
作物学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (6): 1406-1420.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.31056

• 作物遗传育种·种质资源·分子遗传学 • 上一篇    下一篇


朱明昆1(), 包俊浩1, 庞菁璐1, 周诗绮1, 方忠艳1, 郑文1, 张亚洲1,2, 吴丹丹1,2,*()   

  1. 1四川农业大学小麦研究所, 四川成都 611130
    2西南作物基因资源发掘与利用国家重点实验室, 四川成都 611130
  • 收稿日期:2023-10-08 接受日期:2024-01-31 出版日期:2024-06-12 网络出版日期:2024-02-27
  • 通讯作者: * 吴丹丹, E-mail: 14646@sicau.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:E-mail: zhumk2125@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Generation and identification of a resistance to stripe rust perennial intergeneric hybrid F1 between Roegneria ciliaris and common wheat

ZHU Ming-Kun1(), BAO Jun-Hao1, PANG Jing-Lu1, ZHOU Shi-Qi1, FANG Zhong-Yan1, ZHENG Wen1, ZHANG Ya-Zhou1,2, WU Dan-Dan1,2,*()   

  1. 1Triticeae Research Institute, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611130, Sichuan, China
    2State Key Laboratory of Crop Gene Exploitation and Utilization in Southwest China, Chengdu 611130, Sichuan, China
  • Received:2023-10-08 Accepted:2024-01-31 Published:2024-06-12 Published online:2024-02-27
  • Contact: * E-mail: 14646@sicau.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    Youth Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(32200180);Special Projects of the Central Government in Guidance of Local Science and Technology Development(2023ZYD0088);Department of Education Project of Sichuan Province(2022YFSY0035)


本研究对鹅观草属(Roegneria C. Koch.) 13个物种29份材料进行条锈病田间鉴定和抗条锈病基因检测, 将筛选的抗病材料与小麦进行人工属间杂交, 并对属间杂种F1进行形态学、细胞遗传学及小麦条锈病抗性检测, 结果显示: 82.76%的材料在田间对条锈病表现中抗以上的抗性, 且均含有5个以上的已知抗条锈病基因的等位基因, 但仍可能存在条锈病抗性新基因; 筛选到的一份高抗条锈病的纤毛鹅观草(Roegneria ciliaris [Trin.] Nevski) ZY11004-R, 将其与5个普通小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)品种进行人工属间杂交, 通过胚拯救的方式成功获得了纤毛鹅观草-普通小麦CSph2a属间杂种F1; 杂种F1体细胞染色体条数为35条(基因组组成为StYABD), 花粉母细胞减数分裂I中期染色体多为单价体, 形态特征处于两亲本之间, 但在生活习性上获得多年生的性状, 并表现出高抗条锈病。

关键词: 鹅观草属, 条锈病, 属间杂种, 远缘杂交, 多年生小麦


In this study, we evaluated the stripe rust resistance type and estimated the published resistance genes in 13 Roegneria species including 29 materials. Afterward, we conducted artificial crosses and investigated the morphology characters, genome constitution, and stripe rust resistance of the intergeneric hybrid F1 between stripe rust resistance Roegneria material and common wheat. The results showed as follows: 82.76% of the 29 tested materials exhibited stripe rust resistance at adult stage, and they contained more than 5 alleles of stripe rust resistance genes, which might still carry new resistance genes to wheat stripe rust. An intergeneric hybrids R. ciliaris-CSph2a F1 was generated using the screened high stripe rust resistance Roegneria ciliaris [Trin.] Nevski (ZY11004-R) and common wheat mutant CSph2a, and raised based on the embryo rescue technology. F1 hybrid contained 35 chromosomes with StYABD genome constitution and an average of 26.84 monovalents during pollen mother cell metaphase I. Besides, F1 exhibited morphological intermediacy, except the perennial living was inherited form from maternal R. ciliaris with high resistance to wheat stripe rust.

Key words: Roegneria, stripe rust, intergeneric hybrid, distant hybridization, perennial wheat



Life form
R. barbicalla (毛盘鹅观草) ZY11089 2n = 4x = 28 StStYY 多年生Perennial 宁夏银川 Yinchuan, Ningxia
R. ciliaris (纤毛鹅观草) ZY11004 2n = 4x = 28 StStYY 多年生Perennial 陕西临潼 Lintong, Shaanxi
R. ciliaris ZY1008 2n = 4x = 28 StStYY 多年生Perennial 浙江嵊州 Shengzhou, Zhejiang
R. ciliaris Z98050 2n = 4x = 28 StStYY 多年生Perennial 四川汶川 Wenchuan, Sichuan
R. ciliaris Z98058 2n = 4x = 28 StStYY 多年生Perennial 四川崇州 Chongzhou, Sichuan
R. ciliaris ZY276395 2n = 4x = 28 StStYY 多年生Perennial 四川红原 Hongyuan, Sichuan
R. ciliaris 88-89-228 2n = 4x = 28 StStYY 多年生Perennial 陕西杨凌 Yangling, Shaanxi
R. ciliaris 88-89-236 2n = 4x = 28 StStYY 多年生Perennial 四川雅安 Ya’an, Sichuan
R. ciliaris 88-89-238 2n = 4x = 28 StStYY 多年生Perennial 黑龙江哈尔滨 Harbin, Heilongjiang
R. ciliaris 88-89-294 2n = 4x = 28 StStYY 多年生Perennial 河南郑州 Zhengzhou, Henan
R. dolichathera (长芒鹅观草) ZY230025 2n = 4x = 28 StStYY 多年生Perennial 四川天全 Tianquan, Sichuan
R. hondai (本田鹅观草) ZY11020 2n = 4x = 28 StStYY 多年生Perennial 内蒙古呼和浩特Hohhot, Inner Mongolia
R. japonesis (竖立鹅观草) 88-89-252 2n = 4x = 28 StStYY 多年生Perennial 四川宜宾 Yibin, Sichuan
R. japonesis 88-89-263 2n = 4x = 28 StStYY 多年生Perennial 四川宜宾Yibin, Sichuan
R. japonesis 88-89-261 2n = 4x = 28 StStYY 多年生Perennial 四川宜宾Yibin, Sichuan
R. japonesis 88-89-253 2n = 4x = 28 StStYY 多年生Perennial 四川兴文 Xingwen, Sichuan
R. japonesis 88-89-242 2n = 4x = 28 StStYY 多年生Perennial 四川雅安 Ya’an, Sichuan
R. nakaii (吉林鹅观草) ZY11027 2n = 4x = 28 StStYY 多年生Perennial 内蒙古呼和浩特
Hohhot, Inner Mongolia
R. pendulina (缘毛鹅观草) ZY11006 2n = 4x = 28 StStYY 多年生Perennial 陕西临潼 Lintong, Shaanxi
R. pendulina ZY11046 2n = 4x = 28 StStYY 多年生Perennial 内蒙古呼和浩特
Hohhot, Inner Mongolia
R. sinica (中华鹅观草) ZY11021 2n = 4x = 28 StStYY 多年生Perennial 内蒙古呼和浩特
Hohhot, Inner Mongolia
R. sinica ZY11029 2n = 4x = 28 StStYY 多年生Perennial 内蒙古包头 Baotou, Inner Mongolia
R. scabridula (粗糙鹅观草) ZY11012 2n = 4x = 28 StStYY 多年生Perennial 内蒙古呼和浩特
Hohhot, Inner Mongolia
R. stricta (肃草) ZY11083 2n = 4x = 28 StStYY 多年生Perennial 内蒙古阿拉善
Alxa, Inner Mongolia
R. stricta ZY11030 2n = 4x = 28 StStYY 多年生Perennial 内蒙古呼和浩特
Hohhot, Inner Mongolia
R. tibetica (西藏鹅观草) ZY230027 2n = 4x = 28 StStYY 多年生Perennial 西藏 Xizang
R. turczaninovii (直穗鹅观草) ZY220095 2n = 4x = 28 StStYY 多年生Perennial 四川红原 Hongyuan, Sichuan
R. varia (多变鹅观草) ZY11092 2n = 4x = 28 StStYY 多年生Perennial 宁夏银川 Yinchuan, Ningxia
T. aestivum cv. Kaixianluohanmai (KL) 2n = 6x = 42 AABBDD 一年生Annual 四川农业大学
Sichuan Agricultural University
T. aestivum cv. Chinese Spring (CS) 2n = 6x = 42 AABBDD 一年生Annual 四川农业大学
Sichuan Agricultural University
T. aestivum (CSph1b) 2n = 6x = 42 AABBDD 一年生Annual 四川农业大学
Sichuan Agricultural University
T. aestivum (CSph2b) 2n = 6x = 42 AABBDD 一年生Annual 四川农业大学
Sichuan Agricultural University
T. aestivum (CSph2a) 2n = 6x = 42 AABBDD 一年生Annual 四川农业大学
Sichuan Agricultural University



Yr 基因
Yr gene
Molecular marker
Primer sequence (5′-3′)



Ordinal number
Infection type in
adult-plant stage (ITs = 0~9)
Yr 基因
Yr gene
1 R. ciliaris ZY11004-R 0 Yr9+Yr17+Yr28+Yr39
2 R. pendulina ZY11006 0 Yr9+Yr10+Yr15+Yr17+Yr18+Yr28+Yr39+Yr48
3 R. pendulina ZY11046 0 Yr9+Yr10+Yr15+Yr17+Yr18+Yr39+Yr48
4 R. sinica ZY11029 0 Yr10+Yr15+Yr17+Yr24+Yr28+Yr48
5 R. sinica ZY11021 0 Yr10+Yr15+Yr17+Yr24+Yr28+Yr39
6 R. stricta ZY11030 0 Yr9+Yr10+Yr17+Yr18+Yr28+Yr39
7 R. tibetica ZY230027 0 Yr10+Yr17+Yr28+Yr39+Yr48
8 R. varia ZY11092 0 Yr9+Yr10+Yr17+Yr28+Yr39+Yr48+Yr84
9 R. stricta ZY11083 0 Yr9+Yr10+Yr17+Yr18+Yr28+Yr39
10 R. ciliaris ZY1008 1 Yr9+Yr10+Yr17+Yr28+Yr39
11 R. ciliaris Z98058 1 Yr9+Yr10+Yr17+Yr28+Yr39
12 R. dolichathera ZY230025 1 Yr10+Yr17+Yr24+Yr28
13 R. nakaii ZY11027 1 Yr10+Yr17+Yr24+Yr28
14 R. hondai ZY11020 1 Yr10+Yr17+Yr24+Yr28+Yr39
15 R. ciliaris ZY276395 2 Yr9+Yr10+Yr15+Yr17+Yr28+Yr39+Yr48
16 R. barbicalla ZY11089 2 Yr9+Yr10+Yr15+Yr17+Yr26+Yr39+Yr84
17 R. turczaninovii ZY220095 2 Yr10+Yr15+Yr17+Yr26+Yr28+Yr48
18 R. ciliaris Z98050 4 Yr5+Yr9+Yr10+Yr17+Yr28+Yr39+Yr84
19 R. japonesis 88-89-252 4 Yr9+Yr10+Yr17+Yr28+Yr39+Yr48+Yr84
20 R. scabridula. ZY11012 4 Yr9+Yr17+Yr28+Yr39
21 R. ciliaris 88-89-294 5 Yr5+Yr9+Yr10+Yr17+Yr24+Yr28+Yr39+Yr84
22 R. japonesis 88-89-263 5 Yr9+Yr10+Yr17+Yr28+Yr48+Yr84
23 R. japonesis 88-89-261 5 Yr9+Yr10+Yr17+Yr28+Yr39+Yr84
24 R. ciliaris 88-89-236 6 Yr9+Yr10+Yr17+Yr28+Yr39+Yr84
25 R. ciliaris 88-89-238 7 Yr9+Yr10+Yr17+Yr28
26 R. japonesis 88-89-253 7 Yr5+Yr9+Yr10+Yr17+Yr26+Yr28+Yr39+Yr48+Yr84
27 R. japonesis 88-89-242 7 Yr9+Yr10+Yr17+Yr28+Yr39+Yr48+Yr84
28 R. ciliaris 88-89-228 8 Yr9+Yr10+Yr17+Yr28+Yr39+Yr48+Yr84
29 R. ciliaris ZY11004-S 9 Yr9+Yr10+Yr17+Yr28+Yr39


纤毛鹅观草(ZY11004)条锈病发病情况 A: 抗条锈病类型(ZY11004-R); B: 感条锈病类型(ZY11004-S)。"



Number of
hybrid florets
Ovary enlargement
Ovary enlargement
rate (%)
Number of callus generated
Rate of callus generated (%)
ZY11004-R CS 792 32 4.04 2 6.25
ZY11004-R CSph1b 887 35 3.95 0
ZY11004-R CSph2a 1872 108 5.77 1 0.93
ZY11004-R CSph2b 2160 140 6.48 4 2.86
ZY11004-R KL 1104 58 5.25 0
CS ZY11004-R 280 0 0 0
CSph1b ZY11004-R 286 1 0.35 0
CSph2a ZY11004-R 242 3 1.24 0
CSph2b ZY11004-R 423 1 0.24 0
KL ZY11004-R 461 12 2.60 0
总计 Total 8507 390 4.55 7 1.79


纤毛鹅观草做不同亲本时的杂交子房膨大率(t检验) X轴为纤毛鹅观草ZY11004-R做不同亲本, Y轴为子房膨大率。***: P < 0.001。"


纤毛鹅观草-CSph2a杂种F1植株及基因组鉴定 A: 纤毛鹅观草; B: 普通小麦CSph2a; C: 纤毛鹅观草-CSph2a杂种F1的GISH鉴定; 纤毛鹅观草全基因组DNA标记为紫色, 小麦CSph2a全基因组DNA标记为绿色。"


纤毛鹅观草-CSph2a杂种F1花粉母细胞减数I分裂观察 A: 细线期细胞; B: 中期细胞(箭头示二价体); C: 后期细胞(箭头示不均等分裂及落后染色体)。"



Chromosome number
构型Configuration 交叉值a
Chiasmata/cell a
C-value b
Total Ring Rod
CSph2a 42 0.18 20.82 17.88 2.94 0.06 38.88 0.93 32
R. ciliaris 28 0.13 13.93 13.77 0.17 27.70 0.99 30
(R. ciliaris×CSph2a) F1 35 26.84 3.97 0 3.97 0.03 0.03 4.13 0.12 32


花粉活力测试(I2-KI) A: 纤毛鹅观草成熟花粉均有育性; B: 纤毛鹅观草-CSph2a杂种F1花粉完全无活力; C: 小麦CSph2a花粉均有活力。"


纤毛鹅观草-CSph2a杂种F1和亲本穗部、小穗形态及成株期条锈病反应性 A: 穗; B: 小穗; C: 成株期抗条锈病鉴定; a: 纤毛鹅观草; b: 纤毛鹅观草-CSph2a杂种F1; c: 普通小麦CSph2a。"


同一株纤毛鹅观草-CSph2a杂种F1不同时间段的生长情况 A: 2022年9月; B: 2022年11月; C: 2023年3月; D: 2023年9月。"

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