Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (9): 2409-2420.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2022.12066
• RESEARCH NOTES • Previous Articles
SANG Guo-Qing1,2(), TANG Zhi-Guang1,2,*(
), MAO Ke-Biao3, DENG Gang1,2, WANG Jing-Wen1,2, LI Jia1,2
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Li H K, Wang L J, Xiao S S. Random forest classification of land use in hilly and mountainous areas of southern China using multi-source remote sensing data. Trans CSAE, 2021, 37(7): 244-251. (in Chinese with English abstract) | |
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Zhao H W, Chen Z X, Jiang H, Liu J. Early growing stage crop species identification in southern China based on Sentinel-1A time series imagery and one-dimensional CNN. Trans CSAE, 2020, 36(3): 169-177. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
[1] | LI Jin-Min, CHEN Xiu-Qing, YANG Qi, SHI Liang-Sheng. Deep learning models for estimation of paddy rice leaf nitrogen concentration based on canopy hyperspectral data [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2021, 47(7): 1342-1350. |
[2] | HAN Zi-Hang, ZHANG Chang-Sheng, WANG Ji-Jun, ZHANG Dong-Xiao, SHANG Song, CHEN Ai-Wu, ZHOU An-Sheng, HU Li-Yong, TUN Jiang-Sheng, FU Ting-Dong. Effects of Nitrogen Application on Agronomic Traits and Yield of Rapeseed in No-tillage Rice Stubble Field [J]. Acta Agron Sin, 2011, 37(12): 2261-2268. |
[3] | ZHANG Ya-Ji, HUA Jing-Jing, LI E-Chao, CHEN Ying-Ying, YANG Jian-Chang. Effects of Interaction between Phosphorus Nutrition and Cultivation Methods on Grain Yield and Phosphorus Utilization of Upland Rice and Paddy Rice [J]. Acta Agron Sin, 2011, 37(08): 1423-1431. |
[4] | WANG Cui-Cui, CHEN Ai-Wu, LEI Hai-Xia, HAN Zi-Hang, LIU Fang, ZHOU Guang-Sheng, WU Jiang-Sheng, FU Ting-Dong. Relationship between Seedling Traits and Yield Loss of Rapeseed Direct-Seeded in No-Tillage Rice Stubble Field [J]. Acta Agron Sin, 2011, 37(03): 545-551. |
[5] | SONG Feng-Ping,HU Li-Yong,ZHOU Guang-Sheng,WU Jiang-Sheng,FU Ting-Dong. Effects of Waterlogging Time on Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) Growth and Yield [J]. Acta Agron Sin, 2010, 36(1): 170-176. |
[6] | SONG Feng-Ping,HU Li-Yong,ZHOU Guang-Sheng*,WU Jiang-Sheng,FU Ting-Dong. Effects of Water Table on Rapeseed(Brassica. napus L.) Growth and Yield [J]. Acta Agron Sin, 2009, 35(8): 1508-1515. |
[7] | ZHANG Ya-Jie,CHEN Ying-Ying,YAN Guo-Jun,DU Bin,ZHOU Yu-Ran,YANG Jian-Chang. Effects of Nitrogen Nutrition on Grain Quality in Upland Rice Zhonghan 3 and Paddy Rice Yangjing 9538 under Different Cultivation Methods [J]. Acta Agron Sin, 2009, 35(10): 1866-1874. |
[8] | ZHANG Ya-Jie;ZHOU Yu-Ran;DU Bin;YANG Jian-Chang. Effects of Nitrogen Nutrition on Grain Yield of Upland Rice and Paddy Rice under Different Cultivation Methods [J]. Acta Agron Sin, 2008, 34(06): 1005-1013. |
[9] | ZHANG Rong-Ping;MA Jun ;;WANG He-Zheng;LI Yan;LI Xu-Yi;WANG Ren-Quan. Effects of Different Irrigation Regimes on Some Physiology Characteristics and Grain Yield in Paddy Rice during Grain Filling [J]. Acta Agron Sin, 2008, 34(03): 486-495. |
[10] | ZHANG Ya-Jie;YANG Jian-Chang;DU Bin. Effects of Cultivation Methods on the Absorption and Use Efficiency of Phosphorus in Upland Rice and Paddy Rice [J]. Acta Agron Sin, 2008, 34(01): 126-132. |
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ZHANG Ya-Jie;ZHOU Yu-Ran;SUN Bin;DIAO Guang-Hua;LIN Qiang-Sen;YANG Jian-Chang . Effects of Cultivation Methods on Grain Quality in Upland Rice cv. Zhonghan 3 and Paddy Rice cv. Wuxiangjing 99-8 [J]. Acta Agron Sin, 2007, 33(01): 31-37. |
[13] | ZOU Gui-Hua ;MEI Han-Wei;YU Xin-Qiao;LIU Hong-Yan;LIU Guo-Lan ;LI Ming-Shou;LUO Li-Jun. Effects of Different Water Supply Treatment on Vegetative Growth, Photosynthetic Characteristics and Grain Yield in Paddy and Upland Rice [J]. Acta Agron Sin, 2006, 32(08): 1179-1183. |