
作物学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (6): 1540-1553.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.32040

• 耕作栽培·生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇


唐清芸1(), 杨晶晶1, 赵蕾1, 宋志文1, 王国栋2,*(), 李玉祥1,*()   

  1. 1石河子大学农学院 / 新疆生产建设兵团绿洲生态农业重点实验室, 新疆石河子 832003
    2新疆农垦科学院 / 农业农村部西北绿洲节水农业重点实验室 / 水肥资源高效利用兵团重点实验室, 新疆石河子 832000
  • 收稿日期:2023-09-26 接受日期:2024-01-30 出版日期:2024-06-12 网络出版日期:2024-02-21
  • 通讯作者: * 王国栋, E-mail: 664812734@qq.com;李玉祥, Email: yxli@shzu.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:E-mail: 20212012005@stu.shzu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Effect of nitrogen application on morphological conformation and fractal characteristics of drip irrigated rice roots

TANG Qing-Yun1(), YANG Jing-Jing1, ZHAO Lei1, SONG Zhi-Wen1, WANG Guo-Dong2,*(), LI Yu-Xiang1,*()   

  1. 1Key Laboratory of Oasis Ecological Agriculture / College of Agriculture, Shihezi University / Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Shihezi 832003, Xinjiang, China
    2Key Laboratory of Water-saving Agriculture in Northwest Oasis / Key Laboratory of Efficient Utilization of Water and Fertilizer Resources, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs / Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Reclamation Sciences, Shihezi, 832000, Xinjiang, China
  • Received:2023-09-26 Accepted:2024-01-30 Published:2024-06-12 Published online:2024-02-21
  • Contact: * E-mail: 664812734@qq.com; Email: yxli@shzu.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(31460541);National Natural Science Foundation of China(32360527);Science and Technology Plan Project of Tumushuke City, the Third Division(KJ2023CG03);Young Innovative Top Talents Project of Shihezi University(CXBJ202003);Independent Support Scientific Research Project of Shihezi University(ZZZC2022008);SRP Program of Shihezi University(SRP2023027)


旨在探明水稻在膜下滴灌下根系形态、构型、氮利用效率变化及其与分形维数的关系。于2021—2022年, 以氮高效品种(T-43)和氮低效品种(垦-26)为材料, 设置滴灌(drip irrigation, DI)、淹灌(flooding irrigation, FI) 2种方式与4种施氮水平(0、150、300和450 kg hm-2)的盆栽试验。基于盒维数法结合根系图像分形分析程序计算根系形态的分形维数和分形丰度, 研究滴灌及施氮对水稻产量、氮素利用效率、根系形态、构型、分形维数、分形丰度的影响。结果表明, (1) 在相同施氮水平下, 与淹灌相比, 滴灌处理下T-43和垦-26细根百分比、根长密度(root length density, RLD) β值、氮肥农学利用效率(nitrogen agronomic efficiency, NAE)显著提高(分别为6.8%~14.5%和9.9%~17.2%、0.65%~5.45%和0.32%~3.43%、12.1%~22.4%和12.2%~20.5%); >0.5 mm RLD、0~40 cm土层表面积密度(surface area density, SAD)和根体积密度(RLD)、分形维数(fractal dimension, FD)、分形丰度(fractal abundance, FA)显著降低, 造成产量降低(3.8%~37.4%和7.6%~48.3%)。(2) 滴灌模式下, 施氮显著提高了水稻根系FD和FA, T-43在施氮量为300 kg hm-2时, FD和FA最高(分别为1.55和14.07); 垦-26在施氮量为450 kg hm-2时最高(分别为1.62和14.78)。(3) 相关分析表明, FD、FA与直径0.1~0.3 mm RLD、0~10 cm土层根长和根质量密度、产量、氮素稻谷生产效率呈显著正相关, 与30~40 cm土层表面积密度呈显著负相关。因此, 在滴灌条件下, 氮高效品种“T-43”配施300 kg hm-2氮肥, 能够增加细根根长密度比例, 优化表层根系形态分布, 提高根系分形维数和丰度, 进而实现滴灌水稻产量和氮肥利用效率协同提高。

关键词: 水稻, 滴灌, 施氮量, 根系形态, 分形维数


The aim of this study was to explore the changes of root morphology, configuration, and nitrogen use efficiency of rice under mulched drip irrigation and their relationship with fractal dimension. From 2021 to 2022, a pot experiment was conducted with two irrigation methods of drip irrigation (DI) and flooding irrigation (FI) and four nitrogen (N) application levels (0, 150, 300 and 450 kg hm-2) using high nitrogen efficient (high-NUE) cultivar (T-43) and low-NUE cultivar (Ken-26) as the experimental materials. Based on the box-counting method combined with the root image fractal analysis program, the fractal dimension and fractal abundance of root morphology were calculated, and the effects of drip irrigation and nitrogen application on rice yield, nitrogen use efficiency, root morphology, configuration, fractal dimension, and fractal abundance were studied. The results showed as follows: (1) under the same N application level, compared with FI, the fine root percentage, root length density (RLD) β-value, and N agronomic efficiency (NAE) of the two varieties under DI were significantly increased (6.8%-14.5% and 9.9%-17.2%, 0.65%-5.45% and 0.32%-3.43%, 12.1%-22.4% and 12.2%-20.5%); >0.5 mm RLD, surface area density (SAD) and root bulk density (RLD), fractal dimension (FD), fractal abundance (FA) were significantly lower in the 0-40 cm soil layer, resulting in lower yields (3.8%-37.4% and 7.6%-48.3%). (2) Under DI, nitrogen application significantly increased FD and FA of rice roots. T-43 had the highest FD and FA when the nitrogen application rate was 300 kg hm-2 (1.55 and 14.07), and Ken-26 had the highest FD and FA when the nitrogen application rate was 450 kg hm-2 (1.62 and 14.78). (3) Correlation analysis showed that FD and FA were significantly or extremely significantly positively correlated with RLD of 0.1-0.3 mm in diameter, root length, and root mass density, yield and N grain production efficiency in 0-10 cm soil layer, and significantly negatively correlated with the surface area density in 30-40 cm soil layer. Therefore, under drip irrigation, the high-NUE cultivar “T-43” with N fertilizer of 300 kg hm-2 can increase the proportion of fine root length density, optimize the distribution of surface root morphology, and increase the fractal dimension and abundance of the root system, thus achieving a synergistic increase in the yield of drip-irrigated rice and the efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer utilization.

Key words: rice, drip irrigation, nitrogen application rate, root morphology, fractal dimension





Fertilizer type
生育时期Growth stage 总计
(g pot 1)
Seedling stage
Three leaf stage
Tillering stage
Jointing stage
Booting stage
Heading stage
Flowering stage
filling stage
CO(NH2)2 N0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
N150 0.65 1.96 2.62 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 2.60 13.04
N300 1.30 3.92 5.22 2.61 2.61 2.61 2.61 5.22 26.09
N450 1.96 5.87 7.83 3.91 3.91 3.91 3.91 7.83 39.13
KH2PO4 0.46 1.38 1.85 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 1.85 9.23





Yield (g pot-1)
TNA (g pot-1)
NGPE (kg kg-1)
PFP (kg kg-1)
NAE (kg kg-1)
2021 T-43 FI-N0 169.84±14.85 cd 4.81±0.41 c 89.63±4.23 a
FI-N150 234.50±37.43 bc 5.16±0.95 bc 75.23±5.25 ab 37.25±8.05 a 4.90±7.54 b
FI-N300 293.59±47.95 a 7.57±0.49 a 65.36±4.21 abc 31.64±5.16 ab 5.46±3.71 ab
FI-N450 268.53±18.56 a 5.29±0.49 bc 62.77±4.12 abc 19.31±1.32 c 4.42±1.33 b
DI-N0 129.63±23.82 d 4.23±0.36 c 73.21±3.56 ab
DI-N150 186.86±13.92 c 5.20±0.65 bc 60.76±12.35 abc 40.28±3.03 a 5.33±3.73 ab
DI-N300 270.08±67.44 a 6.45±0.25 b 58.36±4.20 bc 26.94±7.26 bc 6.97±5.75 a
DI-N450 249.97±67.44 ab 6.93±1.06 ab 54.65±1.20 bcd 19.41±4.84 c 4.09±5.59 b
K-26 FI-N0 147.26±8.04 c 5.30±1.02 bc 75.23±9.84 b
FI-N150 170.46±44.86 b 6.61±0.72 b 64.56±10.42 b 36.76±9.69 a 5.36±10.99 c
FI-N300 266.98±58.47 a 7.57±0.30 a 55.36±6.09 b 28.77±6.30 ab 6.58±5.79 b
FI-N450 249.35±39.91 b 7.26±0.60 ab 49.78±19.63 b 15.25±2.87 c 4.12±2.31 d
DI-N0 100.85±16.71 c 3.57±0.10 d 85.35±4.25 a
DI-N150 167.99±31.86 b 3.85±0.03 d 95.47±7.88 a 36.20±6.84 a 7.44±10.24 ab
DI-N300 205.11±17.63 b 5.03±0.57 cd 84.77±5.36 a 22.10±1.89 bc 8.22±3.21 a
DI-N450 225.84±5.88 ab 5.32±0.49 c 78.66±11.56 a 11.78±0.41 c 6.53±1.21 b
2022 T-43 FI-N0 233.26±6.19 c 4.68±0.39 e 73.46±5.81 a
FI-N150 267.29±8.04 b 5.61±1.38 c 65.93±17.58 ab 37.59±1.73 b 2.69±0.39 bc
FI-N300 296.37±2.78 a 8.07±0.54 a 64.66±2.92 ab 26.92±0.30 c 3.47±0.74 bc
FI-N450 288.95±16.09 a 5.42±0.74 cd 62.77±3.72 abc 21.32±1.16 d 2.36±1.50 c
DI-N0 204.49±8.97 d 4.23±0.36 f 62.77±3.72 abc
DI-N150 241.00±7.12 c 5.20±0.65 d 60.76±7.18 abc 44.03±1.91 a 5.87±3.37 ab
DI-N300 270.39±1.24 b 6.45±0.25 bc 51.53±1.50 bc 25.95±0.76 cd 6.63±1.03 a
DI-N450 256.47±2.78 bc 6.93±1.06 b 51.65±8.08 bc 18.43±0.19 e 5.76±0.68 ab
K-26 FI-N0 163.66±12.07 c 4.81±1.02 bc 55.24±9.84 b
FI-N150 237.90±26.61 b 6.40±0.72 b 49.51±10.42 c 51.63±6.57 a 5.73±6.57 c
FI-N300 259.87±26.30 a 7.02±0.26 ab 48.46±6.09 c 28.29±3.21 c 6.68±6.43 b
FI-N450 281.52±13.92 a 7.76±1.08 a 46.11±19.63 c 21.23±0.34 d 4.81±1.01 d
DI-N0 126.84±13.92 d 3.13±0.02 d 108.75±11.86 a
DI-N150 168.91±8.66 c 3.25±0.03 d 109.81±18.64 a 36.76±2.03 b 6.03±2.03 b
DI-N300 225.84±4.64 b 4.59±0.20 d 86.89±7.09 a 24.41±0.53 cd 8.05±0.53 a
DI-N450 234.81±5.26 b 5.12±0.42 bc 86.81±6.90 a 13.71±0.44 e 5.46±0.44 c
方差分析 ANOVA
水分管理Water management (W) 165.86** 347.8** 73.2** 506.3** 73.2**
氮肥Nitrogen (N) 180.58** 4.40 NS 7.39* 4.75 NS 7.39*
水分×施肥W×N 7.03** 3.72 NS 13.1** 39.3** 13.1**



RLD (cm dm-3)
SAD (cm2 dm-3)
AD (cm)
RVD (cm3 dm-3)
T-43 FI-N0 1652.2±71.3 d 278.3±20.5 d 0.54±0.01 a 3.7±0.4 c
FI-N150 1893.9±63.2 c 330.5±7.4 c 0.54±0.02 a 4.6±0.1 b
FI-N300 2625.2±2.8 a 456.0±6.1 a 0.55±0.01 a 6.3±0.2 a
FI-N450 2413.7±73.4 b 418.9±19.9 b 0.54±0.01 a 5.8±0.4 a
DI-N0 1027.5±139.9 f 156.8±22.1 f 0.46±0.01 b 1.9±0.3 d
DI-N150 1309.5±42.4 e 197.2±10.1 e 0.46±0.01 c 2.4±0.2 d
DI-N300 1354.0±16.3 e 198.3±3.8 e 0.46±0.01 c 2.3±0.1 d
DI-N450 1238.2±228.5 e 193.6±35.3 e 0.49±0.02 c 2.4±0.5 d
K-26 FI-N0 2393.8±101.5 c 364.6±21.1 d 0.49±0.01 bc 4.4±0.3 c
FI-N150 2664.6±302.3 b 444.7±65.5 c 0.53±0.01 a 6.0±1.1 b
FI-N300 3126.1±248.5 a 495.8±35.8 b 0.54±0.03 a 6.3±0.4 b
FI-N450 3249.3±43.9 a 573.0±15.9 a 0.55±0.01 a 8.1±0.4 a
DI-N0 878.9±49.3 f 117.8±4.3 g 0.42±0.01 c 1.3±0.1 f
DI-N150 1155.7±28.9 e 174.5±3.0 f 0.52±0.05 ab 2.1±0.1 e
DI-N300 1395.4±21.1 e 198.3±5.8 f 0.44±0.01 bc 2.3±0.1 e
DI-N450 1823.3±116.5 d 265.2±13.9 e 0.46±0.01 bc 3.1±0.1 d
方差分析 ANOVA
水分管理Water management (W) 429.6** 524.0** 347.8** 536.5**
施肥Nitrogen (N) 27.1** 23.0** 4.40 NS 18.3**
水分×施肥W×N 30.4** 30.7** 3.72 NS 28.3**


不同直径根系长度分布及占总根长的比例 T-43: 氮高效品种; 垦-26: 氮低效品种。DI: 滴灌; FI: 淹灌。不同字母表示同一水分管理不同施氮量间差异在0.05概率水平差异显著。"


水分管理和施氮对水稻根系垂直分布的影响 T-43: 氮高效品种; 垦-26: 氮低效品种。DI: 滴灌; FI: 淹灌。不同字母表示同一水分管理不同施氮量间差异在0.05概率水平差异显著。"



T-43 FI-N0 0.915±0.001 c 0.914±0.001 d 0.913±0.001 b 0.900±0.010 bcd
FI-N150 0.918±0.000 bc 0.915±0.001 d 0.912±0.001 b 0.905±0.010 bc
FI-N300 0.924±0.012 b 0.925±0.013 bc 0.926±0.010 a 0.910±0.010 ab
FI-N450 0.937±0.010 a 0.934±0.001 a 0.932±0.002 a 0.921±0.010 a
DI-N0 0.917±0.001 bc 0.913±0.002 d 0.909±0.001 b 0.911±0.010 ab
DI-N150 0.937±0.002 a 0.931±0.001 ab 0.924±0.001 a 0.891±0.000 cd
DI-N300 0.941±0.010 a 0.936±0.010 a 0.932±0.010 a 0.902±0.020 bcd
DI-N450 0.920±0.010 bc 0.918±0.001 cd 0.914±0.001 b 0.890±0.010 d
K-26 FI-N0 0.900±0.002 de 0.905±0.010 c 0.910±0.010 cd 0.893±0.001 cd
FI-N150 0.906±0.001 cd 0.906±0.011 c 0.906±0.010 d 0.890±0.010 cde
FI-N300 0.911±0.010 c 0.910±0.010 c 0.909±0.011 d 0.898±0.001 c
FI-N450 0.894±0.010 e 0.891±0.011 d 0.888±0.010 e 0.882±0.010 de
DI-N0 0.932±0.011 b 0.928±0.010 b 0.924±0.010 ab 0.904±0.001 bc
DI-N150 0.929±0.012 b 0.926±0.001 b 0.922±0.002 bc 0.919±0.001 a
DI-N300 0.946±0.011 a 0.942±0.001 a 0.937±0.001 a 0.920±0.000 ab
DI-N450 0.927±0.011 b 0.925±0.010 b 0.923±0.010 bc 0.880±0.021 e
方差分析 ANOVA
水分管理模式Water management (W) 6.02* 1.50NS 0.12NS 10.2**
施肥Nitrogen (N) 19.14** 17.4** 11.5** 0.88NS
栽培×施肥W×N 8.07** 11.5** 11.1** 7.55**



分形维数FD 分形丰度FA
T-43 K-26 T-43 K-26
FI-N0 1.51±0.02 b 1.65±0.06 b 13.63±0.21 c 14.90±0.31 c
FI-N150 1.54±0.03 ab 1.70±0.04 ab 14.19±0.22 b 15.29±0.15 bc
FI-N300 1.59±0.03 a 1.72±0.03 ab 14.69±0.29 a 15.69±0.29 ab
FI-N450 1.55±0.02 ab 1.75±0.04 a 14.34±0.16 ab 15.91±0.40 a
DI-N0 1.48±0.02 b 1.43±0.04 b 13.06±0.56 b 12.73±0.45 c
DI-N150 1.50±0.01 b 1.47±0.05 b 13.30±0.25 b 12.83±0.32 c
DI-N300 1.55±0.02 a 1.57±0.02 a 14.07±0.25 a 14.07±0.34 b
DI-N450 1.52±0.01 ab 1.62±0.01 a 13.71±0.05 ab 14.78±0.08 a
方差分析 ANOVA
水分管理Water management (W) 8.97* 53.5** 11.78** 20.45**
施肥Nitrogen (N) 3.62 NS 8.21* 12.58** 2.93 NS
水分×施肥W×N 1.80 NS 2.91 NS 0.26 NS 5.98*


根系分形参数及其与根系形态间的相关性分析 处理缩写和指标缩写同表2和表3。"


根系分形参数与水稻产量及氮利用效率间相关性分析 指标缩写同表2。*、**、***分别表示在P < 0.05、P < 0.01和P < 0.001水平差异显著。"

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