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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2025, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (3): 687-895.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2025.44087


Development and characterization of novel peanut genetic stocks with high oleic acid and enhanced resistance both to Aspergillus flavus infection and aflatoxin production

JIN Gao-Rui1(), WU Xiao-Li2(), DENG Li3, CHEN Yu-Ning1, YU Bo-Lun1, GUO Jian-Bin1, DING Ying-Bin1, LIU Nian1, LUO Huai-Yong1, CHEN Wei-Gang1, HUANG Li1, ZHOU Xiao-Jing1, HUAI Dong-Xin1, TAN Jia-Zhuang2, JIANG Hui-Fang1, REN Li3, LEI Yong1, LIAO Bo-Shou1,*()   

  1. 1Oil Crops Research Institute, China Academy of Agricultural Sciences / Key Laboratory of Biology and Genetic Improvement of Oil Crops, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Wuhan 430062, Hubei, China
    2Zhanjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhanjiang 524094, Guangdong, China
    3Kaifeng Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Kaifeng 475004, Henan, China
  • Received:2024-05-27 Accepted:2024-09-18 Online:2025-03-12 Published:2024-10-08
  • Contact: *E-mail: lboshou@hotmail.com
  • About author:

    **Contributed equally to this work

  • Supported by:
    National Key Research and Development Program of China(2023YFD1202800);National Natural Science Foundation of China(32101708);China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA(CARS-13);National Crop Germplasm Resources Center(NCGRC-2023-036)


High oleate peanut is a key focus for both varietal improvement and industry development worldwide due to its extended shelf life and potential health benefits. However, peanuts are highly susceptible to Aspergillus infection, leading to aflatoxin contamination, making it critical to enhance aflatoxin resistance in the development of the high oleate peanut industry to ensure food safety. In this study, a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population was developed by crossing the high oleic acid peanut genotype Kainong H03-3 with the high-yielding variety Zhonghua 16. The RILs were evaluated for oleic acid content and other traits, including their response to Aspergillus flavus infection and aflatoxin formation. Notably, Kainong H03-3 exhibited resistance to both fungal infection and toxin production. Additionally, four lines resistant to fungal infection and three lines resistant to toxin formation were identified among the 53 high oleate lines segregated from the RILs. Of these, two high oleate lines, QT0790 and QT0918, demonstrated resistance to both fungal infection and aflatoxin production. Further analysis revealed that the aflatoxin resistance in QT0790 and QT0918 was not only superior to that of both parental genotypes, but also exceeded that of the well-known fungal infection-resistant genotype J11 and the toxin production-resistant variety Zhonghua 6. This suggests the presence of complementary effects among certain minor-effect genes/loci for both fungal infection and toxin production resistance, which could be valuable for improving or integrating resistance traits. Both QT0790 and QT0918 maintained stable oleic acid contents above 80% in samples harvested from five diverse ecological locations. The genetic effects observed in this study for minor genes/loci associated with aflatoxin resistance, along with the identification of resistant high oleate lines, provide valuable insights for further research into the underlying genetic mechanisms and for the development of peanut varieties with both high oleic acid content and enhanced resistance to aflatoxin contamination.

Key words: peanut genotypes, high oleic acid, Aspergillus flavus infection resistance, aflatoxin production resistance

Fig. 1

Distribution of oleic acid content in RIL population 2020WH: 2020 Wuhan; 2021WH: 2021 Wuhan; 2021QZ: 2021 Quanzhou."

Fig. 2

Distribution of PSII and AFT in RIL population 2020WH: 2020 Wuhan; 2021WH: 2021 Wuhan; 2021QZ: 2021 Quanzhou. PSII: percent seed infection index; AFT: aflatoxin content."

Table 1

Correlation analysis between oleic acid content, PSII, and AFT in RIL population"

Oleic acid content
2020WH Oleic acid content 1.000
PSII 0.078 1.000
AFT -0.040 0.431** 1.000
2021WH Oleic acid content 1.000
PSII 0.035 1.000
AFT -0.187** 0.628** 1.000
2021QZ Oleic acid content 1.000
PSII -0.003 1.000
AFT -0.104 0.318** 1.000

Table 2

Distribution of different PSII and AFT in high-oleic and non-high oleic peanut materials"

Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
Level V
侵染指数PSII 非高油酸Non-high oleic 247 0 44 136 61 6
高油酸High-oleic 53 0 8 21 23 1
产毒值AFT 非高油酸Non-high oleic 247 34 147 95 17 8
高油酸High-oleic 53 8 27 13 3 2

Table 3

Chi-square test for linear trend of oleic acid content and PSII"


Asymptotic significance (two-side)
皮尔逊卡方Pearson chi-square 7.678 3 0.053
似然比Likelihood ratio 7.222 3 0.065
线性关联Linear-by-linear association 3.437 1 0.064
有效个案数Number of valid cases 300

Table 4

Chi-square test for linear trend of oleic acid content and AFT"


Asymptotic significance (two-side)
皮尔逊卡方Pearson chi-square 1.518 4 0.823
似然比Likelihood ratio 1.510 4 0.825
线性关联Linear-by-linear association 0.331 1 0.565
有效个案数Number of valid cases 354

Fig. 3

Distribution of PSII of high-oleic acid lines 2020WH: 2020 Wuhan; 2021WH: 2021 Wuhan; 2021QZ: 2021 Quanzhou. PSII: percent seed infection index."

Fig. 4

Distribution of AFT of high-oleic acid lines 2020WH: 2020 Wuhan; 2021WH: 2021 Wuhan; 2021QZ: 2021 Quanzhou. AFT: aflatoxin content."

Table 5

High-oleic acid lines with resistant to Aspergillus flavus infection and toxin production"

Oleic acid
content (%)
侵染指数PSII (%) 产毒值AFT (μg g-1)
QT0722 81.01 16.23 35.12 45.28 21.00 58.06 96.43
QT0790 80.18 42.33 34.96 56.31 14.04 18.34 28.48
QT0903 80.22 41.42 42.88 78.37 17.73 36.84 44.18
QT0918 79.91 14.27 31.72 57.19 8.49 25.18 33.15
QT1008 79.41 30.67 33.91 41.67 50.29 66.72 31.95
ZH16 46.81 79.56 76.35 88.33 110.43 129.67 123.67
KNH03-3 79.59 43.86 35.23 57.99 18.58 37.35 43.55
J11 42.58 45.12 36.33 59.42 35.45 53.11 62.98
ZH6 45.40 85.97 87.29 84.12 20.83 42.77 50.12

Fig. 5

Significant differences in PSII and AFT among QT0790, QT0918, and NJSU2007 in different ecological regions *** indicates significant correlation at the 0.001 probability level; ** indicates significant correlation at the 0.01 probability level. NY: Nanyang; TZ: Taizhou; NC: Nanchong; HF: Heifei; TR: Tongren. PSII: percent seed infection index; AFT: aflatoxin content."

Table 6

Agronomic traits of QT0790 and QT0918 in different ecological regions"

南充Nanchong 合肥
QT0790 主茎高 HMS (cm) 41.8 42.2 41.4 42.3 28.0 39.1
总分枝数 TBN 9.8 11.4 14.7 16.0 13.7 13.1
饱果数 FFN 33.3 15.8 15.4 29.1 18.1 22.3
百果重 HPW (g) 162.4 147.6 142.3 153.2 115.5 144.2
百粒重 HSW (g) 63.5 65.8 52.5 63.3 45.7 58.2
出仁率 SP (%) 62.3 70.4 70.6 72.9 66.6 68.6
QT0918 主茎高 HMS (cm) 45.0 33.7 37.0 54.1 28.8 39.7
总分枝数 TBN 9.8 8.4 9.6 9.8 9.6 9.4
饱果数 FFN 25.8 10.6 16.4 26.4 17.3 19.3
百果重 HPW (g) 165.3 131.0 129.4 132.3 123.8 136.4
百粒重 HSW (g) 64.5 59.9 50.6 54.8 46.0 55.2
出仁率 SP (%) 71.3 75.3 75.2 75.7 67.2 72.9
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