
作物学报 ›› 2010, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (05): 736-743.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2010.00736

• 作物遗传育种·种质资源·分子遗传学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1南京农业大学作物遗传与种质创新国家重点实验室/棉花研究所,江苏南京210095;2新疆石河子棉花所,新疆石河子832000;3新疆石河子大学生命科学,新疆石河子832000
  • 收稿日期:2009-11-02 修回日期:2010-02-06 出版日期:2010-05-12 网络出版日期:2010-03-15
  • 通讯作者: 张天真, E-mail: cotton@njau.edu.cn; Fax: 025-84395307
  • 基金资助:


Genetic Analysis of Major Loci Groups of Pre-frost Lint Yield in Upland Cotton

Ainijiang1,2,ZHU Xin-Xia1,3,GUAN Rong-Zhan1,WAN Ying2,ZHANG Tian-Zhen1,*   

  1. 1 Cotton Research Institute of Nanjing Agricultural University / National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Germplasm Enhancement, Nanjing 210095, China; 2 Xinjiang Shihezi Cotton Research Institute, Shihezi 832000, China; 3 College of Life Sciences, Xinjiang Shihezi University, Shihezi 832000, China
  • Received:2009-11-02 Revised:2010-02-06 Published:2010-05-12 Published online:2010-03-15
  • Contact: ZHANG Tian-Zhen,E-mail:cotton@njau.edu.cn; Fax: 025-84395307


选用不同来源的6个棉花品种作亲本, 按照Griffing P(P–1)/2不完全双列杂交方法配制15个杂交组合。应用QTL检测体系的主位点组基因型和基因效应, 估计主位点组霜前皮棉产量杂种优势并分析有利位点组与杂种优势的关系。结果表明, 霜前皮棉产量主位点组解释的变异占表型变异的36.79%, 主位点组与环境互作解释的变异占表型变异的33.46%, 环境解释的变异占表型变异的10.37%, 微位点组解释的变异很低, 占表型变异的3.27%。6个棉花品种的霜前皮棉产量的遗传受5个主位点组基因控制, 其加性效应(aJ)分别为5.99**、-1.26**、-0.92**、-0.75和3.01, 显性效应(dJ)分别为2.55**、4.16**、7.95**、5.32**和-7.71**各主位点组基因的效应方向、大小不等。主位点组中亲优势变幅15.55%~133.56%, 平均63.34%, 高亲优势变幅15.39%~93.82%, 平均44.56%。棉花霜前皮棉产量杂种优势主要取决于主位点组基因的杂合性。在棉花育种实践中, 通过分析亲本及组合的主位点组基因型, 能够得到有价值信息。配制早熟、高产杂交组合的同时, 结合分子聚合设计育种, 把优质、抗病虫、抗逆等性状集于一体, 可培育出综合性状优良的常规品种, 从而提高育种效率。,

关键词: 棉花, 霜前皮棉, 主位点组, 遗传效应, 主位点组x环境互作


Early-maturity is closely related to yield and quality of cotton. Cotton growing season in the north of China, especially in the early-maturing cotton area, is short. So early-maturity has decisive significance for the improvement of yield and quality of cotton in this specific area. In the special ecological environment of northern Xinjiang cotton growing region and the Yellow River growing region with wheat-cotton interplanting, improving the pre-frost lint yield primarily depends on the early-maturing cotton varieties with, shorter growth period and more pre-frost boll numbers. In the early-maturing Upland cotton area, pre-frost lint yield largely determines the proportion of high-quality cotton. However, research on molecular breeding for cotton earliness is still lacking at home and abroad. The early-, mid- and late-maturing materials with large genetic differences were used as parents in this study. The genotypes and the relative genetic effects of major loci groups based on Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) detection system were first adopted to estimate the magnitude of heterosis for pre-frost lint yield, and to analyze the relationship between favourable loci groups and heterosis. According to Griffing’s P(P–1)/2 Incomplete Diallel Cross design, fifteen combinations were made by six cotton varieties from different origins. The results showed that the phenotypic variations explained by major loci groups (G), G×E, environment (E) and minor loci group were 36.79%, 33.46%, 10.37%, and 3.27%, respectively. The pre-frost lint yield was controlled by five isolated major gene loci groups with additive effects of 5.99**, –1.26**, –0.92**, –0.75, and 3.01; and dominant effects of 2.55**, 4.16**, 7.95**, 5.32**, and –7.71**, respectively. Mid-parent heterosis of lint yield for major loci groups ranged from 15.55 to 133.56%, with an average of 63.34%, whereas high-parent heterosis ranged from 15.39% to 93.82%, with an average of 44.56%. Pre-frost lint yield heterosis was mainly determined by the gene heterozygosity of major loci groups. The hybrid combination, P2×P5, had highest favorable loci aggregation and surpassed all hybrid combinations in this study in pre-frost lint yield. This shows that genes related to pre-frost lint yield exist in the early- and mid-maturing parents. On the basis of parent materials genotypic estimation, with this method, genotypes aggregating favorable loci can be identified, or the donor with unfavorable locus can be changed to achieve the strong heterotic combinations. Combined with molecular design breeding, conventional cultivars with excellent comprehensive characteristics including high-quality; resistance to insect pests, disease, stress; and other properties can be developed with enhanced breeding efficiency.

Key words: Cotton, Pre-frost lint yield, Major loci groups, Genetic effects, MLGsxenvironment interaction

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