
作物学报 ›› 2008, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (09): 1529-1536.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2008.01529

• 作物遗传育种·种质资源·分子遗传学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1南京农业大学大豆研究所 / 国家大豆改良中心 / 作物遗传与种质创新国家重点实验室, 江苏南京210095; 2滨州职业学院, 山东滨州256603
  • 收稿日期:2007-11-22 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2008-09-12 网络出版日期:2008-09-12
  • 通讯作者: 盖钧镒

Genetic Diversity and Genetic Structure of Soybean Cultivar Population Released in Northeast China

ZHANG Jun12,ZHAO Tuan-Jie1,GAI Jun-Yi1*   

  1. 1 Soybean Research Institute of Nanjing Agricultural University / National Center for Soybean Improvement / National Key Laboratory for Crop Genetics and Germplasm Enhancement, Nanjing 210095, Jiangsu; 2 Binzhou Vocational College, Binzhou 256603, Shandong, China
  • Received:2007-11-22 Revised:1900-01-01 Published:2008-09-12 Published online:2008-09-12
  • Contact: GAI Jun-Yi

摘要: 1923—2005年中国育成1 300个大豆品种, 其中东北育成682个品种。选用大豆基因组64个SSR标记分析东北169份大豆育成品种的遗传变异, 探讨东北大豆育成品种群体遗传多样性及分时期亚群间、分省亚群间的遗传多样性和互补性, 及该地区育成品种群体的遗传结构。结果表明, 东北大豆育成品种遗传多样性丰富, 分时期亚群随着时间推移旧的等位变异在消失而新的等位变异不断增加, 新增加的多于消失的旧等位变异。分省亚群(黑龙江、吉林、辽宁)间都存在较多互补等位变异数, 最多的在黑龙江与辽宁亚群间。分时期亚群间、分省亚群间分别拥有各自特有或特缺的等位变异。东北大豆育成品种分省亚群、分时期亚群分类与SSR标记遗传距离聚类间有显著相关, 省份分群、时期分群都有其相应的遗传基础。东北大豆育成品种可能源自两个血缘群体, 分别占I、II类群的绝大部分, 和III、IV类群中较大比例; 黑龙江品种兼有两方面血缘, 吉林、辽宁品种则侧重在同一种血缘, 前者遗传基础较后两者广; 东北各分时期亚群均有2种血缘。研究结果启示在新品种选育中应加强东北3省间大豆育成品种种质的交流、增加优异基因相互渗透, 从而拓宽大豆品种的遗传基础。

关键词: 中国东北, 大豆育成品种, 遗传多样性, 互补等位变异, 群体遗传结构

Abstract: There were 1 300 soybean cultivars released during 1923-2005 in China, of which 682 were from northeast China.
In the present study, 169 cultivars out of the 682 were analyzed with 64 SSR markers to reveal the genetic diversity of the north-
east China soybean cultivar population (NECSCP), the genetic diversity and marker allele complementarity among provincial
subpopulations (PSP) and released period subpopulations (RPSP), and the genetic structure of the population and subpopulations. The results showed that there existed a plenty of genetic diversity in NECSCP; with the period advance, some of the old alleles in earlier RPSP disappeared and some new alleles came out in later RPSP and the new ones were more than the old ones. Some mu-tual complementary alleles appeared among PSP, with the largest number of mutual complementary alleles between Heilongjiang subpopulation and Liaoning subpopulation. There also existed some specifically existent and specifically deficient alleles in PSP and RPSP. Significant relationship was found between SSR clusters and PSP as well as RPSP, indicating the sound genetic bases of the classification of PSP and RPSP. The NECSCP was traced to two model-based populations according to the Structure Analy-sis (Structure version 2.2). The two sources of germplasm accounted for the most part of Cluster I and II, and the most part of Cluster III and IV, respectively. The Heilongjiang subpopulation mainly contained both sources of germplasm, while Jilin and Liaoning subpopulations contained one of them, indicating the former possesed genetic base broader than the latter. In addition, all of the RPSP almost equally contained the two sources of germplasm. The results implied that germplasm exchange among PSP should be encouraged for broadening the genetic base in NECSCP.

Key words: Northeast China, Released soybean cultivar, Genetic diversity, Complementary alleles, Population genetic structure

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