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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2025, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (3): 728-743.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2025.42026


Comprehensive evaluation of 70 japonica glutinous rice varieties (lines) based on growth period, yield, and quality

XIONG Qiang-Qiang(), SUN Chang-Hui, GU Wen-Fei, LU Yan-Yao, ZHOU Nian-Bing, GUO Bao-Wei, LIU Guo-Dong, WEI Hai-Yan, ZHU Jin-Yan(), ZHANG Hong-Cheng()   

  1. Research Institute of Rice Industrial Engineering Technology, Yangzhou University / Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology / Jiangsu Co-Innovation Center for Modern Production Technology of Grain Crops, Yangzhou 225009, Jiangsu, China
  • Received:2023-12-01 Accepted:2024-01-31 Online:2025-03-12 Published:2024-11-12
  • Contact: *E-mail: zhujinyanrain@163.com; E-mail: hczhang@yzu.edu.cn.
  • Supported by:
    Zhenjiang “Jinshan Talents” Industry Strong City Leading Talent Introduction Plan(Zhenjiang Talent Office [2021] 1);Key R & D Projects in Jiangsu Province(BE2019342);Jiangsu Province Seed Industry Revitalization Project(JBGS [2021] 036);Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions(PAPD)


This study evaluated 70 glutinous rice varieties (lines) to identify high-quality, high-yield varieties suitable for cultivation in the Yangzhong region, based on comprehensive assessments of growth period, yield, and rice quality. The experiment was conducted in Yangzhong city, Jiangsu province, from 2021 to 2023, using a randomized block design with three replicates. The results showed the following: (1) The growth periods of the 70 glutinous rice varieties ranged from 137 to 159 days in 2021 and from 139 to 158 days in 2023. Based on the growth period, the varieties were classified into three categories: 17 early-maturing late-japonica types, 18 mid-maturing mid-japonica types, and 35 late-maturing mid-japonica types. (2) In 2021, yields ranged from 5.19 to 9.50 t hm-2, and in 2023, yields ranged from 5.57 to 9.64 t hm-2. Principal component analysis indicated that the number of grains per panicle and panicle number were the primary factors influencing yield traits. (3) In 2021, the brown rice rate ranged from 80.45% to 87.35%, and the milled rice rate from 59.86% to 75.87%. Twenty varieties met the first-class quality standard, while 16 met the second-class quality standard. In 2023, the brown rice rate ranged from 81.60% to 88.50%, and the milled rice rate from 65.07% to 75.59%. Fifteen varieties met the first-class quality standard, and 18 met the second-class quality standard. In 2021, protein content varied from 7.00% to 10.77%, and total starch content from 69.42% to 92.73%. In 2023, protein content ranged from 7.00% to 10.79%, and total starch content from 68.00% to 92.68%. Molecular marker analysis revealed that 35 rice varieties carried the badh2 gene. Based on the comprehensive analysis of growth period, yield, and quality, four high-yield and high-quality glutinous rice varieties (lines) suitable for cultivation in Yangzhong were selected: Yangruannuo 2, Sunuo 7132, Yangjingnuo 2, and Yandao 93207.

Key words: glutinous rice, Yangzhong region, growth period, yield, rice quality

Fig. 1

Average temperature and precipitation during the rice growing season from 2021 to 2023"

Table 1

Survey on the growth period of glutinous rice varieties (lines)"

Full fertility period in 2021 (d)
Full fertility period in 2023 (d)
Fertility type
Full fertility period in 2021 (d)
Full fertility period in 2023 (d)
Fertility type
灵谷糯1号 Linggunuo 1 YZ01 159 156 EL 盐稻93207 Yandao 93207 YZ36 149 147 LM
武糯9612 Wunuo 9612 YZ02 150 151 LM 绿亿香糯 Lyuyixiangnuo YZ37 140 142 MM
皖垦糯2号 Wankennuo 2 YZ03 155 153 LM 粳香糯398 Jingxiangnuo 398 YZ38 143 143 MM
张育糯2号 Zhangyunuo 2 YZ04 151 152 LM 镇糯20号Zhennuo 20 YZ39 152 151 LM
金单糯100 Jindanuo 100 YZ05 152 152 LM 武糯9606 Wunuo 9606 YZ40 148 147 LM
镇糯29 Zhennuo 29 YZ06 151 152 LM 中粳糯588 Zhongjingnuo 588 YZ41 150 148 LM
武香糯9214 Wuxiangnuo 9214 YZ07 152 153 LM 喜粳糯68 Xijingnuo 68 YZ42 157 158 EL
扬产糯1号Yangchannuo 1 YZ08 146 148 LM 恒祥糯10号Hengxiangnuo 10 YZ43 144 144 MM
苏糯9202 Sunuo 9202 YZ09 152 151 LM 皖稻68 Wandao 68 YZ44 149 148 LM
金单糯8917 Jindanuo 8917 YZ10 148 149 LM 皖垦糯1116 Wankennuo 1116 YZ45 158 157 EL
镇糯19号 Zhennuo 19 YZ11 145 147 LM 中科盐2号Zhongkeyan 2 YZ46 148 145 LM
扬粳糯5号Y angjingnuo 5 YZ12 156 157 EL 盐稻93015 Yandao 93015 YZ47 138 141 MM
武香糯7368 Wuxiangnuo 7368 YZ13 156 156 EL 武香糯366 Wuxiangnuo 366 YZ48 141 144 MM
苏糯2621 Sunuo 2621 YZ14 155 153 LM 武香糯109 Wuxiangnuo 109 YZ49 146 148 LM
裕丰糯446 Yufengnuo 446 YZ15 150 148 LM 南粳糯2号Nanjingnuo 2 YZ50 146 148 LM
优香糯1号Youxiangnuo 1 YZ16 148 146 LM 丰粳糯203 Fengjingnuo 203 YZ51 140 142 MM
金香糯1号Jinxiangnuo 1 YZ17 155 153 LM 武育糯4819 Wuyunuo 4819 YZ52 158 157 EL
扬产糯2002 Yangchannuo 2002 YZ18 152 150 LM 皖垦糯3号Wankennuo 3 YZ53 155 153 LM
镇糯762 Zhennuo 762 YZ19 157 156 EL 丰糯1246 Fengnuo 1246 YZ54 142 143 MM
扬软糯2号Yangruannuo 2 YZ20 152 150 LM 皖垦糯1号Wankennuo 1 YZ55 158 156 EL
常糯09-3 Changnuo 09-3 YZ21 152 152 LM 淮糯152 Huainuo 152 YZ56 143 143 MM
银糯19 Yinnuo 19 YZ22 159 157 EL 淮糯134 Huainuo 134 YZ57 142 144 MM
扬粳M9225 Yangjing M9225 YZ23 159 156 EL 武育糯366 Wuyunuo 366 YZ58 145 145 LM
荃香糯3号 Quanxiangnuo 3 YZ24 158 158 EL 泗稻20-8 Sidao 20-8 YZ59 142 144 MM
光明糯1号 Guangmingnuo 1 YZ25 150 151 LM 连香糯516 Lianxiangnuo 516 YZ60 144 143 MM
苏糯7132 Sunuo 7132 YZ26 156 156 EL 中种香糯Zhongzhongxiangnuo YZ61 137 139 MM
南粳香糯Nanjingxiangnuo YZ27 156 156 EL 泉糯669 Quannuo 669 YZ62 141 142 MM
常糯2号Changnuo 2 YZ28 157 158 EL 恒祥糯9号Hengxiangnuo 9 YZ63 140 142 MM
扬农糯18-3370 Yangnongnuo 18-3370 YZ29 157 157 EL 皖垦糯5号Wankennuo 5 YZ64 154 153 LM
徐72909 Xu 72909 YZ30 149 148 LM 金丰糯2号Jinfengnuo 2 YZ65 139 141 MM
武香糯9106 Wuxiangnuo 9106 YZ31 152 150 LM 华浙糯1号Huazhe Nuo 1 YZ66 151 147 LM
丰登糯398 Fengdengnuo 398 YZ32 154 154 LM 盐糯13138 Yannuo 13138 YZ67 144 144 MM
武育糯180 Wuyunuo 180 YZ33 156 156 EL 连粳18307 Lianjing 18307 YZ68 143 142 MM
武香糯106 Wuxiangnuo 106 YZ34 153 150 LM 盐糯1716 Yannuo 1716 YZ69 144 142 MM
扬粳糯2号Yangjingnuo 2 YZ35 156 157 EL 金粳糯6288 Jinjingnuo 6288 YZ70 145 145 LM

Table 2

Information on functionally labeled primers used for detection of rice aroma genes"

染色体Chromosome 标记
Forward primer sequence (5′-3′)
Reverse primer sequence (5′-3′)

Table 3

Differences in yield and components of glutinous rice varieties"

Length of panicle (cm)
(×104 hm-2)
Grains per panicle
Seed-setting rate (%)
1000-grain weight (g)
Harvest yield (t hm-2)
2021 最大值Maximum value 21.49 356.45 165.43 98.42 32.44 9.50
最小值Minimum value 13.35 197.78 93.63 78.15 22.60 5.19
平均值Average value 16.50 285.79 125.78 94.15 27.93 7.79
标准差Standard deviation 1.36 36.52 15.62 3.65 1.78 0.87
变异系数Coefficient of variation 0.08 0.13 0.12 0.04 0.06 0.11
2023 最大值Maximum value 19.70 353.52 170.90 97.79 30.81 9.64
最小值Minimum value 13.95 195.60 94.64 78.79 23.37 5.57
平均值Average value 16.73 278.46 131.37 94.47 27.63 7.94
标准差Standard deviation 1.27 32.98 16.23 2.91 1.43 0.84
变异系数Coefficient of variation 0.08 0.12 0.12 0.03 0.05 0.11

Table 4

Correlation analysis of yields and components of glutinous rice varieties"

Length of panicle
Grains per panicle
1000-grain weight
Seed-setting rate
2021 穗长Length of panicle 1.000
每穗粒数Grains per panicle 0.627** 1.000
千粒重1000-grain weight 0.115 -0.206 1.000
结实率Seed-setting rate -0.144 -0.320** 0.158 1.000
穗数Panicles -0.167 -0.334** -0.238* -0.068 1.000
实测产量Harvest yield 0.090 0.139 0.137 -0.180 0.256*
2023 穗长Length of panicle 1.000
每穗粒数Grains per panicle 0.426** 1.000
千粒重1000-grain weight 0.029 -0.313** 1.000
结实率Seed-setting rate -0.051 -0.290* 0.231 1.000
穗数Panicles -0.055 -0.276* -0.314** 0.063 1.000
实测产量Harvest yield 0.098 0.120 0.019 -0.032 0.280*

Table 5

Principal component analysis of various indicators of glutinous rice varieties"

年份Year 指标Index 第1主成分PC1 第2主成分PC2 第3主成分PC3
2021 特征值Eigenvalue 1.897 1.405 1.166
贡献率Contribution rate 31.621 23.418 19.438
累积贡献率Cumulative contribution rate 31.621 55.039 74.478
穗长Length of panicle 0.801 -0.137 0.155
每穗粒数Grains per panicle 0.916 0.016 -0.154
结实率Seed-setting rate -0.477 -0.523 0.066
千粒重1000-grain weight -0.060 -0.523 0.768
穗数Panicles -0.381 0.760 0.127
实测产量Harvest yield 0.201 0.511 0.713
2023 特征值Eigenvalue 1.714 1.416 1.137
贡献率Contribution rate 28.561 23.605 18.945
累积贡献率Cumulative contribution rate 28.561 52.166 71.111
穗长Length of panicle 0.581 -0.205 0.537
每穗粒数Grains per panicle 0.877 -0.167 0.052
结实率Seed-setting rate -0.573 -0.082 0.402
千粒重1000-grain weight -0.472 -0.577 0.478
穗数Panicles -0.157 0.882 0.126
实测产量Harvest yield 0.178 0.477 0.663

Table 6

Yield cluster analysis results of glutinous rice varieties (lines)"

Harvest yield
(t hm-2)
harvest yield
(t hm-2)
weight variation (g)
Average 1000-grain weight
2021 I 8.10-9.50 8.62 29.19-32.44 30.14 YZ02, YZ06, YZ07, YZ10, YZ20, YZ26, YZ29, YZ35, YZ36
II 6.99-8.05 7.53 27.06-29.07 28.23 YZ05, YZ11, YZ16, YZ19, YZ23, YZ25, YZ31, YZ32, YZ34, YZ46, YZ47, YZ50, YZ59, YZ65
III 5.19-6.78 6.14 22.60-26.88 25.89 YZ60, YZ66, YZ68
2023 I 8.36-9.64 8.83 28.07-30.81 28.93 YZ06, YZ10, YZ15, YZ17, YZ20, YZ26, YZ29, YZ30, YZ35, YZ36, YZ39, YZ42, YZ48, YZ58
II 7.15-8.27 7.73 26.12-27.92 27.01 YZ05, YZ09, YZ12, YZ19, YZ24, YZ25, YZ37, YZ44, YZ45, YZ50, YZ51, YZ53, YZ57, YZ61, YZ65, YZ66, YZ70
III 5.57-6.89 6.39 23.37-26.00 25.20 YZ60

Table 7

Differences in processing quality of glutinous rice varieties"

Brown rice rate (%)
Rice polishing rate (%)
Whole rice rate (%)
2021 最大值Maximum value 87.35 75.87 72.75
最小值Minimum value 80.45 59.86 25.49
平均值Average value 84.56 70.82 58.86
标准差Standard deviation 1.38 3.10 10.87
变异系数Coefficient of variation 0.02 0.04 0.18
2023 最大值Maximum value 88.50 75.59 70.15
最小值Minimum value 81.60 65.07 27.47
平均值Average value 85.00 71.36 57.86
标准差Standard deviation 1.43 2.67 10.24
变异系数Coefficient of variation 0.02 0.04 0.18

Table 8

Differences in nutritional quality of glutinous rice varieties"

Protein content (%)
Total starch content (%)
Amylose content (%)
2021 最大值Maximum value 10.77 92.73 3.70
最小值Minimum value 7.00 69.42 0.59
平均值Average value 8.44 82.53 1.39
标准差Standard deviation 0.97 4.28 0.53
变异系数Coefficient of variation 0.11 0.05 0.38
2023 最大值Maximum value 10.79 92.68 3.65
最小值Minimum value 7.00 68.00 0.52
平均值Average value 8.34 82.48 1.38
标准差Standard deviation 0.92 4.25 0.51
变异系数Coefficient of variation 0.11 0.05 0.37

Table 9

Detection of aroma genes in glutinous rice varieties (lines)"

Variety number
Whether to carry badh2
Variety number
Whether to carry badh2
Variety number
Whether to carry badh2
Variety number
Whether to carry badh2
YZ01 否No YZ19 是Yes YZ37 是Yes YZ55 否No
YZ02 是Yes YZ20 是Yes YZ38 否No YZ56 是Yes
YZ03 否No YZ21 是Yes YZ39 否No YZ57 否No
YZ04 否No YZ22 是Yes YZ40 是Yes YZ58 是Yes
YZ05 否No YZ23 否No YZ41 否No YZ59 否No
YZ06 否No YZ24 否No YZ42 是Yes YZ60 否No
YZ07 是Yes YZ25 否No YZ43 是Yes YZ61 是Yes
YZ08 否No YZ26 是Yes YZ44 否No YZ62 否No
YZ09 否No YZ27 是Yes YZ45 是Yes YZ63 是Yes
YZ10 否No YZ28 否No YZ46 否No YZ64 否No
YZ11 是Yes YZ29 是Yes YZ47 是Yes YZ65 否No
YZ12 是Yes YZ30 否No YZ48 是Yes YZ66 否No
YZ13 否No YZ31 是Yes YZ49 否No YZ67 否No
YZ14 是Yes YZ32 是Yes YZ50 否No YZ68 否No
YZ15 是Yes YZ33 是Yes YZ51 否No YZ69 是Yes
YZ16 是Yes YZ34 是Yes YZ52 是Yes YZ70 否No
YZ17 否No YZ35 是Yes YZ53 是Yes
YZ18 是Yes YZ36 是Yes YZ54 否No

Table 10

Correlation analysis of processing quality and nutritional quality of glutinous rice varieties"

Brown rice
Rice polishing rate
Whole rice
2021 糙米率Brown rice rate 1.000 / / / /
精米率Rice polishing rate 0.584** 1.000 / / /
整精米率Whole rice rate 0.422** 0.767** 1.000 / /
直链淀粉含量Amylose content -0.257* -0.037 -0.037 1.000 /
蛋白质含量Protein content -0.206 -0.216 -0.256* 0.165 1.000
总淀粉含量Total starch content 0.197 0.212 0.131 -0.158 -0.092
2023 糙米率Brown rice rate 1.000 / / / /
精米率Rice polishing rate 0.500** 1.000 / / /
整精米率Whole rice rate 0.403** 0.578** 1.000 / /
直链淀粉含量Amylose content 0.039 -0.010 -0.040 1.000 /
蛋白质含量Protein content -0.170 -0.082 -0.227 0.198 1.000
总淀粉含量Total starch content 0.214 0.039 0.142 -0.187 -0.132

Table 11

Principal component analysis of various indicators of different glutinous rice varieties"

年份 Year 指标 Index 第1主成分 PC1 第2主成分 PC2
2021 特征值Eigenvalue 2.431 1.135
贡献率Contribution rate 40.515 18.914
累积贡献率Cumulative contribution rate 40.515 59.429
糙米率Brown rice rate 0.764 -0.095
精米率Rice polishing rate 0.879 0.312
整精米率Whole rice rate 0.817 0.355
直链淀粉含量Amylose content -0.273 0.811
蛋白质含量Protein content -0.445 0.254
总淀粉含量Total starch content 0.369 -0.425
2023 特征值Eigenvalue 1.874 1.238
贡献率Contribution rate 31.225 20.639
累积贡献率Cumulative contribution rate 31.225 51.864
糙米率Brown rice rate 0.532 0.033
精米率Rice polishing rate 0.752 0.455
整精米率Whole rice rate 0.761 0.278
直链淀粉含量Amylose content -0.483 0.429
蛋白质含量Protein content 0.407 -0.522
总淀粉含量Total starch content -0.216 0.705

Table 12

Cluster analysis results of rice quality of glutinous rice varieties (lines)"

Variation (%)
Average value (%)
Variety number
2021 I 蛋白质含量Protein content 7.30-8.83 7.73 YZ01, YZ05, YZ27, YZ35, YZ40, YZ55, YZ67
总淀粉含量Total starch content 77.96-85.15 82.32
直链淀粉含量Amylose content 0.64-1.15 0.96
II 蛋白质含量Protein content 7.03-7.63 7.37 YZ09, YZ25, YZ26, YZ43, YZ62
总淀粉含量Total starch content 85.53-92.73 88.73
直链淀粉含量Amylose content 1.46-1.79 1.58
III 蛋白质含量Protein content 8.07-8.97 8.53 YZ20, YZ29, YZ30, YZ33, YZ36, YZ37, YZ46, YZ50, YZ51
总淀粉含量Total starch content 84.22-87.94 86.10
直链淀粉含量Amylose content 0.64-1.27 0.95
2023 I 蛋白质含量Protein content 7.21-7.89 7.44 YZ01, YZ05, YZ27, YZ35, YZ67
总淀粉含量Total starch content 78.46-81.48 81.67
直链淀粉含量Amylose content 0.93-1.13 1.02
II 蛋白质含量Protein content 7.00-7.79 7.37 YZ09, YZ19, YZ25, YZ26, YZ34, YZ43, YZ62
总淀粉含量Total starch content 83.93-92.68 87.29
直链淀粉含量Amylose content 1.30-1.71 1.49
III 蛋白质含量Protein content 8.10-8.88 8.48 YZ08, YZ20, YZ29, YZ30, YZ33, YZ36, YZ37, YZ51
总淀粉含量Total starch content 84.27-87.67 86.02
直链淀粉含量Amylose content 0.72-1.22 0.96
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