
作物学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (08): 1452-1458.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.01452

• 耕作栽培·生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1甘肃省作物遗传改良与种质创新重点实验室 / 甘肃农业大学园艺学院, 甘肃兰州 730070; 2甘肃省干旱生境作物学重点实验室, 甘肃兰州 730070; 3草业生态系统教育部重点实验室, 甘肃兰州 730070
  • 收稿日期:2013-11-18 修回日期:2014-04-16 出版日期:2014-08-12 网络出版日期:2014-06-03
  • 基金资助:

    本研究由中国博士后科学基金项目(2012M512042), 国家自然科学基金项目(31260311)和教育部重点项目(212185)资助。

Effect of Rotation of Leguminous Plants on Soil Available Nutrients and Physical and Chemical Properties in Continuous Cropping Potato Field

QIN Shu-Hao1,2,CAO Li1,2,ZHANG Jun-Lian1,SHI Shang-Li3,WANG Di1   

  1. 1 Gansu Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic & Germplasm Enhancement / College of Horticulture, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, China; 2 Gansu Key Laboratory of Arid land Crop Science, Lanzhou 730070, China; 3 Key Laboratory of Grassland Ecology System, Ministry of Education, Lanzhou 730070, China
  • Received:2013-11-18 Revised:2014-04-16 Published:2014-08-12 Published online:2014-06-03


合理轮作天蓝苜蓿 (Medicago lupulina L.)、陇东苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)和箭筈豌豆(Vicia sativa L.)3种豆科植物对马铃薯连作田土壤速效氮、速效磷及速效钾含量有不同程度的促进作用。对于马铃薯2年以上连作田,轮作3种豆科植物均能起到提高土壤氮素有效性的作用,速效氮含量最高提高476%,且可显著提高3年以上连作田速效磷含量,增幅最高可达207%。对于3~4年连作田,轮作天蓝苜蓿可提高土壤速效钾含量,其他连作年限及轮作箭筈豌豆和陇东苜蓿均没有提高土壤速效钾含量。轮作豆科植物后,不同连作年限马铃薯连作田土壤EC值均显著下降,与对照相比,土壤的EC值最大降低69.7%,说明实施马铃薯-豆科植物轮作对防止马铃薯连作田土壤盐渍化有显著效果。轮作豆科植物使连作田土壤脲酶、碱性磷酸酶和过氧化氢酶活性均显著提高。从第2年连作开始,轮作豆科植物对后茬马铃薯产量产生明显影响,第3~4年连作期间,轮作天蓝苜蓿和箭筈豌豆对后茬马铃薯增产效果较明显。

关键词: 马铃薯连作田, 轮作豆科植物, 土壤速效养分, 土壤电导率, 土壤酶活性


Soil available nitrogen, soil available phosphorus and soil available potassium contents were improved to some extent by the rotation of Medicago lupulina, Longdong alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and common vetch (Vicia sativa). Soil available nitrogen content was greatly increased for 2 or more -year continuous cropping field by the rotation of the three leguminous plants, and the maximum increase reached 476%. Soil available phosphorus content was greatly increased for 3 or more-year continuous cropping field by the rotation of Medicago lupulina L. and Medicago sativa L., and the maximum increase was 207%. Soil available potassium content was increased for 3–4 year continuous cropping field by the rotation of Medicago lupulina, which was not observed for other continuous cropping fields under the rotation of Vicia sativa and Medicago sativa. Soil conductivity was significantly decreased by the rotation of three leguminous plants, with the maximum decrease of 69.7% compared with CK. This result indicated soil salinization for continuous cropping field could be prevented effectively by practicing the rotation of leguminous plants. Moreover, the activities of urease, alkaline phosphatase and hydrogen peroxidase were significantly increased by practicing leguminous plants rotation. The significant effects of rotation of leguminous plants on next-cropping-potato yield were observed from the second year of potato continuous cropping. And during the third to fourth years of potato continuous cropping, potato yield was increased by the rotation of Medicago lupulina and common vetch.

Key words: Potato continuous cropping field, Rotation leguminous plants, Soil available nutrients, Soil conductivity, Soil enzyme

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