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    12 June 2006, Volume 32 Issue 06
      Azimuthal Distribution of Maize Plant Leaves Determined by 3D Digitizer
      MA Yun-Tao;GUO Yan;LI Bao-Guo
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(06):  791-798. 
      Abstract ( 2298 )   PDF (429KB) ( 1154 )   Save
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      Differences in spatial arrangement of plant organs strongly affect the interception of light within the canopy. Modelling light interception by maize leaves usually assumes a random distribution of leaf azimuth. Three-dimensional (3D) digitizing technology allows spatial data on plant architecture to be collected non-destructively and the movement of plant organs to be monitored dynamically. In order to simulate the course of possible changes in the plant geometrical structure during maize growth more accurately, some results were analyzed with circular data statistics using data from 3D digitizing.
      Field measurements were conducted at the China Agricultural University (39º50’ N, 116º25’ E). Maize (Zea mays L. cv. ND108) was planted in north-south rows on June 29, 2003. There were two plant spacing treatments, both with rows spaced 0.6 m apart. Plant spacing of 0.3 m was used in the high plant density treatment and 0.6 m in the low plant density treatment. From the five-leaf stage to silking, measurements were carried out every 1–2 d since July 13, 2003 in the first experiment. Sixteen plants were selected for the study of the time course of leaf azimuthal movement and possible adaptive re-positioning of the successive leaves during and after their growth. At grain filling stage (75 d after sowing date), the second experiment (36 plants per plot) was conducted to assess the plant spacing effects on the distribution of the plant azimuthal planes and the deviation of leaves from the plane along the row.
      An electromagnetic digitizer (3Space Fastrak Long Ranger, Polhemus) was used to measure the 3D coordinates of leaf midrib in situ for the taken plants in the field with two experiments. Data were collected when the plants were not affected by wind. Measurement points were selected to delineate the curve of midrib for each maize leaf. Then the azimuth of each leaf with respect to that of the row was computed according to collected 3D coordinates.
      Azimuths of maize leaf were statistically analyzed with von Mises distribution which has two parameters (μ, k). The equation is , and in which . The parameter μ defines the reference direction of the distribution and k defines the deviation from that direction which k =0 represents the uniformity and the increasing k indicates the increasing concentration near that reference direction. Fisher test were used to compare the concentration parameters of the two circular distributions. Rayleigh test was used to test the uniformity of azimuthal plane of each individual plant amongst two treatments. The statistical results are as follows:
      For any individual maize plant, there was an azimuthal shift from the bottom to the top. The parameter k tended to decrease with the rising of leaf position. The maximum azimuthal angle changed for a given leaf was about 150°. The final azimuth was fixed for 83% of the plant leaves about 3 d before the leaf fully expanded.
      Plant azimuthal plane is essential to the study of the probability distribution of plant azimuth in field. The distributions of plant azimuthal plane for the two treatments were uniform. The plant spacing had an effect on dispersions of maize leaves from the plant azimuthal plane. From graphical inspection, a general trend of increasing dispersion with the rising of leaf position took place in both plant spacing treatments. For leaves ranked from 9 to 13, the distribution tended to be normal, with a rather low dispersion. For leaves 14 to 17, the dispersion was increased. For leaves 18 to 21, the angular distribution tended to be uniform. But for a single leaf, the concentration parameters were always higher in low density treatment than in high density treatment. The difference between treatments was significant at the 5% probability level for the leaves 9 to 13. This study provided a method of quantitative analysis and a description of the architecture in maize.

      Identification of IRBL Near-isogenic Lines for Rice Blast Resistance
      FU Chong-Yun;WANG Yu-Ping;MA Yu-Qing;WANG Li-Xia;MA Bing-Tian;LI Shi-Gui
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(06):  799-804. 
      Abstract ( 1896 )   PDF (303KB) ( 1297 )   Save
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      To elucidate the resistance spectra of resistance genes and the feasibility of breeding the cultivar with durable and broad-spectrum resistance by integrating resistance genes, the monogenic NILs bred by IRRI with the background of LTH, a native variety in yunnan without any major resistance gene and their 8 combinations were identified by inoculating 31 Magnaporthe grisea isolates. The results indicated that the resistance spectra were remarkably different among the lines, and the resistance frequencies of IRBLZ-Fu(Pi-z), IRBLZ5-CA(Pi-z-5), IRBLZt-T(Pi-z-t), IRBL9-W(Pi-9(t)) were 93%,97%,90% and 96%, respectively, showing that the four genes Pi-z, Pi-z-5, Pi-z-t, and Pi-9(t) were perceived preliminarily to be broad-spectrum resistance genes. At the same time, to avoid to the linkage, the resistance genes in different chromosomes were accumulated except for Pi-k-s and Pi-k-p. The resistance spectra of the combinations were broader than those of their parents because of complement effect and additive effect. Namely, on the one hand, the lines with single resistance gene were susceptible to some isolates, or some was susceptible, and some resistant, but the combination was resistant. On the other hand, some lines with single resistance gene and some combinations were susceptible to some isolates, but the size and the number of the lesion of the combinations were less than those of the lines with single resistance genes. Integrating several resistance genes into a cultivar would be useful for expanding resistance spectrum and durability. Pi-z, Pi-z-5, Pi-z-t and Pi-9(t) had great potential in resistance breeding, in spite of that the mechanism of their broad spectrum was not known. In addition, the resistance spectrum of the combination was broader than those of Pi-k-s and Pi-k-p. It’s not clear whether the mechanism of the broader spectrum was similar or same to the relation between EDS1 and PAD4 in Arabidopsis thaliana.

      Detection of QTLs for Resistance to Rice Stripe Virus and Small Brown Planthopper in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)

      SUN Dai-Zhen; JIANG Ling; LIU Shi-Jia ; ZHANG Ying-Xin; HUANG Pei-Hong ;CHENG Xia-Nian;ZHAI Hu-Qu; WAN Jian-Min

      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(06):  805-810. 
      Abstract ( 2104 )   PDF (417KB) ( 1046 )   Save
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      An indica variety, Kasalath, is highly resistant to rice stripe virus and small brown planthopper. In order to dissect the relationship between rice stripe virus and small brown planthopper resistance genes, the QTLs were detected using Nipponbare/Kasalath//Nipponbare backcross inbred lines. One putative QTL (qSTV11) for the ratio of disease rating index was mapped between the marker S2260 and G257 on chromosome 11, which explained 35.79% of the total phenotypic variation with LOD score of 9.2. The positive resistant effect came from Kasalath. The two QTLs (qSBPH3-a, qSBPH3-b) for non-preference index were detected on chromosome 3, and their contributions to the total variation were 11.69% and 11.36% with LOD scores of 3.12 and 2.96, respectively. This suggests that the rice stripe virus and small brown planthopper resistance are controlled by different genes and this view is testified by no significant correlation between RSV and SBPH resistance. Then, two pairs of epistatic QTLs for ratio of disease rating index and non-preference index were respectively detected, showing the rice stripe virus and small brown planthopper resistance were influenced by main-effect QTLs and epistatic QTLs. Additionally, further study found that SSR marker BJ11-8 was tightly linked to qSTV11. This facilitates the breeding process for resistance to rice stripe disease by marker-assisted selection.

      Effects of Manure on Root and Shoot Growth of Winter Wheat under Water Stress
      ZHANG Yong-Qing ; MIAO Guo-Yuan
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(06):  811-816. 
      Abstract ( 2045 )   PDF (537KB) ( 1189 )   Save
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      Corp root, an important organ for absorbing water and nutrients and synthesizing growth regulator, has a direct influence on the crop growth and yield. Roots play a remarkable role in dryland agriculture under serious soil water restriction. However, the research on crop root system is not so thorough as that on aerial parts of crop for lack of advanced root treating techniques, suggesting that the study on roots is very important for the further improvement of the yield. The pot culture experiment was conducted on the Experimental Farm of Shanxi Agricultural University to determine if supplemental irrigation and/or application of soil amendments rich in organic matter could improve root growth of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Root length, root weight, root activity, adventitious root number, root total and active absorbing areas, root SOD and POD activities, root MDA content and root-to-shoot ratio of winter wheat were studied under three levels of soil moisture (13%, 16%, 20%) and three levels of fertilization (0,333,and 666 g cattle manure per pot were measured) during 2003–2004. The results indicated that the content of MDA and the ratio of root to canopy were increased, but the dry weight of root, total root length, adventitious root number, root activity, the SOD and POD activities of root, the total and active absorbing areas decreased significantly with drought treatment regardless of fertilizing or not; root growth, root physiological characteristics, seedling growth, the water use efficiency and the yield as well as drought resistance were improved (Table 3); the highest yield of wheat was found under F3(666 g/kg) and W3(soil water capacity 20%) treatment;. the activity of soil enzymes (Fig.2), especially in the rhizosphere could be increased by manure application, resulting in the improvement of soil nutrients, especially in the rhizosphere and enhancing the nutrients absorption and growth in wheat.

      Expression of Foreign Farnesyl Diphosphate Synthase Gene in Transgenic Tobacco Enhances Disease Resistance to Alternaria alternata in vitro
      CUI Hong;LIU Hai-Jiao; LI Xue-Jun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(06):  817-820. 
      Abstract ( 1842 )   PDF (468KB) ( 1021 )   Save
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      Farnesyl diphosphate synthase catalyzes two consecutive condensations of isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) with dimethylallyl diphosphate (DIMP) and the resultant geranyl diphosphate (GDP) to produce farnesyl diphosphate (FPP). Since FPP is the starting point of different branches of the pathway leading to the synthesis of large variety of isoprenoid end products, it is considered to play a key regulatory role of isoprenoid biosynthesis pathway. Previous reports proved that FPS regulated the sesquiterpenes biosynthesis in plants. To investigate the contribution of FPS to plant disease resistance, fps gene of Mentha spicata was transformed into and expressed in tobacco to observe its antifungal activity variation. The gene was cloned and inserted into binary vector under CaMV35S promoter to construct the plant constitutive expression vector pBinARfps. The leaf discs of tobacco (Nicotinan tabacium L. cv. K326) were transformed with fps gene via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Shoots were regenerated on MS medium supplemented with 30 mg/L Kan, 0.1 mg/L IAA and 0.5 mg/L BA and rooted on MS medium without hormone. PCR-Southern analysis proved foreign fps gene integration in 5 Kanamycin resistance plantlets (K-, K-6; K-17, K-19, K-35). Northern-blot indicated the foreign fps gene in transgenic plantlet was expressed at the transcriptional level. Disease challenge test of the detached leaves of transgenic plantlet by inoculation of Alternaria alternata showed that the resistance was dramatically enhanced compared with that of non-transgenic plants. The result implicated the potential application of fps gene in plant disease-resistance engineering.

      Relationship between -SH Content of Protein Ingredients and α-Amylase Activity in Grains of Anti-trxs Gene Transgenic Wheat
      ZHOU Su-Mei;YIN Jun;REN Jiang-Ping;ZHANG Ran;LI Lei ;GUO Hong-Xiang
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(06):  821-826. 
      Abstract ( 1917 )   PDF (873KB) ( 999 )   Save
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      Thioredoxin (Trx) is an important protein in enzymes of deoxidizing S-S to -SH. Wheat pre-harvest sprouting is caused by a series of proteases, in which α-amylase plays a key role. We have transferred the anti-trxs gene into wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivar Yangmai 5 since 2000 for the sake of decreasing Trx h reductive capability and α-amylase activity in wheat seed, and obtained the transgenic generations of T0 – T3. A pair of specific anti-trxs primer was used in PCR test to validate the transgenic plants in the present study. To investigate the biochemical mechanism of pre-harvest sprouting resistance, the -SH content of protein ingredients, α-amylase activity and their relationship in the seeds of pure transgenic line 00TY5 were studied. The PCR analysis showed a positive result indicating exogenous anti-trxs gene has been successfully transferred and steadily inherited in the T4 and T5 generations of 00TY5 (Fig.1, Fig.2). The -SH contents changes of albumin and globulin showed the parabola-like and wave-like trends in the period of grain maturing and after ripening, respectively, with the peak value at 40 d after anthesis. Compared with non-transgenic plant (Yangmai 5, CK), the -SH content of albumin in 00TY5 decreased significantly (P<0.01) by 33.2% at the period of 30 d after anthesis to 5 d after ripeness, while that of globulin decreased significantly (P<0.01) by 42.5% at the period of 20 d after anthesis to 5 d after ripeness (Fig.3). The -SH contents of stored proteins (gliadin and glutenin) increased throughout in 00TY5, but were lower than those of CK at less extent (Fig.4). The order of -SH content of protein ingredients was glutenin>gliadin>albumin>globulin. The α-amylase activity in transgenic grains decreased averagely by 36.5% from 35 d after anthesis to 10 d after ripeness (Fig.5). Based on further correlative analysis, the -SH contents of protein ingredients were positively correlated with the α-amylase activity, and the closer to mature the bigger correlative coefficient. The correlation between the -SH content of albumin and the α-amylase activity reached a significant level (P<0.05) before mature. So was that of globulin from 10 d before mature to 10 d after mature. The correlation between the -SH contents of stored proteins and the α-amylase activity was bigger in seed maturing period and after ripeness (Table 1). Thus, it can be concluded that the redox state of protein ingredients is adjusted, and the α-amylase activity is reduced by the transformation with anti-trxs gene. Therefore, the wheat pre-harvest sprouting can be controlled effectively as a result of the expression of anti-trxs gene.

      Physiological Mechanisms of Absorption and use of Phosphorus with High Efficiency in Wheat Cultivars
      GUO Cheng-Jin;LI Bin-Xing;WANG Bin;LI Yan-Ming; XIAO Kai
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(06):  827-832. 
      Abstract ( 2217 )   PDF (533KB) ( 1528 )   Save
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      The objective of this study was to explore the physiological mechanisms of phosphorus absorption and utilization in the typical wheat cultivars with different phosphorus (P) efficiencies. The results indicated that the grain yields of the cultivars with high P absorption efficiency (Ha) and high P utilization efficiency (Hu) under the P-deficient condition were higher than that with low P efficiency (L) which was related to the more P accumulation and the higher P use efficiency, respectively (Fig.1). Under P-deficient condition, the secondary root number, the radius of secondary root and the root dry weight per unit soil were the highest in Ha, the middle in Hu, and the lowest in L (Fig.2). The root TTC reductive activity, the soluble protein content of root and the activity of secreted acid phosphatase (APase) from root at the jointing, spiking and mid-filling stages were also the highest in Ha, the middle in Hu, and the lowest in L (Fig.3–5). The APase activities in the spring fourth leaf and flag leaf were increased with the leaf grow under the sufficient or deficient conditions. Under the deficient condition, the APase activities measured in whole experiment were the highest in Hu (Fig.6). It was inferred that the increase of P absorption in Ha under deficient condition was due to the improvement in root architecture and the improvement of use efficiency of insoluble phosphate in the soil enhanced by secreting APase from roots. Meanwhile, the increase of P utilization efficiency in Hu under deficient condition was mainly caused by the higher APase activities in leaves by which the mobilized transfer and reuse of P in the plant were improved.

      Analysis of Heading Time Gene and Gene Loci Interactive Effect in Gui99, a Restorer Line of Hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.)
      ZHANG Xiang-Xi;ZHOU Kai-Rong;TANG Jie;WANG Feng-Lan;LUO Lin-Guang; ;WAN Jian-Min
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(06):  833-839. 
      Abstract ( 1972 )   PDF (559KB) ( 959 )   Save
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      Gui99, an indica restorer line of hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.), has been wildly applied to hybrid rice seed production in the south of China, but the genotype of heading date and gene interaction between photoperiod sensitivity loci and basic vegetative growth period in this restorer line are still unknown, which is definitely restricted to the further use of this restorer line in breeding practice and re-production of hybrid seeds. The objective of this study was to make the genetic analysis of Gui99 in photoperiod sensitivity loci and basic vegetative growth period using heading time nearly isogenic lines EG0–EG7, ER–LR, T65, T65m, T65Eb, T65Ebm. The parents, F1 and F2 generations from the crosses “heading time nearly isogenic lines×Gui99” grown under high temperature, natural long days and short days treated by sunshade in summer-season at Nanchang (28&#730;36’ N), Jiangxi province, and under low temperature, natural short days in dry-season at Sanya (18°14’ N), Hainan province, where the average day-length is about 14 h/d, 10 h/d and 11.6 h/d during the course of rice growing, respectively, were analyzed in genotype, temperature sensitivity and gene locus interaction. Experimental results showed that Gui99 carried photoperiod sensitivity alleles E1, E2 and E3 in E1, E2 and E3 loci, respectively, a photoperiod insensitive allele Se-1e in Se-1 locus and an earliness allele Ef-1 in Ef-1 locus. The genotype of heading date in Gui99 was E1E1E2E2E3E3Se-1eSe-1eEf-1Ef-1. The weak photoperiod sensitivity in agronomic characters expressed in Gui99 was caused by the coexisting of late heading time genes E1 and E3, earliness gene Ef-1, and gene interaction between E1, E3 with Se-1e. The photoperiod sensitive of late heading time alleles in E loci were enhanced by the photoperiod sensitivity allele Se-1u (or Se-1n). The mean days to heading was delayed and the frequency distribution of late heading plants of F2 population derived from “TLs×Gui99” were increase by the effects of photoperiod sensitivity genes. The genetic foundation of high yield and widely adaptability of hybrid rice combination with this restorer line were also discussed.

      L-Y Model of Cotton Yield Estimation by Remote Sensing

      BAI Jun-Hua;LI Shao-Kun ;WANG Ke-Ru ;WANG Fang-Yong;CHEN Bing ;CHU Zhen-Dong

      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(06):  840-844. 
      Abstract ( 2018 )   PDF (394KB) ( 1224 )   Save
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      The model of L-Y according to the relationship between the dynamic leaf area index and the cotton yield was established based on the experiment data of the plot and field production, and the agricultural theory. The model has the characteristics of simplicity, flexibility, agility, and so forth. The results showed that the model could accomplish the qualitative estimation in the cotton yield with the measurement of leaf area index, the cotton yield and the multi-time LAI from the cotton canopy hyperspectral reflectance by field spectrum radiometer. The relative error of estimation was about 5.44%, and RMSE was 116.2 kg·ha-1, and correlation coefficient between measured and estimated values was 0.836 with a high significance at the 0.99 confidence interval. The referenced model for yield estimation provided from the present research could contribute the improvement of other crop yield remote sensing estimation using dynamic growth information.

      Genetic Analysis and Gene Location of a Semidwarf Gene in an Indica Rice Cultivar Duonieai (Oryza sativa L.)
      SUI Jiong-Ming;LIANG Guo-Hua;LI Xin;WU Shu-Jun;YAN Song;ZHAO Xiang-Qiang; ZHANG Zheng-Qiu; GU Ming-Hong
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(06):  845-850. 
      Abstract ( 1862 )   PDF (722KB) ( 1057 )   Save
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      Evidence indicates high increases in rice yield due to semidwarf gene sd1 in rice. But the dwarf stature being used is controlled by a recessive semidwarf gene sd1, which can sometimes cause fragility of genetic resource and yield decrease. These problems associated with this gene have been necessitated identification and utilization of new and better dwarf genes. The marker line material Duonieai(DA) used in the study is a dwarf mutant , however genetic analysis showed that its dwarf trait was controlled by two recessive semidwarf genes, sd1 and a new semidwarf gene. F2 segregating population between Duonieai and Nanjing 6(N6)was established and SSR marker linkage analysis was performed on them. The new semidwarf gene was located between microsatellite markers SSR98 and SSR35 on chromosome 11, the genetic distances between them were 0.06 cM and 0.13 cM, respectively. Two BAC clones covering the two microsatellite markers had been sequenced with their full sequences being 154 kilobase and 156 kilobase, respectively. Also, 30 kilobase was overlapped between the two BAC clones. According to the sequence information on chromosome11 ,physical map revealed that few BAC clones were near the new semidwarf 93 kilobase, the new semidwarf gene could be delimitated within this 93 kilobase. The near isogenic line Xinduonieai(XDA)with the new semidwarf gene from a backcross between Nanjing6 and Duonieai was found insensitive to gibberellin.

      Durability of Resistance to Aspergillus flavus Infection and Effect of Intact Testa without Injury on Aflatoxin Production in Peanut
      JIANG Hui-Fang;REN Xiao-Ping;WANG Sheng-Yu; LIAO Bo-Shou
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(06):  851-855. 
      Abstract ( 1719 )   PDF (459KB) ( 1028 )   Save
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      Peanut and its products are generally susceptible to Aspergillus flavus and contaminated consequently aflatoxin under both preharvest and postharvest conditions. In China, both preharvest infection because of end-of-season drought and postharvest infection because of humid and high temperature environment and poor storage condition were severe. Utilization of genetic resistance is one of the most efficient approaches for the control of aflatoxin. Durability of resistance to Aspergillus flavus infection in storage is one of important resistant components in peanut. Up to now, several genotypes with aflatoxin resistance have been identified but not been efficiently used in breeding program because of poor agronomic and chemical characters. In the present study, peanut genotypes with diverse reaction to infection of Aspergillus flavus were used to investigate the persistence of resistance in seed storage and the impact of intact testa on aflatoxin contamination. The results indicated that the resistance to Aspergillus flavus could be lasted for at least seven months in resistant germplasms under conventional storage conditions in central China after harvest. No significant difference between the seed samples stored for seven months and freshly harvested one in terms of invasion ratio and infection index. However, the resistance could be declined or lost after nine-month storage. The quick decline of the resistance was due to the change of temperature. The impact of intact testa on aflatoxin production under artificial inoculation was different between the resistant and susceptible genotypes. The aflatoxin content in samples with intact testa was lower in resistant genotypes but higher in susceptible genotypes than that with damaged testa. Peanut genotypes with high oil, protein and oleic acid were generally more susceptible to Aspergillus flavus invasion. The infection by Aspergillus flavus was significantly negative correlated with oleic acid content and significantly positive correlated with linolenic acid content. And the aflatoxin contamination content by Aspergillus flavus are significantly negative correlated with oleic acid content. Two genotypes with resistance and good seed quality, G845 and G8 had been identified.

      Genetic Effects Analysis of Isoflavone Content in Soybean Seed
      LIANG Hui-Zhen ;LI Wei-Dong;CAO Ying-Ni ; WANG Hui
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(06):  856-860. 
      Abstract ( 2001 )   PDF (459KB) ( 1054 )   Save
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      Six soybean culitivars with great difference in isoflavone content were used as parents to make incomplete diallel crossing (6×6) in accordance with the Griffing method Ⅱ and study the genetics of isoflavone content in soybean by using a full genetic model for quantitative traits of seed for diploid plant. Analyses of diploid embryo, cytoplasm and diploid maternal genetic effects, their GE interaction effects for soybean quality traits, and the genetic correlation among quality traits were conducted by using two year data. The genetic relationship between soybean quality traits was also analyzed by using a mixed model approaches, which could estimate the genetic covariances between two traits with unequal design matrices. The values of parents were also analyzed in this experiment. The results showed that isoflavone content in soybean was mainly controlled by maternal and embryo effects, followed by cytoplasmic effects (Table 2). The main effects of different genetic systems on isoflavone content trait were more important than environment interaction effects. The strong dominance effects on isoflavone from residual were easy changed by environmental conditions. Based on the genetic effects, Yudou 29 and Yudou 25 were better than other parents for increasing isoflavone content in progeny and improving the quality of soybean (Table 3). The significant effects of maternal and embryo dominance effects in variance showed that the embryo heterosis and maternal heterosis were existed simultaneously and not influenced by environmental interaction effects. It was suggested by the larger additive and cytoplasmic variances and their interaction variance that additive and cytoplasmic effects were more important than other genetic effects for isoflavone content in soybean. Better effects for improving isoflavone content in soybean could be achieved by selection in early generations.

      Effects of Soil Moisture on Radiation Utilization during Late Growth Stages and Water Use Efficiency of Winter Wheat
      FANG Quan-Xiao ;CHEN Yu-Hai;LI Quan-Qi;YU Shun-Zhang;LUO Yi;YU Qiang ; OU-YANG Zhu
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(06):  861-866. 
      Abstract ( 2071 )   PDF (519KB) ( 1478 )   Save
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      Water stress is a frequent and critical limit to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production in the North China Plain. It has been shown that photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) has close relation to crop production, and water stress affects the biosynthetic procedure remarkably. However, its mechanism is still not clear. An experiment was conducted at Yucheng ecological station in Shandong Province to investigate the interception and conversion efficiencies of PAR in the canopy from heading to maturity stages, and water use efficiency (WUE) of winter wheat at different soil moisture levels. The relationship between soil moisture level and PAR vertical distribution in wheat canopy, and its influences on grain yield, PAR use efficiency and WUE were evaluated. Different supplemental irrigation amounts from 0 to 180 mm and timings from jointing to grain filling stages were designed to attain various soil moisture levels, which resulted in different wheat populations and canopy structures. These soil moisture levels showed substantial influences on PAR interception and distributions in canopy from heading to maturity stages, and subsequent PAR and water use efficiencies. No great difference (less than 15.7%) in PAR intercepted by the wheat canopies was found between these soil moisture treatments during this period. While great differences in PAR intercepted by the top layer of the canopy (60–80 cm) (100.7%) and in PAR conversion efficiency (63.7%) were found between these treatments (Table 4 and Fig.4). This result was mainly caused by the changes in the vertical distributions of leaf area index (Fig.3) and in leaf photosynthesis capability caused by the different soil moisture levels. Maintaining about 50% PAR rate intercepted by the top canopy layer (60–80 cm) from heading to grain filling stages is very important for obtaining high grain yield and PAR use efficiency for winter wheat. With soil moisture improving, the PAR use efficiency during the late growth stages and grain yield were increased, but WUE decreased prior to the grain yield and PAR use efficiency (Fig.5), which indicated that improving WUE was essential to increasing other natural resources use efficiency in wheat growing season in the North China Plain. In current conditions with well initial soil moisture, two supplemental irrigations with 60 mm at jointing and booting stages could obtain high grain yield and WUE, and additional supplemental irrigations would not increase grain yield greatly but decrease WUE of winter wheat.

      Diversity of Mineral Concentrations in Cultivated Ecotypes of Yunnan Rice
      ZENG Ya-Wen ; WANG Lu-Xiang; LIU Jia-Fu; ZHANG Hong-Liang; PU Xiao-Ying; DU Juan and YANG Shu-Ming
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(06):  867-872. 
      Abstract ( 1877 )   PDF (419KB) ( 1045 )   Save
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      Genetic diversity of rice according to Ding’s taxonomic ecotypes in Yunnan of Southwest China were investigated based on 8 mineral concentrations of brown rice, using 653 accessions harvested from Xingping experiment farm under the uniform ecological conditions by ICP-AES method. P, Fe and Zn concentrations of brown rice in improved cultivars of Yunnan were decreased by 10.53%, 14.76% and 35.16% respectively compared with that in landraces, but Ca concentration of improved cultivars (especially japonica) was higher than that of landrace, and Ca diversity index of improved cultivars was the highest in 8 mineral concentrations. There were some differences among P, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zu, Cu and Mn average concentrations in brown rice of Ding’s taxonomic ecotypes, and some higher concentrations in japonica (Mg, Fe, Zn), lowland (P, K, Mg), upland (Fe, Zn), nonglutinous (K and Fe), and early-mid rice (Mg, Fe). Average genetic diversity index of 8 mineral element concentrations was in turn japonica>indica, upland>lowland, glutinous> nonglutinous, early-mid>late-season rice, and landrace>improved cultivars. The genetic diversity among 8 mineral concentrations in brown rice was P>K>Mn>Mg>Cu>Zn>Fe>Ca. CV of concentration among 8 mineral elements in brown rice for 8 Ding’s taxonomic ecotypes, improved cultivars and landraces was Fe>Ca>Cu>Zn> Mn>K>Mg>P.

      Genetic Analysis of Fertility Restoring Genes for Male Sterile Line with Ae. kotschyi Cytoplasm in Wheat [Triticum aestivum (L.) Thell.]
      ZHAN Ke-Hui;CHENG Jing;CUI Dang-Qun;FAN Lian;XU Hai-Xia; SONG Ying-Hui
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(06):  873-877. 
      Abstract ( 1808 )   PDF (368KB) ( 1071 )   Save
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      Fertility restoration of wheat male sterile line with Ae. kotschyi cytoplasm is one of main factors affecting its application in production, and the study of its genetic mechanism is helpful to develop good restorer lines. The sterile lines Yumai 3, S43 and their corresponding maintainer lines, the restorer lines Yumai 2 and Yumai 49, and three kinds of BC1 populations sterile line//maintainer line/restorer line, sterile line // sterile line/restoring line and sterile line / restoring line//maintainer line, were used to study the inheritance of fertility restoring genes. The results showed that the restorer line with different restoring ability had different number of restoring genes. Fertility segregation of backcross populations revealed two pairs of major restoring genes in restoring line Yumai 2, and only one pairs of genes in restoring line Yumai 49(Table 2), which was the main reason that the hybrids with Ae. kotschyi cytoplasm using Yumai 2 had higher restoring degree than that using Yumai 49. Besides, fertility restoration was affected by some quantitative genes such as enhancing or inhibiting genes, which were found not only in restoring lines but also in sterile lines (maintainer lines) (Table 5). The inheritance of female gamete without any restoring gene was normal under Ae. kotschyi cytoplasm background, but the transmission rate of male gamete was very low(Table 3 and Table 4). According to other author’s results, whether the wheat male sterile line with Ae.Kotschyi cytoplasm is completely sterile from gamete cannot be proved.

      Effect of 12C Heavy Ion Beams Irradiation on Rapeseed (Brassica napus)
      GUAN Mei ; LI Xun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(06):  878-883. 
      Abstract ( 1829 )   PDF (949KB) ( 1046 )   Save
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      12C heavy ion beam is a kind of new irradiation source. Compared with the physical mutation, such as γ ray and X ray treatments, 12C heavy ion beam are much better in physiological, biological and chemical effects with higher mutation rate, wider mutational spectrum and stability easier to be get. It arouses people’s attention in recent years. There are some reports of 12C heavy ion beam treatments on paddy, wheat and maize, but a few on rapeseed. Our objectives were to investigate 12C heavy ion beam influence on rapeseed morphological characteristics, seed quality, chromosome and DNA molecular aberrations using original Xiangyou 15 (B. napus) seeds with these treatments of 30 Gy, 50 Gy and 80 Gy. The growing period duration was earlier, the rape plants grew luxuriously with larger leaves (Table 1–Table 4) and the agronomic characters were improved in the treatments of 50 Gy and 80 Gy. Some plants were mutated showing tumor-like roots, dwarf stems, light green spoon leaves (Fig.1), multipistil flowers, multi-siliquae (Fig.2) or yellow seed (Table 5). Treatment of 80 Gy 12C heavy ion beams irradiation increased oil content in different degrees. The oleic acid content of some plants was more than 70%. There were root tip chromosome aberration and pollen mother cell chromosome aberration under 30 Gy, 50 Gy and 80 Gy 12C heavy ion beams irradiation. The aberration type included micronucleus (Fig.3), mininucleus (Fig.4), abnormal tetraspore (Fig.5), chromosome bridge (Fig.6), lagging chromosome (Fig.7-1, Fig.7-2, Fig.7-3) and fragment. Most of aberration cells were with micronucleus. The aberration percentage was increased with increasing irradiation dosage (Table 7, Table 8). RAPD analysis using 40 random primers proved that treatments of 50 Gy and 80 Gy 12C heavy ion beams irradiation had some effects on DNA of rapeseed. Forty-three DNA fragments were amplified and showed the polymorphism in a certain degree in different dosage treatments. The relative biological effect (RBE) was higher and the mutation was more difficult to be repaired by the plant with a high and stable mutation percentage. The results suggest that mutation induced by 12C heavy ion beam irradiation will be very useful in rapeseed breeding. Our previous studies showed crucifer is insensitive to irradiation because their seeds have propylene mustard oil as a barrier to irradiation. So, 12C heavy ion beam irradiation dosage should be increased suitably to rapeseed if we want to get more mutation.

      Effects of Transplanting Density and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Yield Formation and N Absorption in a Two-line Intersubspecific Hybrid Rice “Liangyoupeijiu”
      ZHENG Ke-Wu;ZOU Jiang-Shi; LÜ; Chuan-Gen
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(06):  885-893. 
      Abstract ( 2081 )   PDF (759KB) ( 1291 )   Save
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      A field experiment was conducted with different transplanting densities (22.5×104,27×104,31.5×104 hole/ha) and nitrogen fertilizer rates (0,112.5,225.0,337.5 kg/ha) using an intersubspecific hybrid rice, Liangyoupeijiu. The main results were as follows: (1) Influence of transplanting density on panicle per unit area and grain number per panicle was higher than that on seed-setting rate and 1000-grain weight. There was no significant difference in yield between treatments with transplanting densities ranging from 22.5×104 to 31.5×104 holes per hectare. (2) Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on grain number per panicle was lower than that on panicle number, seed-setting rate and 1000-grain weight. Seed-setting rate and 1000-grain weight were decreased significantly in the treatment with 337.5 kg/ha nitrogen fertilizer. (3) The amount of N-uptake was increased with the increment of nitrogen fertilizer rate. But excessive N-content and nitrogen accumulation were not of benefit to the transfer of nitrogen from vegetative organs (leaf, sheath and stem) to panicle, resulting in the reduction of N-accumulation amount in seeds, seed-setting percentage, 1000-grain weight and yield. (4) The better N accumulation of stem, sheath and leaf before heading, the better N transfer of nitrogen from stem, sheath and leaf to panicle after heading, the better coordinate relationship among panicle number, seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight and higher yield would be obtained under medium-fertility field with nitrogen application of 225.0 kg/ha, transplanting density of 22.5×104 hole/ha and high peak seedlings of 500.0×104/ha.

      Dynamics of Callose Deposition in Cell Walls during Megasporogenesis in the Apomictic Monosomic Addition Line M14 of Beta corolliflora of Sugar Beet
      SHEN Ye; SHEN Jia-Heng; GUO De-Dong; FANG Xiao-Hua and LIU Li-Ping
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(06):  894-898. 
      Abstract ( 2135 )   PDF (965KB) ( 959 )   Save
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      Callose in cell walls was observed by the callose aniline-blue fluorescence during megasporogenesis in line M14, a chromosome 9 monosomic addition line of Beta corolliflora Zoss. (Beta vulgaris L., VV+1C, 2n=18+1), in which the modes of reproduction are facultative apomixis, diplosporous and sexual reproduction. The results are as follows: Allium odorum-type. Callose first occurs in the wall of megasporocyte from the micropylar end, then gradually envelops the whole cell. Megasporocyte is surrounded by the wall with callose during metaphaseⅠ, anaphaseⅠ and telephaseⅠ. At dyads stage, callose in micropylar end begins to disappear, and callose fluorescence displays in the transverse walls between dyads and side walls of the diplosporous functional megaspore in chalazal end. As development goes on, callose fluorescence disappears in the chalazal wall of diplosporous functional megaspore. No callose fluorescence shows in the wall of mononuclear embryo sac after its formation, while thick callose deposits in the wall of the degenerative megaspore. Antennaria-type. There is no callose deposition in the wall from megasporocyte stage to diplosporous functional megaspore stage all along. Polygonum-type. During the process of megasporocyte meiosis, callose occurs first in the wall of megasporocyte from micropylar end, then gradually envelops the whole cell. Callose exists mainly in transverse walls during dyad, triad and tetrad stages, a little in side walls. Thick callose deposits in the walls of degenerative megaspores, while little in the wall of functional megaspore. In addition, correlations between the meiosis and callose deposition in the wall of megasporocyte have been discussed.

      Genetic Diversity Analysis of Chinese Main Potato Cultivars by RAPD and AFLP Makers
      DI Hong;CHEN Yi-Li;JIN Li-Ping
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(06):  899-904. 
      Abstract ( 1866 )   PDF (442KB) ( 1140 )   Save
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      Cultivated Potato(Solanum tuberosum subsp. Tuberosum) is planted widely in China. The origin of germplasms is varying complicated and disordered at present. Many researches have paid their attention to potato genetic diversity by shape and biochemistry analysis,while studies on molecular genetic diversity were few in China. Using RAPD and AFLP methods, the genetic diversity of 71 Chinese main potato cultivars was analyzed. Comparing with the amplified results of RAPD and AFLP markers, each primer combination of AFLP identified 100.1 loci averagely, among which 54.9 were polymorphic(Table 3), while each RAPD primer only detected 12.5 loci, of which 9.8 were polymorphic(Table 2). The Shannon-weaver index and Simpson index from AFLP were all higher than those from RAPD indicating the genetic diversity identified by AFLP was higher than that by RAPD(Table 4). There were differences between the two methods in genetic diversities, due to different principles of AFLP and RAPD, and some cultivars were clustered into different groups. However the results showed that both of the two methods could identify the 71 potato cultivars, which were clustered into 3 to 4 groups(Fig.1, Fig.2). Analysis of average genetic distance by AFLP and RAPD suggested that the kinship is close among 71 Chinese main potato cultivars, which indicate that the genetic basis of potato germplasm in China is narrow. The relationships of cultivars showed by the results were identical to the family tree basically. Due to the simple technique and low cost, RAPD is more suitable to distinguish cultivars and seed potato purity. In genetic diversity analysis, more methods should be used to conform one another to draw correct conclutions.

      Acceleration of Grain Growth and Development Process by FACE during Early Grain Filling Stage of Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
      LI Jun-Ying;XU Chang-Liang;ZHU Jian-Guo; CAI Qing-Sheng
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(06):  905-910. 
      Abstract ( 1857 )   PDF (486KB) ( 1121 )   Save
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      It is forecasted that atmospheric CO2 concentration till the middle of this century will be risen to about 550 µmol·mol-1 . Several experiments have shown that the yield of rice will be significantly increased by elevated CO2 as a result of an increase in number of grain per panicle or per plant. Less attention has been paid to the effect of elevated CO2 on the process of grain growth and development. This experiment was conducted to determine the grain growth and development during early stage of grain filling of rice (Oryza sativa L. sp. japonica. cv Wuxiangjing-14) under the conditions of ambient atmosphere CO2 concentration (CK) and FACE (Free Air CO2 Enrichment, 200 µmol·mol-1 higher than ambient) with 3 repetitions. The grain width, length and their product, contents of soluble carbohydrate (reducing sugar and sucrose) and starch, and activities of invertases including cell wall invertase (CWI), soluble acid invertase(SAI)and neutral invertase (NI) in grain were measured. Dry matter and filling rate on the basis of dry weight of grain with sampling every 3 days from anthesis till mature period, and grain weight and size at maturity were tested. The results showed that the process of growth and development of grain was accelerated and width and length of caryopsis were significantly increased by FACE. The maxima of grain width and size, and grain filling rate under FACE were about 3 days earlier than those under CK. The product of mature grain width and length under FACE was increased by 4.5% of CK. However, such obvious effect was not shown in the final grain weight (Fig.1, Fig.2). The contents of reducing sugar and sucrose, which were needed as materials and energy substance for the normal growth and development of grain, were increased during 1 week after anthesis (Fig.3), while the activities of CWI and NI enhanced during 5 days after anthesis by FACE (Fig.4). However, the content of starch and activitie of SAI in grain were not affected by elevated CO2. In conclusion, higher contents of soluble carbohydrate and higher activities of CWI and NI under FACE supply more materials for the growth of larger grain sink capacity. There is no significant effect on the final grain dry weight resulting from a slight increase in sink activities and the earlier decrease in grain filling rate under FACE. A new balance between sink and source needs to be established under elevated CO2 condition in order to improve grain yield by means of increasing the grain weight on the basis of higher panicle grain number in rice.

      Heredity of Rice Harvest Index and Correlations between HI and Main Agronomic Characters
      HE Xiu-Ying; CHEN Zhao-Ming; LIAO Yao-Ping;CHENG Yong-Sheng;CHEN Yue-Han
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(06):  911-916. 
      Abstract ( 1988 )   PDF (398KB) ( 1226 )   Save
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      Improvement of harvest index (HI) has become one of the main objectives in rice breeding. It is very important to know the genetic regularity of rice HI for yield improvement. The experiment was conducted with complete diallel crossing design, using 5 rice cultivars with different characteristics. The results indicated that general combining ability (GCA), special combining ability (SCA) and reverse crossing effect of the HI were significant at 0.01 probability level, and their variance ratio was 2.595∶1.232∶1;HI from low to high in F2 populations was distributed serially and normally, showing the heredity of quantitative character;additive effect and dominance effect were significant at 0.01 probability level in additive-dominance model;Narrow-sense heritability and broad-sense heritability were 40.17% and 67.94%, respectively. The genetic correlation analysis showed that HI was significantly correlated positively with grain filling rate, and negatively with ear length, 1000-grain weight, and biomass. The improvement of HI would be effective by selecting ear length and 1000-grain weight during early generation, which had higher heritability. It was preliminarily revealed that: rice HI is a quantitative character and fit into additive-dominance model with mainly additive effects, simultaneously dominant effect and somewhat other effects (e.g. reverse crossing effect). HI has a higher heritability and can be selected in early segregating generation, which is useful for rice breeding.

      Characters of Photosynthesis in Intercropping System of Maize and Peanut
      JIAO Nian-Yuan ; NING Tang-Yuan; ZHAO Chun; WANG Yun; SHI Zhong-Qiang; HOU Lian-Tao; FU Guo-Zhan; JIANG Xiao-Dong; LI Zeng-Jia
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(06):  917-923. 
      Abstract ( 2401 )   PDF (446KB) ( 1187 )   Save
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      Intercropping is popular cropping system in high-yielding production of food and feed in the world, which is more productive than monocropping because of the intensive utilization of natural resources, such as light, heat, water and fertilizer. Maize-peanut intercropping as an importance cultivated pattern is extended rapidly. Although many researches on intercropping pattern, field microclimate, yield benefit and amelioration of peanut iron nutrition in maize-peanut intercropping system have been conducted. There are a few researches on the use efficiency of light in the photosynthesis characteristic of compound population. The experiment was carried out to investigate the diurnal changes of photosynthetic rate, actual photochemical efficiency of photosystemⅡ(ΦPSⅡ), maximum photochemical efficiency of photosystemⅡ(Fv/Fm) and chlorophyll content in the intercropping system of maize-peanut. The results showed that the chlorophyll content was enhanced by intercropping and the diurnal change of photosynthetic rate in intercropped maize-peanut was in a single-peak curve, which reached the maximum value at noon. The photosynthetic rate of intercropped maize (the east leaf by spike in the east row) was higher (the east leaf of spike in a row) in the morning and lower in the afternoon than that of sole cropped maize (Fig.1, Fig.3). In sunshine and cloudy days, the photosynthetic rate was obviously enhanced in maize, but decreased in peanut by intercropping. In sunshine days, the diurnal changes of Fv/Fm and ΦPSⅡ of intercropped maize-peanut were like a converse parabola, the Fv/Fm and ΦPSⅡ of intercropped maize were much higher than those of sole cropped maize in the morning and on the contrary in the afternoon.(Fig.4, Fig.7), the Fv/Fm of peanut was markedly enhanced by intercropping(Fig.5), the ΦPSⅡ of intercropped peanut was higher than that of sole cropped peanut in a whole day except at noon(Fig.8). In cloudy days, the Fv/Fm, ΦPSⅡ of maize were much lower in intercropping than in sole cropping in a whole day except at noon, but the Fv/Fm, ΦPSⅡ of intercropped peanut were much higher than those of sole cropped peanut(Fig.6, Fig.9). The results suggested that the absorption and utilization weak light in peanut is improved by maize-peanut intercropping.

      Effects of Epi-brassinolide (epi-BR) Application at Anthesis on Starch Accumulation and Activities of Key Enzymes in Wheat Grains
      LIU Hai-Ying ;UO Tian-Cai;HU Yun-Ji;ANG Chen-Yang;ANG Guo-Zhang
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(06):  924-930. 
      Abstract ( 2157 )   PDF (552KB) ( 992 )   Save
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      It has been found that the application of epi-brassionolide (epi-BR) at anthesis results in improving photosynthetic character, postponing senescence, and increasing wheat grain weight. However, the physiological effects of epi-BR application at anthesis on starch accumulation and starch quality of grains were poorly understood. The present study reports the effect of epi-BR application on the activities of some key enzymes involved in starch synthesis at grain filling stage. The experiment was carried out on the farm of Henan Agricultural University in the growing season of 2003–2004 with winter wheat cultivar Yumai 49. Four different concentrations (0, 0.1, 1.0 and 10.0 µg/L) of epi-BR were used. Epi-BR was sprayed at a rate of 75 mL/m2 on the leaves and spikes on 3 days after anthesis (DAA). The activities of key starch-synthesizing enzymes in grains, i.e. adenosine diphosphorate glucosepyrophorylase (ADPGPPase), soluble starch synthase (SSS), granule-bound starch synthase (GBSS) and starch branching enzyme (SBE), as well as the total starch content, amylopectin and amylose accumulation rate during grain filling were measured. The total starch content, amylopectin and amylose content of grains, and grain starch quality were also examined at maturing stage. The results indicated that changes in activities of ADPGPPase (Fig.1-A), SSS (Fig.1-B) and SBE (Fig.1-D) were consistent with those in total starch content and the accumulation of amylopectin. Activity of GBSS (Fig.1-C) was consistent with the accumulation of amylose. The activities of ADPGPPase, SSS and SBE were increased in the treatment of 1.0 µg/L epi-BR, thereby the total starch (Fig.2-A) and amylopectin accumulation rate accelerated (Fig.2-B). The activity of GBSS was decreased, thereby the rate of amylose accumulation slowed down by epi-BR treatment (Fig.3). Consequently, contents both of total starch and amylopectin were significantly increased (α<0.01) compared with those of the control, respectively. Amylose content was significantly decreased (α<0.05), and the ratio of amylopectin to amylose increased significantly (α<0.01 ) by epi-BR application (Table 1). The peak value and breakdown of epi-BR application treatments were 32.4 BU and 13.7 BU, significantly higher (α<0.01) than those of control, respectively (Table 2). Epi-BR at 10.0 µg/L had similar effects, but the high value duration of the indexes were shorter. Consequently, content of total starch, amylopectin, and amylose was significantly increased (α<0.05 ), respectively. However the ratio of amylopectin to amylose was not significantly different with that of control. Compared with control, the peak value and swelling power were significantly higher, respectively, while the setback was significantly lower (α<0.05). At 0.1 µg/L, the effects of epi-BR were similar to those at 1.0 µg/L, but weaker than those at either 1.0 or 10.0 µg/L, therefore, the total starch content and starch quality were not significantly different with those of control. The results indicated that epi-BR plays an important role in starch accumulation and starch quality, probably through affecting the activities of ADPGPPase, SSS, SBE and GBSS. Under the experimental condition, epi-BR at 1.0 µg/L had the best regulative effects on total starch content, ratio of amylopectin to amylose, starch pasting properties and starch quality.

      Mapping the Rice Bacterial Blight Resistance Gene Xa23 with RFLP Markers and Converting RFLP to STS Marker
      FAN Ying-Lun ;CHEN Xue-Wei; WANG Chun-Lian ; ZHU Li-Huang; ZHANG Qi;ZHAO Kai-Jun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(06):  931-935. 
      Abstract ( 2241 )   PDF (1039KB) ( 1309 )   Save
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      A F2 population derived from cross of the Xa23 near isogenic lines, JG30 and CBB23, was used for fine mapping of the rice bacterial blight resistance gene Xa23. Inoculation of the F2 plants with a Xanthomonas oryzae strain P6 showed a 3:1 ratio for the segregation of resistant and susceptible as expected. One hundred and forty-five susceptible plants were selected from the F2 population for mapping the gene Xa23 and fifteen restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers anchored on the rice high-density map. A RFLP marker C1003A was found to be linked to the gene Xa23 by 0.4 cM. This result constitutes an important basis for map-based cloning of the gene Xa23. The RFLP marker C1003A was transformed into sequence-tagged-site (STS) marker, which can be applied for molecular marker-assisted selection (MAS) of Xa23 in rice breeding programs.

      Inheritance and Gene Mapping of Resistance to SMV Strain SC-7 in Soybean
      ZHAN Yong;YU De-Yue; CHEN Shou-Yi;GAI Jun-Yi
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(06):  936-938. 
      Abstract ( 2170 )   PDF (257KB) ( 965 )   Save
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      The P1, P2, F1 and 180 RILs of Kefeng 1×Nannong1138-2 were inoculated with the SMV strain SC-7 for identification of their resistance. The results showed Kefeng 1 being resistant, Nannong 1138-2 being susceptible, F1 being resistant, and the RILs segregating in a 1:1 ratio, which indicated that a dominant gene controlled the resistance to SC-7. With linkage analysis, the resistance gene Rsc-7 was located on the linkage group N8-D1b+W and linked with three of five resistance genes and a RFLP maker LC5T. The order and genetic distance of linked genes were Rsa (30.6 cM) Rsc-7 (22.1 cM) Rn3 (10.3 cM) Rn1 (15.8 cM) LC5T.

      PCR Detection of Nematode Resistant Gene in Sugarcane
      WU Yang;ZHOU Hui; PAN Da-Ren
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(06):  939-942. 
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      According to the sequence of root-knot nematode resistant gene in tomato and the sequence of nematode resistant gene in sugar beet, two forward primers and two reverse primers were separately designed, and a pair of primers each was selected among them by PCR. Thirty-eight sugarcane cultivars (without conventional identification of nematode resistance) was tested by the selected PCR primers. The results showed that two special fragments of about 460 bp and 690 bp were obtained, and PCR-Southern blotting about them was made further in order to affirm the homogeneous sequences of nematode resistant gene.

      Effects of Weak Light on Rice Sucrose Content and Sucrose Degradation Enzyme Activities at Grain-Filling Stage
      LI Tian; OHSUGI Ryu;YAMAGISHI Tohru; SASAKI Haruto
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(06):  943-945. 
      Abstract ( 1749 )   PDF (202KB) ( 1039 )   Save
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      Two cultivars IR72 (Indica) and Nipponbare (Japonica) were used with shading treatment after anthesis to study the dynamic changes of sucrose content and the activity of sucrose degradation enzymes. The results showed that sucrose contents were decreased, sucrose degradation accelerated, sucrose synthase (SS) activity was decreased and both vacuolar invertase (VCI) and cell wall bound invertase (CWI) activities were increased under the weak light. The shading treatment was favorable to sucrose degradation by increasing invertase activity. Correlation analysis showed that starch filling rate in grains was positively and significantly correlated with sucrose synthase activity and cell wall bound invertase activity, which played an important role in sucrose degradation and starch synthesis.

      Phosphorus Remobolization and Reuse in Maize Roots under Phosphorus Deficiency
      FAN Ming-Shou ; CHEN Gang; SUN Guo-Rong
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(06):  946-948. 
      Abstract ( 1807 )   PDF (233KB) ( 1090 )   Save
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      The mobilization and transportation of phosphorus from old tissues to young and active metabolized tissues are important physiological processes in plant, so the extent or degree of phosphorus recycling in plant has been considered as one of indexes for evaluating plant phosphorus efficiency. The previous researches have shown that parts of root cortical cells are formed lysigenous aerenchyma when maize plant is subjected to phosphorus deficiency. The present study was to test the hypotheses that phosphorus might be mobilized and transported from the root cortical cells with lysis to root apex for root enlongation. 32P isotope tracing technique was used in this study, and the results indicated that phosphorus stored or pre-existed in roots would be remobilized in maize under phosphorus deficiency from root cortical cells with lysis to shoot mostly rather than root apex during aerenchyma formation.

the Crop Science Society of China
the Institute of Crop Science, CAAS
China Science Publishing & Media Ltd.
Published: Science Press
Editor-in-chief: Wan Jian-min
Associate Editors-in-Chief:
Chen Xiao-ya Yang Jian-chang Zhang Xian-long Wang Jian-kang Xu Ming-liang Liu Chun-ming Wang Dao-wen Sun Chuan-qing Ding Yan-feng Jin Wei-wei Chu Cheng-cai Cheng Wei-hong
Director of the editorial department:
Yan Chun-ling
CN 11-1809/S
ISSN 0496-3490
Post subscription code: 82-336

  • Started in 2013
  • Covered by SCIE
  • Open access in ScienceDirect

Editor in chief: Wan Jian-min
CN 10-1112/S
ISSN 2095-5421, 2214-5141(online)
Online published:
Submission: https://www.editorialmanager.com/cj/
E-mail: cropjournal@caas.cn
