Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (1): 238-248.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2022.12001
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WANG Wei-Xia(), LAI Feng-Xiang, HU Hai-Yan, HE Jia-Chun, WEI Qi, WAN Pin-Jun, FU Qiang*(
[1] | 于亚东, 卢晓华, 倪晓丽, 陈文祥, 胡晓燕, 吴忠祥, 王亚平. 标准物质通用术语和定义. JJF 1005-2016. 北京: 中国标准出版社, 2016. pp 1-22. |
Yu Y D, Lu X H, Ni X L, Chen W X, Hu X Y, Wu Z X, Wang Y P. General Terms and Definitions Used in Connection with Reference Materials. JJF 1005-2016. Beijing: Standards Press of China, 2016. pp 1-22(in Chinese). | |
[2] | 沈平, 李昂, 章秋艳, 李文龙, 宋贵文. 转基因产品标准物质概述. 中国生物工程杂志, 2015, 35:107-111. |
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Liu X. Alternative DNA amplification method propitious to GMO detection. J Agric Sci Technol, 2011, 13(6):78-81 (in Chinese with English abstract). | |
[5] | 李亮, 王晶, 隋志伟, 臧超, 余笑波. 转基因定量检测用质粒分子标准物质研究进展. 生物技术通报, 2012, (2):54-58. |
Li L, Wang J, Sui Z W, Zang C, Yu X B. Advances in reference plasmids for the quantitative detection of genetically modified crops. Biotechnol Bull, 2012, (2):54-58 (in Chinese with English abstract). | |
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[7] | 董莲华, 赵正宜, 李亮, 隋志伟, 王晶. 转基因植物标准物质研究进展. 农业生物技术学报, 2012, 20:203-210. |
Dong L H, Zhao Z Y, Li L, Sui Z W, Wang J. Advance in developing genetically modified plant reference material. J Agric Biotechnol, 2012, 20:203-210 (in Chinese with English abstract). | |
[8] | 王颢潜, 李夏莹, 张丽, 赵新, 陈锐, 陈笑芸, 高芳瑞, 兰青阔, 王永, 张秀杰. 转基因产品检测标准物质量值一致性研究进展. 生物技术通报, 2020, 36(5):2-8. |
Wang H Q, Li X Y, Zhang L, Zhao X, Chen R, Chen X Y, Gao F R, Lan Q K, Wang Y, Zhang X J. Research progress on the trait value consistency of reference materials for genetically modified organism. Biotechnol Bull, 2020, 36(5):2-8 (in Chinese with English abstract). | |
[9] | 李俊, 李夏莹, 李亮, 宋贵文, 沈平, 张丽, 翟杉杉, 柳方方, 吴刚, 张秀杰, 武玉花. 转基因大豆MON89788纯品粉末标准物质的研制及定值. 农业生物技术学报, 2020, 28:1084-1095. |
Li J, Li X Y, Li L, Song G W, Shen P, Zhang L, Zhai S S, Liu F F, Wu G, Zhang X J, Wu Y H. Development and characterization of pure matrix reference materials for detection of transgenic soybean (Glycine max) MON89788. J Agric Biotechnol, 2020, 28:1084-1095 (in Chinese with English abstract). | |
[10] | 董莲华, 隋志伟, 沈平, 余笑波, 王晶. 转基因玉米NK603基体标准物质研制. 农业生物技术学报, 2013, 21:12-18. |
Dong L H, Sui Z W, Shen P, Yu X B, Wang J. Development of genetically modified maize (Zea mays) line NK603 matrix reference material. J Agric Biotechnol, 2013, 21:12-18 (in Chinese with English abstract). | |
[11] | 李俊, 李亮, 李夏莹, 宋贵文, 沈平, 张丽, 翟杉杉, 柳方方, 吴刚, 张秀杰, 武玉花. 转基因玉米MIR604基体标准物质研制. 作物学报, 2020, 46:473-483. |
Li J, Li L, Li X Y, Song G W, Shen P, Zhang L, Zhai S S, Liu F F, Wu G, Zhang X J, Wu Y H. Development of genetically modified maize MIR604 matrix reference materials. Acta Agron Sin, 2020, 46:473-483 (in Chinese with English abstract). | |
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[13] | 梁子英, 刘芳. 实时荧光定量PCR技术及其应用研究进展. 现代农业科技, 2020, (6):1-3. |
Liang Z Y, Liu F. Research progress on real-time quantitative PCR technology and its application. Mod Agric Sci Technol, 2020, (6):1-3 (in Chinese). | |
[14] | 张宜文, 赵海波, 吴红, 马康. 数字PCR在食品安全检测中的应用研究进展. 分析测试学报, 2020, 39:672-680. |
Zhang Y W, Zhao H B, Wu H, Ma K. Progress on application of digital PCR in food safety detection. J Instrum Anal, 2020, 39:672-680 (in Chinese with English abstract). | |
[15] | 谢家建, 沈平, 彭于发, 李葱葱, 宋贵文, 孙爻. 转基因植物及其产品成分检测: 调控元件CaMV 35S启动子、FMV 35S启动子、NOS启动子、NOS终止子和CaMV 35S终止子定性PCR方法. 农业部1782号公告-3-2012. 北京: 中国农业出版社, 2012. pp 1-9. |
Xie J J, Shen P, Peng Y F, Li C C, Song G W, Sun Y. Detection of Genetically Modified Plants and Derived Products: Qualitative PCR Methods for the Regulatory Elements CaMV 35S Promoter, FMV 35S Promoter, NOS Promoter, NOS Terminator and CaMV 35S Terminator. Announcement No. 1782 of the Ministry of Agriculture-3-2012. Beijing: China Agriculture Press, 2012. pp 1-9(in Chinese). | |
[16] | 路兴波, 宋贵文, 李凡, 沈平, 杨立桃, 孙红炜, 武海斌, 王敏, 王鹏. 转基因植物及其产品成分检测: bar或pat基因定性PCR方法. 农业部1782号公告-6-2012. 北京: 中国农业出版社, 2012. pp 1-5. |
Lu X B, Song G W, Shen P, Yang L T, Sun H W, Wu H B, Wang M, Wang P. Detection of Genetically Modified Plants and Derived Products: Qualitative PCR Method of bar or pat Gene. Announcement No. 1782 of the Ministry of Agriculture-6-2012. Beijing: China Agriculture Press, 2012. pp 1-5(in Chinese). | |
[17] | 卢长明, 宋贵文, 吴刚, 武玉花, 曹应龙, 厉建萌, 罗军玲. 转基因植物及其产品成分检测:标记基因NPTII、HPT和PMI定性PCR方法. 农业部1782号公告-2-2012. 北京: 中国农业出版社, 2012. pp 1-9. |
Lu C M, Song G W, Wu G, Wu Y H, Cao Y L, Li J M, Luo J L. Detection of Genetically Modified Plants and Derived Products: Qualitative PCR Methods for the Marker Genes NPTII, HPT and PMI. No. Announcement No. 1782 of the Ministry of Agriculture -2-2012. Beijing: China Agriculture Press, 2012. pp 1-9(in Chinese). | |
[18] | 金芜军, 刘信, 杨立桃, 张永军, 黄昆龙, 宋贵文, 李宁, 沈平, 彭于发, 黄文胜, 宛煜嵩. 转基因植物及其产品成分检测: 抗虫转Bt基因水稻定性PCR方法. 农业部953号公告-6-2007. 北京: 中国农业出版社, 2007. pp 1-8. |
Jin W J, Liu X, Yang L T, Zhang Y J, Huang K L, Song G W, L I N, Shen P, Peng Y F, Huang W S, Wan Y S. Detection of Genetically Modified Plants and Their Derived Products: Qualitative PCR Methods for Pest-Resistant Rice Transgenic for Bt Gene. No. Announcement No. 953 of the Ministry of Agriculture-6-2007. Beijing: China Agriculture Press, 2007. pp 1-8(in Chinese). | |
[19] | 杨立桃, 厉建萌, 刘勇, 张大兵, 宋贵文, 兰青阔, 郭金超, 宋君. 转基因植物及其产品成分检测:CP4-epsps基因定性PCR方法. 农业部1861号公告-5-2012. 北京: 中国农业出版社, 2012. pp 1-5. |
Yang L T, Li J M, Liu Y, Zhang D B, Song G W, Lan Q K, Guo J C, Song J. Detection of Genetically Modified Plants and Derived Products: Qualitative PCR Method for CP4-epsps Gene. Announcement No. 1861 of the Ministry of Agriculture-5-2012. Beijing: China Agriculture Press, 2012. pp 1-5(in Chinese). | |
[20] | 杨崇良, 沈平, 路兴波, 孙红炜, 金芜军, 尚佑芬, 赵玖华, 宋贵文, 李宁. 转基因植物及其产品成分检测: 耐除草剂玉米NK603及其衍生品种定性PCR方法. 农业部869号公告-13-2007. 北京: 中国农业出版社, 2007. pp 1-4. |
Yang C L, Shen P, Lu X B, Sun H W, Jin W J, Shang Y F, Zhao J H, Song G W, Li N. Detection of Genetically Modified Plants and Derived Products: Qualitative PCR Method for Herbicide- tolerant Maize NK603 and Its Derivates. Announcement No. 869 of the Ministry of Agriculture-13-2007. Beijing: China Agriculture Press, 2007. pp 1-4(in Chinese). | |
[21] | 卢长明, 沈平, 武玉花, 黄文胜, 金芜军, 祝长青. 转基因植物及其产品成分检测: 抗虫水稻TT51-1及其衍生品种定性PCR方法. 农业部1193号公告-3-2009. 北京: 中国农业出版社, 2009. pp 1-4. |
Lu C M, Shen P, Wu Y H, Huang W S, Jin W J, Zhu C Q. Detection of Genetically Modified Plants and Derived Products: Qualitative PCR Method for Insect-Resistant Rice TT51-1 and Its Derivates. Announcement No. 1193 of the Ministry of Agriculture-3-2009. Beijing: China Agriculture Press, 2009. pp 1-4(in Chinese). | |
[22] | 张明, 厉建萌, 潘良文, 杨立桃, 李飞武, 刘乐庭, 刘信, 潘爱虎, 付仲文, 李葱葱. 转基因植物及其产品成分检测:抗除草剂油菜GT73及其衍生品种定性PCR方法.农业部869号公告-11-2007. 北京: 中国农业出版社, 2007. pp 1-4. |
Zhang M, Li J M, Pan L W, Yang L T, Li F W, Liu L T, Liu X, Pan A H, Fu Z W, Li C C. Detection of Genetically Modified Plants and Derived Products: Qualitative PCR Method for Herbicide-tolerant Canola GT73 and Its Derivates. Announcement No. 869 of the Ministry of Agriculture -11-2007. Beijing: China Agriculture Press, 2007. pp 1-4(in Chinese). | |
[23] | 卢长明, 武玉花, 宋贵文, 吴刚, 肖玲, 沈平, 连庆. 转基因植物及其产品成分检测: 抗除草剂油菜MS8、RF3及其衍生品种定性PCR方法. 农业部869号公告-5-2007. 北京: 中国农业出版社, 2007. pp 1-5. |
Lu C M, Wu Y H, Song G W, Wu G, Xiao L, Shen P, Lian Q. Detection of Genetically Modified Plants and Derived Products: Qualitative PCR Method for Herbicide-Tolerant Rapeseed MS8, PF3 and Their Derivates. Announcement No. 869 of the Ministry of Agriculture-5-2007. Beijing: China Agriculture Press, 2007. pp 1-5(in Chinese). | |
[24] | 李飞武, 宋贵文, 夏蔚, 沈平, 李葱葱, 李昂, 董立明, 龙立坤, 闫伟, 张明, 邵改革, 徐俊峰, 陈笑芸. 转基因植物及其产品成分检测: 抗虫和耐除草剂玉米Bt11及其衍生品种定性PCR方法. 农业部2122号公告-14-2014. 北京: 中国农业出版社, 2014. pp 1-5. |
Li F W, Song G W, Xia W, Shen P, Li C C, Li A, Dong L M, Long L K, Yan W, Zhang M, Shao G G, Xu J F, Chen X Y. Detection of Genetically Modified Plants and Derived Products:Qualitative PCR Method for Insect-Resistant and Herbicide-Tolerant Maize Bt11 and Its Derivates. Announcement No. 2122 of the Ministry of Agriculture-14-2014. Beijing: China Agriculture Press, 2014. pp 1-5(in Chinese). | |
[25] | 易小平, 李文龙, 郭安平, 沈平, 李美英, 李昂, 肖苏生, 贺萍萍, 杨小亮, 谢翔. 转基因植物及其产品成分检测: 抗虫玉米MON810及其衍生品种定性PCR方法. 农业部2122号公告-16-2014. 北京: 中国农业出版社, 2014. pp 1-5. |
Yi Y P, Li W L, G uo A P, Shen P, Li M Y, Li A, Xiao S S, He P P, Yang X L, Xie X. Detection of Genetically Modified Plants and Derived Products: Qualitative PCR Method for Insect-Resistant Maize MON810 and Its Derivates. Announcement No. 2122 of the Ministry of Agriculture-16-2014. Beijing: China Agriculture Press, 2014. pp 1-5(in Chinese). | |
[26] | 刘勇, 沈平, 宋君, 张瑞英, 雷绍荣, 金芜军, 赵欣, 张富丽, 尹全, 王东, 刘文娟, 常丽娟, 关海涛, 王伟威. 转基因植物及其产品成分检测:耐除草剂大豆GTS40-3-2及其衍生品种定性PCR方法. 农业部1861号公告-2-2012. 北京: 中国农业出版社, 2012. pp 1-5. |
刘勇, 沈平, 宋君, 张瑞英, 雷绍荣, 金芜军, 赵欣, 张富丽, 尹全, 王东, 刘文娟, 常丽娟, 关海涛, 王伟威. 转基因植物及其产品成分检测:耐除草剂大豆GTS40-3-2及其衍生品种定性PCR方法. 农业部1861号公告-2-2012. 北京: 中国农业出版社, 2012. pp 1-5. | |
Liu Y, Shen P, Song J, Zhang R Y, Lei S R, Jin W J, Zhao X, Zhang F L, Yin Q, Wang D, Liu W J, Chang L J, Guan H T, Wan W W. Detection of Genetically Modified Plants and Derived Products: Qualitative PCR Method for Herbicide-Tolerant Soybean GTS40-3-2 and Its Derivates. Announcement No. 1861 of the Ministry of Agriculture-2-2012. Beijing: China Agriculture Press, 2012. pp 1-5(in Chinese). | |
Liu Y, Shen P, Song J, Zhang R Y, Lei S R, Jin W J, Zhao X, Zhang F L, Yin Q, Wang D, Liu W J, Chang L J, Guan H T, Wan W W. Detection of Genetically Modified Plants and Derived Products: Qualitative PCR Method for Herbicide-Tolerant Soybean GTS40-3-2 and Its Derivates. Announcement No. 1861 of the Ministry of Agriculture-2-2012. Beijing: China Agriculture Press, 2012. pp 1-5(in Chinese). | |
[27] | 张大兵, 刘信, 杨立桃, 潘爱虎, 沈平, 宋贵文, 路兴波. 转基因植物及其产品成分检测:抗虫玉米MON863及其衍生品种定性PCR方法. 农业部869号公告-10-2007. 北京: 中国农业出版社, 2007. pp 1-4. |
张大兵, 刘信, 杨立桃, 潘爱虎, 沈平, 宋贵文, 路兴波. 转基因植物及其产品成分检测:抗虫玉米MON863及其衍生品种定性PCR方法. 农业部869号公告-10-2007. 北京: 中国农业出版社, 2007. pp 1-4. | |
Zhang D B, Liu X, Yang L T, Pan A H, Shen P, Song G W, Lu X B. Detection of Genetically Modified Plants and Derived Products: Qualitative PCR Method for Insect-resistant Maize MON863 and Its Derivates. Announcement No. 869 of the Ministry of Agriculture-10-2007. Beijing: China Agriculture Press, 2007. pp 1-4(in Chinese). | |
Zhang D B, Liu X, Yang L T, Pan A H, Shen P, Song G W, Lu X B. Detection of Genetically Modified Plants and Derived Products: Qualitative PCR Method for Insect-resistant Maize MON863 and Its Derivates. Announcement No. 869 of the Ministry of Agriculture-10-2007. Beijing: China Agriculture Press, 2007. pp 1-4(in Chinese). | |
[28] | 张瑞英, 李文龙, 温洪涛, 沈平, 关海涛, 王伟威, 丁一佳, 黄盈莹. 转基因植物及其产品成分检测:抗虫和耐除草剂玉米Bt176及其衍生品种定性PCR方法. 农业部2122号公告-15-2014. 北京: 中国农业出版社, 2014. pp 1-5. |
张瑞英, 李文龙, 温洪涛, 沈平, 关海涛, 王伟威, 丁一佳, 黄盈莹. 转基因植物及其产品成分检测:抗虫和耐除草剂玉米Bt176及其衍生品种定性PCR方法. 农业部2122号公告-15-2014. 北京: 中国农业出版社, 2014. pp 1-5. | |
Zhang R Y, Li W L, Wen H T, Shen P, Guan H T, Wang W W, Ding Y J, Huang Y Y. Detection of Genetically Modified Plants and Derived Products: Qualitative PCR Method for Insect- Resistant and Herbicide-Tolerance Maize Bt176 and Its Derivates. Announcement No. 2122 of the Ministry of Agriculture-15-2014. Beijing: China Agriculture Press, 2014. pp 1-5(in Chinese). | |
Zhang R Y, Li W L, Wen H T, Shen P, Guan H T, Wang W W, Ding Y J, Huang Y Y. Detection of Genetically Modified Plants and Derived Products: Qualitative PCR Method for Insect- Resistant and Herbicide-Tolerance Maize Bt176 and Its Derivates. Announcement No. 2122 of the Ministry of Agriculture-15-2014. Beijing: China Agriculture Press, 2014. pp 1-5(in Chinese). | |
[29] | 张大兵, 刘信, 杨立桃, 宋贵文, 沈平, 潘爱虎, 梁婉琪, 张明. 转基因植物及其产品成分检测: 抗虫和耐除草剂玉米TC1507及其生品种定性PCR方法. 农业部869号公告-7-2007. 北京: 中国农业出版社, 2007. pp 1-4. |
张大兵, 刘信, 杨立桃, 宋贵文, 沈平, 潘爱虎, 梁婉琪, 张明. 转基因植物及其产品成分检测: 抗虫和耐除草剂玉米TC1507及其生品种定性PCR方法. 农业部869号公告-7-2007. 北京: 中国农业出版社, 2007. pp 1-4. | |
Zhang D B, Liu X, Yang L T, Song G W, Shen P, Pan A H, Liang W Q, Zhang M. Detection of Genetically Modified Plants and Derived Products: Qualitative PCR Method for Insect-Resistant and Herbicide-Tolerant Maize TC1507 and Its Derivates. Announcement No. 869 of the Ministry of Agriculture-7-2007. Beijing: China Agriculture Press, 2014. pp 1-4(in Chinese). | |
Zhang D B, Liu X, Yang L T, Song G W, Shen P, Pan A H, Liang W Q, Zhang M. Detection of Genetically Modified Plants and Derived Products: Qualitative PCR Method for Insect-Resistant and Herbicide-Tolerant Maize TC1507 and Its Derivates. Announcement No. 869 of the Ministry of Agriculture-7-2007. Beijing: China Agriculture Press, 2014. pp 1-4(in Chinese). | |
[30] | 彭于发, 沈平, 谢家建, 张永军, 厉建萌. 转基因植物及其产品成分检测: 抗虫耐除草剂玉米59122及其衍生品种定性PCR方法. 农业部1485号公告-9-2010. 北京: 中国农业出版社, 2010. pp 1-5. |
彭于发, 沈平, 谢家建, 张永军, 厉建萌. 转基因植物及其产品成分检测: 抗虫耐除草剂玉米59122及其衍生品种定性PCR方法. 农业部1485号公告-9-2010. 北京: 中国农业出版社, 2010. pp 1-5. | |
Peng Y F, Shen P, Xie J J, Zhang Y J, Li J M. Detection of genetically modified plants and derived products:Qualitative PCR method for insect-resistant and herbicide-tolerant maize 59122 and its derivates. Announcement No. 1485 of the Ministry of Agriculture-9-2010. Beijing: China Agriculture Press, 2010. pp 1-5(in Chinese). | |
Peng Y F, Shen P, Xie J J, Zhang Y J, Li J M. Detection of genetically modified plants and derived products:Qualitative PCR method for insect-resistant and herbicide-tolerant maize 59122 and its derivates. Announcement No. 1485 of the Ministry of Agriculture-9-2010. Beijing: China Agriculture Press, 2010. pp 1-5(in Chinese). | |
[31] | 卢长明, 刘信, 武玉花, 吴刚, 岳云峰, 曹应龙, 赵欣. 转基因植物及其产品成分检测:抗虫玉米MIR604及其衍生品种定性PCR方法. 农业部1485号公告-16-2010. 北京: 中国农业出版社, 2010. pp 1-5. |
卢长明, 刘信, 武玉花, 吴刚, 岳云峰, 曹应龙, 赵欣. 转基因植物及其产品成分检测:抗虫玉米MIR604及其衍生品种定性PCR方法. 农业部1485号公告-16-2010. 北京: 中国农业出版社, 2010. pp 1-5. | |
Lu C M, Liu X, Wu Y H, Wu G, Yue Y F, Cao Y L, Zhao X. Detection of genetically modified plants and derived products:Qualitative PCR method for insect-resistant maize MIR604 and its derivates. Announcement No. 1485 of the Ministry of Agriculture-16-2010. Beijing: China Agriculture Press, 2010. pp 1-5(in Chinese). | |
Lu C M, Liu X, Wu Y H, Wu G, Yue Y F, Cao Y L, Zhao X. Detection of genetically modified plants and derived products:Qualitative PCR method for insect-resistant maize MIR604 and its derivates. Announcement No. 1485 of the Ministry of Agriculture-16-2010. Beijing: China Agriculture Press, 2010. pp 1-5(in Chinese). | |
[32] | 谢家建, 沈平, 彭于发, 梁晋刚, 陈秀萍, 韩兰芝, 李云河, 梁革梅, 王叶. 转基因植物及其产品成分检测: 抗虫耐除草剂棉花GHB119及其衍生品种定性PCR方法. 农业农村部公告第111号-3-2018. 北京: 中国农业出版社, 2018. pp 1-7. |
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