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    12 April 2006, Volume 32 Issue 04
      Effects of Water Stress on the Texture of Cooked Rice and the Grain Quality of Transgenic Rice Plants Carrying Antisense Wx Gene during Grain Filling
      CAI Yi-Xia; WANG Wei;ZHU Zhi-Wei;ZHU Qing-Sen;ZHANG Zu-Jian; YANG Jian-Chang
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(04):  475-478. 
      Abstract ( 2060 )   PDF (359KB) ( 1051 )   Save
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      It is well known that environments have significant effects on the yield and rice quality. In previous study, the indices of quality, such as chalkiness, gel consistency and RVA profile were altered by soil water moisture. Amylose content is always used to evaluate the rice eating and cooking quality. And now the characteristics of RVA profile are preferred for the prediction of the texture of cooked rice. Our earlier work showed that RVA profile of rice flour was affected water stress, but there was no obvious difference in amylose content between well water and water stress. The objective of the study was to research the effects of water stress on the texture of cooked rice and grain quality for rice with the same genetic background. Three transgenic rice lines CA1, CA2, CA3 carrying antisense Wx gene and wild type (cultivar Wuyunjing 7) were grown in pots and were subjected to water stress from flowering stage to filling stage. The results showed that the grain qualities of transgenic rice plants and Wuyunjing 7 were affected by water stress at the grain-filling stage, head milled rice and the percentage of chalky grains increased obviously (Table 3). Changes of RVA profile of rice flour were noticed, breakdown was lower under water stress than under well water, and final viscosity and setback under water stress were higher than those under well water (Table 4). Effect of water stress on the texture of cooked rice presented on the hardness and adhesiveness, the former was increased and the latter was reduced (Table 5), and there was a tendency of low eating and cooking quality.

      Analysis of QTLs Mapping of Tolerance to High Al3+ Stress at Seedling Stage in Rice
      SHEN Sheng-Quan; ZHUANG Jie-Yun; SHU Xiao-Li; BAO Jin-Song; XIA Ying-Wu
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(04):  479-483. 
      Abstract ( 1935 )   PDF (373KB) ( 1066 )   Save
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      The recombinant inbred line (RIL) populations derived from Zhenshan 97B/Miyang 46(ZS97B/MY46) and their genetic linkage maps were employed to map QTLs controlling tolerance to high Al3+ stress by using paper culture of rice seedlings with two concentrations of Al3+ stress (20 mg/L and 30 mg/L). After 20 days of treatment, the relative root length (%) and relative seedling height (%) were measured as index for tolerance to high Al3+ stress. The results showed that two QTLs with main effects were detected based on relative root length, i.e. qRAC(r)2 and qRAC(r)11. The former detected in both treatments explained 12.92% and 16.15% of the total phenotypic variation. The positive additive effects came from the female parent, Zhengshan 97B, showing high potential tolerance to high Al3+ stress. Two main effect QTLs were also detected on chromosome 11 by relative seedling height, i.e. qRAC(s)11-2(20 mg/L Al3+) and qRAC(s)11-1 (30 mg/L Al3+). Epistasis analysis showed that the variation explained by epistasis QTLs was higher than that explained by the main effect QTLs, indicating that the QTLs displayed their effects through different ways of interaction. Based on relative root length, a total of eight pairs of epistasis including 15 QTLs were detected on six chromosomes (chromosome 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 10). Based on relative seedling height, a total of six pairs of epistasis were detected on 9 chromosomes (chromosome 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12). All the epistasis QTLs were not located at same loci where the main effect QTLs resided.

      Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer Rate on Uptake, Distribution and Utilization of Nitrogen in Winter Wheat under High Yielding Cultivated Condition
      ZHAO Jun-Ye; YU Zhen-Wen
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(04):  484-490. 
      Abstract ( 2481 )   PDF (629KB) ( 1518 )   Save
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      Application of nitrogen (N) fertilizer is one of the most important measures that increase grain yield and improve end-use quality in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production. However, misuse of N fertilizer (particularly overuse) will not only not bring higher yield and better quality, but also cause the decline of economic effects and related environmental effects. Thus choosing N rate for application is essential for profitable yields, efficient N utilization, and reduction of possible environmental effects. The obligations of this study were to determine the effects of N fertilizer rate on N uptake, distribution and utilization in wheat plant, and on the grain yield and quality with high yield, also to elucidate why wheat responded only slightly or negatively to excessive application of N.
      Two-year field experiments were carried out on high fertile soil with organic matter 1.33%, total N 0.082%, alkali-hydrolysable N 85.87 mg/kg, available phosphorus 27.48 mg/kg and available potassium 129.7 mg/kg in Qianzhuliu Village, Longkou City, China, using the cultivar “Jimai 20” which has high yield and strong gluten potential. Seven N treatments (CK1, CK2, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5) were set, with 0, 0, 105, 150, 195, 240, 285 kg N/ha respectively, using urea as the N fertilizer. Half of the N fertilizer was applied before sowing, the other half topdressed at jointing stage. Except CK1, the treatments were supplied with 135 kg P2O5/ha and 105 kg K2O/ha before sowing. Each treatment had three replicates, and the plot area was 3 m×8 m=24 m2. The basic seedling rate was 120 plants per m2, with sowing on October 8 in 2002 and October 3 in 2003. In the field plots of N1, N3, N4 treatments, microplots of 15N tracing experiments were set, with the area of 15 cm×44.5 cm and isolated with 30 cm-high iron frame. Each 15N microplot had two replicates, using 10. 13 atom % 15N-urea before sowing or topdressed, the rate and date of N application were the same as the field plot.
      The results showed that on the soil fertile condition this study concerned, more N fertilizer supplied than 150 kg/ha could not increase the amount of N accumulation in plant, owning to the slight effects on N uptake during the later growth stage of wheat (Table 1). With the increase of N fertilizer rate, the proportion of N allocation to grain was decreased, and the amount and proportion of N allocation to stem and leaf were increased dramatically (Table 2). 15N tracing experiment showed that when N fertilizer rate ranged from 195 kg/ha to 240 kg/ha, N uptake from fertilizer was increased, that from soil decreased, and no significant difference was found in the total amount of N accumulation in plant (Table 3). With increased N fertilizer, the amount of N translocation (N accumulation in vegetative organs on anthesis-N accumulation in vegetative organs on maturity. NTA) from vegetative organs to grain after anthesis was changed slightly, but the N translocation efficiency (NTA/N accumulation in vegetative organs on anthesis, TE) and contribution proportion (NTA/ N accumulation in grain, CP) of translocation to grain decreased (Table 4). With the supplied N increased, N uptake efficiency (N accumulation in plant/N supplied, NUPE), N utilization efficiency (grain yield/ N accumulation in plant, NUTE), N productive efficiency (grain yield/ N supplied, NPE) and N harvest index (N accumulation in grain/ N accumulation in plant, NHI) decreased. When 15N was supplied at the rate of 105–240 kg/ha, the in-season N recovery efficiency (NRE) was 36.22%–50.54%, and the NRE of topdressed N was higher than that of basal N. With the amount of fertilizer N increased, the NRE was increased first than decreased, the treatment with 195 kg/ha N added had the higher in-season NRE than other treatments (Table 5). Appropriate N fertilizer rate would increase grain yield and protein content, and improve end-use quality, however when supplied with excessive N, grain yield would be decreased and the quality tended to be weaker (Table 6). With yield, quality and N use efficiency concerned, the N fertilizer rate recommended under the condition of this experiment was 150–195 kg/ha.

      Evaluation of Soybean Germplasm in Resistance to Globular Stink Bug [Megacota cribraria (Fabricius)]
      XING Guang-Nan; ZHAO Tuan-Jie; GAI Jun-Yi
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(04):  491-496. 
      Abstract ( 2135 )   PDF (489KB) ( 939 )   Save
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      Globular stink bug [GSB, Megacota cribraria (Fabricius)] is reported as one of the often-happened insects, and sometimes, soybean plants are seriously damaged in the production in central and southern China. The objective of the present study was to establish an evaluation system of resistance to the insect and to identify resistant sources for breeding purposes. Based on the observation of occurrence and symptoms of the insect on soybeans, a set of resistance (damage) indices were designed and compared. Among them, the grade system according to the degree of black mildew on stem and purple spots on leaves was chosen to evaluate the resistance to GSB of 58 entries screened from 6724 domestic and foreign germplasm accessions. The results showed that there existed significant difference among accessions, observation dates, blocks, and accession×date. A group of highly resistant accessions, such as PI227687, Anluxiaohuangdou, Huaqihuangmaodou, Mianyangbaimaodou, were screened for breeding purposes. At the same time, a set of identification procedure and grading system were proposed for further study.

      The Effect of Triazine Herbicide Atrazine on the Chromosome Structure, Protein Content and Compositions in Oryza sativa L.
      PENG Yong-Kang; ZOU Ling-Zhi; WANG Zhen-Ying; JIN Hong-Ying; FENG Zheng-Yong
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(04):  497-502. 
      Abstract ( 1949 )   PDF (1189KB) ( 1044 )   Save
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      In this paper, the comparative studies on the effects of triazine herbicide Atrazine on seedlings growth, contents of chlorophyll and soluble protein, chromosome structure of root meristem, protein compositions of root meristems and chloroplast have been made in Oryza sativa. The seedlings growth was obviously reduced from (10.8±1.7) cm (control) to (8.2±0.7) cm, chlorophyll contents were decreased from (1.07±0.013) mg/g FW(control) to (0.97±0.013) mg/g FW, and soluble protein contents were decreased from 40.4 mg/g FW (control) to 29.3 mg/g FW when seedlings were treated with 0.1 mg/L Atrazine for 7 days. 0.68% cells with chromosome condensation and 0.86 % cells with micronuclei were revealed in root meristems when the root meristems were treated with 0.01 mg/L Atrazine. The frequency of chromosome condensation and micronuclei formation were increased with the increase of Atrazine concentration from 0.001 mg/L to 10 mg/L(Table 4). In 2D SDS-PAGE, 2 new protein spots were induced and 8 protein spots were lost in root meristems, 1 protein spots was lost and contents of 3 protein spots were decreased in the chloroplast when seedlings were treated with 0.1 mg/L Atrazine. The threshold concentration obviously affected seedling growth, contents of chlorophyll and soluble protein, protein compositions of root meristems and chloroplast was 0.1 mg/L. The threshold concentration induced the chromosome condensation and micronuclei formation was 0.001 mg/L.

      Heterosis Analysis of Starch RVA Viscosity in Waxy Corn
      LU Fang-Fang;LU Wei-Ping;LIU Ping;SHEN Xin-Ping;WANG Ji-Feng; LIU Xiao-Bing
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(04):  503-508. 
      Abstract ( 2023 )   PDF (443KB) ( 1059 )   Save
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      Ten waxy corn inbreds and their fifty hybrids by p+q+2pq genetic design were used to investigate the heterosis of starch RVA viscosity. The results showed: (1) all the RVA characteristics of the fifty hybrids had a wide genetic variations, among which Setback(SB) was the largest, ranged from 122.33 cP to 249 cP, Pasting Temperature(PTP) was the smallest, ranged from 76.92℃ to 79.5℃; (2) the differences of all the RVA pasting properties of hybrids were higher than those of the parents, and the means of the peak viscosity(PV), breakdown(BD), SB of all the hybrids were higher than those of the parents; (3) over-MP heterosis was found in BD, over-LP heterosis in PV and SB, no heterosis was found in Trough Viscosity(TV), Final Viscosity(FV), Peak time (PT) and PTP;(4) PV, TV, BD and SB of the hybrids were significantly correlated with those of their female parents and mid-value of parents, while FV, PT and PTP were not.

      Analysis of QTL for Plant Height at Different Developmental Stages in Soybean
      SUN De-Sheng; LI Wen-Bin; ZHANG Zhong-Chen; CHEN Qing-Shan and YANG Qing-Kai
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(04):  509-514. 
      Abstract ( 2044 )   PDF (455KB) ( 1184 )   Save
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      143 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between soybean cultivars Charleston and Dongnong 594 were used to construct a genetic linkage map covering 3 067.28 cM with 20 linkage groups including 161 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and 35 random amplified polymorphism DNAs (RAPDs) markers. The developmental behavior of plant height was investigated by unconditional and conditional QTL mapping methods. The result indicated that the number and genetic effects of QTLs significantly confessing plant height of soybean were different at different measuring stages. 28 unconditional and 21 conditional QTLs were identified for plant height. Number of QTLs confessing plant height was increased continuously and genetic effects accumulated quickly at middle measuring stages. Therefor the changes in number and genetic effects of QTLs indicated that the genes controlling plant height show a selective expression at different developmental stages.

      Mapping of Loci for Pollen Sterility of Indica-Japonica Hybrids in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
      CHEN Jing; LIANG Ling; WANG Chun-Ming; IKEHASHI Hiroshi; ZHAI Hu-Qu and WAN Jian-Min
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(04):  515-521. 
      Abstract ( 2022 )   PDF (501KB) ( 1046 )   Save
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      To estimate QTL for the pollen sterility, an F2 population of 180 plants from an indica / japonica hybrid was tested with 110 molecular markers. By the genome wide screening, three QTLs were identified for the pollen sterility on chromosomes 3, 5, 7, respectively. In addition, a total of nine QTL for segregation distortion via male gametes were mapped on rice chromosomes, of which seven QTLs were suggested to be the same type of gamete abortion as found at ga-14 and ga-11. The distortion data seemed to be more sensitive to detection of pollen abortion genes in the F1 hybrid than the morphological inspection of pollen. Two QTLs for the segregation distortion on chromosomes 5 and 6 indicated an abnormally high frequency of heterozygous genotype. At a locus indicated by qHPS-5, japonica-type homozygote showed a lower fertility level than the heterozygotes and indica-type homozygote. The molecular markers identified here would be useful in introducing a set of new and known sterility-neutral alleles to solve the pollen sterility problem in subspecific F1 hybrids. Further, the present results could be helpful to combine as many neutral alleles for distortion as possible on whole genome basis to stabilize the pollen fertility as a whole.

      Pathway of Pollen Tube Growth and the Duration of Different Phases of Fertilization Process in Wheat
      SHEN Jia-Heng;SHEN Ye and WANG Yan-Jie
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(04):  522-526. 
      Abstract ( 2450 )   PDF (911KB) ( 1339 )   Save
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      Pathway of pollen tube growth and the duration of different phases of fertilization process were studied by paraffin sections and fluorescence microscope technique in 3 varieties of wheat. The results are as follows: Pollen grains germinate soon after pollination. 2 sperms enter pollen tube, leaving vegetative nucleus,which degenerates in pollen soon. Pollen tubes go into intercellular space of branched structure of penniform stigma, then go through the intercellular space of transmitting tissue from the base of style to the top of ovary, after that penetrate ovary wall and grow towards micropyle through the gap between ovary wall and primine. It is about 1h from germination to the arrival at micropyle. The pollen tubes show strong green fluorescence from germination to the arrival at the branched structure of penniform stigma, little fluorescence displays in the pollen tubes,which are in transmitting tissue and the gap between ovary wall and primine. 1 hour after pollination, pollen tube goes through the intercellular space of nucellar epidermis and enters one of the synergids, releases 2 sperms. 2–6 h after pollination, egg-sperm fusion occurs. 16 h after pollination zygocyte begins to mitosis. The fusion of sperm and two polar nuclei occurs. 2–3 h after pollination, and primary endosperm nucleus begins to divide 4h after pollination. Thus, 2–16 h after pollination, which is the duration from egg-sperm fusion to the beginning of zygocyte mitosis, should be the time for exogenous DNA transformation by the method of pollen-tube pathway. The operation is to cut style transversely and drop exogenous DNA on the transection.

      The Stable Photosynthetic Characteristics of a PEPC Transgenic rice Germplasm
      LING Li-Li; LIN Hong-Hui and JIAO De-Mao
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(04):  527-531. 
      Abstract ( 1908 )   PDF (407KB) ( 930 )   Save
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      The eighth generation of PEPC transgenic rice and an untransformed rice cultivar (Oryza sativa L. subsp. japonica cv. Kitaake) were need to study photosynthetic rate and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters by applying the stable and radioactive carbon isotope. The results showed that the germplasm of PEPC transgenic rice was a C3 plant with certain C4 photosynthetic characteristics.The light saturation photosynthetic rate of transgenic rice was higher than that of untransformed rice. In the treatment with high light intensity (3 h) and methyl viologen (MV), a photooxidative reagent, the PSⅡ photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) and photochemical quenching (qP) of transgenic PEPC rice were decreased less, while the non-photochemical quenching (qN) were increased more as comparison with those of untransformed rice. The higher activities of antioxidative enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POD) in transgenic rice plants led to a lesser accumulation of endogenous active oxygen (O2.- , H2O2). As a result, the malondialdehyde (MDA, a product of membrane-lipid oxidation) content was reduced. Compared with the previous generations, the germplasm of PEPC transgenic rice has been steady in genetic, which may become a new germplasm resource in the breeding for high photosynthetic efficiency.

      Ameliorating Effects of Exogenous Organic Acids on Aluminum Toxicity in Buckwheat Seedlings
      LI Chao-Su; LIU Peng; XU Gen-Di; ZHANG Xiao-Yan; HE Wen-Bin and ZHOU Di-Ying
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(04):  532-539. 
      Abstract ( 1655 )   PDF (652KB) ( 977 )   Save
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      Aluminum (Al) toxicity is a serious agricultural problem in acid-soil area that is 40% of the arable land in the world. Aluminum toxicity can inhibit root growth and the uptake of water and nutrients, and ultimately result in production loss. However, some crop cultivars have been selected and bred to avoid or tolerate Al toxicity with specific biochemical mechanisms, of which organic acids play an important role. The inhibitory effect of Al on root elongation in many plants is alleviated by hydroponic culture with organic acids. However, there is little information about the physiological mechanism of the alleviation.
      In present study, buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) was used to investigate the detoxification role of exogenous organic acids for aluminum. Buckwheat seedlings were cultured in nutrient solution with 0.4 mmol·L-1 Al and different concentrations (0.2, 0.4, 0.8 and 1.2 mmol·L-1) of exogenous organic acids (oxalic acid, citric acid and malic acid). The seedlings were used to determine the morphological characteristics, root activity, malondialdehyde (MDA) content, peroxidase activity in leaves, electrolyte leakage of leaf cells and the distribution of aluminum in buckwheat plants.
      The results indicated that the 0.4 mmol·L-1 Al treatment had a significant toxic effect on buckwheat seedlings, the total root elongation was restrained by 57.2%, the root activity decreased by 74.7%, and the electrolyte leakage of leaf cells increased by 54.4% as compared with the control (0 mmol·L-1 Al). The application of different concentrations of exogenous organic acids could alleviate the above inhibitory effect of Al. Compared with the treatment of 0.4 mmol·L-1 Al without organic acids, in the treatments of 0.4 mmol·L-1 Al and 0.2 mmol·L-1 oxalic acid, citric acid and malic acid, the total root length was increased by 16.2%, 19.3% and 2.4% (Table 2), root activity promoted by 35.4%, 176% and 123% (Fig.1), electrolyte leakage of leaf cells reduced by 26.1%, 32.3% and 31.5% respectively (Table 3). With the increase of concentrations of exogenous organic acids, above indices were increased and MDA content and electrolyte leakage decreased. Al content in buckwheat plants especially in leaves was decreased by exogenous organic acids also. Compared with 0.4 mmol·L-1 Al treatment, in other treatments, the decrease of Al content was significantly (P<0.05) in leaves, while a little in stems affected by exogenous organic acid added. Al content in roots was significantly (P<0.05) decreased in the treatments with 1.2 mmol·L-1 oxalic acid and 1.2 mmol·L-1 citric acid, and less changes in other treatments (Fig.2). It was suggested that the organic acids might combine Al located in rhizosphere soil and in plants, therefore reduce the content and the toxicity of Al.

      Concentrations of Cytokinin and Abscisic Acid in the Roots and Grains and Relationship with Grain Filling and Cooking Quality of Rice
      CHANG Er-Hua; ZHANG Wen-Jie; TANG Cheng; LIU Li-Jun; WANG Zhi-Qin and YANG Jian-Chang
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(04):  540-547. 
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      Cytokinin and abscisic acid (ABA) are two kinds of important plant hormones. Their roles in the grain filling and quality of rice, however, are not fully understood. The objective of this study was to determine changes in concentrations of zeatin (Z) + zeatin riboside (ZR) and ABA in both the roots and grains during grain filling, grain filling characteristics and the indexes for cooking quality using ten rice cultivars (including hybrids and lines) grown in nutrient solution. The results showed that the change in concentrations of Z+ZR and ABA in roots and grains exhibited a single peak curve during the grain filling period. The Z + ZR concentration in roots was very high at early grain filling stage and reached a peak at 3–9 d after anthesis (DAA), and that in grains at 9–12 DAA. ABA concentrations in roots and grains were rather low at early grain filling stage, then increased with grain filling, and reached a peak at 15–18 DAA in roots and at 15–21 DAA in grains. Concentrations of Z + ZR in roots and grains at early grain filling stage (0–12 DAA) and ABA at the mid stage (13–26 DAA) were significantly or very significantly correlated with the initial grain growth potential, mean grain filing rate, maximum grain filling rate and brown rice weight (r=0.726* ~ 0.984**), whereas significantly and negatively correlated with active grain filling period (r=-0.749* ~ -0.834**). Z+ZR concentrations at the mid or late grain filling stage (27–40 DAA) significantly or very significantly correlated with active grain filling period (r=0.689* ~ 0.932**) but those at the late stage negatively correlated with grain filling rate (r=-0.826** ~ -0.927**). The gel consistency and alkali spreading value of rice were significantly or very significantly correlated with Z+ZR concentrations in roots and grains at mid and late grain filling stages (r = 0.722* ~ 0.896**), whereas significantly and negatively correlated with ABA concentrations at mid grain filling stage (r=-0.883**~-0.913**). The correlations between amylose content and the concentrations of Z+ZR and ABA were reversed to the correlations of gel consistency with the two hormones. When roots were treated with 10-7 mol/L ZR or with 10-7 mol/L ABA at 0-6, 14–20 and 24–30 DAA, respectively, the effects of the exogenous hormones on grain filling and the cooking quality were consistent with the relationships of the two endogenous hormones with the grain filling parameters and indexes for cooking quality. The results suggest that cytokinin and ABA play important roles in the regulation of grain filling and quality of rice, and the direction of effects may dependent on grain filling stages.

      Effect of NO3/NH4+ Ratio in Culture Solution on Nitrate and Ammonium Uptake in Seedlings of Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L.)
      ZHANG Duo-Ying; MA Feng-Ming; ZHAO Yue and LI Cai-Feng
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(04):  548-552. 
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      Solution culture experiments were carried out to study uptake character at cotyledon stage and the effect of NO3/NH4+ ratio on nitrate and ammonium uptake at seedling stage with two cultivars of sugar beet, including high sugary Tianyan 7 and prolific Tianyan 8. Vmax of NH4+ was higher in Tianyan 7 than in Tianyan 8 at cotyledon stage (Table 1). It was benefit for Tianyan 7 to uptake NH4+. After cultivated with different NO3-/NH4+, there was significant deviation of NO3 uptake between Tianyan 7 and Tianyan 8 (Fig.3 and Fig.4). Nitrate uptake was enhanced by optimal ammonium in nutrient solution. Tianyan 7 was more affected than Tianyan 8 (Table 2). Ammonium uptake was also affected by NO3/NH4+ ratio in culture solution (Fig.5 and Fig.6). It was enhanced by high NH4+ concentration in nutrient solution (Table 3), and Tianyan 7 was more sensitive to ammonium uptake than Tianyan 8 due to the different genetic properties of two cultivars. In conclusion nitrogen metabolism can be regulated through regulating the relationship between nitrate and ammonium uptake and assimilation to increase output and quality of sugar beet.

      Dynamic of Grain Falling Number in Spring Wheat and Effects of Nitrogen, Phosphorus Fertilizer and Sowing Date on It during Grain Filling
      ZHAO Xiu-Lan
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(04):  553-561. 
      Abstract ( 1961 )   PDF (773KB) ( 951 )   Save
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      More attention has been paid to wheat grain falling number (GFN) that is an important index indicating α-amylase activity and quality property of wheat. Limited published information of GFN dynamics and the effects of environmental conditions on it during grain filling are known. In the present paper, the field experiments of N and P application and sowing date in Harbin in 2002 were conducted to investigate the dynamic pattern in GFN and how it was affected by the N and P fertilizer and meteorological conditions during grain filling using three genotypes of spring wheat with high protein-rich gluten (Wildcat), high protein-medium gluten (DN7742) and low protein-poor gluten(NKH9). The N and P application treatments included F1 (N: 225 kg/ha, P2O5: 450 kg/ha),F2 (N: 300 kg/ha, P2O5: 300 kg/ha), F3 (N: 300 kg/ha, P2O5: 450 kg/ha) and F4 (N: 300 kg/ha, P2O5: 600 kg/ha). The least squares method was used to finish the curve fitting of the dynamic pattern in the grain falling number. The results showed that the dynamic changes in GFN with the increase of days after anthesis could be fitted to a third-order convex curve,i.e. GFN rose in the initial stage and then fell in mid-late stage, and the effects of genotypes and environmental factors on GFN could be expressed by the coefficients and characteristic variables of the curve equation. From the 15th day after anthesis to maturity, with increasing nitrogen in medium phosphorus under high kalium level, GFN and the curve highest value were increased and its corresponding time postponed in high protein-rich gluten genotype, but there were on the contrary in both high protein-medium gluten and low protein-poor gluten genotypes. And GFN in the three genotypes all decreased with increasing phosphorus in medium or low nitrogen and high kalium level, and the characteristic variables of the curve equations varied with different genotypes. The balance fertilization of nitrogen, phosphorus and kalium was the key to get a higher GFN (lower α-amylase activity). Under the condition of moderate rainfall, the interaction of temperature and sunlight was the predominant factor affecting GFN in different genotypes during grain filling, and rainfall was the second one; PAR was the most sensitive meteorological element influencing GFN dynamics. The interaction of higher sunlight and temperature was the basis of higher GFN in different genotypes. Under the precondition of the interaction of higher sunlight and temperature, GFN in high protein-rich gluten genotype was increased with increasing PAR in a certain range while decreased when PAR was beyond the range in both high protein-medium gluten and low protein-poor gluten genotypes. The effects of meteorological conditions and differences among genotypes could be indicated by the dynamic curve changes. High protein-medium gluten and lower proten-poor gluten genotypes were affected more by nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer but less by meteorological conditions than high protein-rich gluten genotype. Comparatively, high protein-rich gluten genotype was more sensitive to meteorological factors while high protein-medium gluten and lower protein-poor gluten genotypes were more sensitive to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer.

      Arabidopsis Expansin AtEXP1 Involved in the Regulation of Stomatal Movement
      ZHAO Ping; CHEN Su and WANG Xue-Chen
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(04):  562-567. 
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      Our objective was to study the possible function of expansin AtEXP1 in the stomatal movement of transgenic tobaccos with over-expressed AtEXP1, the differences of stomatal movement under the condition of different stimuli between the transgenic and wild plants were analyzed. Bioassays on epidermal peels showed that the stomatal opening induced by light, K+ and the stomatal closure induced by Ca2+, ABA and darkness were promoted by over-expressed AtEXP1, but the density of stomata had little difference between the transgenic and wild plants. Moreover, the transgenic plant had significantly higher photosynthesis and transpiration rates than the wild plant under favorable conditions. All the results suggested that via altering the characteristic of the guard cell wall, over-expressed AtEXP1 increased the sensitivity of stomata to different stimuli, then involved in the regulation of tobacco stomatal movement, showing that expansin AtEXP1 did play an active role in the regulation of stomatal movement.

      Effects of Low Temperature on Lipid Peroxidation and Fatty Acid Composition of Flag Leaf in Rice(Oryza sativa L.)
      WANG Ping; ZHANG Cheng-Jun; CHEN Guo-Xiang; WANG Jing; SHI Da-Wei and LÜ Chuan-Gen
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(04):  568-572. 
      Abstract ( 1927 )   PDF (1135KB) ( 1019 )   Save
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      A newly-developed super-high-yielding rice(Oryza sativa L.) cultivar Liangyoupeijiu and a traditional cultivar Shanyou63 (as control) were used to study the effect of low temperature at night on flag leaves by mainly measuring their carotenoids content, lipid peroxidation and fatty acid composition of thylakoid membranes. 20℃ and 15℃ were the two treatment temperatures. The results showed that, for both of the two cultivars, chlorophyll content of 20℃ treatment group was decreased statistically compared with that of field-grown plants, but that of 15℃ treatment group was not decreased significantly. Carotenoids content and chlorophyll a/b ratio were decreased in both cultivars with longer treatment time and lower temperature, but the ratio of carotenoids content to chlorophyll content was increased. With 4 d low temperature treatment, MDA content of the two cultivars was significantly higher than that of field-grown plants, also higher than that with two day’s treatment. O2.- content was also increased with the treatment of longer time and lower temperature. The activity of SOD for both cultivars was declined after 4 d low-temperature treatment. The activity of CAT was declined less in Liangyoupeijiu than in Shanyou 63. The main fatty acids in thylakoid membrane of the two cultivars were palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid and linolenic acid. And the contents of palmitic acid and linolenic acid were higher than other three. The IUFA (index of unsaturated fatty acid) of fatty acids showed a similar changing pattern to that of O2.- content in Liangyoupeijiu, but that was greatly increased in Shanyou 63, which might be more sensitive to low temperature. In the chilling conditions, there was a close relationship between the increase of IUFA and the addition of lipid peroxidation, and both of them were relative to the cold adaptation in rice. The IUFA may be an indicator of chilling-resistant. The changes of fatty acid composition and protection system on membranes may be the key factor of cold adaptation, especially the latter, and the ultimate objective is to alleviate the yield decrease under low temperature.

      Genotypic and Environmental Variation and their Stability of As, Cr, Cd, Ni and Pb Concentrations in the Grains of Japonica Rice
      CHENG Wang-Da; ZHANG Guo-Ping; YAO Hai-Gen; WU Wei; TANG Mei-Ling; ZHU Zhu-Jun and XU Ming
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(04):  573-579. 
      Abstract ( 1987 )   PDF (1135KB) ( 1240 )   Save
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      Contamination of toxic heavy metals in soil not only causes the reduction of crop yield, but also poses a potential threat to human health due to their uptake and accumulation in edible parts of crops. The heavy metals accumulation in rice grain varies with genotypic, environmental and their interaction. However, little is known about genotypic and environmental effect on the toxic heavy metal accumulation in rice grain. In this study, the genotypic and environmental variations of Cd, Cr, As, Ni and Pb concentrations in rice grains, and the relationships between these heavy metals and Fe, and Zn were investigated by using twelve japonica rice genotypes, planted at six locations in five cities (Jiaxing, Huzhou, Hangzhou, Shaoxing and Ningbo) of Zhejiang Province, China (Table 1). The results showed that genotypic and environmental effects, and their interaction were all highly significant for these five heavy metal concentrations in rice grains (Table 2 and Table 3). It was suggested that the concentration of these heavy metals in grains of rice could be reduced through genetic and agronomic improvement. Meanwhile, the stabilization coefficient of these heavy metal concentrations in rice grains varied with environment, genotype as well as individual metal element, indicating the importance of rice cultivar based on environmental conditions. In addition, soil pH affected not only soil heavy metal availability and grain heavy metal concentrations, but also the stability (interaction of genotype by environment) in grain heavy metal accumulation (Table 4). Correlation analysis indicated Cd and Cr, As or Ni, As and Cr, and Pb and As levels in soil, and Cd and As or Pb, Cr and Ni, and As and Pb concentrations in rice grains were closely correlated (Table 5). More investigation should be done to determine the relationships between mineral nutrients and toxic heavy metals in their availability in soil and accumulation in rice for developing the rice cultivars with a desirable concentration of nutrient elements and lower concentration of the toxic heavy metals.

      Differences of Preharvest Sprouting Resistance among Chinese Wheat Cultivars
      YAN Chang-Sheng; ZHANG Hai-Ping; HAI Lin; ZHANG Xiu-Ying; HU Lin; HU Han-Qiao; PU Zong-Jun and XIAO Shi-He
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(04):  580-587. 
      Abstract ( 2008 )   PDF (1093KB) ( 1421 )   Save
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      Preharvest sprouting resistance in 781 leading wheat varieties since 1950 in Yellow and Huai River Valley Winter Wheat Region,the North Winter Wheat Region,the Southwest Winter Wheat Region,the Yangtze River Winter Wheat Region and the Northeast Spring Wheat Region of China was evaluated by testing the sprouting percentage(SP)and falling number(FN)of mature seeds during 2000–2002 planting seasons. The results indicated that there was highly positive and significant correlation among years. The resistance to preharvest sprouting in the cultivars from the 1980s and the 1990s was lower than those from the 1950s,the 1960s and the 1970s. Cultivars with sprouting resistance from Yellow and Huai River Winter Wheat Region,the Southwest Winter Wheat Region and the Northeast Spring Wheat Region accounted for 1.7%,4.5% and 5.7% of total,respectively. The GP of cultivars in the North Winter Wheat Region and the Yangtze River Winter Wheat Region was above 10%. The sprouting resistance in the Northeast Spring Wheat Region was higher than that in other regions. Meanwhile, 15 cultivars, i.e. Yiyuan 2, Shuwan 24, Shuwan 761, Shan 160, Mengxian 4, Jing 411, Jing 9428, Jian 26, Yanda 1817, Nongda 45, Hengshui 6404, Jinmai 5, Jinmai 8, E’mai 14 and Kehui, in different regions with late maturity α-amylase (LMA) gene were selected based on the analysis of isoelectric focusing(IEF)pattens from those with lower SP and FN (Table 6). Furthermore, the genetic relationship between wheat genotypes prone to LMA was analyzed based on SSR markers. It was showed that some wheat genotypes, which were quite closely related to genotypes with LMA gene, did not carry the LMA gene. These results suggested that wheat genotypes with the LMA gene were distributed widely in Chinese wheat regions but with low frequency (1.9%). So cultivars without LMA gene may be easily selected in wheat breeding programs.

      Effects of P Deficiency at Flag Leaf Expanding Stage and Tiller Removal on Photosynthetic Characters and P Distribution in Wheat
      PENG Zheng-Ping; LI Chun-Jian; XUE Shi-Chuan; MEN Ming-Xin and BI Shu-Qin
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(04):  588-592. 
      Abstract ( 1866 )   PDF (397KB) ( 966 )   Save
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      P is an important nutrient element in plant, and P deficiency is one of the major factors limiting crop production. P recycling and distribution are remarkable in plant growth, especially under P deficiency condition. In this paper, the photosynthetic and transpiration rates of flag leaf, dry matter and P distribution in each organ, final yield of grain and P uptake efficiency were studied using large-spike cultivar CA9325 and multi-spike cultivar JM2, by remaining or removing tillers. The wheat plants were grown in spots with quartz sand, and watered with nutrient solution (KCl replaced KH2PO4 in P-deficiency treatment). The results were as follows: (1) Photosynthetic and transpiration rates of the flag leaf in two wheat cultivars were decreased and their photosynthetic functional periods were shortened after a short time of P deficiency. Those in plants without tillers were higher than those with tillers, and those in normal P treatment were higher in JM2 than in CA9325 (Fig.1,2). (2) In P-deficiency treatment, the dry matter weight and P accumulation in almost all organs and whole plant of both cultivars were decreased, especially in grains and whole plants. The percentages of dry matter and P in grains of the plants without tillers to whole plant were higher than those with tillers, which showed that P deficiency stimulated the transportation of dry matter and P from vegetative organs to grains (Table 1,2). With or without P in the nutrient solution, the percentages of dry matter and P of grains to whole plant in two wheat cultivars were about 40% and 65%, respectively, which showed dry matter and P allocations to grains were not synchronous. (3) The accumulations of dry matter and P in main shoot and the percentages of which to whole plant were higher in CA9325 than in JM2, but those in tiller were higher in JM2 than CA9325 because of their different spike types (Table 1,2). (4) 1000-grain weight, grain yield and P content and spike number per plant in two wheat cultivars were decreased under P deficiency at the flag leaf expanding stage. In the treatments with or without P, 1000-grain weight in plant without tillers was significantly higher than those with tillers in the same wheat cultivar. In the plants with tillers, grain yields were less in CA9325 than in JM2, but it was on the contrary in the plant without tillers. 1000-grain weight and P content of grains were higher in CA9325 than in JM2, no matter the tillers were kept or removed. P uptake efficiency was higher in CA9325 than in JM2 when the tillers were not removed; while these were no significant difference between them when the tillers were removed (Table 3). The possible mechanisms of P distribution and utilization were also discussed.

      Effects of Melittin on the Physiological Indices and Defensive Enzymes in Crops
      WANG Guan-Lin; XING Zhuo; PAN Ling-Zi and FANG Hong-Jun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(04):  593-596. 
      Abstract ( 1790 )   PDF (260KB) ( 912 )   Save
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      The content levels of chlorophyll, soluble sugar, nucleic acid and protein of crops were promoted by the low concentration(5 mg/L) of melittin, and inhibited by the higher (50 mg/L) one, although the effects were not significant(t-test, P>0.05)in four crops. Their PAL and PPO activities were reached the maximal levels 48 hours after spraying the solution of melittin (5 mg/L), which were increased by 178% and 9.8% respectively as compared with the control, while the activity of SOD was increased by 31.5% after 6 hours. The activity of POD was reached the maximal levels under the treatment of 50mg/L melittin. The land pattern of POD isoenzyme in maize elucidated further that there were strong induction to some zymogram bands(egP11)while inhibition to others, and different effects on the different cultivars showing the particularity of cultivars.

      Participation of Phytochrome in Sterility Alteration of Photoperiod-sensitive Female Sterile Ramie
      LIU Heng-Wei; ZHOU Rui-Yang and XU Li
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(04):  597-600. 
      Abstract ( 1894 )   PDF (323KB) ( 913 )   Save
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      Photoperiod-sensitive Female Sterile Ramie (PFSR) is sterile with long-day photoperiods (LD, ≥13 h 30 min light/d ) and fertile with short-day photoperiods (SD, ≤13 h 20 min light/d ). The treatment in the study were composed of LD, SD, and long dark phase (14 h dark/d) in SD photoperiods (10 h light/d) of PFSR with red light (R) / far red light (FR) alternate illuminations which is the standard reverse examination to check if phytochrome is the photoreceptor in a photo-induced reaction. The results showed that female sterile was induced and flower budding and flowering were deferred by R-breaking while these effects were reversed by FR-breaking and female became fertile. Female fertility was induced in the treatments with FR, R+FR and SD (10 h light/d ), and female sterility was induced in the treatments with R, FR+R, R+FR+R and LD (>14 h light/d ), but these were no effects on male fertility in all the treatments. It was indicated that phytochrome is the photoreceptor of female photoperiod-sensitive sterility in PFSR.

      The Biological Response of Broomcorn Millet Root to Drought Stress with Different Fertilization Levels
      ZHANG Yong-Qing and MIAO Guo-Yuan
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(04):  601-606. 
      Abstract ( 1760 )   PDF (510KB) ( 1092 )   Save
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      The pot-experiment was conducted on the Experimental Farm of Shanxi Agricultural University. The results indicated that the content of MDA and root-shoot ratio were increased, but the dry weight of root, total root length, secondary root number, root activity, the SOD activity of root, the height of plant and aboveground dry weight of broomcorn millet decreased significantly with drought treatment regardless of fertilizing or not. After the drought treatment plant was rehydrated and root weight accumulated rapidly, indicating that root system was move sensitive to the change of soil environment than the aboveground part. However, no matter how rapidly the weight of root accumulated after drought released, the dry weight increment could not compensated that of the decreasing during the period of drought treatment. Rewatering after drought during jointing stage had more compensatory effects than that during booting stage because of more time space for the former. The booting stage of broomcorn millet was sensitive to water deficiency. The growth, the yield, the water use efficiency and drought resistance of broomcorn millet were enhanced by the application of fertilizer and FA

      Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Fructan Accumulation,Translocation and Their Heterosis in Hybrid Wheat
      ZHAO Wan-Chun; DONG Jian; GAO Xiang and ZHANG Gai-Sheng
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(04):  607-612. 
      Abstract ( 1792 )   PDF (517KB) ( 961 )   Save
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      Nitrogen fertilizer is one of the most important factor to influence the carbon and nitrogen metabolism as well as the growth and development of crops. The objective of this study was to compare the fructan accumulation and translocation as well as their heterosis in different organs at various growth stages using six hybrids of wheat and their seven parents grown by a split plot design with two replications under two levels of nitrogen applications 0 kg/hm2 and 200 kg/hm2. Above-ground plant parts were harvested at 75, 90, 105, 120, 140, and 160 d after sowing, corresponding with stages of stem elongation, flag leave emergence, heading, flowering, milk-ripe and maturity, respectively. The samples were partitioned into leaf, stem and sheath, stalk and chaff of spike, and grain, then microwaved for 4 min, and dried in oven at 60℃. Fructan content of the hammermill-ground sample and grain nitrogen content were determined by Near Infrared Reflectance spectrometry.
      Significant differences between nitrogen application levels in fructan accumulation and content were observed in all vegetative organs at most sampling dates. Genotypic differences were found at heading stage, flowering stage and milk-ripe stage. The patterns of fructan accumulation in stem and sheath and total straw were similar under two nitrogen application levels. The most fructan, about 63%–87% of the fructan accumulation of total straw, was stored in stem and sheath, and the maximum fructan accumulation was at anthesis (Fig.1). Fructan translocation of stem and sheath, which accounted for more than 85% of that of total straw, showed the highest contribution to grain yield (9.42%–19.39%) (Table 2). Fructan accumulation in leaf was reduced, but that in stem and sheath and total straw were increased under nitrogen deficiency. The heterosis of fructan accumulation (4.7%–51.7%) of stalk and chaff of spike, stem and sheath, and total straw, were appeared at flag leaf emergence, heading stage and flowering stage (Table 1). Also, there were high heterosis for fructan translocation and fructan translocation efficiency of leaf, stem and sheath and total straw. The heterosis of fructan translocation was enhanced in leaf, while decreased in stem and sheath and total straw for nitrogen application (Table 3). In conclusion, the fructan capacity translocation from vegetative organs to grain is stronger in hybrid wheat than in their parents, and the fructan accumulation and translocation as well as their heterosis in stem and sheath were restrained by nitrogen application.

      Correlation of Ratooning Ability with Its Main Crop Agronomic Traits in Mid-season Hybrid Rice
      REN Tian-Ju;JIANG Zhi-Cheng;WANG Pei-Hua;LI Jing-Yong;ZHANG Xiao-Chun and LU Yuan-Yuan
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(04):  613-617. 
      Abstract ( 1743 )   PDF (473KB) ( 977 )   Save
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      The ratooning rice is the secondary rice, which sprouted from the rice pile axillary after the hybrid mid-season rice was harvested. It is suitable local effective cultivation pattern which was used fully light hot resources of idle period in autumn and increased output, and it was the bigger application area in south rice area. The ratooning rice research beginning from 20th century 30’s, at present up to, the research content was mainly concentrated in the cultivation and the physiological aspect, but the correlation research about the ratooning ability and agronomic trait of the main crop was less, lacking of the consistent conclusion. Mid-season hybrid rice was regard as reserving ratooning rice at present in china, but the correlation study of ratooning ability of mid-season hybrid rice and its agronomic traits of main crop was rarefaction, being short of unanimous conclusion. In order to choose strong ratooning ability hybrid rice combination, the relationship between the ratooning ability and agronomic traits of main crop with 229 mid-season hybrid rice combinations were tested in 1996, 1999 and 2001. The results from both correlation analysis and path analysis showed that: ⑴ the stem-sheath dry weight of main crop had maximum direct effect on ratooning ability, the correlation coefficient between the above two traits was significantly positive, and the regression equation had better expecting function, indicating that stem-sheath dry weight was an important index to measure the ratooning ability of hybrid rice combination; ⑵ the correlation between the ratooning ability and the amount of effective panicles which has strong effect on field group ecology, was not significant, but the partial correlation was significant, showing it was the important trait of influencing ratooning ability; ⑶ the effects of plant height, flag leaf length, grains per panicle, grain weight per panicle and growth duration, which were negatively correlated to the ratooning ability, and the tillering ability, which was positively correlated to the ratooning ability, were different in 3 experiments, showing the influence of the traits to be unstable to the ratooning ability.

      Identification of RAPD and SCAR Markers Linked to Herbicide Susceptible Lethality Gene (bel) in Rice
      ZHU Bi-Feng; ZHU You-Lin; WU Cheng-Gang; LIAO Zhao-Hui; LI Shu-Wei; LIU Zhu; PENG Ling; GUO Ke-Ting and LIU An-Ling
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(04):  618-624. 
      Abstract ( 2065 )   PDF (2114KB) ( 970 )   Save
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      The rice (Oryza sativa) cultivar 8077s is a photo-thermo-sensitive gene male sterile (PTGMS) line carrying the bentazon susceptible lethality gene. The gel bel made the self-seeding of 8077s killed by bantazon, while is safe for its F1 hybrids and all other normal varieties. 8077s prevents effectively seed production from self-contamination by the sterility instability. It is purpose that the bel gene be identified and marked by RAPD and SCAR methods in order to apply in the molecular marker assisted selection for the breeding (MAS). The study was carried out using bulked segregant analysis (BSA) in an F2 population from a cross between rice cultivars 8077s harboring bentazon susceptibility trait and Feng 35 harboring bentazon resistance trait. The analysis indicated that segregated proportion was 1∶3 between susceptible and resistant individual in F2 population. This ratio was accord with Mendel’s Law of Segregation. The character of bentazon susceptibility controlled by a single recessive gene (bel). A total of 210 arbitrary 10-mer oligonucleotide primes were screened on the genomic DNA of 8077s and Feng 35 by RAPD technique. Among primes produced polymorphic RAPD bands between 8077s and Feng 35. Nine plants of the bentazon susceptible lethality and resistance lethality plants were selected for DNA extraction to establish susceptible and resistance gene pools respectively. Above primers were repeatedly screened from the BSA. Two primers (S20 and S316) were obtained from the primers. The result shows that polymorphic RAPD fragments were S20-440 (440 bp) and S316-590 (590 bp). The genetic distance between the bel gene and two RAPD markers was 7.97 and 12.132 cM respectively. The fragments of RAPD markers were recovered, cloned and sequenced. According to the sequence, two pair of specific SCAR primers were designed and synthesized. The specific bands with size of 423 bp and 606 bp respectively on the single herbicide susceptible plant of F2 were amplified with primers SC01 and SC02. The genetic distance closely to bel gene was 10.66 and 7.04 cM. And SCAR markers were applied in assisted selection for a bentazon susceptible lethality gene (bel) in rice. The studies laid foundations for the breeding with MAS and researching further bel gene.

      Characterization of Glu-1, Glu-3 and Gli-1 Alleleic Variation of Storage Protein in 141 Hexaploid Wheat Cultivars in China
      WANG Rui; ZHANG Gai-Sheng; F J Zeller and S L K Hsam
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(04):  625-629. 
      Abstract ( 2051 )   PDF (628KB) ( 1301 )   Save
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      The banding patterns of HMWgs, LMWgs and HMW gliadins of 141 common wheat cultivars (lines) were analyzed using two-step SDS-PAGE and a modified A-PAGE, respectively checked out according to the 20 standard cultivars’ patterns. 27 HWMgs band patterns were encoded by Glu-1 locus, all positive effect subunits such as (1,7+8,5+10), (1,14+15,5+10), (1,13+16,5+10), (1,17+18,5+10), (2*,7+8,5+10), (2*,13+16,5+10) were about 13.4% in the 141 cultivars (lines) which were encoded by Glu-A1, Glu-B1 and Glu-D1. Over 48 LMWgs band patterns were encoded by Glu-3 locus, the pattern with the highest frequency was (a,j,c), more than 6 alleles were at Glu-A locus and 5.7% of them were newly discovered, above 10 alleles were at Glu-B1 locus and 2.8% of them were newly discovered, 3 alleles were at Glu-D1 locus; 81 HMW gliadin band patterns were encoded by Gli-1 locus, more than 7 alleles were at Gli-A1 locus, and 7.1% of them were newly discovered, more than 12 alleles were at Gli-B1 locus, and 3.5% of them were newly discovered, 10 alleles were at Gli-D1 locus; 33.6% alleles encoded by Gli-B1 were 1B/1R translocation lines. So HMW gliadin alleleic variation encoded by Gli-1 and LMWgs alleleic variation encoded by Glu-3 are much more complex and abundant than HMWgs alleleic variation, these results also showed that LMWgs, gliadins and these similar to HMWgs are seldom located on chromosome 1A. Moreover, the A-PAGE patterns or SDS-PAGE patterns are possibly different even if their HMWgs, LMWgs and HMW gliadin compositions are the same, in other words, their LMW gliadins compositions may be different.

      Genetic Diversity of Autotetraploid Alfalfa with Different Salt-tolerant Trait Based on SSR Marker Analysis
      LIU Zhi-Peng; YANG Qing-Chuan; HU Tian-Ming; YAN Long-Feng and WANG Chao
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(04):  630-632. 
      Abstract ( 2013 )   PDF (258KB) ( 1035 )   Save
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      With 8 SSR (simple sequence repeat) loci and 63 alleles, the genetic variation of within and between 8 alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) populations, including 320 individuals, was analyzed. The autotetraploid method was first developed and used to analyze the allele frequencies in autotretraploid alfalfa with SSR markers. Based on the allele frequencies, the genetic heterozygosity, effective allele number, standard genetic distance, and NJ(Neighbor Jointing) dendrogram were obtained, including the high genetic diversity of within and between the 8 alfalfa populations. The genetic heterozygosities from the 0/1 method and the autotetraploid method were significantly (P<0.01), showing that the autotetraploid method is more scientific to analyze SSR polymorphism in alfalfa.

the Crop Science Society of China
the Institute of Crop Science, CAAS
China Science Publishing & Media Ltd.
Published: Science Press
Editor-in-chief: Wan Jian-min
Associate Editors-in-Chief:
Chen Xiao-ya Yang Jian-chang Zhang Xian-long Wang Jian-kang Xu Ming-liang Liu Chun-ming Wang Dao-wen Sun Chuan-qing Ding Yan-feng Jin Wei-wei Chu Cheng-cai Cheng Wei-hong
Director of the editorial department:
Yan Chun-ling
CN 11-1809/S
ISSN 0496-3490
Post subscription code: 82-336

  • Started in 2013
  • Covered by SCIE
  • Open access in ScienceDirect

Editor in chief: Wan Jian-min
CN 10-1112/S
ISSN 2095-5421, 2214-5141(online)
Online published:
Submission: https://www.editorialmanager.com/cj/
E-mail: cropjournal@caas.cn
