
作物学报 ›› 2006, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (03): 390-396.

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 甘肃农业大学农学院,甘肃兰州 730070
  • 收稿日期:2005-02-28 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2006-03-12 网络出版日期:2006-03-12
  • 通讯作者: 孙万仓

The Morphological Characteristics and Its Types of Yunjie (Eruca sativa Mill.) in China

SUN Wan-Cang; GUAN Chun-Yun; MENG Ya-Xiong; LIU Zi-Gang; ZHANG Tao; ZHANG Jin-Wen; CHEN She-Yuan; FAN Hui-Ning; WANG Bao-Cheng; SHAO Deng-Kui; WU Jun-Yan; YAN Ni and ZHU Hui-Xia   

  1. Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu
  • Received:2005-02-28 Revised:1900-01-01 Published:2006-03-12 Published online:2006-03-12
  • Contact: SUN Wan-Cang


选择不同生态地区的代表性芸芥材料研究表明,我国芸芥形态特征差异明显,可分为全缘叶芸芥(如和田芸芥)与羽状裂叶芸芥2大类型。和田芸芥的植物学形态特征特殊,茎直立,茎杆光滑、无刺毛;基生叶和茎生叶均为完整叶,披针形,叶缘波状,叶脉脉序羽状,茎生叶略小,不抱茎,花蕾顶部光滑或被少量刺毛;花为乳黄色,花瓣上部开展,下部具长爪,具绿色脉纹;角果表面光滑,无毛,平生,紧贴于果轴,四棱状,先端具扁平的剑形喙;果梗粗,略长,种子卵形,灰色,千粒重3 g左右。RAPD分子标记分析表明,和田芸芥与其他材料的遗传距离最大,具有其特征带,聚类分析中,独自成为一类。和田芸芥生育期与其他芸芥相近,无生殖隔离现象。由此推断,和田芸芥可能是我国芸芥种内的一个新类型,其分类地位有待进一步研究确定。

关键词: 芸芥, 类型, 形态特征, RAPD, 和田芸芥


Twenty classic landraces of Yunjie(Eruca sativa Mill.) from 9 Provinces and regions of China were selected based on the morphological characteristics. The Yunjie genetic resources can be divided into two types, i.e. entire leaf Yunjie and pinnatinnately parted leaf Yunjie. Hetian Yunjie is belonged to the former and the others to the latter. A dendrogram based on ten morphological characteristics showed that Hetian Yunjie was distinguished from other Yunjie in this study. Hetian Yunjie has hair-free stem, radical and stem with entire leaves with stipes and which are 9.0 cm long and 0.5 cm wide. Its netted venation on petals is green and its hair-free which is quardrangular in sections while the Chinese Yunjie has pinnately parted leaf with purple-brown netted venation and cylindrical-like fruits. Clusting based on RAPD analysis also showed the correspondence with the result based on the inophological characters. On the other hand, there were a cross-compatibility between Hetian Yunjie and other Yunjie and the nearly same mature period among the tested Yunjie accessions. It was reveal that Hetian is the new type of Chinese Yunjie and its systematic level should be studied in future, possibly, it is the new type of variety or subspecies of E. sativa.

Key words: Eruca sativa Mill., RAPD, Morphological character, Types


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