Kai
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(05):  723-730. 
      Abstract ( 1973 )   PDF (1766KB) ( 1087 )   Save
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      Based on the OsNrt2.1 cDNA sequence of rice (Oryza sativa) cultivar Nipponbare, a nitrate transporter gene OsTNrt2.1 with high similarity with OsNrt2.1 was cloned from TP309, a rice cultivar with high nitrogen use efficiency. The open reading frame of OsTNrt2.1 is 1 602 bp and encodes 533 amino acids. OsTNrt2.1 had the conserved motif and domains to be found in nitrate transporters. It had high similarities with other nitrate transporters in plant species, such as Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), maize (Zea mays), wheat (Triticum aestivum), Barley (Hordeum vulgare) and tobacco (Nicotiana plumbaginifolia). The results indicated that the expression level of OsTNrt2.1 was higher in root than in leaf. Otherwise, the expression of OsTNrt2.1 was inhibited by NH4+ and induced by NO3- in the medium. The expression pattern of OsTNrt2.1 was affected by photoperiod, showing a typical diurnal regulation with high expression level in the light period. The transcripts of OsTNrt2.1 were similar under different NO3- concentrations, suggesting that OsTNrt2.1 is possibly a dual-affinity nitrate transporter. Under the conditions of different nitrogen sources and concentrations in the medium, there were always much more transcripts in roots, suggesting that OsTNrt2.1 has important functions in NO3- uptake for roots at different nitrogen levels in the growth medium.

      Analyses of Combining Ability of DON Content in Wheat Grains
      PEI Zi-You;JIA Gao-Feng;QI Zeng-Jun; ZHUANG Li-Fang; FENG Yi-Gao;WANG Xiu-E;CHEN Pei-Du;LIU Da-Jun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(05):  731-737. 
      Abstract ( 1853 )   PDF (588KB) ( 1165 )   Save
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      Fusarium head blight (FHB) caused by Fusarium spp. is an important disease of wheat in warm and humid areas in the world. In China, frequent epidemics of wheat FHB occurred mainly in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the northeastern spring wheat growing area. FHB causes decrease of grain yield and quality. Moreover mycotoxins contamination of diseased wheat grains is harmful to humans and livestock. Deoxynivalenol (DON) is the main toxin in wheat in China. Many countries had regulations for DON contents in both food and feed. Development of scab-resistant cultivars with minimizing DON content can reduce the damage from FHB. In the present research, to understand the inheritance of DON content in wheat grains, an 8×8 diallel crossing of GriffingⅡ analysis of DON content involving four landraces (Wangshuibai, Chimianxiaomai, Fanshanxiaomai, and Qiangweimai) and four cultivars (Alondra’s, Mianyang 8545, Sumai 3, and Yangmai 158) with different DON content was performed. F1 of 28 combinations and their parental lines were planted with two replications and artificially inoculated by single floret inoculation with a high DON-producing isolate. Disease severity was evaluated by the number of diseased spikelets, percentages of diseased spikelets and diseased grains, and DON content in grains was analyzed by gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The above four indices were compared and their correlation coefficients were estimated. General combining ability (GCA) and special combining ability (SCA) were also analyzed. Significant differences of DON content, GCA and SCA of DON content in wheat grains were measured among the eight parents. All F1 hybrids showed less DON contents than the susceptible cultivar Alondra’s. The resistant cultivar Sumai 3 showed the lowest DON content (0.5715 mg kg-1) and the highest negative GCA values (-1.26), and Alondra’s showed the highest grain DON content (13.5560 mg kg-1) and highest positive GCA values (2.96). Negative GCA effects of Sumai 3 (-1.26), Wangshuibai (-1.16) and Fanshanxiaomai (-1.13) were similar and significant for decreasing DON content. Five combinations derived from Sumai 3, four from Wangshuibai and four from Yangmai 158 showed higher SCA for DON content reduction. From the results of the current research, the DON content in grains is mainly controlled by additive genetic components, with partial dominance effects. There were significant positive correlations among DON content, number of the diseased spikelets, percentages of diseased spikelets and diseased grains (r = 0.5980-0.9889). In addition, GCA of four parameters in susceptible cultivars(Alondra’s, Mianyang 8545)showed the same trend in the eight parents, while it varied among different resistant cultivars. The narrow sense heritability of DON content in grains was 74.54%, indicating that it is feasible to select lines with low DON content in earlier generations.

      Establishment of Transgenic Acceptor and Transformation of barnase Gene by Particle Gun in Maize Inbred Line 18-599 (White)
      SUN Qing-Quan;ZHANG Ying;RONG Ting-Zhao;DONG Shu-Ting;ZHANG Chun-Qing
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(05):  738-743. 
      Abstract ( 1920 )   PDF (1116KB) ( 936 )   Save
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      The efficient acceptors for maize transgenic engineering are insufficient in China now. Seed production by male sterility is the best method for advancing authenticity of maize hybrid. Maize inbred line 18-599 (white) is an antivirus high quality maize self-line in China, which have been used for lots of maize hybrid cultivars. Establishment of a good efficiency transgenic acceptors is necessary for the advance of transgenic efficiency in maize transformation work. In this study, the efficient transgenic acceptors were established and optimized. 18-599 (white) was studied in estate, types of culture mediums, times of callus regeneration and concentration of screening reagent Basta. The result showed that N6-4 medium was the best one in 8 types of mediums for immature embryo of 18-599 (white), 1.6 mm length was the feasible length of immature embryos for tissue culture in establishing transgenic acceptor system, it was within 5 times for suitable callus subculture. With the optimized transgenic acceptors, barnase gene was translated triumphantly into 18-599 (white) by particle gun using bar as a marker gene. Basta was used as the screening reagent, its lethal concentration was 8 mg·L-1 and its working concentration for screening was 6, 8, and 6 mg L-1 in turn in 3 times for callus regeneration. In this study, a transgenic plant with male sterility was gained through molecule detecting and observing in the field. The result has an important regnificance for creation of new male sterility self-lines on maize in the future.

      QTL Mapping of Chlorophyll Content at Various Growing Stages and Its Relationship with Yield in Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]
      CUI Shi-You;YU De-Yue
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(05):  744-750. 
      Abstract ( 1997 )   PDF (490KB) ( 1411 )   Save
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      Chlorophyll content of plant leaf is an important trait associated with photosynthesis, as a major photosynthetic pigment and index of crop field management and crop breeding. In the current study, a set of RIL population derived from Bogao and Nannong 94-156 was used to detect quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with chlorophyll content (CC) at four growing stages, and their correlations with three yield-related traits including seed yield, apparent biological yield and apparent harvest index were analysed. The primary results indicated that QTLs associated with the accumulation of chlorophyll content were detected and mapped on LG-D1a+Q, F, G, H, L, and M, each QTL explained 6.9%–23.4% of phenotypic variation. There were no QTLs detected to be expressed across two years at the V6 and R2 growing stages. However, at the R4 stage four QTLs (qccF.1, qccG.1, qccH.1 and qccM.1) expressed in both years, and one of them (qccH.1) also expressed at R6 stage in two years. QTLs qccB2-1.1 and qccL.1 associated with the net increment of chlorophyll content were detected and mapped on LG-B2 and L, expressed from R2 to R4 and from R4 to R6, and explained 6.4%–9.8% and 29.5%–31.3% of phenotypic variation, respectively. qccB2-1.1 showed positive additive effect from R2 to R4 and negative additive effect from R4 to R6, while qccL.1 showed negative additive effect from R2 to R4 and positive additive effect from R4 to R6. These two QTLs co-located with QTLs for seed yield, confirming that there is significant correlation between seed yield and chlorophyll content at late growing stages.

      Genetic Transformation of Cotton with Embryogenic Calli as Explants and Efficient Transgenic Somatic Embryoid Germination and Plant Recovery
      XIE De-Yi;JIN Shuang-Xia;GUO Xiao-Ping;ZHANG Xian-Long
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(05):  751-756. 
      Abstract ( 2154 )   PDF (1275KB) ( 1370 )   Save
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      To study the effect of genotypes on the efficiency of genetic transformation. The embryogenic calli of four cultivars YZ-1, Coker 312, Ym-4, and Em 23 were transformed by Agrobacterium strain A1 harbouring Psg 529 carrying isopentenyl transferase gene (ipt). The results showed that the transgenic efficiency was different in four cultivars under the same transgenic procedure. YZ-1 and Coker 201 showed higher genetic transformation and plant regeneration efficiencies than Ym-4 and Em 23. To optimize the procedure of somatic embryos germination, rooting and transplant, several factors were studied using somatic embryos of YZ-1 as material. The results showed that low concentration of inorganic salt in the embryo germination media, namely 1/2 MS inorganic salts, could increase the ratio of normal regenerated plant and help build stronger root systems. Phytagel was a better for solidifying the medium than Agar. Activated carbon added in rooting medium was proved to be helpful for root regeneration of somatic embryos. When the roots of some regenerated plantlets with 3–5 true leaves were brown due to a long culturing period in solid medium. They could rebuild stronger after the brown roots were removed and the plantlets were inoculated on fresh medium with low concentration of inorganic salt. The plantlets were stepwise opening the lids of culture bottles helped the regenerated plantlets accommodate the open circumstances.

      Analysis of Relationships for Indica Local Rice from Different Places of China
      ZHANG Yuan-Yuan;CAO Gui-Lan;HAN Long-Zhi
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(05):  757-762. 
      Abstract ( 1891 )   PDF (462KB) ( 1120 )   Save
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      The genetic diversity of rice parents in rice breeding was not enough at present. Rice germplasm recourse is abundance in China and can be found everywhere, it is very important to utilize rice germplasm effectively. The relationships among indica local rices from different places of China was studied in order to give the principle of rice breeding. SSR analysis for 440 indica local rices selected from 14 provinces of China was conducted with 61 microsatellite markers, and genetic distance and dendrogram ot them among different provinces, longitudes and latitudes were analyzed. Relationships for indica local rice of different provinces, different longitudes and different latitudes were compared. The results indicated that the genetic distance of indica local rice among provinces ranged from 0.0707 to 0.4076; the genetic distance among different longitudes ranged from 0.0680 to 0.3032; the genetic distance among different latitudes ranged from 0.0385 to 0.2696. The indica local rice varieties located on contiguous province, longitude and latitude were basically clustered into same group, it had nearer genetic distance and relatives, while these located on more far geographic area were basically clustered into different groups, with farther genetic distance and relatives. The results showed there was close correlation between relatives and geographic location. The variance of genetic distance for indica local rice sorted according to the longitude and latitude was smaller than that according to province. Therefore, it is more reasonable to analyze genetic diversity of indica local rice grouping according to longitude and latitude than to province.

      Construction and Validation of Spatial-temporal Distribution Models on Cotton Fiber Quality Indexes
      CHEN Bing-Lin;CAO Wei-Xing;ZHOU Zhi-Guo;ZHU Yan
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(05):  763-770. 
      Abstract ( 2086 )   PDF (634KB) ( 1008 )   Save
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      Construction of spatial-temporal distribution models on fiber quality indexes in cotton are highly important for forecasting fiber quality indexes in different ecological regions and guiding import and export of raw cotton and textile factory’s cotton blending in China. Field experiments were conducted at Nanjing (32°03’N, 118°47’E) in 2004 and Guanyun (34°18’′N, 119°14’E) in 1999. Based on the experiment data, the effects of genotypes, fruit branches and nodes, mean daily temperature, sunlight length, soil moisture and plant nitrogen content on cotton fiber quality indexes were quantified at flowering and boll-forming stages, and spatial-temporal distribution models on cotton fiber length, strength, micronaire value and length uniformity were further constructed by integrating existing eco-models on cotton fiber quality. Then the models were validated using the experiment data from different eco-sites, cultivars, N fertilizations and water conditions. The results showed that the values of the root mean square error (RMSE) between simulated and observed values on fiber length, strength, micronaire value and length uniformity were, respectively, 0.15 mm, 0.29 cN tex-1, 0.18, and 0.36 for temporal distribution models, and 0.22 mm, 0.60 cN tex-1, 0.15, and 0.86 for spatial distribution models, with the actual errors all lower than 5%. Overall, the present models are accurate and applicable for predicting spatial-temporal patterns of cotton quality indexes under different conditions.

      An Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation System Applicable for Four Genotypes of Maize
      LIANG Ye-Hong;YE Xing-Guo;ZHANG Shi-Huang
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(05):  771-775. 
      Abstract ( 2172 )   PDF (509KB) ( 1217 )   Save
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      Plant transformation offers opportunities for advancing biological research and genetic improvement in crops. With the progress of plant genomic studies, high throughput transformation systems are one of the critical technologies for basic scientific research and production of commercial genetically engineered crops. Agrobacterium-mediated plant transformation has the potential of high transformation frequencies and the advantage that T-DNA integration into the plant genome often occurs in single or low copy number. These putative advantages make it to be one of the popular methods for producing transgenic maize.
      It has been known that many factors especially plant genotypes have a large impact on transformation results. Setting up variety-independent transformation system mediated by Agrobacterium is one of the most promising strategies to obtain high throughput transformation of plants. In this study we used an improved transformation system including mediums for Agrobacterium growth, inoculation, co-culture and selection to study the effect of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation with four maize genotypes (Hi-Ⅱ, H99, R18-599, and Qi 319). For two different co-culture methods with Hi-Ⅱ, it was observed that transit GUS expression in solid co-culture medium and filter paper was 83.7% and 4.4%, respectively, indicating that solid co-culture medium is better than paper. In the comparison of the effect of fresh isolated immature embryos (FIIEs) and pre-culture immature embryos (PCIEs) from Hi-Ⅱ on the transformation, we noted that transit GUS expression in FIIEs and PCIEs was 83.7% and 12.1%, respectively, demonstrating that FIIEs is more suitable for maize transformation than PCIEs. In addition, the optimized system was also used for transformation of the other three inbred lines H99, Qi 319(FIIEs) and R18-599 (embyrogenic calli). As a result, high transit GUS expression was also detected in all of these three genotypes after 3-day co-culture, reaching 65.2%, 52.6%, and 58.0%, respectively. When Hi-Ⅱ FIIEs infected with Agrobacterium was inoculated on selection medium containing 25–100 mg L-1 paromomycine for three rounds of selection, 2.4% resistant calli were obtained, which approximately reflected the transformation efficiency of this system. The selection of resistant calli for the other three genotypes is still underway. Our preliminary results suggested that the Agrobacterium-mediated system we have set up has the potential of applicability for the four maize genotypes studied, and a further variety-independent transformation system mediated by Agrobacterium may be achieved by optimizing culturing conditions.

      Functions of Different Rootzones on Water Uptake under Localized Irrigation in Maize
      HU Tian-Tian;KANG Shao-Zhong
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(05):  776-781. 
      Abstract ( 1666 )   PDF (490KB) ( 1078 )   Save
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      Partial rootzone irrigation can reduce water consumption and enhance water use efficiency. Compared with conventional irrigation, partial irrigation may reduce total biomass production, but will bring no loss of economic yield and even improve the quality of grains. While considerable expertise of partial irrigation is being developed, very little work has been conducted to understand how the uptake of water are affected when part of the root system is consistently or alternately exposed to watering and drying during their growing season. The present study was aimed to study the functions of different rootzones in water uptake under localized irrigation on maize grown in split-root containers. Maize was irrigated in both halves of the pot (control, C) or water was continuously supplied to the one-half of the pot and the other half kept dry (fixed partial rootzone irrigation treatment, F), or water was alternatively supplied to two halves of the pot for 10 days each (alternative partial rootzone irrigation treatment, A). These treatments lasted forty days in total and were divided into four treatment periods. For all three treatments, the amount of water consumption by maize, soil-root hydraulic conductivity from the whole rootzone and two half rootzones, and the soil water content from different rootzones were measured at fifth and tenth days during each treatment period. The hydraulic conductivity in soil-root system was measured using the pressure chamber. The results were as follows. For all treatments, water consumption by maize was significantly linearly correlated with soil-root hydraulic conductivity from the whole rootzone or irrigated rootzone, suggesting that crop water consumption can be represented by soil-root hydraulic conductivity from both the whole and irrigated rootzones. For the control, the percentage of hydraulic conductivity from one half rootzone was about 50% of that from the whole rootzone. For F treatment, the percentage of the irrigated rootzone was markedly higher than that of the non-irrigated rootzone and nearly reached 100%. As for A treatment, the percentage of two half rootzones alternatively changed, and the percentage of the irrigated rootzone always surpassed that of the non-irrigated rootzone. The percentage of the non-irrigated rootzone of A was much higher than that of F treatment. These indicated that for conventional irrigation, both two half rootzones contribute to water uptake by crops, while for F irrigation, only the irrigated rootzone does, for A irrigation, mainly the irrigated rootzone does and also the non-irrigated rootzone does some. For all treatments, soil-root hydraulic conductivities from the whole rootzone and irrigated rootzone were both significantly linearly correlated with soil water content of the irrigated rootzone, and the slopes were different among them and among different irrigation methods. Comparative analysis of these slopes confirmed the function of different rootzones in crop water uptake under different irrigation methods. The variance of the slopes for F treatment also pointed out that the non-irrigated rootzone decreased the hydraulic conductivity in soil-root system from the whole rootzone under fixed partial rootzone irrigation.

      QTL Analysis of Plant Height under N-Stress and N-Input at Different Stages in Maize
      LIU Zong-Hua;TANG Ji-Hua;WANG Chun-Li;TIAN Guo-Wei;WEI Xiao-Yi;HU Yan-Min;CUI Dang-Qun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(05):  782-789. 
      Abstract ( 1951 )   PDF (550KB) ( 1155 )   Save
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      Nitrogen is a large necessary element in maize development, and the nitrogen use efficiency is an important factor in deciding the cost of maize production, and also the plant height is served as an important index of the biomass. The purpose of this study was to locate the QTL for plant height in maize(Zea mays L.)in different developing stages under N-input (N+) and N-stress (N-) conditions. The unconditional and conditional QTLs for plant height were detected using F2:3 population derived from an elite maize cultivar Nongda 108 (Huang C × Xu 178). The results showed that N-stress had more influence to plant height in the parent Huang C than in Xu 178, and there was no significant difference in the average of plant height for the F2:3 families between the two nitrogen treatments, but the ranges of variation were different. The QTLs for plant height at different stages were detected with the composite interval mapping method and a molecular linkage map including 199 SSR markers. Under N- treatment, 1, 1, 2, and 2 QTLs were detected for plant height at elongation stage, small bell stage, large bell stage and grain filling stage, respectively. The total contribution of the detected QTLs could explain 8.42%, 13.86%, 24.33%, and 22.66% of phenotypic variation. Under N+ treatment, there were 1, 1, 2, and 4 QTLs for plant height in the four different stages above, accounting for 8.10%, 12.92%, 21.30%, and 44.41% of total phenotypic variation respectively. One and five QTLs for plant height were detected from elongation to bell stage and from large bell to grain filling stage under N- treatment, while 1, 4 QTLs were detected under N+ treatment, the total contributions of the detected QTLs were 9.14% and 50.98% as well as 13.33% and 44.47%, respectively. The inbred line Xu178 was less sensitive to low N stress than Huang C for plant height and was an inbred with high nitrogen use efficiency under low N condition. The 12 conditional and unconditional QTLs for plant height mainly located on chromosomes 1, 4, 5, and 9, four of them are different from those reported by predecessors in gene locations. About all of the conditional and unconditional QTLs detected appeared to be of dominant and partially dominant effects on plant height with explained the phenotype variation nearly ranging from 8% to 16%. Some QTLs such as qPH4b, qPH1c, and qPH7 only expressed in specific stages, that is the spatial temporal expression characteristics during the formation of plant height, which may be related with high N use efficiency.

      Genetic Diversity Analysis of Pigeonpea Germplasm Resources by AFLP
      YAN Long;GUAN Jian-Ping;ZONG Xu-Xiao
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(05):  790-798. 
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      China is rich in indigenous pigeonpea genetic resources in Yunnan, Guangxi and their nearby provinces. Morphologically and ecologically, Chinese local pigeonpea genetic resources differe greatly from those of Indian originated accessions. The research was designed mainly to answer the questions on how different between pigeonpea genetic resources of Chinese origin and foreign origin, by genetic diversity analysis from DNA level. The results will help to guide the genetic resource collecting, research and breeding programs of pigeonpea in China and abroad. In the research, a representative set of 139 pigeonpea genetic resources from India, China, Africa and Latin America, together with a wild pigeonpea (Cajanus scarabaeiodes) accession as check, were analyzed by AFLP methodology using 17 informative primer pairs. In total, 502 unambiguous bands were detected, of which 494 were polymorphic. According to the dendrogram by UPGMA cluster analysis, almost all the accessions were distinct and revealed enough genetic diversity for identification and classification of accessions within Cajanus cajan. Using genetic distance matrix, by ME cluster analysis from MEGA three statistical package, eight distinct evolutionary groups were detected. According to the study on the eight evolutionary groups, Indian local pigeonpea resources held broad genetic diversity, followed by those from Africa and America with close consanguineous relationships to Indian local accessions. The preliminary results indicated Chinese indigenous pigeonpea resources held unique characteristic on their genetic diversity, with less consanguineous relationships to Indian, African and American local accessions. The preliminary results partly support the traditional theory on “India is the center for pigeonpea origin and genetic diversity, Africa is the sub-center on genetic diversity of pigeonpea”. But, China may be another sub-center for origin and genetic diversity of pigeonpea, according to the study. Distinct AFLP bands between sterile line (A line) and maintainer line (B line) of pigeonpea CMS system were detected, which may potentially use for marker assisted hybrid breeding program in pigeonpea.

      Application of Genetic Hitch-Hiking and ANOVA in Identification of Loci for Drought Tolerance in Populations of Rice from Directional Selection
      ZHENG Tian-Qing;XU Jian-Long;FU Bing-Ying;GAO Yong-Ming;Satish VERUKA;Renee LAFITTE;ZHAI Hu-Qu;WAN Jian-Min;LI Zhi-Kang
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(05):  799-804. 
      Abstract ( 2281 )   PDF (470KB) ( 964 )   Save
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      Drought tolerance (DT) in rice is a complicated trait. Recent genetic research has focused on yield under stress instead of physiological traits. Due to the limits from the huge labors required for both phenotyping and genotyping in traditional mapping work, progress in DT-QTL mapping is relatively slow. An attempt to identify DT-QTL based on genetic hitch-hiking theory in breeding population was described in this paper. With the combination of advanced backcrossing and artificial directional selection for yield under drought stresses of both rain-fed lowland (stress at the reproductive stage) and upland (stress through the whole life time), four sets of 43 introgression lines (ILs) with two relatively uniform genetic backgrounds (IR64 and Teqing) and the same donor of relatively good drought tolerances (BG300) were developed. Introgression of donor alleles in the DT ILs were characterized with 214 well distributed SSR markers representing 98 bins throughout the whole genome. A total of twenty-four significant loci (DT-QTL) were found, of which 20 belonged to allelic-frequency-deviation loci detected by chi-square test at the significant level of P<0.005 and 8 were detected by analysis of variances (ANOVA) with data from progeny test in replicated experiments at the significant level of P<0.01, respectively. Of the 20 loci detected by chi-square test, four (about 20%) were verified by ANOVA and supposed to be directly associated with yield under drought stress. The analysis for yield under irrigation for the same populations was also carried out; few overlap with the DT-QTL was found. The above DT-QTL as well as the DT ILs supposed to offer useful information and materials for the further rice DT molecular breeding. The genetic overlaps between the different selections and the effects of genetic backgrounds were discussed.

      Structural and Transcriptional Polymorphism of Mitochondrial rrn18–trnfM Region in Triticeae Species
      BAI Li-Li;YANG Zu-Jun;LIU Chang;FENG Juan;DENG Ke-Jun;REN Zheng-Long
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(05):  805-813. 
      Abstract ( 2123 )   PDF (2483KB) ( 1200 )   Save
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      The tribe Triticeae provides a vast gene pool for improving the genetic variation of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). However, the inter-specific hybridization is commonly occurred under natural and artificial conditions, which increase the difficulty of the molecular polygenetic analysis of Triticeae based on data from nuclear genes. The mitochondrial DNA sequences provide a conserved system, which was confirmed to be useful for the study of the genomic inheritance and evolution. In mitochondrial genome, genes trfM and rrn18, encoding a mitochondrial initator tRNAMet and 18S rRNA, respectively, are tightly linked and the intergenic region exhibits polymorphism in cereal. To determine the variation of mitochondrial rrn18-trnfM region in tribe Triticeae, 21 species including 14 diploid and 7 polyploid species were screened by means of PCR, cloned and sequenced. The results showed that two types of the amplified fragments, with 513, 515 or 499 bp and 449 or 447 bp, respectively, were obtained in these species. The analysis of the sequences demonstrates that the main difference between the two types of the fragments was in the trnfM region, in which the longer fragments contained trnfM, while the smaller ones lost the part of the trnfM sequence. The facts supported that divergence history of these species is between the barley and wheat/rye lineage. However, the Thinopyrum intermedium presented two types of the fragment simultaneously, indicating the heritage of the paternal mtDNA during its polyploidization. RT-PCR of the Th. intermedium indicated that the smaller fragments were not expressed. It was, therefore, to deduce that the frequent recombination and the selective expression of mitochondrial genome are its unique evolutionary system, differing from the nucleus. Additionally, the relationship between the mitochondrial genome and the evolution among polyploids in tribe triticeae was also discussed.

      Isolation and Identification of Specific Expressed Proteins from Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Development /Abortion Embryo Mediated by Calcium
      ZHANG Jun-Cheng;CAI Ning-Bo;ZHANG Xin-Wen;ZHUANG Wei-Jian
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(05):  814-819. 
      Abstract ( 2008 )   PDF (1208KB) ( 1088 )   Save
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      Empty pods and ill-filled pods leading to low yield in peanut production resulted from deficient calcium has long been an existing problem in the red and yellow soil regions in the south China. Based on the measurements and comparisons in field experiments with different levels of calcium, the seven differentially expressed proteins which related to the development /abortion embryos of peanut were got by 2-D electrophoresis, MALDI-TOF-MS and protein databases. The results searched from the protein databases were as follows: 4# protein, which up-regulated in embryos from deficient calcium group, showed high homology with the 70 kD protein from the chloroplast envelope membrane of Spinacia oleracea L; 6# protein disappeared in embryos from deficient calcium group showed high homology with the β-chain of the (ATPB) ATP synthase from Hevea brasiliensis L; and 7# protein also disappeared in embryos from deficient calcium group was considered similar to the Actin 97&100 from Solanum tuberosum,etc. All the results indicated that the molecular mechanism of embryo abortion mediated by calcium may be relevant to some genes controlling energy transferring(ATP synthesis), oxidoreduction system, endo-membrane system and cytoskeleton structure system which are transcripted or expressed unnomally.

      Relationship between Panicle and Stem Growth and Spikelets per Panicle in Late-Maturing Medium Japonica Rice
      WANG Hui-Zhi;YOU Juan;WANG Shao-Hua;ZHENG Yong-Mei;DING Yan-Feng
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(05):  820-825. 
      Abstract ( 1946 )   PDF (484KB) ( 929 )   Save
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      Because the process of panicle differentiation determined spikelets per panicle, it is necessary to investigate their relationship. In this research, we employed two japonica rice cultivars (Wuyujing 3 and 86 you 8) to explore the relationships between both panicle and stem growth and spikelets number per panicle during rice panicle differentiation period by performing three panicle fertilizer treatments (NH, NM, and NL) in pot experiment. Samplings were made one time every 4 days. The results were as follows: The younger panicle grew slowly at the early stage of panicle differentiation (i.e. bud and branch differentiation stage) as compare with the base internodes of stem, which syncing with young panicle in growth. The competitive ability of younger panicle for assimilation was weaker than that of stem at the early stage. The growth rate of younger panicle of 86 you 8 (with more spikelets per panicle, MP) at the early stage was lower than that of Wuyujing 3 (with few spikelets number per panicle, FP). From the meiosis phase on, panicle grew rapidly, and the third internode from top elongated at the same time, the weight ratio of spike/stem increased gradually, panicle got more nutrient than internodes, and compared with the FP cultivar, the MP cultivar had lager weight ratio of panicle to internodes. The time of younger panicle differentiation in 86 you 8 at early stage was 4 days lengthen than that in Wuyujing 3. Younger panicle grew rapidly from 16 days before heading. The weight ratio of panicle/stem for 86 you 8 was larger than that of Wuyujing 3. The fresh weight of panicle and stem at the heading stage was correlated positively to spikelet number per panicle; and the weight ratio of diurnal increases of panicle/stem from 4 to 16 days before heading was correlated to the spikelet number per panicle significantly. The more rapidly the panicle weight increased under enough N, the more spikelet number increased at this stage.

      Cloning a Novel Gene Encoding Long Vesicle Associated Membrane Protein from Hevea brasiliensis
      DENG Liu-Hong;LUO Ming-Wu;ZHANG Chun-Fa
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(05):  826-830. 
      Abstract ( 1838 )   PDF (727KB) ( 1022 )   Save
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      The plant endomembrane system or secretory pathway is critical for biosynthetic, response to stress, and other various physiological functions. Although it is clear that some mechanisms of protein trafficking are conserved between all eukaryotes, plants appear to possess a unique and highly complex vacuolar—targeting pathway. The molecular mechanisms responsible for targeting within these complex pathways have only recently been explored. The specificity of vesicle docking and fusion is mediated by proteins called SNAREs (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor (NSF) attachment protein receptor). Characterizing such factor would help to understand the endomembrane system or secretory pathway. Recently, we have obtained several cDNA clone related to secretory pathway by screening of a subtracted cDNA library. The subtracted cDNA library was constructed by suppressive subtractive hybridization (SSH), in which tester was latex poly(A+)RNA while driver was leaf poly(A+)RNA . In order to identify markers responsible for vesicle docking and fusion within the secretory pathway in rubber laticiferous vessels cell, one of these cDNA clone which is highly homologous to the gene SNAREs was isolated. According to its sequences information, we obtained a novel full-length cDNA termed R295 by using rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) strategies. R295 is 1 070 bp long containing a 600 bp ORF, flanked by a 93 bp 5’-UTR and a 377 bp 3’-UTR, which are available from the GenBank databases under the accession numbers AY605930. Full-length gene of the R295 has predicated to contain 199 amino acid residues and to be of molecular masses of 22.47 kD. The deduced protein has a pI of 7.83. Hydropathy and transmembrane motif analysis of deduced amino acid sequences indicated that R295 does not possess a transmembrane spanning domain, but it contains a carboxyl-terminal CAAX motif suggesting that it is post-translationally modified by the addition of a 15- or 20-carbon isoprenoid. The result of the conserved domains analysis indicated that R295 not only has a highly conserved region, SNARE coiled-coil domain, a signature motif for vesicle-associated membrane proteins (VAMP), but also contains a longin domain and a prenyl group binding site (CAAX box), it is implied that R295 would be an YKT-like SNAREs. Phylogenesis analysis revealed that R295 is the most closely related to the SNARE of N. tabacum. The transcripts of R295 were observed by RT-PCR. R295 was high expressed in the latex than in leaves.

      Mapping QTL of Popping Fold with Advanced Backcross Method in Popcorn
      LI Yu-Ling;NIU Su-Zhen;DONG Yong-Bin
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(05):  831-836. 
      Abstract ( 2113 )   PDF (589KB) ( 1314 )   Save
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      Advanced backcross QTL (AB-QTL) method can combine QTL detection with elite variety improvement and apply unadapted germplasm efficiently, which has been used in tomato, rice, wheat, and normal maize. Previous studies showed that normal maize inbreds could enrich the germplasm of popcorn through interspecies cross and improve the popping characters and plant traits of hybrids through 1 to 2 cycles of backcrosses with popcorn inbred. When BC1 and F2:3 generations were used, QTL for popping fold have been detected, but no research has been done with advanced backcrosses. In this study, a total of 220 BC2S1 families, derived from the cross between a dent corn inbred Dan 232 and a popcorn inbred N04, were evaluated for their popping fold and other 13 traits of kernel yield component, plant and popping in a replicated experiment under two environments. 188 pairs of SSR markers with polymorphism were selected to analyze their genotypes. QTL were identified, and their genetic effects were estimated with single marker method (SMM). Our first objective was to compare the detection of QTL in the BC2S1 generation with a previous study by F2:3 families of the same population grown at the same location and in the same year. The second objective was to combine QTL analysis with popcorn breeding and develop popcorn inbreds simultaneously. The results are as follows: There were significant differences among BC2S1 families and between two environments for popping fold, but the family × environment interaction was not significant. Its hB2 was 0.60, with confidence interval of 0.43 to 0.72. The values of skewness and kurtosis indicated its normal distributions under both environments with transgressive segregations exceeding the high parent N04. 12.27% and 19.09% of BC2S1 families were higher than N04 in popping fold. Totally, 16 QTL were detected, and only two of them (qBPF-1-2 and qBPF-10-1) shared under two environments. Nine QTL detected in spring were located on chromosomes 1 (three), 2 (two), 4 (one), 8 (one), and 10 (two), whereas seven QTL detected in summer were on chromosomes 1 (three), 7 (one), and 10 (three). Contribution to phenotypic variation of a single QTL varied from 3% to 9%, with qBPF-1-1 the largest, and qBPF-7-1, qBPF-10-1 the next (all 6%). Total contributions of all QTL under two environments were 42% and 33%, respectively. In our previous study using F2:3 generation, we detected 22 QTL (associating with 37 marker loci), among which 7 QTL were detected in the same marker loci and 4 in the near marker loci in this study, totally accounting for 29.73%, and three QTL were only detected in this study. The performance of BC2S1 families for other traits showed that most families were significantly improved in ear-kernel and plant traits, with 10%–100% of the families higher than the popcorn parent N04. The kernel weight per ear of 186 and 204 BC2S1 families in two environments was 10% higher than the popcorn parent N04, among which 23 and 46 families were the same or higher than N04 in popping fold. Therefore, modified N04 could be developed from them and used in popcorn breeding.

      A Comparative Study on Physiological Characteristics during Seedling Stage in Yellow-Seeded and Black-Seeded Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.)
      ZHANG Zi-Long, TAO Shi-Heng, LI Jia-Na
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2007, 33(05):  837-842. 
      Abstract ( 1936 )   PDF (453KB) ( 1003 )   Save
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      Yellow-seeded rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) is characterized with thinner seed coat and lower hull percentage, which in turn is correlated with higher oil, protein and lower crude fiber contents compared to black-seeded rapeseed from the same genetic background. The breeding of yellow-seeded rapeseed has become one of the main objectives in rapeseed breeding. However the growth vigor, resistance and yield of yellow-seeded rapeseed are not so good as black-seeded rapeseed. The growth vigor of rapeseed plants during seedling stage is in connection with its yield significantly. Two pairs of different genetic near-isogenic lines of yellow-seeded and black-seeded rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) genotypes were used to study the physiological characters of yellow-seeded rapeseed in seedling stage, which included photosynthetic characters, characters on C/N metabolism and accumulation of dry matter. The results showed that the chlorophyll content and carotenoid content of yellow-seeded rapeseed were lower than those of black-seeded rapeseed, and its net photosynthetic rate was lower compared to black-seeded rapeseed from the same genetic background. The leaf area index (LAI) of yellow-seeded rapeseed was lower than that of black-seeded rapeseed. It was found that there were higher total sugar content and lower protein content in yellow-seeded rapeseed plants than in black-seeded rapeseed plants in every plant organs during seedling stage, and there were lower nitrogen content and activity of nitrate reductase in yellow-seeded rapeseed plants than in black-seeded rapeseed plants at overwintering stage. Width of root colla and dry matter per plant in yellow-seeded rapeseed plants were also lower than those in black-seeded rapeseed plants, indicating the weak growth vigor of yellow-seeded rapeseed. All those above were the important reasons leading to the lower yield of yellow-seeded rapeseed.

      Effect of Source-Sink Regulation on the Transportation and Allocation of Boll-leaf Photosynthetic Products in Cotton
      ZHANG Xiang;ZHANG Li;WANG Shu-Hong;WANG Jin-You;WANG Yong-Hui;CHEN Yuan;CHEN De-Hua
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(05):  843-848. 
      Abstract ( 1826 )   PDF (598KB) ( 1130 )   Save
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      The objective of this study was to investigate the boll development and the boll-leaf photosynthetic products transportation and allocation. Using two cotton cultivars, one with conventional fiber quality (Sumian 15), another with high fiber quality (Kemian 1) at Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology of Jiangsu Province, Yangzhou University, China during the 2004 and 2005 growing seasons.
      Two treatments of cutting top of main stem and all fruiting branches to decrease the boll sink, and three treatments of cutting off different ratio of each leaf in whole plant to restrict the boll development were designed.
      In comparison with the control, in deceasing boll sink treatment, the boll volume increased and the boll weight enhanced. The leaf soluble sugar content and starch content increased by 41.0% and 4.1% respectively for Kemian 1, by 14.8% and 77.3% for Sumian 15 respectively at 40 days post-anthesis(DPA). The 14C assimilates exportation rate from leaf increased too, with 17.6% and 6.8% for Kemian 1 and Sumian 15 respectively at 24 h after labeling in 30 DPA. The 14C assimilates importation rate to boll enhanced, with 13.7% and 10.1% for Kemian 1 and Sumian 15 respectively. The total N and soluble sugar contents in phloem sap also increased for the two different cultivars. Compared with the control, in insufficient leaf source treatment, the boll volume decreased and the boll weight reduced. In the treatment of cutting 3/4 leaves area, the leaf soluble sugar content and starch content decreased by 1.36 mg g-1 and 2.69 mg g-1 respectively at 40 DPA for Kemian 1, by 3.69 mg g-1 and 3.05 mg g-1 respectively for Sumian 15. The exportation and importation rates of 14C assimilates decreased, especially for Sumian 15. The contents of total N and soluble sugar in phloem sap also decreased for the two cultivars. These results suggest that effective technique should be used to enhance the boll development by transporting more assimilates from leaves to bolls, enhancing the boll weight, and laying a good foundation for higher yield.

      Co-segregation Molecular Marker for Southern Corn Rust Resistance Trait
      JIANG Ya-Juan;HE Yan;ZHANG Deng-Feng;XU Li;SU Sheng-Bao;DAI Jing-Rui;WANG Shou-Cai
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(05):  849-852. 
      Abstract ( 1990 )   PDF (1108KB) ( 952 )   Save
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      It is a valuable way to develop co-segregation molecular markers for enhancing selection efficiency. Using maize(Zea mays L.) resistant inbred line P25, susceptible inbred line F349 and the derived NILs of BC5(F349 is the recurrent parent) to southern corn rust as materials, a 321-bp specific DNA band was amplified and cloned by means of RGA (resistance gene analog) primers. The new primers designed in terms of the above band sequence as a molecular marker were used for marker assistant selection(MAS) among the 96 BC7, BC4F5 inbreds and their parents in order to evaluate the selection efficiency. Finally, the specific band was gained and the performance in 94 of 96 plants was consistent between the field test and molecular marker analysis. The selection efficiency of the marker was up to 97.9%. The marker can produce clear and steady amplification bands in PCR, and be used valuably in MAS for southern corn rust resistance.

      Grain Productivity from Leaves at Upper Nodes of Soybean
      ZHANG Wei;XIE Fu-Ti;SONG Xian-Jun;ZHANG Hui-Jun;WANG Hai-Ying
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(05):  853-856. 
      Abstract ( 1876 )   PDF (404KB) ( 875 )   Save
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      Eight soybean cultivars with similar growth duration were chosen for this study, including five semi-determinate cultivars and three determinate ones. Trifoliolate leaf area was measured after the top leaf was fully expanded, seed weight each node was measured after harvest, and the ratio of seed weight/leaf area each node was calculated. Results showed that apical dominance of podding existed in both semi-determinate and determinate cultivars, and assimilates in the top grain were also from leaves of the penultimate node. Through the correlation analysis between leaf area and its corresponding seed weight, it was found that there were highly significant correlations among semi-determinate cultivars, while no significant correlations among determinate cultivars. A significant difference of grain productivity per leaf area at the upper nodes was observed among different soybean cultivars. Results revealed that high-yield cultivars had higher ratio of seed weight/leaf area at each node; therefore, leaf productivity could be evaluated by ratio of seed weight/leaf area at each node of upper nodes in soybean.

      Cloning of Salt-Tolerance Related Gene TaSTK in Triticum aestivum
      GE Rong-Chao;ZHAO Bao-Cun;CHEN Gui-Ping;BI Cai-Li;SHEN Yin-Zhu;HUANG Zhan-Jing
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(05):  857-860. 
      Abstract ( 1983 )   PDF (1067KB) ( 1037 )   Save
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      The full-length cDNA sequence of TaSTK gene contained 1 958 bp was obtained from the salt-resistant wheat (Triticum aestivum) mutant RH8706-49 by RACE method. The coding sequence was 1 431 bp and by which 476 amino acids were encoded. The genome sequence of coding location contained 4 095 bp and 5 extrons. The cDNA sequence and genome sequence of TaSTK gene were submitted to GenBank (Accession No. QD103756, DQ341377). According to the BLAST results, the peptide encoded by this gene showed high homology to serine/threonine protein kinases (S_TKc, SPS1), tyrosine kinase (TyrKc) and protein kinase (Pkinase). Northern blotting results showed that TaSTK was a salt-induced gene in wheat. Under salt stress, the expression of TaSTK was elevated more strongly in the salt-tolerant line RH8706-49 than in the salt-sensitive line H8706-34. At the same time, the hybridization signals were all very weak, indicating that TaSTK belongs to the low expression gene in the wheat seedling tissue.

      Effect of Soybean and Maize Growth on N2O Emission from Soil
      YANG Lan-Fang;CAI Zu-Cong;QI Shi-Hua
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(05):  861-865. 
      Abstract ( 2083 )   PDF (455KB) ( 1103 )   Save
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      The N2O emission from soil was measured during the growth of soybean and maize in a pot experiment. During the period of soybean growth, the total N2O emission from soybean-planted soil was 5.9 times as high as that from bare soil, but within 89 days after soybean emergence, the average rate of N2O emission from planted soil was lower and thereafter was gradually significantly higher than that from bare soil. The N2O emission from soybean-planted soil in the period of the ripening stage accounted for 93 percent of the total N2O emission during the entire growth period, while the duration of ripening stage was only 24 percent of the soybean entire growth period. During the period of maize growing, the peak rate of N2O emission from bare soil occurring at 81 days after maize emergence was significantly higher than that from maize-planted soil occurring at 13 days after maize emergence, and the total N2O emission from bare soil was 13.5 times as high as that from maize-planted soil. The N2O emission from maize-planted soil during the early halftime of the growth accounted for about 75 percent of the total N2O emission, but that from bare soil during the later halftime was about 83 percent of the total N2O emission. During both soybean and maize growth periods, the rate of N2O emission from bare soil was significant exponentially correlated to air temperature, but there was a negative significant correlation between the rate of N2O emission from soybean-planted soil and air temperature, while the correlation of N2O emission rate from maize-planted soil to air temperature was insignificant. The results indicated that plant growth and species influence not only the quantity of N2O emission from soil, but also the relationship between N2O emission from soil and air temperature.

      Effect of Irrigation Regimes on Phytic Acid, Protein, and Mineral Element Contents in Two Oat Cultivars
      LI Gui-Rong;ZHAO Bao-Ping;HU Yue-Gao;CHENG Fang-Min;ZENG Zhao-Hai;ZHAO Ning-Chun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(05):  866-870. 
      Abstract ( 1984 )   PDF (435KB) ( 993 )   Save
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      Effects of irrigation regimes on grain nutritional quality and yield of two different oat cultivars Neinongdayou 1 (Avena nuda L.) and Baiyan7 (Avena sativa L.) were tested under proof-rainfall pool culture condition. The results showed that the contents of grain crude protein, total phosphorus, Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe (P<0.01) and K (P<0.05) in Neinongdayou 1 were higher than those in Baiyan 7. Under the experimental condition, most of the tested quality indices, including the above indices and the contents of phytic acid and Cu, were significantly affected by irrigation treatment. Irrigation treatment C (irrigated averagely with 1 800 m3 hm-2 in 3 times, before sowing + jointing + heading) or D (irrigated averagely with 2 400 m3 hm-2 in 3 times, before sowing + tillering + jointing + heading) increased both grain yield and quality in oats. The interactions of cultivar by irrigation were significant for contents of protein, Ca, Mg, K, Zn, Fe, Cu, and Mn. The Regression equations indicated that irrigation quota had linear relations to grain total phosphorus and Cu contents, and quadratic relations to phytic acid, Ca, Mg, K, Zn, Mn contents in Neinongdayou1; and linear relations to grain Zn and Fe contents, and quadratic relations to phytic acid, total phosphorus, crude protein, Ca and Mg contents in Baiyan 7, respectively.

the Crop Science Society of China
the Institute of Crop Science, CAAS
China Science Publishing & Media Ltd.
Published: Science Press
Editor-in-chief: Wan Jian-min
Associate Editors-in-Chief:
Chen Xiao-ya Yang Jian-chang Zhang Xian-long Wang Jian-kang Xu Ming-liang Liu Chun-ming Wang Dao-wen Sun Chuan-qing Ding Yan-feng Jin Wei-wei Chu Cheng-cai Cheng Wei-hong
Director of the editorial department:
Yan Chun-ling
CN 11-1809/S
ISSN 0496-3490
Post subscription code: 82-336

  • Started in 2013
  • Covered by SCIE
  • Open access in ScienceDirect

Editor in chief: Wan Jian-min
CN 10-1112/S
ISSN 2095-5421, 2214-5141(online)
Online published:
Submission: https://www.editorialmanager.com/cj/
E-mail: cropjournal@caas.cn
