
作物学报 ›› 2010, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (1): 141-146.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2010.00141

• 耕作栽培·生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇


武德传1,周冀衡1,*,樊在斗2,李文璧2,张一扬1,杨程2,徐发华2,朱 凯2,段凤云2,王德勋2   

  1. 1湖南农业大学烟草工程技术研究中心,湖南长沙410128;2云南省烟草公司大理州公司,云南大理671000
  • 收稿日期:2009-07-22 修回日期:2009-10-05 出版日期:2010-01-12 网络出版日期:2009-11-17
  • 通讯作者: 周冀衡, E-mail: jhzhou2005@163.com; Tel: 0731-4635356
  • 基金资助:


Spatial Variability of Polyphenol Content of Flue-Cured Tobacco in Yunnan Province,China

WU De-Chuan1,ZHOU Ji-Heng1,*,FAN Zai-Dou2,LI Wen-Bi2,ZHANG Yi-Yang1,YANG Cheng2,XU Fa-Hua2,ZHU Kai2,DUAJ Feng-Yun2,WANG De-Xun2   

  1. Research Center of Tobacco Engineering and Technology,Hunan Agricultural Univerity,Changsha 410128,China,Dali Company of Yunnan Tobacco Corporation,Dali 671000,China
  • Received:2009-07-22 Revised:2009-10-05 Published:2010-01-12 Published online:2009-11-17
  • Contact: ZHAO Ji-Heng, E-mail: jhzhou2005@163.com; Tel: 0731-4635356


利用GPS定位,在云南省主要烟区选取705个样点,2007年和2008年分别采集C3F等级烤烟样品,将各取样点两年的烤烟样品多酚含量平均值作为原始统计数据。对多酚含量的原始数据、对数转化和Box-Cox转化后的数据进行正态分布性检验。采用地统计学进行烤烟多酚含量的空间趋势和空间变异分析。结果表明,云南烤烟多酚含量经对数转化后服从正态分布。在进行普通Kriging插值时,趋势效应参数宜选择0, 理论模型宜选择高斯模型(gaussian model)。云南烤烟多酚含量具有中等的空间相关性(C0/C0+C=35.71%),没有空间趋势效应(0)大部分烟区烤烟多酚含量在3.50%~4.00%之间(为背景值);多酚含量大于4.00%板块主要分布在滇西、滇中和滇东,大于4.50%的板块零星分布于4.00%~4.50%板块中间,且多数板块多酚含量由中心向四周呈梯度状由高到低分布;多酚含量在5.50%~6.73%板块位于南涧县、永平县北部、龙陵县西北部和武定县西部,且位于南涧县的板块面积最大。

关键词: 烤烟, 多酚, 空间变异, 地统计学


Flue-cured tobacco in Yunnan plays an important role in formula of Chinese cigarette. Polyphenol is one of the main aroma precursors in tobacco leaf, so researchers highly focus on polyphenol compound. The objective of the study was to investigate spatial distribution of polyphenol content in flue-cured tobacco in Yunnan, and to provide references for layout of tobacco planting and using of tobacco leaf. The tobacco planting areas in Yunnan were selected as the experiment sites. 1410 flue-cured tobacco samples of C3F grade in 2007 and 2008 were collected from 705 sites via Global Position System (GPS). Polyphenol contents of tobacco samples were determined, and the original data of tobacco polyphenol contents were taken from the samples mean in every site. The original data, data of logarithmic transformation and data of Box-Cox transformation were tested for normal distribution. Surface trend and spatial distribution of tobacco polyphenol content were analyzed by Geostatistics Analyst. The results showed that the data of logarithmic transformation showed normal distribution. The integrative comparisons of semi-variogram parameters of the ordinary kriging prediction with different trends and theoretical models indicated that 0-order trend effect and gaussian model were preferable. There was moderate spatial correlation (C0/C0+C=35.71%) and no surface trend (0-order)for tobacco polyphenol content in Yunnan. In most tobacco growing areas of Yunnan, the tobacco polyphenol content ranged from 3.50% to 4.00% (acted as background value). The growing areas that the polyphenol content was over 4.00% were mainly located in the west, centre and east of Yunnan. The growing areas that polyphenol content was over 4.50% were sporadically distributed in the areas, with polyphenols contents of 4.00–4.50%. Polyphenol content showed gradient-like distribution with high-to-low trend from center to surroundings in the growing areas. The areas with polyphenol contents of 5.50–6.73% were located in Nanjian county, the northern Yongping county, the north-west of Longling county and the western Wuding county, and the area in Nanjian county was the biggest one among them.

Key words: Flue-cured tobacco, Polyphenol content, Spatial variability, Geostatictics

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