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作物学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (5): 1316-1326.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.21037

• 耕作栽培·生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇


李盼(), 陈桂平, 苟志文, 殷文(), 樊志龙, 胡发龙, 范虹, 柴强   

  1. 省部共建干旱生境作物学国家重点实验室/甘肃农业大学农学院, 甘肃兰州 730070
  • 收稿日期:2022-05-22 接受日期:2022-09-05 出版日期:2023-05-12 网络出版日期:2022-09-19
  • 通讯作者: *殷文, E-mail: yinwen@gsau.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:E-mail: lipan0404@126.com
  • 基金资助:

Response on light energy utilization and water production benefit of spring wheat to straw retention in an oasis irrigated area

LI Pan(), CHEN Gui-Ping, GOU Zhi-Wen, YIN Wen(), FAN Zhi-Long, HU Fa-Long, FAN Hong, CHAI Qiang   

  1. State Key Laboratory of Arid Land Crop Science/College of Agronomy, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China
  • Received:2022-05-22 Accepted:2022-09-05 Published:2023-05-12 Published online:2022-09-19
  • Contact: *E-mail: yinwen@gsau.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(32101857);National Natural Science Foundation of China(U21A20218);Gansu Provincial Scientific Project of Colleges and Universities(2021B-134);Fuxi Young Talents Fund of Gansu Agricultural University(Gaufx-03Y10);Important talent of Gansu province(204197083016);Young Science and Technology Talents Supporting Project of Gansu Science and Technology Association(2020-12)


针对干旱灌区作物生产中光资源浪费和水分生产效益低等问题, 研究不同秸秆还田方式对春小麦光能利用率、灌溉水生产力及经济效益的影响, 以期为该区筛选适宜春小麦生产的秸秆还田方式提供依据。2014—2016年, 在甘肃省武威绿洲农作基地以春小麦秸秆还田为研究对象, 传统翻耕无秸秆还田为对照, 设4个处理, 包括免耕25~30 cm高茬收割秸秆覆盖(NTSM)、免耕25~30 cm高茬收割秸秆立茬(NTSS)、传统翻耕25~30 cm高茬收割秸秆还田(CTS)、传统翻耕无秸秆还田(CT, 对照), 以期为该区筛选适宜春小麦生产的秸秆还田方式提供依据。结果表明, 秸秆还田(NTSM、NTSS、CTS)较CT提高平均叶面积指数(MLAI)达到14.6%~17.2%、10.4~11.9%、7.3%~9.4%, 提高总叶日积(LAI-D)达到14.6%~17.6%、9.2%~12.3%、8.3%~9.8%, NTSM较NTSS提高MLAI与LAI-D分别为6.6%~7.1%和5.9%~7.2%, NTSM处理利于扩大春小麦光合源。NTSM、NTSS较CT降低了春小麦孕穗期之前MLAI与LAI-D分别为6.1%~7.6%、4.6%~9.8%和6.0%--7.6%、8.1%~10.4%; 相反, NTSM、NTSS较CT提高了春小麦孕穗期之后MLAI分别为38.9%~45.1%、30.7%~32.6%, 春小麦灌浆期至成熟期LAI-D分别提高37.0%~47.5%、28.6%~33.9%, 且NTSM较NTSS提高MLAI与LAI-D分别为6.2%~9.4%和6.5%~10.1%, NTSM有效调节了春小麦生育期内光合源动态关系, 利于花后籽粒灌浆。NTSM、NTSS、CTS较CT春小麦分别增产18.6%~27.3%、16.6%~24.9%、10.2%~18.7%, 光能利用率分别提高7.8%~12.2%、6.5%~11.2%、6.2%~8.4%, 单方灌溉水利用效率分别提高18.6%~27.3%、16.6%~24.9%、10.2%~18.7%, 以NTSM增产与提高水热利用效率幅度较大, 具有高效利用土壤水热资源的优势。同时, NTSM、NTSS较CT总投入减少6.5%~7.3%, 总产值提高11.4%~19.3%和8.6%~17.2%, 纯收益提高32.2%~41.5%和27.8%~37.6%, NTSM因较少的资源投入和较高的经济效益而获得较高的产投比和单方灌溉水效益, NTSM较CTS与CT产投比提高14.2%~16.9%与19.1%~28.8%, 单方灌溉水效益提高16.5%~23.1%与32.2%~41.5%。因此, 免耕25~30 cm高茬收割秸秆覆盖是河西绿洲灌区提高春小麦光能利用和灌溉水生产效益的理想秸秆还田方式。

关键词: 秸秆还田, 免耕, 光能利用, 经济效益, 灌溉水生产效益


Traditional tillage crop production pattern often leads to the waste of light resources and low benefit of water production. The response of light use efficiency, irrigation water productivity, and economic benefits of spring wheat to different straw retention patterns, which providing the theoretical and practical basis for production technologies for farmland resources use efficiency. A field experiment was conducted with various straw retention operations in Wuwei Oasis agricultural base of a typical oasis irrigation region in Gansu province during 2014-2016. Wheat straw retention operations included four treatments [no tillage with 25-30 cm long straw mulching (NTSM), no tillage with 25-30 cm high straw standing (NTSS), conventional tillage with 25-30 cm long straw incorporation (CTS), and conventional tillage with no straw retention (CT, the control)]. The objective of this study is to provide the basis for screening the suitable straw returning method for spring wheat production in this region. The results indicated that, compared with CT, straw retention (NTSM, NTSS, and CTS) improved the mean leaf area index (MLAI) by 14.6%-17.2%, 10.4-11.9%, 7.3%-9.4%, and improved total leaf area duration (LAI-D) by 14.6%-17.6%, 9.2%-12.3%, 8.3%-9.8%, respectively. Compared with NTSS, NTSM improved MLAI and LAI-D by 6.6%-7.1% and 5.9%-7.2%, respectively, which facilitating the expansion of photosynthetic sources in spring wheat. Compared with CT, NTSM and NTSS reduced MLAI and LAI-D by 6.1%-7.6%, 4.6%-9.8%, 6.0%-7.6%, and 8.1%-10.4% before booting stage of spring wheat, respectively. On the contrary, NTSM and NTSS improved MLAI after booting stage of spring wheat by 38.9%-45.1% and 30.7%-32.6%, respectively, and LAI-D from filling stage to full-riping stage of spring wheat was improved by 37.0%-47.5% and 28.6%-33.9%, respectively, compared with CT. NTSM effectively regulated the photosynthetic source dynamics during the growth period of spring wheat and facilitated post-flowering grain filling. Compared with CT, NTSM, NTSS, and CTS increased grain yield of spring wheat by 18.6%-27.3%, 16.6%-24.9%, and 10.2%-18.7%, respectively, increased light use efficiency by 7.8%-12.2%, 6.5%-11.2%, and 6.2%-8.4%, respectively, increased water use efficiency per cubic meter irrigation water by 18.6%-27.3%, 16.6%-24.9%, and 10.2%-18.7%, respectively. NTSM had the advantage of efficient utilization of soil water and heat resources by increasing grain yield and improving water and heat use efficiency to a greater extent. Meanwhile, NTSM and NTSS reduced the total inputs by 6.5%-7.3%, increased total output by 11.4%-19.3% and 8.6%-17.2%, and increased net income by 32.2%- 41.5% and 27.8%-37.6%, compared with CT, respectively. SM had a higher input-output ratio and benefit per cubic meter irrigation water due to less resource input and higher economic benefits. Compared with CTS and CTNT, NTSM increased input-output ratio by 14.2%-16.9% and 19.1%-28.8%, and increased benefit per cubic meter irrigation water by 16.5%-23.1% and 32.2%-41.5%, respectively. Therefore, no tillage with 25-30 cm long straw mulching was the ideal way of straw retention to improve light energy utilization and water production benefit of spring wheat in Hexi oasis irrigated region.

Key words: straw retention, no tillage, light energy utilization, economic benefits, irrigation water production efficiency


春小麦全生育期平均叶面积指数及其叶面积指数动态对秸秆还田方式的响应 NTSM: 免耕25~30 cm高茬收割秸秆覆盖; NTSS: 免耕25~30 cm高茬收割秸秆立茬; CTS: 传统翻耕25~30 cm高茬收割秸秆还田; CT: 传统翻耕无秸秆还田。相同年份不同小写字母表示处理间差异在 0.05概率水平差异显著。"



处理Treatment 小麦生育阶段 Wheat growth stage
拔节-孕穗期Jointing booting 孕穗-抽穗期Booting heading 抽穗-灌浆期Heading filling 灌浆-蜡熟期Filling doughing 蜡熟-完熟期Doughing maturing 总和
2014 NTSM 46.09 b 80.42 a 89.85 a 59.31 a 19.21 a 294.87 a
NTSS 44.95 b 77.29 ab 85.54 b 55.48 b 17.78 b 281.04 ab
CTS 50.11 a 80.19 a 81.80 c 51.30 c 14.45 c 277.85 b
CT 49.86 a 75.37 b 74.52 d 45.06 d 11.43 d 256.24 c
2015 NTSM 46.66 b 72.60 a 93.07 a 58.57 a 25.69 a 296.58 a
NTSS 46.42 b 70.97 ab 89.24 ab 53.91 b 22.60 b 283.15 ab
CTS 51.97 a 73.21 a 84.41 b 49.04 c 18.06 c 276.69 b
CT 50.48 a 67.63 b 76.84 c 43.13 d 14.01 d 252.09 c
2016 NTSM 41.29 bc 90.77 a 113.58 a 56.69 a 17.82 a 320.16 a
NTSS 39.39 c 86.69 b 109.10 b 53.55 ab 16.39 b 305.12 ab
CTS 44.62 a 90.79 a 104.12 c 49.15 c 13.69 c 302.37 ab
CT 43.95 ab 85.70 b 95.26 d 43.36 d 11.03 d 279.29 b



年份Year 处理Treatment 产量 Yield (kg hm-2) 产值
(Yuan hm-2)
投入Cost (Yuan hm-2) 纯收益
Net return
(Yuan hm-2)
产投比Input-output ratio
Labor and
2014 NTSM 7618 a 10297 a 19503 a 2625 b 5353 a 7978 b 11525 a 2.44 a
NTSS 7369 a 10019 a 18849 a 2625 b 5353 a 7978 b 10871 b 2.36 a
CTS 6957 b 10421 a 17941 b 3225 a 5353 a 8578 a 9363 c 2.09 b
CT 6275 c 10123 a 17085 c 3225 a 5353 a 8578 a 8507 d 1.99 c
2015 NTSM 7203 a 9598 a 18366 a 3075 b 5217 a 8292 b 10074 a 2.21 a
NTSS 7079 a 9598 a 18069 a 3075 b 5217 a 8292 b 9777 a 2.18 a
CTS 6690 b 9903 a 17197 b 3650 a 5217 a 8867 a 8330 b 1.94 b
CT 6071 c 9598 a 16486 c 3650 a 5217 a 8867 a 7619 c 1.86 c
2016 NTSM 8035 a 10876 a 20619 a 2025 b 5243 a 7268 b 13351 a 2.84 a
NTSS 7886 ab 10862 a 20259 ab 2025 b 5243 a 7268 b 12991 a 2.79 a
CTS 7492 b 10811 a 19303 b 2600 a 5243 a 7843 a 11460 b 2.46 b
CT 6313 c 10642 a 17281 c 2600 a 5243 a 7843 a 9438 c 2.20 c


不同秸秆还田方式下春小麦的光能利用率 处理同图1。相同年份不同小写字母表示处理间差异在0.05概率水平差异显著。"


不同秸秆还田方式下春小麦的单方灌溉水利用效率和效益 处理同图1。相同年份不同小写字母表示处理间差异在0.05概率水平差异显著。"



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