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    12 June 2007, Volume 33 Issue 06
      Development and Characterization of Triticum aestivum-Haynaldia villosa Translocation Line T4VS·4VL-4AL
      CHEN Quan-Zhan;WANG Guan-Feng;CHEN Hua-Feng;CHEN Pei-Du
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(06):  871-877. 
      Abstract ( 1999 )   PDF (1027KB) ( 1075 )   Save
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      Chromosome 3C of Aegilops triuncialis are of the ability to be transferred preferentially in the case of its monosomic status in wheat background. Whereas, those gametes without 3C would result in chromosome structural changes including deletion and translocation. Haynaldia villosa is reported to be resistant to several wheat diseases, such as powdery mildew, rust, take-all, eyespot and wheat spindle streak mosaic viruses. Chromosome disomic addition lines involving all seven H. villosa chromosomes, disomic substitution lines involving chromosomes 4V have been developed and characterized. Eyespot and take-all resistance gene is mapped on chromosome 4VL. The objectives of this study were to develop more translocation lines involving chromosome 4V, and supply new germplasm for wheat breeding. Triticum aestivum-Haynaldia villosa 4V disomic addition line was crossed to T. aestivum “Norin 26”-Ae. triuncialis 3C disomic addition line , and the hybrids F1 were then self pollinated. Both chromosome C-banding and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) were applied to screen chromosome variations of 4V. In this case, total genomic DNA of H. villosa was labelled by fluoresceint-12-dUTP as probes and total genomic DNA of Chinese Spring as the block. One heterozygous translocation line involved in 4V and 4A (J176-33) was identified from F2, and a homozygous translocation line (CQZ55) was selected from the offspring of J176-33 and confirmed by chromosome pairing analysis at meiosisⅠof pollen mother cells (PMC). The results of simple sequence repeat(SSR)and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analyses indicated that CQZ55 is consisted of 4VS, a part of 4VL near the centromere and distal part of 4AL, and designated as T4VS·4VL-4AL. This translocation line showed high resistance to wheat spindle streak mosaic virus.

      Cloning and Expression Analysis of a New Stress-Responsive Gene TaABC1L in Wheat
      WANG Cai-Xiang;JING Rui-Lian;MAO Xin-Guo;Pang Xiao-Bin;LIU Hui-Min;CHANG Xiao-Ping
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(06):  878-884. 
      Abstract ( 1890 )   PDF (941KB) ( 1195 )   Save
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      Abiotic stresses such as drought, salinity and low temperature extremely limit crop productivity. However, abiotic stress tolerance is controlled by complex multigene, and many key genes in the transduction networks are still not investigated. Thus, it is important to discover new genes involved in abiotic stress response and/or tolerance. ABC1 subfamily is a member of the Protein kinase family. The exact functions of ABC1are not clear; however results in yeast showed that ABC1 could reduce the mis-translation of a cytochrome b and stable bc1 complex of the electron transport chain in the mitochondria. The abc1/coq8 null mutants led to defective CoQ biosynthesis and respiratory deficiency in yeast. CoQ analogues have been shown to be capable of regulating the mitochondrial permeability transition pore; therefore it was supposed that ABC1/COQ8 might be involved in the regulation of CoQ biosynthesis. Evidence from E. coli indicated that ABC1 acted as a lipid soluble anti-oxidant and required for the regulation of aerobic and anaerobic metabolisms through the ArcA/ArcB signal transduction system.
      We cloned TaABC1L, an abiotic stress-responsive gene, from common wheat with a combination of reverse Northern blot screening, bioinformatics and RT-PCR strategies. A candidate EST, which was all up-regulated at 1, 6, and 12 h water stress, was selected from the cDNA library constructed with mRNA isolated from the 2-leaf seedling of Hanxuan 10 treated with 1 h water stress, by reverse Northern blotting. The candidate EST was extended by in silico cloning, and the full-length cDNA sequence, containing a 1 434 bp open reading frame, was obtained. The cDNA encodes a polypeptide of 477 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 54.55 kD and isoelectric point (pI) of 8.34. Sequence analysis indicated this putative protein includes ABC1 characteristic domain architecture (123–243 aa) and AARF domain (42–369 aa), but ABC1 precursor mitochondrion transit peptide (PD017350) was not observed. Therefore the gene was designated TaABC1L (TaABC1-like). Multiple alignment results showed that TaABC1L shared a homology of 88%, 81% with ABC1L and ABC transporter-like protein from Oryza sativa, and 62%, 62% with two unknown protein from Arabidopsis thaliana, respectively. The expression pattern of TaABC1L at transcription level was investigated by real-time quantitative RT-PCR, which revealed that TaABC1L was distinctly responsive to hyperosmolality (-0.5 MPa, PEG-6000), high salinity (250 mmol L-1 NaCl), low temperature (4℃) stresses and abscisic acid (50 µmol L-1 ABA) treatment. Expressional peaks of TaABC1L responsed to PEG, NaCl and 4℃ stresses appeared at 24, 1, and 48 h, with 13.9-, 30-, and 9.8-fold as high as that of the control, respectively. However, the expressional intensity of the peak with 12 h ABA treatment was only 2-fold as high as that of the control. Our studies strongly suggested that TaABC1L could respond to environmental stresses including salinity, low temperature, osmotic stresses and exogenous ABA treatment.

      Effects of Antisense TRX s Gene on Hydrolysis of Storage Proteins in Germination of Transgenic Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
      GUO Hong-Xiang;YIN Jun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(06):  885-890. 
      Abstract ( 1993 )   PDF (541KB) ( 979 )   Save
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      Thioredoxin, some small proteins catalyzing thiol-disulfide interchange, are involved in the cell regulation of redox environment. Both the TRX s (thioredoxin s) gene from Phalaris coerulescens and the TRX h (thioredoxin h) gene from wheat belong to the thioredoxin gene family. The sequences of their cDNA are highly homologous, and their expression products have similar biological functions. Transgenic wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was obtained by introducing antisense trxs into wheat with particle bombardment. It has been shown that the thioredoxin h content in the transgenic wheat seeds is reduced, and that the transgenic wheat is highly resistant to pre-harvest sprouting. The leading function of the wheat storage proteins is to offer N for the germination of wheat seeds and the growth of the seedlings. Thiocalsin (a 14-kD serine protease which is specific for gliadins and glutenins), malate dehyrogenase(MDH) and glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (GPT) have the close relation to the hydrolysis of the storage proteins in the germination of wheat seeds. To clarify the mechanism of pre-harvest sprouting resistance of transgenic wheat seeds, the activities of thiocalsin, MDH and GPT and the content of amino acids in wheat endosperm were determined during the germination of wheat seeds. The inhibitory effects to thiocalsin and MDH were enhanced so that their activities were reduced in transgenic wheat. During the synthesis of the wheat storage-proteins, protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) can catalyze the disulfide-bond-forming reaction, helping the protein to fold into protein polymer. PDI is one of the target proteins of thioredoxin h, and its activity can be depressed by TRX h. The TRX h content of seeds was lower and the PDI activity was higher in transgenic wheat than in wild-type wheat. Compared with wild-type wheat seeds, the results indicated that it was easier for cysteines to form inter-molecular disulfide bond at N-end and C-end of HMW-GS, and that bigger molecular weight protein was formed in transgenic wheat ones. The PAGE analysis of glutenin showed that a low molecular weight protein was absent and more glutenin macropolymer occurred in transgenic wheat seeds, implying it was more difficult for storage proteins to be degraded during the initial stage of wheat seed germination. Amino acids are the products of proteins degradation and the materials for the synthesis of new proteins, and Glu is the primary amino acid providing N for the germination of wheat seeds. The activity of GPT and the content of amino acids in seeds were lower in transgenic wheat than in wild-type wheat, which indicated the metabolism of amino acid and the hydrolysis of the storage proteins were weakened in transgenic wheat seeds. These results made clear that the hydrolysis rate of the storage proteins in seeds was slower in transgenic wheat than in wild-type wheat, which was a primary reason for the transgenic wheat more resistant to pre-harvest sprouting.

      Cloning and Characterization of Two Peroxidase cDNAs in Gossypium hirsutum L.
      GUO Ying;GUO Wang-Zhen;ZHANG Tian-Zhen
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(06):  891-897. 
      Abstract ( 1830 )   PDF (948KB) ( 1176 )   Save
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      Peroxidases are iron haem-containing oxidoreductase (EC that reduce peroxides, mainly hydrogen peroxide, to water and subsequently oxidize small molecules, often aromatic oxygen donors. The plant peroxidase superfamily can be divided into three classes. Of these classes, the class Ⅲ peroxidases have important function in plant metabolism processes such as cell wall organization, germination, hormonal, and stress responses etc. Cotton fibers are single-celled seed trichomes and fiber cells develop in four distinct but overlapping phases - initiation, cell elongation (primary wall synthesis), cell wall deposition and maturation. The objective of the study was to clone peroxidase genes, further put a foundation to illustrate these genes function in cotton fiber developmental stages. In this paper, two cDNA clones encoding class Ⅲ peroxidases were separated from developmentally different cotton fiber pools of elite material 7235 library. GhPOD1 was a 1 489 bp cDNA sequence obtained via 5’ RACE technique, its open reading frame was 816 bp, and encoded a polypeptide containing 271 amino acids. BLAST analysis indicated this gene had high homologies with the peroxidase reported in Arabidopsis thaliana; the insert fragment of GhPOD2 was 1 355 bp, its open reading frame was 999 bp, and encoded a polypeptide containing 332 amino acids. BLAST analysis indicated this gene had a 99% amino acid identity with the peroxidase(pod8, L08199)reported in Gossypium hirsutum. GhPOD1 was expressed constitutively in every tissue, while GhPOD2 did not express in root, but express in stem, leaf, ovule and fiber cells and its expression in fiber cells was decreased after 14 DPA in transcriptional level. The phylogenetic analysis suggested GhPOD1 was distinctly different from other peroxidases, indicating that it was a novel G. hirsutum peroxidase; GhPOD2 and pod8 were in the same branch group, but they were also distinctly different from the other class Ⅲ peroxidases. Southern blotting analyses showed that there all were two copies of these two genes in the genome of upland cotton, deducing that sub-genome A and sub-genome D contain each of them. The work of transferring GhPOD1 and GhPOD2 into G. hirsutum L. by Agrobacterium mediated transformation is ongoing.

      Cytological Characteristics of F1 Hybrids between Wheat-Agropyron Addition Lines and Wheat-Gametocidal Chromosome Addition Line
      LIU Wei-Hua;GUO Yong;WU Jun;WANG Xiao-Guang;WANG Rui-Hui;XU Xiang-Ling;LI Ji-Lin;LI Li-Hui
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(06):  898-902. 
      Abstract ( 2049 )   PDF (515KB) ( 1043 )   Save
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      The basic genome of Agropyron spp. distributed in the cold and temperate plateau and sands of the Eurasia is the P genome. These species are not only adapted to abiotic stresses, such as drought, low temperature, and barren soils, but also resistant to powdery mildew, Barley dwarf virus, and the rusts in wheat. Moreover, Agropyron species produce multiple tillers, spikelets, and florets. The P genome of Agropyron can be a source of desirable genes for wheat improvement. In the 1990s, cross between wheat and Agropyron species was made, resulting in the development of a number of wheat-Agropyron chromosome addition lines, which made possible to transfer genes from the P genome into wheat by producing chromosome translocations between wheat and Agropyron.
      The gametocidal chromosome of Aegilops speicies, which is added to wheat genome, is able to induce various structural variations of chromosomes. Compared to the methods for inducing chromosome variations, such as irradiation, tissue culture and Ph mutant, gametocidal method is highly effective in inducing chromosome variations between wheat and relative species. This method has been used to produce chromosome translocations between wheat and Haynaldia villosa, Leymus racemosus, Elytrigia elongate, and Secale cereale, with a frequency of over 10%. However, no study has been reported on producing wheat-Agropyron chromosome translocation using gametocidal method.
      In the present study, eight wheat-Agropyron cristatum addition lines were crossed with Chinese Spring-Aegilops cylindrica (2C) addition lines and their morphological and cytological performances were investigated. The objective of this study was to lay a foundation on developing wheat-Agropyron chromosome translocations by inducing chromosome variations between wheat ABD genomes and Agropyron P genomes with gametocidal chromosome. The results showed that the chromosome addition lines Ⅱ-4-2, Ⅱ-21-6, Ⅱ-21-2, and Ⅱ-11-1 had transmission rate of 100%. The transmission rate was high in lines Ⅱ-5-1 and Ⅱ-9-3, but low in lines Ⅱ-29-2 and Ⅱ-5038. Chromosome abnormality was observed in F1 plants during meiosis. The frequency of pollen mother cells with over 3 univalents was 35.3%. Micronuclei were observed in 74% of tetrads, and chromosome fragments and bridges appeared in 20.3% and 23.8% of cells. In certain crosses multivalents, multifid quadrants, and retrogression were observed. These aberrations of chromosome behaviors indicated that the gametocidal chromosome was effective during the formation of gametes. The percentage of seed setting in F1 plants varied from 51.67% to 71.37%, indicating that the gametocidal chromosome 2C had a different effect on various wheat-Agropyron chromosome addition lines.

      Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer Rate on Photosynthetic Character, Sucrose Synthesis in Flag Leaves and Grain Yield of Strong Gluten Wheat Jimai 20
      WANG Dong;YU Zhen-Wen;LI Yan-Qi;SHI Gui-Ping
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(06):  903-908. 
      Abstract ( 2004 )   PDF (396KB) ( 1101 )   Save
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      Nitrogen needed by the growth and development of wheat is essential for grain yield formation. The content of chlorophyll, net photosynthetic rate in leaves, photosynthate accumulation and yield are increased with nitrogen fertilizer application. However, yield and nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency are decreased by excessive nitrogen application. Thus appropriate nitrogen rate is essential for profitable yields and efficient nitrogen utilization. The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of nitrogen fertilizer rate on photosynthetic character, sucrose synthesis in flag leaves and grain yield of wheat, for providing the theory basis on appropriate amount of nitrogen supplication in production。
      The field experiments were carried out on high fertile soil with organic matter 12.94 g kg-1, total nitrogen 0.78 g kg-1, alkalihydrolysable nitrogen 84 mg kg-1, available phosphorus 11.84 mg kg-1 and available potassium 83 mg kg-1 in Zhongcun Village, Longkou City, China, using the cultivar “Jimai 20” which has high yield and strong gluten potential. Five nitrogen treatments (N0, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5) were set, with 0, 96, 168, 240, and 276 kg N·ha-1 respectively, using urea as the nitrogen fertilizer. Half of the nitrogen fertilizer was applied before sowing, the other half topdressed at jointing stage. The treatments were supplied with 105 kg P2O5 ha-1 and 135 kg K2O ha-1 before sowing. Each treatment had three replicates, and the plot area was 3 m × 8 m = 24 m2. The basic seedlings were 150 plant m-2.
      The results showed that intercellular CO2 concentration decreased, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance, net photosynthetic rate, sucrose-phosphate synthase activity in flag leaves, sucrose synthesis, biological yield, grain yield and nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency increased with nitrogen applied form 96 to 168 kg ha-1. Net photosynthetic rate, sucrose-phosphate synthase activity, sucrose content in flag leaves and biological yield increased significantly, but harvest index decreased, grain yield and nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency were not affected significantly by applying nitrogen of 240 kg ha-1. Transpiration rate, stomatal conductance, stomatal limitation value and net photosynthetic rate in fag leaves decreased significantly, but intercellular CO2 concentration increased, sucrose-phosphate synthase activity, sucrose content in flag leaves, biological yield, harvest index, grain yield and nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency decreased by excessive nitrogen applied with 275 kg ha-1. The decrease of net photosynthetic rate mainly resulted from mesophyll factor. The appropriate amount of nitrogen application under the condition of this experiment with strong gluten cultivar “Jimai 20” is 168–240 kg ha-1

      Analysis of Genetic Relationship among Cotton Species (Gossypium spp.) by RAPD Marker
      WU Yu-Xiang;SUN Yu-Qiang;CHEN Chong-Qian;ZHU Shui-Jin
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(06):  909-913. 
      Abstract ( 1804 )   PDF (304KB) ( 1019 )   Save
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      There are 51 species in Gossypium including 5 tetraploid species (AD genome, 2n=52) and 46 diploid species which belong to the genome A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and K, respectively. Among them, there are 4 cultivated species including 2 tetraploid species, G. hirsutum and G. barbadense, and 2 diploid species belonging to genome A, G. arboreum and G. herbaceum. All the 5 tetraploid cotton species were testified to be AD allopolyploids, which was developed from the hybridization between two diploid species related to the genome A and genome D. Since their parental genome groups exist in diploid form, the question “how allopolyploid cotton formed” has stimulated discussion for more than 50 years. Furthermore, the species in Gossypium genus represent a vast resource of genetic multiplicity for the improvement of cultivated cotton. Research on genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships among cultivated and wild cotton species is necessary for better understanding of cotton evolution. In order to determine the genetic diversity and relationships within a diverse collection in genus of Gossypium, 24 cotton species in gossypium including 20 diploid species representing 7 basic genome groups and 4 AD allotetraploid cotton accessions were assessed by RAPD, using their relative plant, T. populnea, as contrast. 26 of 40 RAPD primers were polymorphic, with the percentage of polymorphic bands of 21.0%,and the dendrograms were constructed by the Unweighted Pair Group Method of Arithmetic Average (UPGMA) based on Jaccard,s genetic similarity coefficients using the NTSYS-pc(Version 2.00). The results showed that there was an obvious genetic diversity among 25 species. Among 20 diploid cotton species, the genetic similarity coefficient between G. aridum and G. capitis-viridis was the lowest, so did between G. aridum and G. australe. Therefore, the genetic relationship between G. aridum and G. capitis-viridis / G. australe was the farthest. Genetic similarity coefficients between allotetraploid and the diploid species belonging to genome A and genome D showed that the A-genome donor was much similar to the present-day G. herbaceum and G.arboretum,and they played an equal role on the course of formation of allotetraploid cotton species. The highest genetic similarity coefficient between allotetraploid species and G. raimondii indicated that G. raimondii was the possible D genome donor of allotetraploid cotton species. According to the results of this experiment and others, the ancient allotetraploid cotton species might be formed by hybridization and chromosome doubling between the species related to G. arboreum or G. herbaceum and G. raimondii, then different allotetraploid cotton species were appeared by further geographical and genetical isolation and separating differentiation, which supported the evolution theory of sole origin of allotetraploid cotton species. In addition, this result illuminated that the RAPD is an useful method in study of genetic diversity and pedigree classification of cotton resources at the genomic level, and the clustering analysis based on RAPD data was coincident with the results obtained from the traditional classification.

      Differently Expressed Genes in Tobacco Leaves under Osmotic Stress
      WANG Yao-Fu;YANG Tian-Xu;LIU Guo-Shun;ZHAO Chun-Hua;WANG Pei;CHEN Xin-Jian
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(06):  914-920. 
      Abstract ( 2116 )   PDF (416KB) ( 1185 )   Save
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      Attempt to study the drought resistance defense mechanism in tobacco plant, the changes of gene expression in osmotic stressed tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) leaves were analyzed by cDNA micro-array analysis. RNAs of tobacco leaves with or without (CK) PEG treatment for 48 h under -1.2 MPa were extracted and subjected to analysis of cDNA microarray based on Arabidopsis genomic sequence. There were about 135 differently expressed genes (with ratio values≥2 or ≤0.5) among 31 182 genes set in a microarray plate, in which 50 appeared to be up-regulated and 85 appeared to be down-regulated by osmotic stress. Functional analysis showed that some were defensive genes such as trehalose synthase (ATTPS11) and universal stress protein (USP), and the others were related to replication, transcription, translation and protein folding including bZIP family transcription factors, zinc finger proteins, histone H1-3, DREB1C, the WRKY, molecular chaperones and so on. All genes mentioned above were up-regulated by osmotic stress. Gene of MAPKK (At1g51660), a key player in signal transduction pathway, was up-regulated dramatically by 3.94 times. Among down-regulated genes there were 6 genes of light harvesting complex in photosystem Ⅰ and photosystem Ⅱ, including lhca3, lcb1, lcb2, lcb5, lcb6, and lcb4.2. The gene lcb6 (At1g15820) was most down-regulated by 3.9 times. What’s more, 38 unknown function genes were also detected in the experiment. The functions of those genes in plant osmotic stress response need to be elucidated in the future. By analyzing the differently expressed genes some valuable information underlining plant osmotic stress response were highlighted.

      Genotypic Differences in Cellulose Accumulation of Cotton Fiber and Its Relationship with Fiber Strength
      SHU Hong-Mei;WANG You-Hua;CHEN Bing-Lin;HU Hong-Biao;ZHANG Wen-Jing;ZHOU Zhi-Guo
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(06):  921. 
      Abstract ( 1787 )   PDF (398KB) ( 1276 )   Save
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      Fiber strength is one of crucial properties of fiber quality in cotton, and cellulose accumulation plays an important role in the formation of fiber strength, but there is little physicochemical data to document the relationship between them. In the present experiment, fourteen cotton cultivars with various fiber strength were selected to study the characters of cellulose accumulation and the relationships among them. The dynamic curves of cotton cellulose accumulation were all in accordance with the model of logistic on bolls from different fruiting branches. Based on the logistic model, some eigenvalues were gained. Variability and relativity analyses were made on them. The results showed that these were a wide range of variation for Vmax (the maximal speed of cotton cellulose accumulation) and T (the duration of cotton cellulose speed accumulation) and fiber strength had positive correlation with T but negative correlation with Vmax. The cluster analysis results based on cotton fiber cellulose accumulating parameters (T and Vm) and fiber strength by the SPSS software showed that, in the same Euclidean distance, there were differences among bolls on the three fruiting branches. As a whole, the fourteen cultivars could be grouped into three types by two criteria. Based on the cotton cellulose accumulation velocity, they could be clustered into rapid, gentler and medium groups, and based on the fiber strength, they could be clustered into lower, high and medium groups, and DSC-1, KC-1 and AC-33B were their representational cultivars respectively. The results also indicated that, there were differences among genotypes in cellulose accumulation characters and cotton fiber strength, and tight relationship between cotton cellulose accumulation and cotton fiber strength, the gentler speed cellulose accumulation in secondary thickening of fiber cell wall is in favor of forming high fiber strength.

      Cloning and Sequence Analysis of pdk Gene in [Echinochloa crusgalli var. frumentacea (Roxb.) W. F. Wight]
      WANG Jin-Ming;DING Zai-Song;ZHANG Gui-Fang;ZHAO Ming
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(06):  927-930. 
      Abstract ( 1721 )   PDF (245KB) ( 994 )   Save
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      Pyruvate orthophosphate dikinase(PPDK)plays an important role in C4 photosynthesis. In order to elucidate structural and functional characters of PPDK from [Echinochloa crusgalli var. frumentacea (Roxb.) W. F. Wight], and search a new approach to improve crop photosynthesis, a full-length cDNA for PPDK was isolated from [E. crusgalli var. frumentacea (Roxb.) W. F. Wight] by RT-PCR method. Sequencing analysis showed that the sequence length was 3 085 bp, including one ORF with 2 844 bp which coded a peotide of 948 amino acids. After alignment on ClustalW program, the identities of the cloned fragment with PPDK genes from C4 plants Sorghum bicolor, Saccharum officinarum and Zea mays were about 85.1%, 84.0%, and 82.0% respectively; and that from C3 plant [Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group)] was about 82.6%. The sequence has been submitted to the GenBank database, the accession number is AY792619. Alignment and phylogenetic analysis of the amino acid sequence deduced from the fragment and the PPDK sequences of other plants retrieved from GenBank were carried out by DNAstar program showing the sequence was close to Oryza sativa and Zea mays. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed that PPDK was expressed exclusively in leaves.

      Monitoring of Cotton Canopy Chlorophyll Density and Leaf Nitrogen Accumulation Status by Using Hyperspectral Data
      HUANG Chun-Yan;WANG Deng-Wei;YAN Jie;ZHANG Yu-Xing;CAO Lian-Pu;CHENG Cheng
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(06):  931-936. 
      Abstract ( 2127 )   PDF (356KB) ( 1085 )   Save
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      Chlorophyll and nitrogen contents are important parameters as the indicators of crop photosynthesis productivity, state of growing and nutrition, and optimal diagnosis for crop nitrogenous fertilizer demands. In practical application process, testing nitrogen is more complicated than testing chlorophyll, and using chemicals are liable to pollute environment. Many researches show that chlorophyll content has a positive correlation with nitrogen content, so the status of nitrogen can be indicated by chlorophyll content or its elements. In the meantime, between chlorophyll content and hyperspectral characteristics, a positive correlation still exists, the status of nitrogen can be monitored by chlorophyll remote sensing. Traditionally, the status of chlorophyll density (CH.D) and leaf nitrogen accumulation (LNA) are studied by utilizing hyperspectral data, mainly focused on crops of wheat, rice and corn, mostly establishing a correlation model between hyperspectral data and one variable among CH.D and LNA. But it is scarce for combining CH.D and LNA together in the research, based on hyperspectral data monitoring state of crop canopy nutrition. This paper by utilizing non-imaging hyperspectral spectrometer, 8 cotton cultivars and two of them with 4 level densities planting in north XinJiang, and multivariate regression analysis method recorded multi-temporal hyperspectral data of canopy at cotton key growing stages and analyzed the correlation between reflectance and cotton canopy CH.D, LNA. The result showed that the maximum correlation coefficients between hyperspectral data and CH.D, LNA occurred at 762 and 763 nm (RCH.D = 0.8845**, RLNA = 0.787**, n = 47) respectively; the highest correlation coefficients between the first derivative spectral data and CH.D, LNA both occurred at 750 nm (RCH.D = 0.9098**, RLNA = 0.9164**, n = 47). Based on the first derivative data at 750 nm of modeling samples, we established the CH.D linear regression equation and estimated the CH.D of proving samples, then according to the model function between CH.D and LNA, estimated LNA of proving samples, correlation between tested LNA and estimated LNA was significant (R = 0.8982**, α = 1%, n = 94). The regression function accuracy was 86.2%, the RMSE was 1.0155, RE was 0.1380. The study shows that the status of cotton canopy leaf nitrogen accumulation can be monitored indirectly based on cotton chlorophyll density remote sensing.

      Effect of Protein and Starch Contents on Wheat Dough Rheological Properties
      LI Yong-Qiang;ZHAI Hong-Mei;TIAN Ji-Chun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(06):  937-941. 
      Abstract ( 1901 )   PDF (491KB) ( 1151 )   Save
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      Protein and starch are the abundant constituents in wheat flour and the major contributors for dough rheological properties. Most of the previous researches related to dough rhelolgical properties focused on the effect of protein and its components, but a very few on the effect of different protein and starch contents. It is well known that both protein and starch are important components to evaluate the quality of wheat flour, and closely related to dough rheological properties. In the present study, we used a strong gluten wheat cultivar Shannong 12 and a medium-strength wheat cultivar Shannong 11 to study the effect on dough rheological properties under different protein or starch percentage, in order to reveal the functions of protein and starch in dough and flour products, and therefore give advice on wheat breeding for quality. The fractionation and reconstitution method was adopted to make the flour samples have various protein and starch contents with a constant background composition. The results indicated that peak height (PH) and peak width (PW) of two kinds of dough were significantly increased (P<0.05) compared with those of control when protein content was increased from 100% to 120%, 140%, and 160%, the maximum resistances (MR) were increased from 40.7 to 49.8 g, 59.0 and 71.6 g in Shannong 12 and from 20.6 to 29.5 g, 32.1 and 36.0 g in Shannong 11, respectively. However, the extensibilities (EX) of these two doughs changed not obviously compared with those of control. PH and peak work input (PWI) of two kinds of dough were significantly decreased (P<0.05) with the increase of starch content. When the starch contents were increased from 81.11% (Shannong 12) and 83.85% (Shannong 11) to 85%, 90%, and 95%, the EX was decreased from 110.8 to 68.8 mm, 59.2 and 36.5 mm in Shannong 12 and from 81.6 to 75.8 mm, 59.1 and 50.3 mm in Shannong 11, respectively. However, the MR of these two doughs changed not too obviously compared with those of control.

      The Evaluation on Sustainability of Paddy Field Conservation Farming System (CFS) in Sichuan Basin, China
      LI Xiang-Dong;TANG Yong-Lu;SUI Peng;GAO Wang-Sheng;YANG Shi-Qi;CHEN Yuan-Quan;LIU Ding-Hui;MA Yue-Cun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(06):  942-948. 
      Abstract ( 1858 )   PDF (432KB) ( 1173 )   Save
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      Environmental protection is of prime importance for the sustainable development of the society. The physical and chemical characters of the soil in the south of China have been destroyed due to the longer application of traditional farming method. Conservation tillage has been widely adopted in the rice grown region in the south of China. This kind of technique can reduce soil moisture evaporation and ground runoff, and increase soil water storage and available nutrients. Conservation farming system (CFS) is a challenge in the south of China because much precipitation always happens and rice is the main crop there. As a cases, in this study, the CFS in paddy field in Sichuan Basin was systematically analyzed by using the Goal-oriented approach. First of all, CFS was divided into three sub-systems (i.e., economy sub-system, ecology sub-system, and society sub-system). Then, these three sub-systems were divided into seven index layers and several variable layers. After referring to expert’s suggestions three times, 18 indices (variable) were collected as index reservoir of evaluation on the durative for CFS. Related judging matrix was constructed with the combination of two methods, Delphi and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The weight (ω) of each index layer and variable layer was calculated from this matrix. In the end, the evaluation on the durative of CFS in paddy field in Sichuan Basin was made by using Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation method. Among all the current CFS in Sichuan Basin, the wheat/rice pattern with no-tillage and stalk-mulching at both growth stages showed highest durative and achieved best ecological, economic and social benefits. We try to provide theoretical reference for optimizing and extending local conservation farming pattern. However, as a new method, it should be modified further in future.

      Responses of Photosynthesis Characteristics to Nitrogen Application Rates in Summer Maize (Zea mays L.)
      DUAN Wei-Wei ;ZHAO Hong-Mei;GUO Cheng-Jin;XIAO Kai;LI Yan-Ming
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(06):  949-954. 
      Abstract ( 2040 )   PDF (364KB) ( 1074 )   Save
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      In order to elucidate the effects of nitrogen on growth and development in summer maize (Zea mays L.), the photosynthesis characteristics regulated by nitrogen application rates in summer maize was studied. The results indicated that the photosynthetic rate (Pn), cholorophyll content (Chl), soluble protein content (Pro), Hill reaction activity, Ca2+-ATPase activity, Mg2+-ATPase activity and PEPCase activity in lower leaf, ear leaf and upper leaf of summer maize cultivar (Ludan 50) all increased, with the increase of nitrogen application amount. With the growth progress, the Pn and pro in all tested leaves gradually decreased. The dynamic changes of Chl in leaves showed different patterns, with little changes at different assaying points in the lower leaf and a single peak curve in the ear leaf and upper leaf. There were different patterns on traits of Hill reaction activity, Ca2+-ATPase activity and Mg2+-ATPase activity, such as the pattern of gradually decrease, single peak curve and double peaks curve. The changes of PEPCase activities in the tested leaves all showed a curve with one peak with the growth progress. With the increase of nitrogen application amount, leaf source capacity, biomass and yield all increased. The results indicated that all photosynthetic characteristics, including Pn, and its related physiological and biochemical parameters could be improved based on application of suitable nitrogen amount. The Ca2+-ATPase activity is one of the important factors to affect the function of photoreaction system in maize. In the experiment, Pn was affected little by PEPCase and largely regulated by function of photo system and dark reaction system in the photosynthetic organ during the early and mid-growth stage. Meanwhile, It is suggested that leaf source capacity could be used as a criteria to evaluate the productivity of single plant in maize.

      Genetic Analysis of Alien Transferring Genes in Common Wheat and Their Effects on Agronomic Characters
      DING Wen-Jing;WEI Yi-Qing;YE Xing-Guo;DU Li-Pu;XU Hui-Jun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(06):  955-960. 
      Abstract ( 2050 )   PDF (796KB) ( 1007 )   Save
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      Some alien genes have been successfully introduced into wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) mediated by either biolistic particle or Agrobacterium since the first report on the transformation of this specie in 1993. The segregation regulation of transfer genes or their effects on some main agronomic characteristics have been also investigated in the self-crossing generation of transgenic plants by some researchers. However, the genetic role of introduced genes in the hybrid generations and the influence of same alien genes on the agronomic traits of different wheat cultivars have been studied seldom. It is very important to answer the above questions for the biosafty releasing of genetic modified wheat in the future. GUS reporter gene and nptⅡ selection gene were transferred into three wheat genotypes of PM97034, Bobwhite, and Xinchun 9 by Agrobacterium–mediated transformation in our previous study, and homozygous transgenic lines were further obtained. A homozygous transgenic line derived from Xingchun 9 was used to be crossed with its wild type and genetic analysis of the two foreign genes were carried out in F1 and F2 generations by employing PCR, ELISA, and X-Gluc staining. All F1 plants were confirmed to be positive by the three tests, and it indicated that the alien genes appeared dominant in F1 generation, and no gene lost or silence happened. 107 F2 plants were tested by PCR for nptⅡ gene, in which 78 plants were demonstrated to be positive and other 27 plants to be negative. Seventy-five F2 plants were tested by X-Gluc staining for GUS gene, in which 54 plants were demonstrated to be positive and other 21 plants to be negative. These results suggested that the segregated ratio of the alien genes in F2 generation was 2.6:1, being consistent with Mendelian inheritance of 3:1, and lost or silence of the foreign genes wasn’t found in this generation, either. Fourteen T4 homozygous transgenic lines, among which 7 were derived from PM97034, 3 from Bobwhite, and 4 from Xinchun 9, were planted in field by random arrangement and 3 reduplications, in which three wild type varieties of PM97034, Bobwhite and Xinchun 9 were used as controls, and each material was planted for 5 rows by 3 meters in length. After PCR confirming at seedling stage, seven agronomic characteristics including growth duration, fertility, plant height, spike length, grains per spike, grain weight, were 1000-grain weight were examined by taking 10 plants from each trial, and all collected data were analyzed by DPS computer software for variance difference. The results revealed that the inserting of the alien genes frequently changed plant height and growth period of wheat acceptors, and other main agronomic traits were not affected by the transferring genes obviously.

      Construction and Analysis of Suppression Subtractive Hybridization Library for Saccharum arundinaceum Retz. Leaves Exposed to Drought Stress
      LIU Wen-Rong;ZHANG Ji-Sen;RAO Jin;CAI Qiu-Hua;WENG Xiao-Yan;RUAN Miao-Hong;QUE You-Xiong;HEN Ru-Kai;ZHANG Mu-Qing
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(06):  961-967. 
      Abstract ( 1890 )   PDF (1436KB) ( 1077 )   Save
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      Saccharum arundinaceum Retz, one of the most important wild relatives of Saccharum officinarum L., is a kin species with desirable attributes including excellent vigor and ratooning, adaptability to environmental stresses such as moisture deficits or excesses, and resistance to Pachymetra root rot for sugarcane genetic improvement. Efficient construction of cDNA libraries enriched differentially expressed transcripts is the most important step in biological investigations. Suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) is a highly effective method for the generation of subtracted cDNA libraries. It is based primarily on a described technique called suppression PCR and combines normalization and subtraction in a single procedure, in which the normalization step equalizes the abundance of cDNAs within the tester population and the subtraction step excludes the common sequences between the tester and driver populations. A SSH library was constructed from the cDNA of the leaves in S. arundinaceum, subjected to water stress as Tester and from cDNA of the leaves in S. arundinaceum, planted in the normal condition as Driver. Titer results indicated that about 30 000 clones were included in the library, and the percentage of recombination was up to 99.2%. Further, 3 500 clones were picked out randomly from the SSH library for cDNA microarray analysis. The size of inserts ranged mainly from 200 bp to 1 000 bp, of which 463 clones were larger than 500 bp and 3 037 clones smaller than 500 bp, with 450 bp on average. After picking up randomly 16 clones for sequencing, the results by using BLAST revealed that there were three drought-stress-associated genes (ATP-NAD kinase, Aldo/keto reductase and zinc finger protein), three novel genes and other 10 function-unknown expressed sequence tags(EST). Two out of 16 clones, which were termed as EL0149 and EL0145, were chosen for further analysis. It was also confirmed by Northern blot that EL0149 up-regulated in the moderate water stressed leaves, while no hybridization signal of EL0145 was detected in the leaves exposed to either the normal water condition or the moderate water stressed condition. The results suggested that the SSH library constructed from the cDNA of the drought-stressed leaves, when combined with cDNA microarray, should be a good method for analysis of drought-resistance gene network in plants. Saccharum arundinaceum Retz, one of the most important wild relatives of Saccharum officinarum L., is a kin species with desirable attributes including excellent vigor and ratooning, adaptability to environmental stresses such as moisture deficits or excesses, and resistance to Pac
      Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation of Aloe with Trehalose Synthase Gene (otsA)
      CHEN Jie;ZHANG Jia-Xing;YE Xing-Guo;HE Cong-Fen;DONG Yin-Mao;ZHAO Hua;QIN Yun-Rong
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(06):  968-972. 
      Abstract ( 1755 )   PDF (761KB) ( 1070 )   Save
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      Aloe has been deeply researched recently because of its attracting function on medical treatment, hairdressing, health protection and ediblity. Trehalose can protect organism and biomolecule, and has been applied widely in foods, cosmetics and molecule biology researches. In this experiment, aloe stems were used as explants for otsA gene transformation mediated by Agrobacterium. PCR and Southern blotting analyses demonstrated that otsA gene was successfully transferred into aloe genome with a transformation efficiency of 0.77%, and the single copy insert of the alien gene was found in about 60% positive aloe plants. Gas Chromatogram analysis showed that the content of trehalose in transgenic aloe plants was 2.934 times of that in untransformed aloe plants, revealing that otsA gene had been expressied in the transgenic aloe plants.

      Inverted-Repeat Transgenic Maize Plants Resistant to Sugarcane Mosaic Virus
      BAI Yun-Feng;YANG Hong-Chun;QU Lin;ZHENG Jun;ZHANG Jin-Peng;WANG Mao-Yan;XIE Wan;ZHOU Xiao-Mei;WANG Guo-Ying
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(06):  973-978. 
      Abstract ( 2043 )   PDF (796KB) ( 1198 )   Save
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      RNA silencing is a post-transcriptional gene-silencing phenomenon induced by double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). In an attempt to generate dsRNA-mediated transgenic maize plants resistant to SCMV (sugarcane mosaic virus), we cloned SCMV NIb gene-specific sequences and inserted it into the binary vector p3301 in the sense and antisense orientations (named SCMVirNIb), which could produce RNAs capable of duplex formation in plant cells. Maize immature embryos were co-cultured with Agrobacterium carrying two vectors, one marker-free vector harboring the SCMVirNIb and one vector harboring bar gene as the selective marker. Resistant calli were recovered by selection on medium containing Biolaphos. Among the regenerated plantlets from resistant calli, 14 plants have been certified to contain SCMVirNIb by PCR amplification and DNA dot blot. T1 plants derived from the 14 plants were challenged in greenhouse with SCMV inoculums and the percentages of resistant plants in 11 T1 lines were higher than 60%. One plant in the T1 lines was found to carry SCMVirNIb without bar gene by PCR assay.
      T2 plants derived from T1 SCMV resistant transgenic plants were challenged with SCMV inoculums in field. The percentages of resistant plants from 3 lines, including the line derived from the marker-free transgenic plant, were higher than 85%. And non-transgenic control plants were all susceptive. Further molecular analysis confirmed that the resistant plants from the marker-free transgenic line contained SCMVirNIb but bar gene.

      Development and Characterization of Contiguous Segment Substitution Lines with Background of an Elite Restorer Line
      XU Hua-Shan;SUN Yong-Jian;ZHOU Hong-Ju;YU Si-Bin
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(06):  979-986. 
      Abstract ( 2051 )   PDF (1111KB) ( 1201 )   Save
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      Introgression lines in crops have been proposed as an attractive and powerful way to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) affecting importance traits. Here we report construction of a set of contiguous segment substitution lines (CSSLs) in rice through repeated backcrossing and molecular marker-assisted selection (MAS). These CSSLs were derived from a cross between the sequenced japonica cv. Nipponbare as donor and indica cv. 9311 as recurrent parent, which is also known as an elite restorer line of super-hybrid rice in China. The advanced backcross generations (BC3 and BC4) were subjected to three rounds of MAS to select lines with single or few japonica introgression chromosomal segments. One hundred and twenty-five polymorphic SSR markers evenly distributed on rice genome were used in the MAS scheme. A set of 125 CSSLs was determined by graphical genotypes, each of lines contained a single or few chromosomal introgression segments with the indica background, all the overlapped segments covered the whole genome of japonica. The genome proportion of the recurrent parent in each of the CSSLs ranged from 93.8% to 99.9%, with an average of 98.4%. The average proportions of homozygous and heterozygous donor segments were 1.4% and 0.2%, respectively. The average length of introgression segments was 20.9 cM, ranging form 2.9 to 63.9 cM. In order to illustrate a potential application and validate these CSSLs, the phenotypic effects of the japonica introgressions on the panicle-related traits (panicle weight, panicle length, seed setting rate and degenerated spikelet of top panicle) were analyzed. Thirty-one QTLs were detected for the four panicle-related traits in two year (site) trials. The all japonica alleles at those QTLs for panicle weight and seed setting had negative effects. The set of CSSLs will provide a useful genetic stock for functional identification of genes conferring phenotypic variations between subspecies and for the subspecies breeding.

      Effects of Nitrogen Rates on Flour Color and Noodle Quality in Two Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Cultivars
      MA Dong-Yun;GUO Tian-Cai;ZHU Yun-Ji;WANG Chen-Yang;SONG Xiao;WANG Yong-Hua
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(06):  987-990. 
      Abstract ( 1817 )   PDF (340KB) ( 1238 )   Save
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      Noodle color is one of the most important determinate factors for noodle quality. For Chinese consumers, the best noodle color is bright creamy white with absence of discoloration. Noodle color depends on several factors such as intrinsic flour color, ash content, flour extraction, and flour particle size and protein concentration. Some instrumental methods have been developed for determining noodle quality and evaluating the sensory characteristics of the noodle products. Nitrogen application could affect wheat yield and the end-use quality. Previous studies mainly focused on the effect of nitrogen fertilizer on protein content, bread making quality. To evaluate the effects of nitrogen application rate on flour, noodle color and noodle texture, we used two wheat cultivars Yumai 49-198 and Lankao Aizao 8 in field experiments on the Henan Agricultural University Research Farm in 2004–2005 and 2005–2006 growing seasons. The soil contained 17.8 g kg-1 organic matter and 0.99 g kg-1 total N. Prior to sowing, fertilizers of P2O5 150 kg ha-1and K2O 150 kg ha-1 were applied. Three treatments of nitrogen were 0 (N1), 180 (N2), and 360 kg ha-1 (N3), respectively. Fifty percent of the nitrogen was for basic application before sowing and the left 50% was applied at elongation stage. The experiments were arranged in split plot design with three replicates. The results indicated that both in Yumai 49-198 and Lankao Aizao 8, as nitrogen application rate increased, color grade value (CGV), redness (a*), yellowness (b*) of flour and paste increased while brightness (L*) declined. The lowest value of L* was obtained in the treatment of N3, and the highest values of a* and b* were observed in the treatment of N2. The CGV, a*, and b* values of noodle sheet increased, while L* value decreased with the elongation of rest time. The texture analysis showed that hardness, gumminess and chewiness enhanced with the increase of nitrogen rate. For these parameters, the highest values were observed in treatments of N3 in both wheat cultivars. The results also indicated that texture traits can be used to evaluate noodle sensory characteristics.

      Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Maize Hybrids in the Regional Tests of Sichuan and Southwest China
      CHEN Fa-Bo;YANG Ke-Cheng;RONG Ting-Zhao;PAN Guang-Tang
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(06):  991-998. 
      Abstract ( 1942 )   PDF (563KB) ( 1209 )   Save
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      Many maize breeders have been paying attention and efforts to solve the problem of narrow genetic diversity in maize. In order to broaden the genetic basis in maize breeding, it is necessary to know the genetic diversity in the current maize hybrids. There may be two ways to study the genetic diversity in maize hybrids. One is to analyze the hybrids which have been widely applied in production and those in regional tests. Another is to analyze the parents of maize hybrids. Most former studies were directed to evaluate the genetic diversity of the parents and few directed to study the hybrids. In present study, analyses of phenotypic characters, SSR molecular markers and pedigrees were made to study the genetic diversity in 186 maize hybrids that were tested in the regional trials of Sichuan and Southwest China.
      The results showed that the variation coefficients of plant height, ear height, days to silking, pollen shedding, ASI, ear length, fertile kernel, kernel depth, cob diameter, ear diameter, rows per ear, kernels per row, ear weight, cob weight, yield per plant, fresh weight per ear, water content, kernel rate, 100-kernel weight and test weight among 186 hybrids were 5.74%, 12.06%, 2.63%, 2.36%, 8.50%, 9.68%, 5.80%, 10.57%, 9.32%, 6.02%, 7.90%, 10.54%, 15.95%, 21.51%, 16.19%, 13.85%, 10.35%, 2.46%, 10.92%, and 4.93%, respectively. There were differences in the variation coefficients of different character, but all of the variation coefficients changed in a small range. Sixty pairs of SSR primer distributed on the ten chromosomes of maize produced stable amplified bands and 608 alleles were detected among the hybrids. The average number of alleles per locus was 10.1 with a range from 3 to 23. The values of polymorphism information content (PIC) for each SSR locus varied from 0.5179 to 0.9256 with an average of 0.7826. The genetic similarities of SSR marker pattern among the 186 hybrids ranged from 0.6067 to 0.9162, with an average of 0.7722. There were 16499 pairs of genetic similarity, in which 96.9% were 0.7000 to 0.9256. The cluster analysis showed that the hybrids could be classified into ten clusters, with 88.2% of the hybrids included in Cluster 4, Cluster 8 and Cluster 10. The analysis of pedigree sources of 51 hybrids showed that 36 hybrids had close genetic relationships with the hybrids of Pioneer Company developed in late 1980s and early 1990s in the United States, such as “Y78599”, “Y7865”, “Y78698”, accounting for 70.58%. Meanwhile 13 hybrids had close genetic relationship with “Y78599", accounting for 8.66%. The genetic similarities of SSR marker pattern among the 51 hybrids ranged from 0.661 92 to 0.8799, with an average of 0.7686. There were 1 196 pairs of genetic similarities ranged between 0.7000 and 0.8796, accounting for 93.80% of all the genetic similarity pairs. The cluster analysis showed that 88.2% of the 51 hybrids were in Cluster 4, Cluster 8, and Cluster 10. It was indicated that the similarity was high and the genetic diversity was narrow among the 186 hybrids. It is necessary to broaden the genetic basis of breeding germplasm in maize.

      A Cytological Study on Microsporogenesis of Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Lines in Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.)
      ZHU Li-Mei;AI Su-Yun;ZHOU Rui-Yang
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(06):  999-1003. 
      Abstract ( 1821 )   PDF (942KB) ( 1214 )   Save
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      Kenaf is a fast growing annual plant that is harvested for its bast fibers. Heterosis in kenaf is remarkable and has been a research hotspot in the world. Zhou Ruiyang discovered a cytoplasmic male sterile mutant from a wild species UG93 in 2001 and first bred a cytoplasmic male sterile line of kenaf (UG93 CMS line) from it in 2004, which was highly resistant to anthracnose. To investigate the mechanism of microspore’s abortion of UG93 CMS lines in kenaf, a comparative study was conducted on microsporogenesis of two UG93 CMS lines named L23A and K03A with optical microscope. The observation showed that there were some similarities in the microspore’s abortive process between them: 1) Microspore’s abortion occurred at tetrad stage and mononuclear stage. 2) Extine of microspore disaggregated at mononuclear stage, with the protoplasm shrank or dissolved, and anthers became sterility. 3) The degeneration of middle layer was delayed, and more abnormality were found in tapetum, such as being vacuolated, cells fusion, hypertrophy and being broken away from the middle layer prematurely, etc. However, different abortive characters could be summarized as follows: 1) At the early and middle mononuclear stage, microspores of L23A developed well, but poorly developed extine which was thin and fragile, and smaller spinules of microspore were found in K03A. 2) Extine of microspore granulated quickly at late mononuclear stage in L23A, but it broken and dissolved gradually in K03A. 3) During the disaggregation of extine, the protoplasm of microspore shrank in L23A, with undistinguishable nuclear and cytoplasm, but it dissolved in K03A. It is suggested that the microspore’s abortive process between L23A and K03A is different and the abortion is related to abnormal behavior and no-function of tapetum.

      Cultivation Strategy of Hybrid Mid-Season Rice for Further High Yield in Winter Water-Logged Field in the Southeast of Sichuan Province
      XU Fu-Xian;XIONG Hong;ZHU Yong-Chuan;YANG Da-Jin;WANG Gui-Xiong
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(06):  1004-1009. 
      Abstract ( 1662 )   PDF (345KB) ( 958 )   Save
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      Under the atmospheric phenomena of high temperature and summer drought condition in the south-east districts of Sichuan province, the percentage of productive panicle were very low and the grain filling rate was very poor of rice, so the difficulty of rice grain yield were further increased be very high. In this treatise, eighteen hybrid rice combinations were used to study the cultivation strategy and its technology of hybrid mid-season rice for further high yield in winter water-logged field. Due to the very poor sunlight condition in the eastern and southern districts of Sichuan province, a high yield cultivation strategy of hybrid mid-season rice with super sparse cultivation was used to decrease the number of top tillers, improve sunlight condition of population, raise the percentage of productive panicle, moderately decrease the number of productive panicles, significantly increase spikelets per panicle, so that the sink was increased with the leaf area index of high yield. With raising the level of nitrogen application photosynthesis source was replenished to maintain normal grain filling under high grain-leaf ratio. The key cultivation technology was a planting density of 9×104 hill ha-1 and a total of 210 kg ha-1 N application during the entire growth period, by which the yield was increased by 11.86%–18.31% and 14.32%–17.76% compared with traditional cultivation (CK) in the productive demonstration in 2004 and 2005, the highest yield in some plots reached to 10.81–11.05 t ha-1.

      SPAD Value of Cotton Leaves on Main Stem and Nitrogen Diagnosis for Cotton Growth
      QU Wei-Qun;WANG Shao-Hua;CHEN Bing-Lin;WANG You-Hua;ZHOU Zhi-Guo
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(06):  1010-1017. 
      Abstract ( 1929 )   PDF (765KB) ( 1050 )   Save
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      The objective of this research was to investigate the positional distribution of SPAD values of the main-stem leaves and their relationships with the nitrogen content of cotton (Gossypium) leaves. The plant and leaf samples were analyzed for concentrations of N and SPAD values from the field experiments in 2004 and 2005 on the farm of Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences with two cotton cultivars and five N fertilization rates applied. The five N rates were 0, 120, 240, 360, and 480 kg ha-1 and the two cotton cultivars were Meimian 33B and Simian 3 which have obvious difference in leaf greenness. The results showed that the SPAD values of the two cultivars increased significantly with N rate increasing, and they all could be used as indices for diagnosis of the plant nitrogen nutrition. The leaf SPAD values at different positions on main stem of two cultivars responded differently to the N rate increasing, of which the 1st fully-expanded leaf from the top on the main stem (SL1) were more sensitive while the 4th fully-expanded leaf (SL4) responded slowest. The differences of SPAD values between SL4 and SL1 of the two cultivars decreased with N rate increasing. They could be well characterized by the relative positional difference index (PDI) reflecting the greenness difference between the SL1 and the SL4. The PDI was related to plant leaves nitrogen concentrations, which could be combined in a linear regression for Meimian 33B and Simian 3. In particular, the PDI can accurately indicate plant leaves nitrogen status of cotton varieties under varied nitrogen supply levels over different growth stages. It was concluded that PDI can be an ideal indicator of cotton nitrogen status.

      Characters of Anti-Senility Physiology and Starch Accumulation in Different Cassava Cultivars
      LUO Xing-Lu;CEN Zhong-Yong;XIE He-Xia;ZHANG Ping-Gang;MO Fan;PAN Ying-Hua;LU Fei-Wu
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(06):  1018-1024. 
      Abstract ( 1860 )   PDF (479KB) ( 924 )   Save
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      Cassava is a starch crop, its root tuber is main economic product. How to increase starch content in the root tuber is a very important problem in cassava breeding and cultivation. The characters of anti-senility physiology and starch accumulation of six different cassava cultivars Xinxuan056, SC201, GR891, Fuxuan01, SC124, and Xinxuan048 were studied during the late growing period in this experiment. The result showed that the leaf and stem growth function of SC124 was most vigorous while that of SC201 was most feeble and that of Xinxuan056, GR891, Fuxuan01, and Xinxuan048 was on the suit level in the late growing period. The soluble sugar content, the peroxidase activity, the MDA content in the leaves and the starch accumulation in the root tubers of SC124 were the lowest. The soluble sugar content in the leaves and the starch accumulation in the root tubers of GR891 were higher than those in other cultivars. The MDA content in the leaves and the numbers of leaf abscission of SC201 were the highest and its starch accumulation in the root tubers was lower than that of other cultivars except SC124. The effect of leaf and stem growth in the late growing period on the starch accumulation in the root tubers of cassava was obvious. Not only the root tuber yield but also the starch accumulation in the root tubers obviously decreased if the leaves and stems senesced in the early stage of root tuber formation. But if the leaves and stems grew too vigorously, which hindered carbohydrate transferring from the leaves and stems to the root tubers in the middle or late root tuber formation stage, the yield of root tuber and the starch accumulation in the root tubers decreased. It is important to control the leaf and stem growth on a proper level in the middle or late stage of cassava root tuber formation. Meanwhile the characters of anti-senility physiology and starch accumulation can be used as the index as of selection in high starch content cultiars breeding of cassava.

      Identification of Differential Genes in Wheat Roots under Aluminum Stress
      GU Jun-Tao;HAN Sheng-Fang;BAI Gui-Hua;XIAO Kai
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(06):  1025-1028. 
      Abstract ( 1862 )   PDF (991KB) ( 1250 )   Save
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      Twenty-nine aluminum-induced genes were identified on the base of nylon filter arrays, which contained all clones from a suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) cDNA library constructed from roots of OK91G106 (the wheat line with high ability of aluminum tolerance). The induced genes included 20 known biological functions and 9 functions unknown by BLASTn analysis in international biological website NCBⅠ. We found that the induced genes under aluminum stress could be classified into different groups according to the deduced biological function, including signal transduction, active oxygen scavenging, sustaining stability of membrane structure, secretion of malate, and protection of cellular function. It suggested that the wheat plants involved the perception and transduction of the signal of aluminum stress, by which to induce the expression of some genes response to aluminum stress in short time under aluminum stress condition. The results from Northern blot analysis for five induced genes were all similar to those from the nylon filter arrays. There was one malate transporter gene among the 29 aluminum-induced genes, indicating that the increase of malate secretion under aluminum stress condition is possibly an important mechanism for the tested wheat line to response and withstand the aluminum toxicity.

      Effect of Hypocotyl Color Selection of Sugar Beet on Generation and Crosses
      WANG Hua-Zhong;ZHANG Wen-Bin
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(06):  1029-1033. 
      Abstract ( 1951 )   PDF (316KB) ( 864 )   Save
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      In order to understand the correlation between the hypocotyl color and other traits of sugar beet, the series identification experiments were conducted from 1988 to 2003, including the separation and purification of lines with different hypocotyl colors, comparing with original parents, and test of yield from the triploid direct and reciprocal crosses with red and green hypocotyls using tetraploid and diploid multigerm sugar beet lines from four to six generations. The result showed that after selecting the hypocotyl colors to separate sugar beet seedlings, there was no significant difference among diploid lines, but the yield and quality between red and green hypocotyl tetraploid lines varied greatly. The differences of root yield and sugar content between lines with red and green hypocotyl were more than 20% and 1%, respectively, the significant differences between the lines with hypocotyl colors were at 5% prolability level. K, Na contents of the lines with green hypocotyls were lower than those with red ones, but the insalubrious N content of these with red ones significantly lower than those with green ones at 1% or 5% probability level. The plant height, leaf length and width of these with red ones were higher and larger than those of green ones. There was great difference in the yield and the quality of the crosses from tetraploid and diploid lines with red and green hypocotyls. In conclusion the selection method of hypocotyl color of sugar beet seedlinsg will be a new breeding method to develop cultivars and germplasms, and the hypocotyl color can be also used as a mark character.

      The Biological Characters of Giant Embryo Rice
      ZHANG Qing-Qi;ZHANG Shu-Biao;HUANG Rong-Hua;BAI De-Lang
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(06):  1034-1037. 
      Abstract ( 2047 )   PDF (204KB) ( 906 )   Save
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      Biological characters and yield components were analyzed in giant embryo rice and their corresponding CK(non-ge-rice:rice without giant embryo). The main results were as follows: (1) Induced mutants possessing ge (giant embryo) genes had close similarly to the corresponding original lines in all most of agronomic traits, including plant types, major yield components (No. of productive panicles,No. of grains per panicle and seed setting percent) as well as heading date. However, ge-rice showed a significant decrease in 1000-grain weight, test weight, theoretical yield and harvest yield. The absolute and relative embryo weights of ge-rice were increased by 1.69–2.04 and 1.97–2.47 times; (2) The two ge-rice lines obtained by hybridization breeding had a little different performance in plant type, major agronomic traits and major yield component traits, but their absolute embryo weight and relative embryo weight were increased by 2.06 and 1.57, 2.42, and 2.04 times, compared with those of common rice respectively.

      Effect of Raised Bed Planting on Plant Morphological Characters and Grain Yield of Winter Wheat
      WANG Fa-Hong;YANG Hong-Bin;XU Cheng-Zhong;LI Sheng-Dong;SI Ji-Sheng
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(06):  1038-1040. 
      Abstract ( 1790 )   PDF (191KB) ( 983 )   Save
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      Compared with conventional flat planting, plant morphological characters related to grain yield of winter wheat changed greatly by the raised bed planting model. The basal internodes and plant height were shorten, the areas of flag leaf and the second leaf from the top were smaller and the fifth leaves from the top larger being conductive to build up ideal pageda-shape plant, the dry weight of green leaves in canopy was heavier and grain yield increased.

      Genetic Research for Gelatinization Temperature (GT) in Japonica Rice
      WU Cui;SHAO Guo-Jun;MA Lian-Ju;CUI Xin-Fu;CAO Ping;YIN Chang-Bin;XU Xing-Wei;HE Ping;LÜ Wen-Yan
      Acta Agron Sin. 2007, 33(06):  1041-1044. 
      Abstract ( 1816 )   PDF (362KB) ( 941 )   Save
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      A modified testing method of gelatinization temperature (GT), three male and female parents each and nine cross combinations using this parents by NC-Ⅱ design, and Zhu’s triploid endosperm traits model including endosperm effect, maternal effect and cytoplasmic effect were used to analyze the genetic characters of GT. The results showed that, GT was mainly controlled by genetic factor. Though all three genetic systems affected expression of GT the endosperm effect was the main one. Additive effect was the main gene effects. The selection for improving GT of Japonica rice could be taken in early generations.

the Crop Science Society of China
the Institute of Crop Science, CAAS
China Science Publishing & Media Ltd.
Published: Science Press
Editor-in-chief: Wan Jian-min
Associate Editors-in-Chief:
Chen Xiao-ya Yang Jian-chang Zhang Xian-long Wang Jian-kang Xu Ming-liang Liu Chun-ming Wang Dao-wen Sun Chuan-qing Ding Yan-feng Jin Wei-wei Chu Cheng-cai Cheng Wei-hong
Director of the editorial department:
Yan Chun-ling
CN 11-1809/S
ISSN 0496-3490
Post subscription code: 82-336

  • Started in 2013
  • Covered by SCIE
  • Open access in ScienceDirect

Editor in chief: Wan Jian-min
CN 10-1112/S
ISSN 2095-5421, 2214-5141(online)
Online published:
Submission: https://www.editorialmanager.com/cj/
E-mail: cropjournal@caas.cn
