
作物学报 ›› 2025, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (2): 503-515.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2025.42019

• 耕作栽培·生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇


闫秉春(), 万雪, 钟敏, 刘宇奇, 赵艳泽, 姜红芳, 刘雅, 刘惠玲, 马沁春, 高继平(), 张文忠()   

  1. 沈阳农业大学水稻研究所 / 北方粳稻育种栽培技术国家地方联合工程实验室 / 农业农村部东北水稻生物学与遗传育种重点实验室, 辽宁沈阳 110866
  • 收稿日期:2024-04-18 接受日期:2024-09-18 出版日期:2025-02-12 网络出版日期:2024-10-10
  • 通讯作者: 高继平, E-mail: jipinggao@syau.edu.cn; 张文忠, E-mail: zwzhong1@syau.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:E-mail: 2021200069@stu.syau.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Effects of nitrogen levels on quality and fine grinding powder characteristics of northern japonica rice

YAN Bing-Chun(), WAN Xue, ZHONG Min, LIU Yu-Qi, ZHAO Yan-Ze, JIANG Hong-Fang, LIU Ya, LIU Hui-Ling, MA Qin-Chun, GAO Ji-Ping(), ZHANG Wen-Zhong()   

  1. Rice Research Institute, Shenyang Agricultural University / Northern Japonica Rice Breeding and Cultivation Technology National and Local Joint Engineering Laboratory / Northeast Key Laboratory of Rice Biology and Genetic Breeding, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Shenyang 110866, Liaoning, China
  • Received:2024-04-18 Accepted:2024-09-18 Published:2025-02-12 Published online:2024-10-10
  • Contact: E-mail: jipinggao@syau.edu.cn; E-mail: zwzhong1@syau.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Key Research and Development Program(2023YFD2301603);National Natural Science Foundation of China(31501250);Liaoning Revitalization Talents Program(XLYC2002073);Liaoning Revitalization Talents Program(XLYC2007169)

摘要: 为探究氮素对粳米食味品质、营养品质和精碾磨粉特性的影响, 以不同食味粳稻品种沈农9816、秋田小町、北粳3号和盐粳476为试验材料, 设置0 kg hm-2 (N0)、50 kg hm-2 (N1)、100 kg hm-2 (N2)和200 kg hm-2 (N3) 4个氮素水平, 研究了氮素水平对不同食味稻米品质与精碾磨粉颗粒形态特征的影响及其相互关系。结果表明: (1) 稻米食味值表现为秋田小町>盐粳476>北粳3号>沈农9816, 在不同氮素水平下表现一致。(2) 随着氮素水平的提高, 除秋田小町外, 不同粳稻品种的食味品质(蒸煮食味值、外观、黏度、胶稠度)、支链淀粉A链、B1链含量均显著降低, 硬度、直链淀粉含量和蛋白组分含量显著提高; 峰值黏度、热浆黏度、最终黏度呈降低趋势, 崩解值、消减值、糊化温度受氮素影响较小; 精碾磨粉表面由光滑变为粗糙, 颗粒粒径变大、数量增多呈堆积状, 并伴随裂痕和空隙现象发生。(3) 相关分析表明, 氮素水平与与蒸煮食味品质(黏度、外观和食味值)、RVA特征值谱(峰值黏度、热浆黏度、最终黏度)均呈极显著负相关, 但与硬度及精碾磨粉表面颗粒粒径呈极显著正相关; 精碾磨粉表面颗粒粒径与蒸煮食味品质(食味值、外观)、RVA特征值谱(黏度、峰值黏度、热浆黏度及最终黏度)呈极显著负相关, 但与硬度呈显著正相关。综合来看, 食味值高的品种对氮素响应较弱, 且精碾磨粉表面特性稳定, 进而保证了其食味品质的稳定性。

关键词: 食味品质, 淀粉含量, 蛋白组分, 精碾磨粉, 颗粒粒径, 氮素


The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of nitrogen application on the eating quality, nutritional quality, and milling characteristics of japonica rice. Four rice varieties were analyzed: Shennong 9816, Akita-Komachi, Beijing 3, and Yanjing 476. Four nitrogen levels were applied: 0 kg hm-2 (N0), 50 kg hm-2 (N1), 100 kg hm-2 (N2), and 200 kg hm-2 (N3), to assess their impact on rice quality and the grain morphology of finely milled rice. The results showed that the eating quality of Akita-Komachi was superior to that of Yanjing 476, Beijing 3, and Shennong 9816, and this superiority remained consistent across different nitrogen levels. As nitrogen levels increased, the eating quality (cooking taste value, appearance, viscosity, gel consistency), as well as the distribution of amylopectin A chain and B1 chain content, significantly decreased across all japonica rice varieties. Meanwhile, hardness, amylose content, and protein content significantly increased. Peak viscosity, holding viscosity, and final viscosity decreased with increasing nitrogen levels, although nitrogen had less impact on breakdown, setback, and pasting temperature. Furthermore, the surface texture of the fine milled rice powder transitioned from smooth to rough with increasing nitrogen levels, accompanied by larger particle size, more particles, and the appearance of cracks and voids. Correlation analysis revealed a significant negative correlation between nitrogen levels and cooking quality traits (viscosity, appearance, cooking taste value) as well as RVA (Rapid visco analyzer) profile values (peak viscosity, holding viscosity, final viscosity). In contrast, nitrogen levels were positively correlated with hardness and the surface particle size of the fine milled powder. Surface particle size was negatively correlated with cooking quality traits (cooking taste value, appearance) and RVA profile values (viscosity, peak viscosity, holding viscosity, and final viscosity), but positively correlated with hardness. In conclusion, rice varieties with higher food taste values demonstrated a weaker response to nitrogen, particularly in terms of fine milling powder surface characteristics.

Key words: eating quality, starch content, protein component, fine grinding powder, surface particle size, nitrogen


不同氮素水平对稻米蒸煮品质的影响 N0、N1、N2和N3表示不同氮素施用水平处理, 施氮量为0、50、100、200 kg hm-2。A、B、C和D分别为沈农9816、秋田小町、北粳3号和盐粳476的蒸煮品质, 包括外观值(appearance)、硬度值(hardness)、黏度值(viscosity)、直链淀粉含量(amylose)、胶稠度(gel consistency)和蒸煮食味值(cooking taste value)。同一品种不同小写字母表示在氮素处理间在0.05概率水平差异显著。"





A 链含量
A chain content (%)
B1 链含量
B1 chain content (%)
N0 沈农9816 Shennong 9816 24.86±0.36 c 40.42±0.42 c
秋田小町Akita-Komachi 27.65±0.15 a 47.08±0.38 a
北粳3号Beijing 3 25.46±0.23 b 42.44±0.24 b
盐粳476 Yanjing 476 26.97±0.34 a 46.56±0.19 a
N1 沈农9816 Shennong 9816 23.56±0.42 d 37.42±0.47 c
秋田小町Akita-Komachi 26.51±0.15 a 43.56±0.19 a
北粳3号Beijing 3 24.48±0.14 c 41.44±0.07 b
盐粳476 Yanjing 476 25.35±0.67 b 43.08±0.38 a
N2 沈农9816 Shennong 9816 22.47±0.22 c 36.63±0.12 c
秋田小町Akita-Komachi 25.66±0.42 a 42.74±0.11 a
北粳3号Beijing 3 23.39±0.14 c 40.87±0.54 b
盐粳476 Yanjing 476 24.41±0.63 b 42.03±0.23 a
N3 沈农9816 Shennong 9816 21.35±0.13 d 34.70±1.44 c
秋田小町Akita-Komachi 25.24±0.50 a 42.51±0.08 a
北粳3号Beijing 3 22.19±0.02 c 37.32±0.43 b
盐粳476 Yanjing 476 24.15±0.74 b 41.46±0.11 ab
氮素水平Nitrogen level (N) ** **
品种Cultivar (C) ** **
氮素水平×品种 N×C ns ns



N0 沈农9816 Shennong 9816 0.42±0.02 a 0.51±0.01 b 0.61±0.01 a 3.03±0.07 b
秋田小町Akita-Komachi 0.26±0.19 c 0.52±0.08 b 0.63±0.01 a 3.04±0.08 b
北粳3号Beijing 3 0.36±0.01 b 0.57±0.01 a 0.56±0.03 b 3.17±0.19 a
盐粳476 Yanjing 476 0.33±0.05 b 0.54±0.02 b 0.62±0.02 a 3.04±0.08 b
N1 沈农9816 Shennong 9816 0.50±0.03 a 0.68±0.03 a 0.82±0.01 a 3.85±0.05 b
秋田小町Akita-Komachi 0.29±0.05 b 0.53±0.01 b 0.66±0.01 c 3.31±0.10 c
北粳3号Beijing 3 0.47±0.01 a 0.68±0.04 a 0.72±0.03 b 3.94±0.17 a
盐粳476 Yanjing 476 0.37±0.01 b 0.60±0.01a b 0.65±0.04 c 3.71±0.05 b
N2 沈农9816 Shennong 9816 0.59±0.03 a 0.69±0.01 ab 1.06±0.03 a 4.37±0.10 b
秋田小町Akita-Komachi 0.30±0.02 b 0.64±0.02 b 0.78±0.05 b 3.89±0.12 c
北粳3号Beijing 3 0.51±0.02 a 0.71±0.05 a 1.07±0.21 a 4.83±0.08 a
盐粳476 Yanjing 476 0.38±0.01 b 0.68±0.05 ab 0.67±0.01 c 4.41±0.17 b
N3 沈农9816 Shennong 9816 0.62±0.02 a 0.77±0.03 a 1.14±0.05 a 4.89±0.10 b
秋田小町 Akita-Komachi 0.36±0.03 c 0.68±0.02 b 0.89±0.12 b 4.32±0.09 c
北粳3号Beijing 3 0.68±0.06 a 0.82±0.01 a 1.27±0.14 a 5.12±0.08 a
盐粳476 Yanjing 476 0.45±0.01 b 0.71±0.02 b 0.78±0.06 c 4.76±0.07 b
氮素水平 Nitrogen level (N) ** ** ** **
品种Cultivar (C) ** ** ** **
氮素水平×品种N×C ns ns ** **


不同氮素水平下沈农9816精碾磨粉颗粒的形态特征 A~D分别在N0、N1、N2和N3氮素水平下放大500倍的电镜扫描图; E~H分别在N0、N1、N2和N3氮素水平下放大2000倍的电镜扫描图; I~L分别在N0、N1、N2和N3氮素水平下放大5000倍的电镜扫描图。"


不同氮素水平下秋田小町精碾磨粉的形态特征 处理同图2。"


不同氮素水平下北粳3号精碾磨粉的形态特征 处理同图2。"


不同氮素水平下盐粳476精碾磨粉的形态特征 处理同图2。"


不同氮素水平下各品种的精碾磨粉表面颗粒粒径分布 N0、N1、N2和N3为不同氮素施用水平处理, 施氮量为0、50、100、200 kg hm-2。A~D分别是沈农9816、秋田小町、北粳3号及盐粳476精碾磨粉表面颗粒粒径分布。"


氮素水平与稻米品质性状及精碾磨粉表面颗粒粒径相关性分析 相关系数用图1、图2和图6数据得出。*和**分别表示相关性达显著(P < 0.05)或极显著(P < 0.01)水平。稻米品质性状包括氮素水平(N)、蒸煮食味值(cooking taste value)、外观(appearance)、硬度(hardness)、黏度(viscosity)、峰值黏度(PKV)、热浆黏度(HPV)、最终黏度(CPV)和颗粒粒径(diameter)。"

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