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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2019, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (7): 1128-1135.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.84117

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Effects of glycinebetain on photosynthesis and biomass accumulation of island cotton seedlings under saline alkali stress

YAN Qing-Qing,ZHANG Ju-Song(),DAI Jian-Min,DOU Qiao-Qiao   

  1. Agriculture College, Xinjiang Agricultural University / Research Center of Cotton Engineering, Urumqi 830052, Xinjiang, China
  • Received:2018-08-26 Accepted:2019-01-19 Online:2019-07-12 Published:2019-03-26
  • Contact: Ju-Song ZHANG E-mail:xjndzjs@163.com
  • Supported by:
    This study was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2017YFD0101605-05);Xinjiang Graduate Research and Innovation Project(XJGRI2017070)


Xinhai 35 and Xinhai 48 varieties were used to study the effects of glycinebetain on photosynthesis, biomass accumulation and the role in the growth and development of sea island cotton seedlings under salt alkali stress, which will provide a reference for the application of glycinebetain in the salt alkali cultivation of island cotton. The concentration of saline alkali was 0, 120, 180, 240 mmol L -1, and the concentration of glycinebetain was 0, 30, 60 mmol L -1. With the increase of saline alkali concentration, island cotton seedling plant height, net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr), stomatal conductance (Gs), intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), plant fresh and dry weight accumulation showed a significant downward trend, but after glycinebetain spraying, the growth, photosynthesis and biomass accumulation of sea island cotton seedlings were improved in different degrees. Under the same saline alkali concentration, the above indices of island cotton seedlings increased first and then decreased with the increase of glycinebetain concentration. Under the same glycinebetain concentration, the promotion degree of each index of island cotton seedlings showed a continuous downward trend with the increase of salinity and alkali concentration. Under 120 mmol L -1 saline-alkali concentration, spraying 30 mmol L -1 glycinebetain had a significant effect on improving the photosynthetic performance, thereby increasing the plant height and biomass accumulation of island cotton seedlings, which was more effective in Xinhai 35 than in Xinhai 48. Therefore, in the cultivation of saline alkali soil (0-120 mmol L -1), foliar application of glycinebetain (30 mmol L -1) can significantly improve the growth and photosynthesis of island cotton.

Key words: island cotton, saline alkali stress, glycinebetain, photosynthesis, biomass accumulation

Fig. 1

Effects of different treatments on plant height of island cotton seedlings Bars superscripted by different letters are significantly different at P < 0.05."

Fig. 2

Effects of different treatments on photosynthetic gas parameters of island cotton seedlings Bars superscripted by different letters are significantly different at P < 0.05."

Table 1

Effects of different treatments on fresh weight of seedlings in island cotton"

Salt and alkali concentration (mmol L-1)
Betaine concentration
(mmol L-1)
Stem and leaf fresh weight (mg)
Root fresh weight
Total fresh weight
新海35号 0 0 7.89±0.17 a 1.98±0.12 a 9.87±0.28 a
Xinhai 35 120 0 6.96±0.17 de 1.73±0.01 cd 8.70±0.18 c
30 7.57±0.12 abc 1.86±0.03 ab 9.43±0.14 ab
60 7.38±0.03 bcd 1.82±0.04 bc 9.21±0.06 bc
180 0 5.73±0.24 hi 1.42±0.01 h 7.16±0.24 e
30 6.22±0.18 fg 1.52±0.01 fgh 7.74±0.20 d
60 6.01±0.19 gh 1.47±0.05 gh 7.48±0.22 de
240 0 3.44±0.22 k 1.10±0.05 i 4.54±0.27 g
30 3.65±0.19 k 1.18±0.03 i 4.83±0.16 g
60 3.49±0.02 k 1.12±0.01 i 4.61±0.01 g
Salt and alkali concentration (mmol L-1)
Betaine concentration
(mmol L-1)
Stem and leaf fresh weight (mg)
Root fresh weight
Total fresh weight
新海48号 0 0 7.75±0.14 ab 1.67±0.06 de 9.42±0.20 ab
Xinhai 48 120 0 6.54±0.10 ef 1.45±0.06 gh 7.99±0.07 d
30 7.35±0.08 bcd 1.64±0.02 def 8.99±0.06 bc
60 7.11±0.18 cd 1.57±0.05 efg 8.68±0.21 c
180 0 5.10±0.19 j 1.04±0.01 i 6.14±0.19 f
30 5.50±0.07 ij 1.12±0.03 i 6.62±0.07 f
60 5.24±0.10 j 1.06±0.02 i 6.30±0.10 f
240 0 2.59±0.18 l 0.59±0.01 j 3.19±0.18 h
30 2.63±0.17 l 0.62±0.02 j 3.24±0.18 h
60 2.46±0.20 l 0.52±0.06 j 2.98±0.24 h

Table 2

Effects of different treatments on dry matter accumulation of island cotton"

Salt and alkali concentration (mmol L-1)
Betaine concentration (mmol L-1)
Stem and leaf dry weight (mg)
Root dry weight
Total dry weight
新海35号 0 0 0.97±0.01 a 0.19±0.01 a 1.16±0.02 a
Xinhai 35 120 0 0.74±0.03 d 0.14±0.00 cde 0.88±0.03 e
30 0.88±0.01 b 0.17±0.01 b 1.05±0.01 b
60 0.83±0.01 bc 0.15±0.00 cd 0.98±0.01 c
180 0 0.54±0.01 g 0.11±0.00 f 0.66±0.01 h
30 0.68±0.01 e 0.13±0.00 de 0.81±0.01 f
60 0.61±0.01 f 0.12±0.01 ef 0.74±0.01 g
240 0 0.33±0.04 i 0.08±0.01 gh 0.41±0.04 k
30 0.41±0.01 h 0.09±0.00 g 0.51±0.01 i
60 0.37±0.01 hi 0.06±0.00 i 0.43±0.01 jk
新海48号 0 0 0.86±0.01 b 0.15±0.00 c 1.01±0.01 bc
Xinhai 48 120 0 0.79±0.02 c 0.12±0.00 ef 0.92±0.02 de
30 0.85±0.04 b 0.14±0.00 cde 0.99±0.04 c
60 0.84±0.02 bc 0.13±0.01 de 0.97±0.01 cd
180 0 0.39±0.02 h 0.08±0.00 gh 0.46±0.02 ijk
30 0.43±0.00 h 0.09±0.00 g 0.52±0.00 i
60 0.42±0.00 h 0.07±0.00 hi 0.49±0.00 ij
240 0 0.15±0.00 j 0.02±0.00 jk 0.17±0.00 l
30 0.19±0.01 j 0.03±0.00 j 0.21±0.01 l
60 0.15±0.01 j 0.01±0.00 k 0.16±0.01 l
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