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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (7): 1762-1775.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.32053


Effects of an integrated dryland tillage and soaking pattern on the reducing substances in rice field and early growth of machine transplanted rice

CHENG Shuang(), XING Zhi-Peng*(), TIAN Chao, HU Qun, WEI Hai-Yan, ZHANG Hong-Cheng*()   

  1. Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Crop Cultivation and Physiology / Jiangsu Co-innovation Center for Modern Production Technology of Grain Crops / Research Institute of Rice Industrial Engineering Technology, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, Jiangsu, China
  • Received:2023-12-08 Accepted:2024-04-02 Online:2024-07-12 Published:2024-04-16
  • Contact: *E-mail: hczhang@yzu.edu.cn; E-mail: zpxing@yzu.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Key Research and Development Program of China(BE2022338);Jiangsu Agriculture Science and Technology Innovation Fund(CX[20]1012);Jiangsu Technical System of Rice Industry(JATS[2022]485);Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions(PAPD)


There were some problems in rice-wheat rotation areas, such as low quality of rice field soil preparation, and the accumulation of reducing substances was not conducive to the early growth of mechanically transplanting rice. We explored the feasibility of applying an integrated dry tillage and soaking pattern to promote high-quality early growth of machine transplanted rice. The experiment was carried out in the experimental base of Sihong county, Suqian city, Jiangsu province from 2021 to 2022. Three tillage patterns were conducted, namely integrated dryland tillage + soaking pattern (Treatment 1, T1), dryland rotary tillage + soaking + paddy rotary tillage pattern (Treatment 2, T2), and soaking + paddy rotary tillage pattern (Treatment 3, T3). The redox potential of paddy soil, the content of reducing substances in different soil layers, and the root and shoot traits of machine-transplanted rice at early growth stage were determined. The result showed that the soil redox potential of T1 was the highest, which was 19.3%-24.7% and 31.6%-41.1% higher than that of T2 and T3 at the lowest point, respectively. Different tillage patterns significantly affected the contents of total reducing substances, active reducing substances, ferrous ions, and divalent manganese ions in 0-5 cm and 5-10 cm soil layers. Among them, compared with the mean values of T2 and T3, the content of active reducing substances in the 0-5 cm and 5-10 cm soil layers of T1 decreased by 31.9%-37.6% and 22.6%-23.5%, respectively, and the content of ferrous ions decreased by 30.5%-40.3% and 25.3%-27.3%, respectively. This result was mainly related to the fact that T1 significantly reduced the soil bulk density of 0-5 cm and 5-10 cm soil layers and increased the total soil porosity of the same soil layers. Root traits (root total number, root dry weight, and root oxidation capacity) and above-ground indexes (tiller number, dry matter accumulation) of T1 were the highest, followed by T2, and T3 was the lowest. Compared with the mean values of T2 and T3, the total root number, root dry weight, root oxidation force, the number of tillers, and the dry matter accumulation of T1 increased by 9.6%-32.9%, 19.5%-53.8%, 27.3%-34.7%, 9.0%-15.4%, and 30.7%-44.7%, respectively. Correlation analysis indicated that the early high-quality growth of machine-transplanted rice under T1 was mainly due to the reduction of reducing substances within the 0-5 cm soil layer, especially the significant reduction of active reducing substances and ferrous ions (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the application of the integrated dryland tillage and soaking pattern can help to reduce the content of rice field reducing substances and promote the early high-quality growth of machine transplanted rice in rice-wheat rotation areas.

Key words: mechanically transplanted rice, tillage pattern, reducing substances, seedling growth

Fig. 1

Daily average temperature and daily precipitation during rice growing season in 2021 and 2022"

Table 1

Field operation procedures and agricultural machinery used in different tillage patterns"

Tillage pattern
Field operation procedures and agricultural machinery used
T1 使用2F-750型抛肥机施肥→采用2BFMZ-350型一体化旱地双轴旋耕平整机(配套动力220匹马力)实施双轴旋耕秸秆翻埋还田、初次镇压、单轴浅旋、二次镇压、开排水沟→灌水泡田。
Fertilization using 2F-750 fertilizer applicator → The 2BFMZ-350 integrated dryland biaxial rotary tillage and leveling machine (supporting power 220 horsepower) was used to implement biaxial rotary tillage straw burying, initial suppression, uniaxial shallow rotation, secondary suppression, and drainage ditch opening → Irrigation bubble field.
T2 使用2F-750型抛肥机施肥→采用1GS-360型旱地单轴旋耕平机(配套动力160匹马力)实施旱地旋耕秸秆还田→灌水泡田→采用1JS-280型水田单轴旋耕机进行1次作业以实施旋耕起浆和平整土地。
Fertilization using 2F-750 fertilizer applicator → The 1GS-360 type dryland single-axis rotary tillage machine (supporting power 160 horsepower) was used to implement dryland rotary tillage straw burying → Irrigation bubble field → The 1JS-280 paddy field single axis rotary machine was used for one operation to implement rotary tillage and soil leveling.
T3 使用2F-750型抛肥机施肥→灌水泡田→采用1JS-280型水田单轴旋耕机(配套动力160匹马力)进行2次作业以实施旋耕起浆和平整土地。
Fertilization using 2F-750 fertilizer applicator → Irrigation bubble field → The 1JS-280 paddy field single axis rotary machine was used for two operations to implement rotary tillage and soil leveling.

Fig. 2

Effects of different tillage patterns on Eh in paddy soil T1: integrated dryland tillage + soaking pattern; T2: dryland rotary tillage + soaking + paddy rotary tillage pattern; T3: soaking + paddy rotary tillage pattern."

Fig. 3

Effects of different tillage patterns on soil bulk density and soil total porosity The values of different lowercase letters are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level. Abbreviations are the same as those given in Fig. 2."

Fig. 4

Effects of different tillage patterns on soil total reducing substances and soil active reducing substances The values of different lowercase letters are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level. Abbreviations are the same as those given in Fig. 2."

Fig. 5

Effects of different tillage patterns on soil ferrous ions and soil divalent manganese ions The values of different lowercase letters are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level. Abbreviations are the same as those given in Fig. 2."

Table 2

Effects of different tillage patterns on the roots total number of machine-transplanted rice (×103 m-2)"

Tillage pattern
移栽后天数Days after transplanted
5 d 10 d 20 d 30 d
南粳5718 Nanjing 5718 2021 T1 1.9±0.15 a 2.8±0.31 a 4.4±0.49 a 9.9±0.92 a
T2 1.5±0.22 bc 2.3±0.22 abc 3.7±0.47 b 8.1±0.90 b
T3 1.1±0.16 d 1.8±0.13 c 3.0±0.28 c 6.8±0.49 c
2022 T1 1.8±0.20 ab 2.7±0.26 ab 4.4±0.35 a 9.4±0.92 a
T2 1.5±0.19 bc 2.2±0.28 bc 3.5±0.48 bc 7.9±0.57 b
T3 1.3±0.07 cd 1.9±0.21 c 3.0±0.34 c 6.8±0.35 c
年份Year (Y) ns ns ns ns
处理Treatment (T) ** ** ** **
年份×处理Y×T ** ** ns ns
洪扬5号Hongyang 5 2022 T1 2.0±0.22 a 3.0±0.35 a 4.9±0.33 a 11.4±0.64 a
T2 1.7±0.14 ab 2.9±0.29 a 4.6±0.41 ab 11.0±0.42 a
T3 1.4±0.18 b 2.5±0.20 b 4.3±0.36 b 9.8±0.99 b
处理Treatment * * * *

Table 3

Effects of different tillage patterns on root dry weight of machine-transplanted rice (g m-2)"

Tillage pattern
移栽后天数Days after transplanted
5 d 10 d 20 d 30 d
南粳5718 Nanjing 5718 2021 T1 2.5±0.27 ab 4.1±0.49 a 25.5±3.6 a 65.3±6.5 a
T2 2.4±0.28 bc 3.7±0.35 b 23.0±1.6 bc 53.0±3.8 c
T3 2.3±0.21 bc 3.4±0.28 c 21.6±3.0 cd 31.9±2.3 d
2022 T1 2.7±0.20 a 3.8±0.42 b 24.5±2.4 ab 61.3±4.3 ab
T2 2.3±0.22 bc 3.6±0.27 bc 23.0±2.3 bc 54.3±4.6 bc
T3 2.2±0.13 c 3.4±0.29 c 20.8±1.4 d 32.0±3.2 d
年份Year (Y) ns ns * ns
处理Treatment (T) ** ** ** **
年份×处理Y×T ns ns ns ns
洪扬5号Hongyang 5 2022 T1 2.4±0.16 a 2.8±0.15 a 18.6±1.6 a 47.2±2.0 a
T2 2.2±0.17 ab 2.7±0.19 b 16.0±1.9 b 42.0±2.4 b
T3 2.1±0.18 b 2.5±0.22 c 15.8±2.1 b 37.0±1.6 c
处理Treatment ns ** * *

Table 4

Effects of different tillage methods on root oxidizing ability of machine-transplanted rice (μg α-NA g-1 h-1)"

Tillage pattern
移栽后天数Days after transplanted
5 d 10 d 20 d 30 d
南粳5718 Nanjing 5718 2021 T1 83.2±4.7 b 102.7±11.6 ab 87.7±10.0 ab 139.0±17.7 a
T2 72.2±4.1 d 88.3±7.5 c 74.1±10.5 c 122.6±10.4 b
T3 58.3±4.2 e 70.4±10.0 d 61.1±6.9 d 95.2±6.7 c
2022 T1 91.3±6.4 a 111.5±9.5 a 92.0±9.1 a 145.3±14.4 a
T2 77.8±5.4 c 94.8±5.4 bc 82.6±8.2 b 125.4±8.8 b
T3 51.8±5.2 f 66.9±5.7 d 55.2±4.7 d 90.4±9.0 c
年份Year (Y) * ns ns ns
处理Treatment (T) ** ** ** **
年份×处理Y×T ** ns * ns
洪扬5号Hongyang 5 2022 T1 100.8±10.0 a 120.1±8.5 a 102.6±8.8 a 160.9±13.7 a
T2 80.8±6.9 b 103.3±7.3 b 82.6±3.5 b 131.7±13.0 b
T3 73.2±3.0 b 87.3±7.4 c 75.4±4.2 c 121.1±10.3 b
处理Treatment ** * ** **

Fig. 6

Effects of different tillage patterns on main stem and tiller number of machine-transplanted rice Values of different lowercase letters are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level. Abbreviations are the same as those given in Fig. 2."

Table 5

Effects of different tillage patterns on aboveground dry matter accumulation of machine-transplanted rice (g m-2)"

Tillage pattern
移栽后天数Days after transplanted
5 d 10 d 20 d 30 d
南粳5718 Nanjing 5718 2021 T1 2.7±0.28 b 7.9±0.64 a 32.8±4.60 a 149.9±19.02 a
T2 2.8±0.21 a 7.4±1.06 ab 30.3±2.12 ab 139.6±15.84 ab
T3 2.7±0.35 b 4.9±0.71 c 20.1±2.26 bc 89.7±7.57 c
2022 T1 2.7±0.08 b 7.6±0.41 a 31.0±3.89 ab 138.8±11.70 ab
T2 2.8±0.14 a 6.7±0.42 b 25.5±3.61 abc 120.6±10.30 b
T3 2.8±0.13 a 4.5±0.24 c 17.5±1.48 c 71.3±9.10 c
年份Year (Y) ns ns ns ns
处理Treatment (T) ** ** ** **
年份×处理Y×T ns ns ns ns
洪扬5号Hongyang 5 2022 T1 2.7±0.20 a 7.5±0.28 a 30.2±3.82 a 118.0±16.70 a
T2 2.8±0.11 a 6.3±0.31 b 22.6±2.62 b 86.8±6.20 b
T3 2.7±0.19 a 6.5±0.27 b 24.5±2.47 b 91.1±11.60 b
处理Treatment ns * ** **

Fig. 7

Correlation analysis between soil redox indexes and early growth indexes of machine-transplanted rice BD, TP, Eh, TRS, ARS, Fe2+, and Mn2+ represented soil bulk density, soil total porosity, redox potential, total reducing substances, active reducing substances, ferrous ion, and divalent manganese ion, respectively. RTN, RDW, and ROA represent the total roots, root dry weight, and root oxidation ability, respectively. DMA and STN represent dry matter accumulation, the number of stems and tillers, respectively. The soil part was the data of 10 days after transplanting, and the other indicators were the data of 30 days after transplanted. * indicates significant correlation at the 0.05 probability level."

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