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    12 February 2006, Volume 32 Issue 02
      Relationship between Blast Resistance and Amylose Content in a RIL Population Derived from Rice Crossed SHZ-2×LTH
      ZHANG Shao-Hong;LIU Bin;ZHU Xiao-Yuan;YANG Jian-Yuan;WU Shang-Zhong and Hei Leung
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(02):  159-163. 
      Abstract ( 1876 )   PDF (364KB) ( 894 )   Save
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      Sanhuangzhan 2 (SHZ-2) has been considered as a promising blast resistance source in rice breeding in South China because of its durable blast resistance and good agronomic traits. Three major genes responsible for qualitative resistance and five defense genes significantly associated with quantitative resistance to blast in SHZ-2 have been identified and mapped using the candidate resistance gene approach in our previous study. However, its eating quality of kernel is relatively poor because of higher amylose content (AC), and most derived resistant cultivars have the similar shortcoming. To have an insight into the relationship between the strong blast resistance and the higher AC in SHZ-2, a RIL population derived from a cross between SHZ-2 and Lijiangxintuanheigu (LTH) was used to identify the blast resistance genes in SHZ-2 and QTLs for AC in the study. Results revealed that no significant (P<0.05) correlation between blast resistance and AC in the RIL population was found (Table 2). t-test also indicated that there was no significant difference for average AC between highly blast-resistant RI lines and the blast-susceptible RI lines (Table 3). Three QTLs for AC were identified when single-factor analysis of variance and interval mapping were performed. They were mapped on chromosome 5, 6 and 7, respectively. All the three QTLs were from LTH and contributed to the reduction of AC. Comparing the locations of QTLs for AC identified in this study with the locations of previously identified genes (major genes and QTLs) conferring blast resistance in SHZ-2, there was no close linkage among these genes for the two traits (Fig.2). These results suggested that the strong blast resistance are not linked with the higher AC in SHZ-2 and it is possible to combine the two traits and develop a elite cultivar with durable blast resistance and ideal AC by proper selection of parents and marker-asisted selection.

      Elevation of the Folate Content of Arabidopsis Plants by Heterologous Expression of the Bacterial Gene Encoding Dihydropteroate Synthase
      LIANG Ye-Hong;Arnaud Bovy;FAN Yun-Liu
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(02):  164-168. 
      Abstract ( 1739 )   PDF (416KB) ( 1662 )   Save
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      Folate cannot be synthesized de novo in human body. Plants are the main source of dietary folates for Human, many fruits,tubers and seeds are poor in this vitamin. Inadequate intake is accociated with the increased risk of anemia, neural tube defect of new births, cardiovascular disease and even some kinds of cancers. Folate deficiency is a worldwide problem,and metabolic engineering provides an opportunity to enhance folate content in food crops.
      Folate is synthesized from pteridine,p-aminobenzoate(PABA) and glutamate moieties in plants. The branches of peterin and PABA synthesis in plants is supposed to be located in cyctosol and plastid, respectively,while the final five steps of folate synthesis is proved in mitochondria. Dihydropetorate synthase(DHPS) catalyses the formation of dihydropetorate from 6-hydroxymethldihydropterin and p-aminobenzoate(PABA). To elucidate how DHPS controls the flux of the folate biosynthesis in plants, FolP gene encoding dihydropetorate synthase from Escherichia coli was overexpressed in Arabidopsis thaliana. FolP gene sequence was cloned with E.coli genomic DNA by PCR. Since DHPS is located in mitochondria in plants, it was targeted by a mitochondrial tageting sequence from yeast CoXIV gene, and was driven by constitutively expression promoter of double Cauliflower mosaic virus(CaMV) 35S. Competent cells of Agrobacterium tumefaciens AGL0 were transformed with the binary vector containing FolP. Kanamycin selection was conducted in each generation. PCR was performed on the primary transformant plants (T1) and T3 plants with primers based on sequence of CaMV 35S and FolP, while Northern blotting with probe based on FolP sequence and folate analysis by microbial assay with Lactobacillus casei were carried out on T3 seedlings. It was indicated from PCR detection that the expression cassette containing CaMV 35S and FolP gene was integrated into A. thaliana genome. A specific signal was detected by Northern in transgenic lines but not in wild type plants, which demonstrated that E.coli FolP gene was expressed in Arabidopsis . As shown in Fig.6, the mean values of total folate of nontransgenic and transgenic lines are 0.58 µg/g FW and 0.87 µg/g FW, respectively. The total folate content of transgenic plants was increased by 48% in the three lines tested, when compared with that of non-transgenic plants(wild type). Values for the transgenic lines were significantly higher than that of the non-transgenic lines at P<0.05 by t test. The result indicated that DHPS has contributed to increasing the flux of folate biosynthesis of Arabidopsis.

      Classification for Some Sterile Lines and Their Restorers of Hybrid Rice with SSR Markers
      HE Hao-Hua; LUO Xiao-Jin;ZHU Chang-Lan;HE Xiao-Peng; FU Jun-Ru; SUN Jun-Li;ZHANG Hong-Liang and LI Zi-Chao
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(02):  169-175. 
      Abstract ( 2310 )   PDF (464KB) ( 1196 )   Save
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      Abundant heterosis is manifested from the cross of two genetically diverse parent lines. Therefore, it is essential to reveal genetic relationships among varieties with unknown pedigree. In the present study, genetic divergences among 66 rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties, including 5 photoperiod/thermo-sensitive genic male sterile lines, 7 cytoplasmic male sterile lines, 53 restorers and one wild rice variety, were analyzed by using 36 SSR (simple sequence repeats) primer pairs which disperse on 12 chromosomes. A total of 300 polymorphic bands were detected among 66 varieties, and on average 8.33 distinguishable bands were observed after amplification with each primer pair. Genetic divergences between all possible pairs of varieties were defined by Nei M method with genetic distance (GD), calculated from SSR data by the equation GD=-ln[2MXY/(MX+MY)], where MXY is the total number of bands common to varieties X and Y, and MX and MY are the total number of bands present in x and y respectively. 66 cultivars were clustered based on GD by Unweighted Pair Group Method using Arithmetic Average (UPGMA). The results were concluded as follows: (1) Sixty-five out of sixty-six varieties were distinguished obviously, different ecotypes were also defined using SSR markers, which were consistent with the relationship of their pedigrees, and were similar with the result of phenotype analysis. (2) Indica, japonica and wild rice were discriminated based on GD=0.73,and some indica cultivars bearing japonica or wild rice consanguinity were discriminated based on GD=0.63, indicating that SSR markers are sensitive and precise for classification on indica, japonica and wild rice. Otherwise, ten specific primers were screened and selected to identify subspecies between indica and japonica. (3)Twelve male sterile lines and more than fifty restorers were divided into eight ecotypes based on GD=0.56,and many parents of hybrid rice used in large scale were classified in multiple ecotypes, suggesting there were great genetic divergences between the parents of elite hybrid rice. Parents’ selection of hybrid rice will get benefit from the classification on both male sterile lines and restore lines.

      Streptomyces olivaceoviridis A1 Xylanase with High Specific Activity Expressed in Tobacco
      YANG Pei-Long;YAO Bin; WANG Ya-Ru; LUO Hui-Ying; YUAN Tie-Zheng; BAI Ying-Guo and FAN Yun-Liu
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(02):  176-181. 
      Abstract ( 1983 )   PDF (1152KB) ( 1017 )   Save
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      The gene encoding XYNB with high specific activity from Streptomyces olivaceoviridis A1 was expressed in tobacco plant under the control of an efficient double 35S promoter and AMV enhancer. The integration of the xynB in the genome of tobacco was confirmed by PCR detection of T0 and T1 plants. ELISA, SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis confirmed the presence of XYNB enzyme. High levels of the 20.8 kD protein(Fig.4 and Fig.5),which was as same as that of original xylanase (XYNB), was synthesized in cytoplasm or targeted to the intercellular space by means of the potato proteinase inhibitorⅡ signal peptide. The recombinant xylanase was accumulated to the level of up to 6% of total soluble leaf proteins. And in transgenic leaf tissues, xylanase activity up to 170 IU/g fresh leaf (23 IU·mg-1 total protein) was observed. Furthermore, growth and development of the transgenic plants was not affected by the expression of foreign enzyme, and T1 plants showed the genetic stability. The results demonstrated that transgenic plants can be used to produce high activity recombinant xylanase efficiently, and can be as the alternative of custom feed additives.

      Effects of Transient High Temperature during Grain Filling Period on Starch Formation in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
      LIU Ping; GUO Wen-Shan; PU Han-Chun; FENG Chao-Nian; ZHU Xin-Kai and PENG Yong-Xin
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(02):  182-188. 
      Abstract ( 2026 )   PDF (1977KB) ( 1173 )   Save
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      Wheat grain quality is affected by the environment. Temperature is a major component in environmental variation and has a marked effect on grain filling in wheat. Short period of heat shock, such as over 30℃ for a few days, happens frequently during grain filling in China and many wheat-growing areas in the world, and has become an important factor limiting wheat quality. Starch is the major storage substance in grains of wheat, comprising 65%–70% of dry weight. Investigating the effects of transient high temperature during grain filling period on starch formation and its context is useful for understanding the mechanism of heat damage and improving wheat quality under high temperature stress.
      Four temperature levels, i.e. daily average temperature 25℃, 30℃, 35℃ and 40℃, respectively, were set in a phytotron, and wheat plants during different grain filling stages, including the 15th–17th, 19th–21st, 25th-27th and 33rd-35th day after anthesis (DAA), were treated. The wheat cultivars tested were Yangmai 9 with weak-gluten and Yangmai 12 with medium-gluten. Results showed that grain starch content was highest in the treatment of 30℃ and was lowest in the treatment of 40℃ in two cultivars .Under the same temperature, the effects of heat shock during the 25th–27th DAA were greatest, while that during the 33rd–35th DAA were lowest (Table 1). For the treatments of the 25th–27th DAA, the higher the temperature, the lower the soluble sugar and sucrose contents and sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) activity in flag leaves. Sucrose synthase (SS), starch branching enzyme (SBE) activities were lowest in 40℃ treatment, and SS and SBE activities reached maximum in 25–30℃ treatments (Fig. 2–4). As for starch morphology, the granules in grains were in ellipsoid shape and combined loosely with protein sheath for 40℃ treatment of Yangmai 9 (PlateⅠ­3, 4), but were damaged and in flat ball shape with a crack for that of Yangmai 12 (PlateⅠ­7, 8). Starch granules of Yangmai 9 were slightly damaged for 30℃ treatment (PlateⅠ­1, 2). At the 1st day after 30℃ heat shock treatment, the cracked granules were observed for Yangmai 12, but disappeared at maturity (PlateⅠ­5, 6). While in 40℃ treatment, the crack could still be observed at maturity. It indicated that the heat damage at 30℃ for 3d could be considerably compensated other than at 40℃. It was probable that a kind of protective mechanism for enzymes existed in the endosperm, which had the critical temperature of 30℃. Resistance to high temperature varied with cultivars, and Yangmai 9 was stronger than Yangmai 12.

      Marker-Assisted Selection and Its Verification for QTLs of Basal Root Thickness and Index of Drought Resistance in Lowland Rice and Upland Rice
      LIU Li-Feng; MU Ping; ZHANG Hong-Liang; WANG Yi; QU Yan-Ying and LI Zi-Chao
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(02):  189-196. 
      Abstract ( 1955 )   PDF (529KB) ( 1058 )   Save
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      Accurate mapping of the target traits is prerequisite for effectiveness of marker-assisted selection (MAS). Two previously identified quantitative trait loci (QTLs) conferring thicker basal root thickness (BRT) and higher index of drought resistance (IDR), located on chromosomes 4 and 6, designated brt4.1 and idr6.1 respectively, were chosen as target QTLs to study the MAS effects for traits related to rice drought resistance. Four segregating populations derived from crosses between a drought resistance upland rice cultivar and two lowland rice cultivars with high yield potential and better grain quality were used in this study. The results showed that flanking markers of brt4.1 and idr6.1 were genetically stable in different populations, with different genetic backgrounds. In populations YIBC1, JIBC1 and JIF2 under upland condition, the differences between the means of the basal root thickness (BRT) of individuals carrying and not carrying favorable alleles of brt4.1 flanking markers were 0.05–0.06 mm, significant at 5% or 1% probability levels. MAS effects were 5.05%–6.12%. When selection with flanking markers of idr6.1, the differences between the means of the upland grain yield per plant (YP) were 5.04–8.18 g, significant at 5% or 1% probability levels. MAS effects were 34.89%–58.88%. For the flanking markers of both of these QTLs were selected simultaneously, the corresponding differences were 0.06–0.08 mm and 4.88–11.15 g. MAS effects were 6.06%–8.16% and 39.91%–70.48% respectively. The results also revealed that selection with flanking markers of brt4.1or idr6.1 or both of them could not obtain the expected drought resistance in population YIBC1 under lowland conditions. MAS effects based on selection for one or both of the flanking markers of the target QTLs were also studied. A working procedure for rice drought resistance breeding was suggested.

      QTL Mapping for Adult-Plant Resistance to Powdery Mildew in Bread Wheat
      LIU Hui-Yuan; Kazuhiro Suenaga; HE Zhong-Hu; WANG Zhu-Lin; LIANG Shan-Shan; MA Jun; Michel Bernard;Pierre Sourdille and XIA Xian-Chun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(02):  197-202. 
      Abstract ( 1924 )   PDF (431KB) ( 1038 )   Save
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      Powdery mildew, caused by Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici, is a major wheat disease in China. Use of adult-plant resistance is an effective method to develop wheat cultivars with durable resistance to powdery mildew. In the present study, a total of 313 SSR and 37 RFLP markers were used to map QTL for adult-plant resistance to powdery mildew in a DH population with 107 families derived from the cross Fukuho-komugi × Oligoculm. Field trials were conducted in Beijing in 2003-2004 crop season, and in Anyang, Henan Province in 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 crop seasons, respectively. The DH families were planted in a randomized complete block design with 3 replicates. Artificial inoculation was carried out in Beijing with highly virulent isolate E20 of Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici and the powdery mildew severity on penultimate leaf was evaluated for 5 times. The maximum disease severity on penultimate leaf was scored in Anyang under natural inoculation around May 18, 2004 and 2005. Linkage analysis indicated that the genetic map consisting of 313 SSR and 37 RFLP markers covered 21 wheat linkage group with a total genetic distance of 3 101 cM. With the method of composite interval mapping (CIM), 4 QTLs for adult-plant resistance to powdery mildew were detected on chromosome 1A,2B,4B and 7D, explaining 13.6%,6.6%,8.9% and 12.7% of phenotypic variance, respectively. Three QTLs on chromosome 1A, 2B, and 7D were derived from the female parent Fukuho-komugi, while the one on chromosome 4B was from the male Oligoculm. The QTL on chromosome 1A showed high genetic effect for powdery mildew resistance across two environments. These results are essential for marker-assisted selection for improving powdery mildew resistance in wheat breeding programs.

      Relationship of Leaf Nitrogen Status to Canopy Reflectance Spectra in Wheat
      LI Ying-Xue; ZHU Yan; TIAN Yong-Chao; YAO Xia; QIN Xiao-Dong and CAO Wei-Xing
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(02):  203-209. 
      Abstract ( 2012 )   PDF (547KB) ( 1184 )   Save
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      It is very important for using nondestructive method to determine nitrogen status and growth characters of crop plants. Three experiments were carried out in Nanjing to investigate the quantitative relationships of leaf nitrogen accumulation to canopy reflectance spectra in wheat. Experiment one was conducted with two cultivars (Xuzhou 26 and Huaimai 18) and four N application levels of 0, 120, 210 and 300 kg·ha-1 in 2001. Experiment two was designed for one cultivar (Yangmai 10), with three N application levels of 0, 150 and 300 kg·ha-1 in 2002. Experiment three included four cultivars (Xuzhou 26, Huaimai 20, Ningmai 9 and Yangmai 10) with five nitrogen application levels of 0, 75, 150, 225 and 300 kg·ha-1 in 2003. On the basis of characterized protein content of these five cultivars, Xuzhou 26 and Ningmai 9 were considered as high and low protein types, respectively, and the other three cultivars were thought to be medium-protein type.
      The results showed that the nitrogen accumulation in wheat leaves was increased with increasing nitrogen application. For the different cultivar types with low, medium and high grain protein contents, the correlations were higher for leaf nitrogen accumulation per unit soil area to canopy reflectance spectra. The ratios of several bands in near infrared to visible light were linearly related to leaf nitrogen accumulation, and thus the ratio index of the average reflectance at 760, 810, 870, 950 and 1 100 nm to 660 nm was used for quantitative monitoring of leaf nitrogen accumulation in the different cultivar types, but different cultivar types had different regression coefficients. The above dynamic relationships of leaf nitrogen accumulation to canopy reflectance spectra were feasible for different cultivars, growing stages and nitrogen levels in wheat. These results provide a theoretical basis and technical approach for monitoring of plant nitrogen status and precision management of nitrogen fertilization in wheat production.

      Segregation Analysis of Quantitative Traits in Backcross Inbred Line Population
      HE Xiao-Hong and GAI Jun-Yi
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(02):  210-216. 
      Abstract ( 1917 )   PDF (436KB) ( 1212 )   Save
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      A great number of genetic studies of quantitative traits, especially of QTL marker analysis, indicated that there existed both major genes and minor genes in a quantitative trait genetic system, not necessary all being minor genes even with equal effects. Gai et al. (2003) indicated for a QTL system, major gene plus minor gene model was the general model, while pure major gene model, or pure minor gene model was only the specific case of the general model. Based on it, they established the procedures of segregation analysis of quantitative trait to detect the genetic system. Among the genetic materials used, the permanent population, such as RILs is preferred in replication tests for precisely detecting QTLs. In the present paper, the segregation analysis was extended to backcross inbred line population (BIL). The procedures were as follows: At first, mixture distribution functions were established for the following genetic models: non-genetic, polygene, one major gene, two major genes, three major genes, one major gene plus polygene, two major genes plus polygene and three major genes plus polygene (Table 1). Then, the maximum likelihood method and ECM algorithm were used to estimate the parameters of component distributions. Furthermore, the best optimal genetic model was chosen among the possible genetic models through maximum entropy or Akaike’s information criterion and a set of tests for goodness of fit. Finally, the genetic parameters were computed from the maximum likelihood estimates of component distributions of the chosen genetic model (Table 4 and 5). An example from a simulated complete random block experiment with BIL population and their two parents is given for explanation of its usefulness (Table 7 and Fig.1).

      Genetic Diversity of the Cultivated Adzuki Bean (Vigna angularis) Germplasm Resources Analysed with RAMP Molecular Markers
      SHE Yue-Hui; RONG Ting-Zhao; SU Sheng-Qun; LIU Jian and TIAN Meng-Liang
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(02):  217-222. 
      Abstract ( 1877 )   PDF (760KB) ( 1001 )   Save
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      Adzuki bean is an important legume crop in China and East Asia. To investigate the genetic diversity in the cultivated adzuki bean germplasm and to provide information for parental selection and germplasm improvement, ninty-three adzuki bean germplasm, including 8 released cultivars and 85 land varieties (Table 1), were analysed with random amplified microsatellite polymorphism (RAMP) markers. PCR was performed with 5’ anchored primers complementary to microsatellites in combination with random primers. The results showed that: (1) A total of 308 RAMP bands were obtained with 42 informative primer combinations, of which 297 bands (96.43%) were polymorphic. A mean of 7.1 polymorphic bands was detected for each RAMP primer combination ranging from 3 to 17 (Table 2). (2)The total heterozygosity (Ht) of RAMP loci in the adzuki bean resources was 0.693. Nei and Li’s genetic similarity (GS) coefficients ranged from 0.506 to 0.934. The mean genetic distance based on the GS values among the materials was 0.281 ranging from 0.066 to 0.494. It is revealed that there was sufficient genetic diversity in the studied materials but the genetic base of these materials was narrow. (3)Clustering analysis was made with unweighted pair group method for arithmetic averages (UPGMA) using the symmetric matrix of similarity coefficients. The 93 materials were clustered into five groups (Fig.2). The group Ⅱ included three subgroups. The dendrogram revealed that the cluster pattern showed obvious correlation with the growth characteristics and the locations of the cultivated adzuki bean. (4)Heterogenous germplasms should be introduced into the cultivated adzuki bean to enlarge the genetic base and to create excellent new germplasms for the improvement of adzuki bean varieties.

      Improvement of Cotyledon Node Regeneration System in Soybean(Glycine max)
      LI Ming-Chun; CAI Yi; ZHAO Guei-Lan; CAI-YIN Qing-Ge-Le; ZHOU Hao; SUN Wei and XING Lai-Jun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(02):  223-227. 
      Abstract ( 1950 )   PDF (1658KB) ( 956 )   Save
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      Transgenic crops such as soybean and cotton have been widely planted nowadays in China. Much effort has been made to improve the quality of soybean, which is one of the main foods in China. Although transgenic legume has been put into the spotlight ever since 1984 when the first transgenic soybean was successfully obtained, setting up an effective transformation and regeneration system of soybean is still a challenge to investigators.
      Cotyledon nodes from soybean seeds germinated for 5–6 d were used in Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation system as explants to study the factors these affect the transformation rate. The explants were first infected with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404 containing pBI121 by 60 hours’ co-cultivation. After washed with sterile water, the explants were then put onto shoot-inducing medium containing kanamycin for selection. Then, the induced seedlings in 4–5 centimeters long were transferred onto root-inducing medium. Finally, they were transplanted into soil when the roots had formed, and identified by PCR and Southern blot.
      The transformation rate was affected by three factors in this process. Hormone concentration was regarded as the most important factor in the regeneration system, so IBA as the phytohormone and 6-BA as the mitogen, with different concentrations were used to induce buds and roots formation. A relatively optimal system with 1.7 mg/L 6-BA and 0.5 mg/L IBA was acquired in which the budding percentage reached 81%.
      Genotype of the soybean was regarded as the second important factor in the transformation system. Four different kinds of soybean cultivars were used to test the influences of genotypes on transformation rate. Among them, the transformation percentage of Xiaoli Dou was up to 29%, nearly one fold higher than Heinong 10. Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404 could infect plants and transfer its gene into the plants. The process took place in the co-cultivation period. So the co-cultivation period was also important in the transformation system. 60 h co-cultivation with weak light was appropriate in our experiment, and faint mark of colonies could be seen after the co-cultivation.
      Transgenic plants were more resistant to kanamycin than the untransgenic ones that could be killed on the medium with kanamycin. But high levels of kanamycin would also do harm to the transgenic ones. So, right concentration, which in our test was about 50 mg/L, was required to differentiate the transformed and untransformed plants.
      In conclusion, main causes that have obvious effect on the transformation and regeneration rates are the genotype of soybean, the hormone concentration for inducing buds and the kanamycin sensitivity on inducing and livability of the buds. A relatively good genetic transformation and regeneration system is established, and with which the transformation rate can reach to 2.8%.

      Analysis of the Heterosis and Combining Ability on the Traits of Calorific Value in Stem of Maize
      KU Li-Xia; CHEN Yan-Hui; WU Lian-Cheng; ZHANG Bai-Liang; YUE Jian-Zhi; LI Si-Yuan and HOU Ben-Jun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(02):  228-231. 
      Abstract ( 1992 )   PDF (928KB) ( 1154 )   Save
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      Bio-energy sources are the terraneous plants and the hydrophytic plants composed of lignin, cellulose and some organic compounds. As a kind of bio-energy source, maize stems, mainly composed of lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose, have great significance for exploiting new energy, reducing environment pollution, protecting environment and enhancing integrated economy benefit to research into energy index and genetic law of the calorific value traits of maize stem and breed maize variety of high calorific value. The knowledge of genetic law can contribute to exploiting and utilizing renewable energy sources. But the research into energy index and genetic law of the calorific value traits of maize stem hasn’t been reported at home and abroad. The objectives of the research were to confirm energy index and their genetic law. The heterosis and combining ability of the calorific value characters were analyzed with 42 crosses composed of 13 maize inbred lines organized by means of NCⅡcross design. The results showed that there was distinct heterosis in the 3 traits of calorific value, cellulose content and lignin content. The heterosis of the calorific value had consanguineous correlation with the heterosis of the cellulose content and lignin content, and didn’t have correlation with the heterosis of the hemicellulose’s content. GCA variance and SCA variance both reached very prominently high level of 1%, this showed there was genetic difference in different maize inbred lines. The GCA of X178 and Ye 52106 was high in calorific value, cellulose content and lignin content and was low in hemicellulose content; The GCA of Shen137 was high in calorific value and lignin content and was at a middle level in cellulose content and was low in hemicellulose content. The SCA of Shen137×Huang C, Q319×Chang 7-2 was high in calorific value, cellulose content and lignin content, they brought about strong heterosis. The author thinks the calorific value of maize stem can be set as one main aim of maize breeding, the focus on yield and quality of maize can be changed and maize crosses of high yield high quality and high calorific value should be bred and generalized so that integrated economy benefits of maize will be enhanced.

      Prediction of Grain Protein Content Using Ear Layer Spectral Reflectance Data
      LU Yan-Li;LI Shao-Kun; WANG Ke-Ru;XIE Rui-Zhi;GAO Shi-Ju and WANG Gang
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(02):  232-236. 
      Abstract ( 1985 )   PDF (880KB) ( 935 )   Save
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      Remote sensing has been successfully applied in assessing crop biophysical and biochemical variables, such as leaf area index, chlorophyll, nitrogen and so on. But the grain quality non-destructive predicting is a new project focused on remote sensing application in agriculture. Some researchers have investigated quality prediction through estimating leaf nitrogen content with canopy reflected spectral characteristic parameters. But the canopy spectrum achieved by traditional method is a mixed spectrum affected by plant, soil and other factors, so from that it is difficult to extract the interested information. In this research, an improved method was used to determine grain protein content (GPC). The results showed that the ear layer spectral reflectance (Rel) measured by the improved method was closer to single ear spectral reflectance (Re) than canopy spectral reflectance (Rc) by traditional method (Fig.2). Based on the highly relativity of Rel, ear total nitrogen content (ETNC) and GPC, 20 spectral characteristics parameters were selected in this study, and the correlations between ETNC and them were analyzed respectively. It indicated that ear layer spectral parameters had stronger correlation with ETNC than canopy ones(Table 2). The new model was established to predict GPC using ratio vegetation index (RVI[890,670]). The coefficient of determination was increased from 0.662 from Rel, to 0.865 from Rc, and the Root mean square error(RSME)decreased from 0.851 to 0.734 (Fig.4), which indicated that the prediction model using RVI[890,670] calculated from Rel is more reliable and practicable than that from canopy spectral reflectance. The results provide the theoretical foundation and technique support for measuring wheat nitrogen status or quality parameters by aviation and spaceflight remote sensing.

      Relationship between Antioxidation and Grain Colors of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
      ZONG Xue-Feng; ZHANG Jian-Kui;LI Bang-Xiu; YU Guo-Dong;SHI You-Ming and WANG San-Gen
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(02):  237-242. 
      Abstract ( 2187 )   PDF (487KB) ( 1262 )   Save
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      Grains with black color are considered benefit to human’s health. Several cultivars or lines of wheat with black grain have been successfully bred in China. The antioxidation capacities of wheat grains with different colors were characterized by using active oxygen resistance reactivity units (AORRU), superoxide anion resistance reactivity units (SARRU) and total antioxidant reactivity units (TARU) as antioxidation indices. The relationships between antioxidation indices of wheat grains and the corresponding concentrations of pigments and flavonoid compounds as well as antioxidant enzyme activities were also investigated. The results indicated that blue, black purple, dark purple and purple wheat grains were significantly higher in the levels of AORRU, SARRU and TARU than white and red wheat grains. Their concentrations of antioxidants such as total flavonoids, amino acids, vitamin C and carotenoids, and activities of antioxidases such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT) were also higher than common white or red wheat grains. Grain pigment content, total flavonoid content, total amino acid content and SOD activity showed significant positive correlations to the three antioxidation indices at P≤0.05 or P≤0.01, while vitamin C content and carotenoid content showed significant positive correlations to one or two of the three indices at P≤0.05 or P≤0.01. It was concluded that the pigments, flavonoids, SOD, vitamin C and amino acids are the main substances those confer distinguished antioxidation capacities of blue, purple black, dark purple and purple wheat grains as compared with common white and red wheat grains.

      GGE Biplot Analysis of Diallel Cross of B. napus L.
      SHANG Yi; LI Shao-Qin; LI Dian-Rong and TIAN Jian-Hua
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(02):  243-248. 
      Abstract ( 2006 )   PDF (394KB) ( 1343 )   Save
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      This paper reports analysis of a 5×4 diallel cross of B. napus L. using GGE biplot. The following patterns were visualized from the biplots. (1) Male sterile lines S2 and S3 had high general combining ability (GCA), and S3 and S1 had high specific combining ability (SCA). Restorer lines R2 and R3 had high GCA, while R2 and R4 had high SCA. The male sterile lines S5 and the restorer R2 were the best parents in terms of both discriminating ability and representativeness. The combinations with high SCA included S4×R4, S3×R1, S3×R2, S5×R3 and S1×R3. (2) Across the sterile lines, the GCA of pods per plant and seeds per pod was positively correlated with the GCA of yield, and the GCA of plant height, 1000-seed weight, and effective branch height was negatively correlated with the GCA of yield. Across the restorer lines, the GCA of pods per plant, pods of main raceme, primary branches, length of main raceme, and plant height were positively correlated with the GCA of yield, whereas 1000-seed weight and effective branch height were negatively correlated with the GCA of yield. Across the hybrids, pods per plant and seeds per pod were positively correlated with yield, while 1000-seed weight and effective branch height were negatively correlated with yield. These results suggest that although good male sterile lines and the restorer lines have different characteristics, more pods per plant, smaller 1000-seed weight, and lower effective branch height are desirable for both. The trait profiles should be complementary between parents to generate superior hybrids.

      Genetic Analysis of Mesocotyl Elongation in Rice (Oryza sativa L. subsp. japonica)
      LIN Jian-Rong; ZHANG Guang-Heng; WU Ming-Guo; CAO Li-Yong and CHENG Shi-Hua
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(02):  249-252. 
      Abstract ( 2359 )   PDF (712KB) ( 1326 )   Save
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      Rice mesocotyl refers to the structure between radicel and coleoptile of seedlings. The mesocotyl length is related directly to the emerging ability of seedlings from soil in direct sowing rice. The rice direct sowing technique with simple and labor-saving characteristics has increasingly become attractive in recent years in China, but many breeders pay little attention to the rice mesocotyl character, one of the most important agricultural characters for rice direct sowing, in the current rice breeding programs, so there are little direct sowing rice cultivars with elongated mesocotyl in production. The emergence of seedlings is affected by the elongation of mesocotyl. In general, the length of mesocotyl is correlated to the depth of the seeds in soil, but it varies depend upon rice cultivars. Although some cultivars with long mesocotyl have been screened, the inheritance on the rice mesocotyl elongation is little known up to now. In the present study, the combinations between a long mesocotyl cultivar H10 and two short mesocotyl cultivars Xiushui 110 and Chunjiangxiangjing and their parents were used to study the inheritance on mesocotyl elongation of rice under the treatment of darkness during germination, and determine the internodeⅠ length, internodeⅡ length, internodeⅢ length, internodeⅣ length, internodeⅤ length, internodeⅥ length, panicle length, internode thickness, flag leaf length, flag leaf width, panicles per plant, grains per panicle, seed setting rate, 1000-grain weight and yield per plant of F2 plants with long mesocotyl and with short mesocotyl so as to understand the relationship between mesocotyl elongation and the agronomic traits of rice. The results indicated that the mesocotyl elongation of rice was mainly controlled by two recessive genes. The internode length, panicle length, plant height and flag leaf length of F2 plants with long mesocotyl were larger than those with short mesocotyl, but there were no obvious differences in internode thickness, flag leaf width, panicles per plant, grains per panicle, seed setting rate, 1000-grain weight and yield per plant. The improvement for the elongation character of rice mesocotyl and the utilization of long mesocotyl germplasm in direct sowing rice breeding were also discussed.

      Studies on Improvement of Sterile Line Rice Quality by New Cytoplasm from Oryza rufipogon
      WANG Nai-Yuan
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(02):  253-259. 
      Abstract ( 1880 )   PDF (525KB) ( 1240 )   Save
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      The maintainer lines of wild abortive(WA)cytoplasmic male sterile line mainly come from early indica rice cultivars with the genetic background of Nan-Te-Hao and Ai-Zizhan and so on in the valley of Changjiang River due to the genetic restriction of the relationship between the WA cytoplasm and its restorer line. The high content of amylose and big chalkiness for these cultivars has long restricted the improvement of hybrid rice quality. The study was aimed at improving rice quality high efficiently and rapidly by using a new breeding approach. A male sterile cytoplasm of O. rufipogon, named FA cytoplasm, was obtained through nuclear substitution of the Wild Rice(O. rufipogon)with the nuclear of cultivated rice by backcrosses. The results showed that the male sterile line with FA cytoplasm was different from WA and HL sterile lines (table 5) in the relationship between restorer line and maintainer line. The restorer and maintainer line of WA and HL both could be used as the maintainer line of FA cytoplasmic sterile line, but not as its restorer line. It was a newly found resource of rice male sterile cytoplasm. FA cytoplasm was free from the genetic confinement of the relationship between the restorer line and maintainer line of WA and HL, enlarging the circle of maintainer liners so that good cultivated cultivars could be developed into fine male sterile lines. Jinnong 1A, a newly developed male sterile line with FA cytoplasm, had a high degree of stable sterility with superior agronomic traits and good resistance to diseases. It flowered earlier with good rice quality. All the twelve indexes of rice qualities reached the first or second class standards issued by the Agricultural Department of China, which substantially improved the rice quality and comprehensive traits and established a solid foundation for the development of fine quality hybrid rice. The development of FA cytoplasm and the male sterile line of Jinnong 1A made it possible to open up a new way of breeding high standard of fine quality male sterile lines. It was of great significance to the enriching of genetic diversities of hybrid rice cytoplasm and the increasing of hybrid rice quality and yield by leaps and bounds.

      A Simulation Model for Yield Components and Final Yield in Winter Wheat
      ZHENG Xiu-Qin; FENG Li-Ping and LIU Rong-Hua
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(02):  260-266. 
      Abstract ( 1905 )   PDF (1000KB) ( 1114 )   Save
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      A simulation model for yield components and final yield in winter wheat (WYSM) was established based on the physiological and ecological characteristics of yield formation of winter wheat, which is as a submodel of whole wheat growth simulation model. The effects of low temperature, water stress from forming to grain filling stage and high temperature at late growing season on wheat grain number were integrated into the model. The grain filling stage was divided into three sub-stages and the maximum grain-filling rates for each sub-stage were introduced. The effects of temperature, water stress and N/C ratio of grains were considered to simulate actual kernel weight, the source and sink relation was also considered in the model to modify grain-filling rate. Finally the method of yield components was used to establish the final yield prediction model of winter wheat. The field experiment data for different years and different cultivars in Beijing and Henan Province of China were used to validate this model. The results showed that WYSM model well simulated the yield components and final yield of wheat. The grain number, grain weight, yield and grain filling process were predicted with an NRMSE of 4.2%–10.9%, and the average of absolute relative error (RE) of 2.9%–6.7%. The adjusted linear correlation coefficient (R2) between simulated and observed values is 0.88–0.99. The results indicate that the model has not only good mechanism in model building, but good simulation capability and applicability.

      Acquisition and Utilization Characteristics of Phosphorus in Hybrid F1 and Parents with Different P Efficiencies under Phosphorus Deficient Condition
      LI Bin-Xing; GUO Cheng-Jin; WANG Bin; LI Yan-Ming; and XIAO Kai
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(02):  267-272. 
      Abstract ( 2086 )   PDF (937KB) ( 1419 )   Save
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      Three wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars with different phosphorus (P) efficiency and the hybrid F1s from the careers between three cultivars were used to compare phosphorus acquisition and utilization properties under P-deficient conditions. As compared with cultivar with low P efficiency (Nc37), cultivar with high P acquisition efficiency [81(85)] had much more secondary root number per plant, larger diameter of secondary root, higher root dry weight per cm3 soil(Fig.1), higher TTC reductive activity in root and much more accumulation of P in plant(Fig.2, 3). Its increase of P uptake under P-deficient condition was due to the changes of root amount and the enhancement of acquisition of insoluble phosphorus from the soil. The higher APase activity in flag leaf possibly had important role to improve the utilization efficiency of P in cv. Mazhamai by promoting the metabolic circling and re-utilization of P in plants (Fig.4). The Hm (heterosis from mid-parent value) and Hh (heterosis from high-parent value) on secondary root number per plant, diameter of secondary root, root dry weight per cm3 soil, TTC reductive activities in root, total P content in plant and APase activity in flag leaves were almost all positive values(Table 1, 2). The Hm and Hh of grain yield per plant in three hybrid F1s were 31.7%–32.8% and 18.5%–29.6%, respectively(Table 1).Making the hybrid combinations from the parents with high acquisition efficiency and variety with high utilization efficiency of P, and fully utilizing the heterosis of F1 on acquisition and utilization of P, will possibly have important roles to improve the P nutrition of wheat under P-deficient condition.

      Breeding Potentiality of Major Traits for Five Synthesized Corn Populations
      ZHANG Jian-Hui; YANG Ke-Cheng; RONG Ting-Zhao and PAN Guang-Tang
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(02):  273-277. 
      Abstract ( 1869 )   PDF (397KB) ( 969 )   Save
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      Lack of germplasm resources is one of the major factors restricting corn breeding in China. In order to broaden the genetic basis of corn breeding, many maize breeders have done researches with different populations. In the present study, 45 combinations derived from crosses of 5 synthesized corn populations and 9 testers were used with incomplete diallel cross design, to evaluate the major characteristics and combining ability of the 5 populations. The results showed that variances in the 5 populations were significant in all the observed traits except pollening stage, silking stage, green leaves at dough stage, kernels/row, percentage of kernel to cob and kernel depth (Table 1). Table 2 showed that plant height and ear height were higher in GP-1 and GP-2; kernels/row, ear weight, kernel weight/ear and yield per plant were higher in GP-3 and GP-5; plant height and ear height were lower in GP-4. Within the 5 synthesized corn populations, comparatively greater genetic variation was detected for plant height and ear height in GP-4, for ear length in GP-1, for rows/ear, ear weight, kernel weight/ear and yield per plant in GP-2, and for 100-kernel weight in GP-5. There was a smaller genetic variation in GP-3. Normal distribution was observed in yield per plant within the five populations. The frequencies of plants with an average yield per plant higher than 160g, that of control, in the five populations were different, which in GP-1, GP-2, GP-3, GP-4 and GP-5 were 28%, 26%, 31%, 14% and 26%, respectively.
      Analysis of combing ability for the traits with significant variations over two seasons showed that all the major traits of GP-5 and GP-3 were higher in GCA, while only ear length, plant height or ear height were detected to be prominence in the other 3 populations (Table 5). There was a big difference in numbers of combinations with significant SCA effects on these traits. GP-1 was involved in combinations with both maximum positive and maximum negative SCA effects in ear length. Most combinations of GP-2 and GP-5 showed maximum positive and maximum negative SCA effects in the other three traits (Table 6). Among the 11 combinations superior to the reference in yield per plant (Table 7), when ES40, R08 and 48-2 were used as one of the parents, the possibility to get hybrids of high yield per plant was great in GP-5, and then in GP-4 and GP-3.
      It is concluded that GP-3 and GP-5 possess an appropriate plant height and ear height, with higher yield traits, better general combing ability, greater frequencies of elite individual, and high-yielding combination, compared with the reference cultivar. They exhibit a better potentiality. GP-4 is lower in mean values of the major yield traits and lower in positive GCA effect, but possess a lower plant height and ear height, a higher high-yielding combination frequency than the reference cultivar. It also shows a good potentiality for breeding when improvement is made for GCA and SCA. GP-1 and GP-2 show higher plant height and ear height, a negative GCA in major traits and a lower high-yielding combination frequency compared with the reference cultivar, so they are of less breeding potentiality.

      Research of NHX Gene Transformation in Brassica napus by Agrobacterium tumefaciens
      WANG Yan; ZENG You-Ling; HE Bin; QIN Li; LI Jing-Yao; GAO Yan and ZHANG Fu-Chun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(02):  278-282. 
      Abstract ( 1878 )   PDF (755KB) ( 1153 )   Save
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      The crop yield is affected seriously by the salty soil in Xinjiang. Cotyledons with petiole of the line of Brassica napus 1khp11 were transformed with strain of Agrobacterium tumefaciens EHA105, harboring Na+/H+ antiporter gene of Suaeda heteroptera in order to select the salt tolerant oilseed. The regeneratedly kan-resistant plants were obtained. In the research, major factors of transformation were discussed detailed. The results showed that the best physiological and transforming condition was preculture for 3 days with 1 mg/L 2,4-D for cotyledons with petiole and immersion in OD600 0.3–0.4 liquid bacterium for 7 min, 8%–9% kan–resistant green seedlings were obtained. It was proved that NHX gene was inserted into the genome of oilseed by the methods of PCR, Dot blot and PCR-Southern.

      Effect of Higher Temperature in Different Filling Stages on Rice Qualities
      ZHANG Guo-Fa; WANG Shao-Hua; YOU Juan; WANG Qiang-Sheng; DING Yan-Feng; and JI Zhi-Jun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(02):  283-287. 
      Abstract ( 1951 )   PDF (382KB) ( 1170 )   Save
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      The temperature of rice grain-filling stage is the primary ecologic factor for rice qualities. Yangdao6 (indica rice) and Wuyujing3 (japonica rice) were used to study the effects of higher temperatures in different filling stage on rice qualities and characteristic values of Rapidvisco-analyzer with climatic cabinets. The temperature treatments were as follows: higher temperature (30℃) in whole grain-filling stage (A); higher temperature in early grain-filling stage (GFS) and optimum temperature (23℃) in later GFS stage (B); optimum temperature in early GFS and higher temperature in later GFS(C); optimum temperature in whole GFS (D,CK) (Table 1). The results showed that, different cultivars had different responses to various temperature treatments, and so did the various indexes of rice qualities. With high temperature in GFS, rice grain chalkness rate and grain chalkness were increased, while the brow rice rate, the milled rice rate and the head rice rate decreased significantly (Table 2); the effects of GFS temperature on rice AC value were various with cultivars, under high temperature treatments, Yangdao 6’s AC value were increased, while Wuyujing3’s AC value decreased (Fig.1). Under high temperature treatments, both cultivars performed higher protein content (Fig.2), higher Gelatinization temperature, Final viscosity, Consistency and Setback, lower Peak viscosity, Hot viscosity, and Breakdown (Table 3). Compared with D treatment, the rice qualities were affected by a treatment mostly, moderately by B treatment, while least by C treatment. The rice quality indexes under A and B treatments were various greatly with those under C and D treatment; while those under A treatment were various slightly with those under B treatment, and so did those under C treatment with D treatment. It can be concluded that: the period from heading to the 20 days later is the vital stage for whole rice quality in response to higher temperature, which affects rice qualities decisively; while the effect of the temperature in the later stage (beyond 20 days from heading) is slight. And the effect of higher temperature on some parameters of quality differs with cultivar, even though higher temperature degrades whole rice quality in general.

      Cryopreservation Technique of Dioscorea opposita Thunb. Germplasm Resources by Vitrification
      LI Ming-Jun; HONG Sen-Rong; XU Xin; ZHANG Xiao-Li; LIU Xin-Ying; LIU Jun and XIE Cong-Hua
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(02):  288-292. 
      Abstract ( 1777 )   PDF (433KB) ( 863 )   Save
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      Because of its unique medical and edible value, plantation of Dioscorea opposita Thunb. is being taken into account. In the traditional production method, it is universal to use nutrition organs to propagate, which is apt to cause its qualities to degradate and its output to drop. And with modern agriculture’s development, a few high-yield foreign species replace gradually the low-yield, having important value and meeting local circumstance Dioscorea opposita Thunb. species. Thus the genuine Dioscorea opposita Thunb. are abandoned and close to extinction, which cause genuine Dioscorea opposita Thunb. germplasm resources to lapse. At present, Dioscorea opposita Thunb. germplasm resources were mainly preserved in the field. Because it not only needed a large number of manpower, material resources and financial resources, but also was affcted unavoidably by various kinds of natural calamity (such as aridity, flood, hail, plant diseases and pests) and human error (such as negligent management, hanging label by mistake, etc.), Dioscorea opposita Thunb. germplasm resources were lost or mixed finally. Cryopreservation technology by vitrification based on cryobiology offered the technological assurance for preservation in vitro of Dioscorea opposita Thunb. germplasm resources, which could keep a large number of germplasm resources in the relatively narrow and small space, avoid invasion and attack of plant diseases and pests, keep genuine gene of Dioscorea opposita Thunb., and be favorable to international exchange of Dioscorea opposita Thunb. germplasm resources. The essay studied on the cryopreservation technique of Dioscorea opposita Thunb. germplasm by vitrification. Results were as follows: A best procedure of cryopresevation by vitrification was reported using the stem with a bud as materials. At first, the plantlets of Dioscorea opposita Thunb. cultured in vitro for 60 days were treated at 4℃for 7 days. Stems of Dioscorea opposita Thunb. about 1–1.5 cm in length were cut and precultured for 2 days at 4℃ in 5% sucrose and 3% Mannose, they were dehydrated with 60% virtrification solution (PVS1: 22% glycerol+13% glycol+13% polyethyleneglycol +10% dimethyl sulfoxide) for 60 minutes at room temperature and then dehydrated with 100% virtrification solution for 60 min at 0℃. At last, stems were immersed immediately into liquid nitrogen directly and conserved for 24 hours. After rapidly thawing in a water bath at 37℃, the stems were washed 4 times with MS medium supplemented with 5% sucrose, then transferred and re-cultured on the MS medium supplemented with KT 2 mg/L and NAA 0.02 mg/L. The survival rate was about 77.14%. The regenerated plantlets of Dioscorea opposita Thunb. were as same as the normal plantlets in morphology. This research sets up successfully a cryopresevation system by vitrification technology for Dioscorea opposita Thunb. germplasm, offering theoretical foundation for cultivation universally and genuineness-keeping of good-quality Dioscorea opposita Thunb. species (such as Dioscorea opposita Thunb. Tiegun) in production practices and international exchange of Dioscorea opposita Thunb. germplasm resources. This experimental results also provide an effective way for conservation in vitro of Dioscorea opposita Thunb. germplasm resources, which is very significant for conservation, exploitation, production and effective utilization of Dioscorea opposita Thunb.

      Effects of Different Sulphur Fertilizers on Yield and Quality of Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Cultivar Yumai 49
      ZHU Yun-Ji;GUO Tian-Cai;XIE Ying-Xin;MA Dong-Yun;WANG Chen-Yang;WANG Yong-Hua
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(02):  293-297. 
      Abstract ( 1767 )   PDF (411KB) ( 993 )   Save
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      Sulphur (S) is an essential nutrient required for all living organisms. The needs of higher plants for S have been recognized for over two centuries. However, interest in this essential element has lagged behind other nutrients because until recently deficiency of S has not been as extensive as that of N, P and K. Over the last two decades, however, many regions in the world have a fundamental shift in the S balance toward deficit in agricultural systems for several reasons. High analysis N and P fertilizers have gradually replaced traditional ones that contain S. In addition, yields of agricultural crops have increased markedly, and in some cases more than doubled, resulting in increased removal of nutrients, including S from soils, and so on. Deficiency of S has been recognized as a limiting factor for crop production in many regions in the world. Wheat is the most widely cultivated crop in the world. Although the crop has a relatively low requirement for S, deficiency of S in wheat has been observed in many countries. Apart from the clear effects on crop growth and grain yield, S nutrition can also exert a large influence on the quality of wheat. Previous studies focused on effects of single S fertilizer on growth and yield of wheat. This paper aims to compare the effects of different S fertilizer treatments on yield and quality of winter wheat cultivar Yumai 49. The experiment was carried out with applying of 5 kinds of sulphur fertilizers, respectively to the fields with available S content of 15.8 mg.kg-1 at the rate of 60 kg.hm-2 sulphur. The results indicated that the photosynthesis (CAP) rates in the treatment of sulphur fertilizers were much higher, and exhibited slower declines at the late grain filling stage, for example, CAP of S deficiency treatment(C0) was lowered 9.8%, 13.3%, 11.9%, 40.3% and 43.7% respectively, compared with the treatments of brimstone (C1), plaster (C2), calcium superphospate (C3), sulphate ammonium (C4) and potassium sulphate (C5) at late filling stage (Fig.1). The dry matter accumulation, harvest index, and grain weight were increased and finally grain yield of C1, C2, C3, C4 and C5 were 18.8%, 20.3%,25.2%,18.5% and 14.9% higher respectively compared with C0,especially there was a significant difference at 0.01 probability level with C3 (Table 1). Meanwhile, activity of nitrate reductase (NR) in flag leaves and glutenin accumulation in grain at filling stage were enhanced, and starch pasting parameters of flour relating to cooking qualities of Chinese noodle, such as pasting time, through viscosity, peak viscosity and final viscosity were improved by S treatments. Comparing roundly the effects of 5 kinds S fertilizers on physiological traits, yield and quality of Yumai 49, calcium superphospate was the best.

      Degeneration of Nucleus and Ultracytochemical Localization of Hydrolytic Enzymes during Starchy Endosperm Development in Rice
      WEI Cun-Xu; ZHONG Fang-Xu; LI Rui; LI Dong-Xia and CUI Yue-Hua
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(02):  298-300. 
      Abstract ( 1851 )   PDF (896KB) ( 907 )   Save
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      The degeneration of nucleus and ultracytochemical localization of hydrolytic enzymes during starchy endosperm development in rice were observed using transmission electron microscopy. With the developing of starchy endosperm cells, several distinct morphological features of PCD existed in nucleus, such as deformation of nucleus, condensation of chromatin, swelling of perinuclear space. Electron dense granules similar to the condensed chromatin were encroached by the vacuole and the dilated endoplasmic reticulum fragments. Localization of hydrolytic enzymes, such as acid phosphatase (AcPase, ATPase, glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase), Ca2+-ATPase, demonstrated high enzyme activity in the nucleus at the middle and late stages of starchy endosperm development. These results suggested that rice starchy endosperm underwent programmed cell death during its development.

      Dynamic Changes in Grain Sedimentation Test Value of Spring Wheat during Grain Filling
      ZHAO Xiu-Lan;LI Wen-Xiong
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(02):  301-305. 
      Abstract ( 1872 )   PDF (363KB) ( 898 )   Save
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      Field experiments with three spring wheats genotypes were carried out in Harbin in 2002 to study quantitatively the dynamic change of grain sedimentation test value affected by environmental factors including fertility and meterological condition. The results showed that the dynamic change of grain sedimentation test value with varied days after anthesis was well fitted with the third-order curve convex in shape. For different genotypes, the characteristics of their dynamic changes were different. Moreover, the differences of grain sedimentation test value between genotypes were varied during the period of grain filling. The dates corresponding to the curve peak values of the high protein-rich gluten genotype, the high protein—medium gluten genotype and low protein-poor gluten genotype were the 28th, 23rd and 30th day after anthesis, respectively. The dynamic change shapes of the accumulation velocity curves for grain sedimentation test value in different genotypes were responsible for their sedimentation values at mature period, which were the highest in high protein-rich gluten genotype, the medium in high protein-medium gluten genotype, and the lowest in low protein-poor gluten genotype.

      Micro-climate of Winter Wheat Field under the Conditions of Irrigation and Straw Mulching
      LI Quan-Qi; CHEN Yu-Hai; YU Shun-Zhang; WU Wei; ZHOU Xun-Bo; DONG Qing-Yu and YU Song-Lie
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(02):  306-309. 
      Abstract ( 1852 )   PDF (291KB) ( 988 )   Save
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      After Feb. 2003, soil temperature at 14:00 p.m. of mulching treatments was much lower than that of un-mulching treatment. The air humidity of 5 cm above the ground under the condition of irrigation was decreased and the air temperature of 5 cm above the ground increased by straw mulching. The turbulent coefficient and turbulent flux was decreased and straw mulching increased the latent heat flux by irrigation and vice versa. Mulching, leading to the higher soil moisture content could enhance the penetrating ability of irrigation water. The yield and WUE of winter wheat were obviously reduced by straw mulching.

      Comparative Study on the Behavior in Solution and Thermal Character of Starch in Transgenic Potato with AGPase
      LIU Ting-Guo; LI Bin and XIE Bi-Jun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(02):  310-312. 
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      The viscosities of potato starch in different solvents and different cation solutions were studied. The results showed that the solution behavior of starch was varied from each other with the different treatments. The starch molecular weight and the molecular structure were different, and the thermal character and crystalrime character were also different in the transgenic potato with AGPase. So it indicated that the gene modified treatment in the potato improvement, which do not aimed at the starch structure, will have obvious influence on the starch structure.

      Effects of Temperature and Humidity on Starch Degradation and Related Enzyme Activities of Flue-cured Tobacco during Flue-curing Process
      WANG Huai-Zhu;YANG Huan-Wen; and GUO Hong-Ying
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(02):  313-316. 
      Abstract ( 1872 )   PDF (266KB) ( 958 )   Save
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      The effect of the activity of amylase and starch phosphorylase on the starch degradation in tobacco leaves under different temperatures and humidities were studied using the middle leaves of flue-cured tobacco in cultivar’s HD and K326. The result indicated there were two peaks of activities for amylase and starch phosphorylase during flue-curing. The first was at middle stage of yellowing, and the other one was at the beginning of fixing-color. Starch degradation in tobacco leaves was concentrated in the period of yellowing, and slowed down in the earlier stage of fixing-color, then nearly stopped from later stage of fixing-color to the end of flue-curing. The quantity and the velocity of starch degradation, the activities of amylase and starch phosphorylase were relatively high, the content of starch was lower, while the content of soluble sugar and reducing sugar were higher and all of the chemical components were relatively harmonized in the cured tobacco leaves yellowed under lower temperature and humidity and fixed color with slow heating speed.

the Crop Science Society of China
the Institute of Crop Science, CAAS
China Science Publishing & Media Ltd.
Published: Science Press
Editor-in-chief: Wan Jian-min
Associate Editors-in-Chief:
Chen Xiao-ya Yang Jian-chang Zhang Xian-long Wang Jian-kang Xu Ming-liang Liu Chun-ming Wang Dao-wen Sun Chuan-qing Ding Yan-feng Jin Wei-wei Chu Cheng-cai Cheng Wei-hong
Director of the editorial department:
Yan Chun-ling
CN 11-1809/S
ISSN 0496-3490
Post subscription code: 82-336

  • Started in 2013
  • Covered by SCIE
  • Open access in ScienceDirect

Editor in chief: Wan Jian-min
CN 10-1112/S
ISSN 2095-5421, 2214-5141(online)
Online published:
Submission: https://www.editorialmanager.com/cj/
E-mail: cropjournal@caas.cn
