Welcome to Acta Agronomica Sinica,March 18, 2025

Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2021, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (1): 177-184.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2021.03011

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Remote sensing monitoring on maize flood stress and yield evaluation at different stages

SUI Xue-Yan1(), LIANG Shou-Zhen1(), ZHANG Jin-Ying2, WANG Meng1, WANG Yong1, HOU Xue-Hui1, ZHANG Xiao-Dong3,*()   

  1. 1Shandong Institute of Agricultural Sustainable Development / Key Laboratory of East China Urban Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Shandong Rural Affairs, Jinan 250100, Shandong, China
    2Shandong Provincial Institute of Land Surveying and Mapping, Jinan 250013, Shandong, China
    3Shandong Center of Crop Germplasm Resources, Jinan 250100, Shandong, China
  • Received:2020-02-28 Accepted:2020-08-20 Online:2021-01-12 Published:2020-09-10
  • Contact: ZHANG Xiao-Dong E-mail:sdnkysxy@163.com;szliang_cas@163.com;zxdong2002@163.com
  • Supported by:
    Agricultural Great Application Technology Innovative Projects of Shandong Province(1-0504);Agricultural and Rural Resources Monitoring and Statistics Projects of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs(061721301112422018)


In order to set up remote sensing monitoring and evaluation technology of maize flood stress and loss, a simulation experiment with different flood stress degrees was developed at different stages. Chlorophyll content, canopy spectral reflectance and coverage were monitored in vivo, and yield level was tested finally. The results showed that chlorophyll content decreased under flood stress at jointing and filling stages. The decreasing extend was significant at jointing stage and the value of maximal relative change reached -56.30%. There was little influence on chlorophyll at silking stage. Flood stress could reduce the coverage, especially at jointing stage, the most serious treatment was only 46.33%, followed by silking stage and filling stage. Flood stress reduced production at last, and the reduction was more serious in the early stage than in the later stage. There was a negative correlation between reflectance and flood stress degree at jointing stage and silking stage. It was extremely significantly difference at near infrared platform bands and significantly at green peak bands. There was no significant positive correlation between reflectance and flood stress degree at filling stage. Reflectance and spectral indexes with extremely significant correlation can be used to monitor flood. Two models with DSIPI were set up to evaluate flood loss at jointing and silking stage separately.

Key words: maize, flood stress, remote sensing, monitoring, evaluation

Table 1

Experimental design"

Growing stage
Flooding period (d)
Starting time (month/day)
Ending time (month/day)
Jointing stage
E-9 9 7/31 8/9
E-7 7 7/31 8/7
E-5 5 7/31 8/5
E-3 3 7/31 8/3
E-1 1 7/31 8/1
E-0 0 (CK)
Silking stage
M-9 9 8/8 8/17
M-7 7 8/8 8/15
M-5 5 8/8 8/13
M-3 3 8/8 8/11
M-1 1 8/8 8/9
M-0 0 (CK)
Filling stage
L-9 9 8/23 9/1
L-7 7 8/23 8/30
L-5 5 8/23 8/28
L-3 3 8/23 8/26
L-1 1 8/23 8/24
L-0 0 (CK)

Fig. 1

Chlorophyll content before and after flood stress in maize Treatments are the same as those given in Table 1. Different letters indicate significant differences among treatments at the 0.05 probability level."

Fig. 2

Effects of water stress on maize coverage degree Treatments are the same as those given in Table 1. Values marked with different letters indicate significant differences among treatments at the 0.05 probability level."

Fig. 3

Spectral reflectance curves of flooding stress treatments at jointing stage on August 14"

Fig. 4

Spectral reflectance curves of flooding stress treatments at silking stage on August 23"

Fig. 5

Spectral reflectance curves of flooding stress treatments at filling stage on September 3"

Fig. 6

Correlation between spectral reflectance and flooding stress period of treatments at different stages"

Table 2

Correlation of flooding stress period with spectral shape parameters and vegetation indexes"

Author and year
Jointing stage
Silking stage
Filling stage
Difference vegetation index
DVI [867, 671] Richardso et al. (1977) [22] -0.9491** -0.8220* -0.3405
DVI [550, 464] -0.8906* -0.2548 -0.7216
DVI [550, 671] -0.9515** -0.6641 -0.6018
Ratio vegetation index
RVI [867, 671] -0.9274** -0.9373** 0.7446
Normalization difference
vegetation index
NDVI [550, 671] Rouse et al. (1974) [23] 0.9635** 0.7552 -0.5113
NDVI [671, 867] -0.9432** -0.9481** 0.6828
Location of red valley
λ0 Liu (2002) [24] -0.9660** -0.8396* 0.6613
Maximum value of the first
derivative at the red edge
RFDMax -0.9614** -0.7990 -0.2701
Depth of red absorption valley
Depth [670] -0.9384** -0.7593 0.6003
Depth of green peak
P_Depth [540] -0.9378** -0.5346 0.5522
Area of red absorption valley
Area [670] -0.9378** -0.6942 0.6217
Area of green reflectance peak
P_Area [540] -0.9220** -0.5719 0.5028
Red edge position
λp -0.9194** -0.8586* 0.7817
Red edge width
σ -0.7454 -0.7925 0.8302*
Normalized depth of green
reflectance peak
P_ND [540] 0.5344 0.6719 0.7217
Normalized depth of red
absorption valley
ND [670] 0.9020* 0.0476 -0.6463
Visible atmospherically resistant index
Vari700 Singh et al. (2002) [25] -0.9442** -0.8037 0.6074
VariGreen -0.9695** -0.8293* 0.5179
Photochemical reflectance index
PRI [570, 531] Gamom et al. (1992) [26] -0.9546** -0.8661* 0.5112
Optimization of soil-adjusted
regulatory vegetation index
OSAVI Rondeaux et al. (1996) [27] -0.9527** -0.8567* 0.2736
Soil-adjusted vegetation index
SAVI Huete et al. (1988) [28] -0.9493** -0.8384* -0.1070
Tidal constituent and residual interpolation
TCARI Haboudane et al. (2002) [29] -0.5457 -0.3166 -0.7241
Canopy chlorophyll inversion index
CCII Haboudane et al. (2002) [29] 0.5441 0.6918 -0.7130
Green normalization difference vegetation index
GreenNDVI Baret et al. (1991) [30] 0.8977* 0.8795* 0.8039
Structure insensitive pigment index
SIPI Penuelas et al. (1995) [31] 0.9514** 0.9564** -0.5422

Table 3

Model of maize yield loss rate under flooding stress at jointing stage and silking stage"

Parameter calculation
Model of maize yield loss rate under flooding stress at jointing stage
Model of maize yield loss rate under flooding stress at silking stage
DNDVI NDVIafter - NDVIbefore y = -86.051 x2 + 470.53 x + 9.5564
(-0.04 < x < 0.14, 0 < y < 75%)
R2 = 0.8969
y = -2803.8 x2 - 586.71 x + 13.8
(-0.07 < x < 0.03, 0 < y < 45%)
R2 = 0.9337
DRVI RVIafter - RVIbefore y = -1163.9 x2 - 855.71 x + 9.8187
(-0.09 < x < 0.02, 0 < y < 75%)
R2 = 0.8951
y = -9118.2 x2 + 1024.7 x + 13.888
(-0.02 < x < 0.05, 0 < y < 45%)
R2 = 0.9320
DSIPI SIPIafter - SIPIbefore y = -19600 x2 - 1985.3 x +15.814
(-0.06 < x < 0.01, 0 < y < 75%)
R2 = 0.9433
y = -13599 x2 -814.11 x + 26.53
(-0.03 < x < 0.03, 0 < y < 45%)
R2 = 0.9697

Fig. 7

Fitting chart of maize yield loss rate with DSIPI under flooding stress at jointing stage"

Fig. 8

Fitting chart of maize yield loss rate with DSIPI under flooding stress at silking stage"

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