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Acta Agron Sin ›› 1992, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (06): 425-428.

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Cytological Studies on the Mechanism of the Abortion of Microsporogenesis in Nucleic Male Sterile(NMS)Sesame(Sesamum indicum L.)

Gao Hongshan;Liu Jiarong;Tu Lichuan   

  1. Sesame Research Center of Henan Province
  • Received:1992-03-02 Revised:1992-07-08 Online:1992-11-12 Published:1992-11-12

Abstract: Microsporogenesis in normal and NMS lines of sesame was studied. Almost all the NMSlines have normal microspore ontogeny until the tetrad stage, when the abnormality of thepollen organelles are a sign of the abortion that contain largely emerged vocuole,anomalously dilated mitochondria and the sharp

Key words: Nucleic Male Sterile, Sesamum indicum L., Microspore, Abortion, Cytology

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