
作物学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (8): 2067-2077.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.34181

• 耕作栽培·生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘陈(), 王昆昆, 廖世鹏, 杨佳群, 丛日环, 任涛, 李小坤, 鲁剑巍()   

  1. 华中农业大学资源与环境学院 / 农业农村部长江中下游耕地保育重点实验室 / 华中农业大学微量元素研究中心, 湖北武汉 430070
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-03 接受日期:2024-04-01 出版日期:2024-08-12 网络出版日期:2024-04-24
  • 通讯作者: * 鲁剑巍, E-mail: lunm@mail.hzau.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:E-mail: liu_chen@webmail.hzau.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Effects of nitrogen fertilizer application levels on yield and nitrogen absorption and utilization of oilseed rape under maize-oilseed rape and rice-oilseed rape rotation fields

LIU Chen(), WANG Kun-Kun, LIAO Shi-Peng, YANG Jia-Qun, CONG Ri-Huan, REN Tao, LI Xiao-Kun, LU Jian-Wei()   

  1. College of Resources and Environment, Huazhong Agricultural University / Key Laboratory of Arable Land Conservation (Middle and Lower Reaches of Yangtze River), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs / Microelement Research Center, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, Hubei, China
  • Received:2023-11-03 Accepted:2024-04-01 Published:2024-08-12 Published online:2024-04-24
  • Contact: * E-mail: lunm@mail.hzau.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Key Research and Development Program Project(2021YFD1600500);China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA(CARS-12);China Agriculture Research System of Hubei Province(HBHZD-ZB-2020-005)


旱-旱和水-旱轮作是我国长江流域冬油菜的典型种植模式, 氮养分缺乏是油菜产量主要限制因子。利用2016—2023年在湖北省武汉市布置的裂区同田对比定位试验, 探究氮肥用量对不同轮作模式下油菜产量和氮素吸收利用的影响差异, 为科学施氮提供依据。试验设计的主处理为旱地油菜(玉米-油菜)和水田油菜(水稻-油菜) 2种轮作模式, 副处理为4个氮肥用量(0 kg N hm-2、75 kg N hm-2、150 kg N hm-2、225 kg N hm-2), 分析了油菜产量、产量构成因子和氮素积累量等相关指标。7年试验结果表明, 旱地和水田油菜的产量和氮素吸收在不同氮肥投入下的响应存在差异。当不施氮或低施氮(75 kg N hm-2)时, 水田油菜产量显著高于旱地油菜, 分别高出53.9%和20.8%, 地上部氮素积累量分别高出57.8%和18.3%; 当施氮量为150 kg N hm-2时, 2种轮作无显著差异; 在高施氮(225 kg N hm-2)时, 旱地油菜产量和氮素积累量较水田分别增加11.2%和16.0%。旱地油菜的氮肥农学利用效率、贡献率和表观利用率较水田油菜分别平均增加16.5%、20.5%和22.0%, 氮肥对旱地油菜的增产潜力更大, 但水田油菜季土壤基础氮素供应量较旱地高61.5%, 对氮肥的依赖性更小。综上, 增加氮肥用量显著提高了油菜产量和氮素积累, 水田油菜在低氮投入下表现出较高的稳产性, 而旱地油菜在较高氮投入下丰产潜力更高。因此, 在实际生产中应根据不同轮作模式调整油菜施氮量, 旱地油菜可以适当增加氮肥用量以获得高产, 水田油菜要充分利用土壤供氮能力适当控制氮肥用量, 以达到油菜高产高效生产和氮肥高效利用的目的。

关键词: 玉米-油菜轮作, 水稻-油菜轮作, 氮肥用量, 油菜产量, 氮素积累量


Continuous upland and paddy-upland anniversary multiple cropping rotations are typical planting patterns of winter rape in the Yangtze River basin in China, and nitrogen nutrient deficiency is the main limiting factor for rapeseed yield. To provide a basis for scientific nitrogen application, a comparative positioning experiment of split area was conducted in Wuhan City, Hubei Province from 2016 to 2023, and the effects of nitrogen fertilizer application on rapeseed yield and nitrogen uptake and utilization under different rotation patterns was explored. The main treatments of the experimental design were two rotation modes of upland-oilseed rape (maize-oilseed rape rotation) and paddy-oilseed rape (rice-oilseed rape rotation), and the secondary treatments were four nitrogen application rates (0 kg N hm-2, 75 kg N hm-2, 150 kg N hm-2, and 225 kg N hm-2). The related indexes such as rapeseed yield, yield components, and nitrogen absorption were analyzed. The average results of seven-year experiment showed that there were differences in response to the yield and nitrogen uptake of rapeseed in upland and paddy fields under different nitrogen fertilizer inputs. When there was no nitrogen application or low nitrogen application (75 kg N hm-2), the yield of rapeseed in paddy fields was significantly higher than that in upland fields, which was higher by 53.9% and 20.8%, and the nitrogen accumulation was higher by 57.8% and 18.3%, respectively. When the nitrogen application rate was 150 kg N hm-2, there was no significant difference between the two rotations. When the nitrogen application rate reached 225 kg N hm-2, the yield and nitrogen accumulation of rapeseed in dry land were higher by 11.2% and 16.0% than those in paddy fields, respectively. The agronomic utilization efficiency, contribution rate, and apparent utilization rate of nitrogen fertilizer in upland rapeseed were higher on average by 16.5%, 20.5%, and 22.0% than those in paddy field rapeseed, respectively. Nitrogen fertilizer had a greater yield increase effect on upland-rapeseed, but the soil background nitrogen supply in paddy field rapeseed season was 61.5% higher than that in upland, and its dependence on nitrogen fertilizer was less. In conclusion, the increase in nitrogen fertilizer application significantly increased rapeseed yield and nitrogen accumulation. There were differences in the response of rapeseed yield to nitrogen fertilizer between maize-oilseed rape rotation and rice-oilseed rape rotation. Paddy-oilseed rape exhibited higher stability under low nitrogen input, while upland-oilseed rape achieved higher yield under high nitrogen input. Therefore, the nitrogen application rate of rapeseed should be adjusted according to different crop rotation modes in actual production. The nitrogen application rate of upland rapeseed can be appropriately increased to achieve high yield, while the nitrogen application rate of rapeseed in paddy field should be properly controlled by making full use of the nitrogen supply capacity to achieve the high yield and efficient production of rapeseed and efficient utilization of nitrogen fertilizer.

Key words: maize-oilseed rape rotation, rice-oilseed rape rotation, nitrogen fertilizer rate, rapeseed yield, nitrogen accumulation





N fertilizer rate
(kg hm-2)
产量 Yield
2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 平均
Upland-oilseed rape
0 373±64 Bd 387±49 Bd 548±54 Bd 493±50 Bd 611±92 Ad 615±93 Bd 597±75 Bd 518±103 Bd
75 1302±221 Bc 1161±98 Bc 1497±239 Bc 1435±67 Ac 1553±74 Ac 1581±75 Bc 1516±93 Bc 1435±152 Bc
150 2555±150 Ab 2393±99 Ab 2399±279 Ab 2183±283 Ab 2258±170 Ab 2061±111 Ab 2031±111 Ab 2269±192 Ab
225 3062±100 Aa 2675±109 Aa 2967±217 Aa 2641±325 Aa 2742±121 Aa 2471±109 Aa 2802±79 Aa 2766±200 Aa
Paddy-oilseed rape
0 712±116 Aa 769±93 Ac 716±56 Ad 953±70 Ac 695±70 Ad 878±41 Ac 856±97 Ac 797±100 Ad
75 1879±278 Ab 1759±151 Ab 1624±147 Ac 1574±183 Ab 1601±78 Ac 1789±27 Ab 1913±39 Aab 1734±137 Ac
150 2388±143 Ac 2401±101 Aa 2000±157 Bb 2047±157 Aa 2177±340 Ab 1949±305 Ab 2154±68 Ab 2159±179 Ab
225 2621±138 Bd 2609±99 Aa 2319±245 Ba 2139±210 Ba 2762±68 Aa 2462±61 Aa 2500±107 Ba 2487±208 Ba
方差分析ANOVA FF-value
轮作模式 Rotation (R) 4.222*
氮肥用量 Nitrogen rate (N) 1361.697***
年份 Year (Y) 3.456**
R×N 38.311***
R×Y 4.443**
N×Y 4.728***
R×N×Y 2.111**



N fertilizer rate
(kg N hm-2)
Pod number
Seed number
1000-seed weight
Upland-oilseed rape
0 94.7±11.6 Bd 21.1±0.5 Ac 3.02±0.08 Ac
75 207.8±7.7 Bc 23.4±0.2 Ab 3.17±0.04 Abc
150 276.7±7.0 Ab 25.6±0.5 Aa 3.19±0.08 Aab
225 356.6±16.5 Aa 23.9±0.2 Ab 3.35±0.08 Aa
Paddy-oilseed rape
0 133.3±14.0 Ac 21.8±0.5 Ac 3.08±0.07 Ab
75 267.3±26.9 Ab 24.2±1.0 Ab 3.10±0.08 Ab
150 306.0±7.3 Aa 25.6±0.5 Aa 3.13±0.24 Ab
225 315.0±19.2 Aa 24.1±1.0 Ab 3.44±0.04 Aa
轮作模式 Rotation (R) 10.869** 1.213ns 0.891ns
氮肥用量 Nitrogen rate (N) 213.001*** 38.439*** 12.613***
R×N 11.125** 0.342ns 0.989ns


不同氮肥用量下旱地和水田油菜地上部各部位氮素吸收和分配(7年平均) UO和PO分别指旱地-油菜和水田-油菜, N0、N75、N150和N225分别指油菜季施氮量为0、75、150、225 kg N hm-2。标以不同小写字母的值表示地上部总氮素累积在相同轮作模式下不同施氮量处理间差异达0.05概率水平差异显著。*表示总氮素累积在相同施氮量下不同轮作之间的t检验差异, **表示P<0.01; *表示P<0.05; ns表示无显著差异。"



N fertilizer rate
(kg N hm-2)
旱地-油菜 Upland-Oilseed rape 水田-油菜 Paddy-Oilseed rape
rate (kg kg-1)
rate (%)
rate (kg kg-1)
rate (%)
75 12.2 64.2 44.0 12.5 53.8 41.6
150 11.7 76.8 45.0 9.0 62.7 35.8
225 10.0 81.1 40.9 7.5 67.6 29.0
平均Average 11.3 74.0 43.3 9.7 61.4 35.5


不同氮肥用量下旱地和水田油菜季氮素表观平衡(7年平均) N0、N75、N150和N225分别指油菜季施氮量为0、75、150、225 kg N hm-2。标以不同小写字母的值表示同一轮作模式下不同施氮量间差异达0.05概率水平差异显著。*表示总氮素累积量在不同轮作模式之间的t检验差异; **表示P < 0.01; *表示P < 0.05; ns表示无显著差异。"


旱地和水田油菜季土壤氮素供应量灰色线性预测模型 以*表示不同轮作之间的t检验差异; ***表示P < 0.001; **表示P < 0.01; *表示P < 0.05; ns表示无显著差异。一元回归方程中, Y表示土壤氮素供应量, t表示试验年限, a表示斜率, 即为年际趋势土壤氮素供应量。"

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