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    12 August 2006, Volume 32 Issue 08
      Cytological Observation of Microsporogenesis and Its Chromosomal Behavior in Meiosis of A2 Cytoplasmic-male Sterile Line in Sorghum
      LIANG Xiao-Hong ;YI Zhi-Ben;ZHAO Wei-Jun;DUAN Yun-Ping;CUI Gui-Mei;SUN Yi
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(08):  1107-1110. 
      Abstract ( 1867 )   PDF (734KB) ( 994 )   Save
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      The study of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) A2 cytoplasm male sterility is significant for utilizing sorghum heterosis and preventing potential disasters caused by employing sole cytoplasm source. The cytoplasm of sorghum A2 cytoplasm-male sterility (CMS) came from IS12662C, and the hybrids with A2 cytoplasm have been released for commercial use. Study on meiosis is very useful for understanding CMS male sterility and improving male sterile lines. In this study, A2/B2V4 were used to study the processes of microspore abortion during anther development and investigate the chromosomal behaviors of meiosis in A2 CMS by cytological observation. For observing anther development, sorghum florets at various development stages were taken, fixed in FAA and observed with an Olympus microscope after staining, paraffin-bedded sliding. For observing chromosome behavior in PMC, florets were taken, fixed with Carnoy’s fixation, squashed on a slide and observed with an Olympus microscope. Many abnormal phenomena were observed during A2 CMS anther development which were as follows: (1) no tapetal cells were formed or tapetam collapsed at very early stage during the microsporogenesis, and tapetal cells deformed; (2) although tapetal cells developed normally, meiotic behavior of chromosomes in pollen mother cells (PMC) were abnormal, leading to the degeneration of microspores; (3) the abnormal chromosomal behavior occurred in PMC meiosis of A2 CMS started from anaphaseⅠ; (4) homologous chromosome movement to opposite poles at metaphaseⅠ was delayed or sister chromatids did not divide at metaphaseⅡ; (5) chromosomes multiploidized, and several nuclei or nucleoli were found in one cell. The abortion of taptal cells was not the only reason but for the failure of microspore, but all of above abnormalities lead to the failure of normal microspore development.

      A New Delayed Growth Mutant by T-DNA Insertion in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
      WU Ya-Wen;YU Yong-Hong;HU Guo-Cheng;FU Ya-Ping;SI Hua-Min;GUO Ze-Jian;SUN Zong-Xiu
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(08):  1111-1116. 
      Abstract ( 2305 )   PDF (1466KB) ( 1615 )   Save
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      Recent advances in genomic studies and the sequenced genome information have made it possible to utilize phenotypic mutants for characterizing relevant genes at the molecular level and reveal their functions. Various mutants and strains expressing phenotypic and physiological variations provide an indispensable source for functional analysis of genes. Because rice is easy to transform, T-DNA has been used successfully to generate insertional mutant lines. A large rice insertional mutant pool generated with Ac/Ds transposone system derived from maize was established in China National Rice Research Institute. A new delayed growth mutant, named T456, was screened from 45 000 independent Ds transfer lines of rice (Oryza sativa L.). It mainly performed delayed growth,dwarfism,dark green leaf color,as well as large angle of leaf to clum and short length of seminal root, but there were no differences in photosynthesis rate and respiration rate between T456 and wild-type rice cv Zhonghua 11. Genetic analysis showed that the plants with mutant phenotype and wild phenotype in T1 generation fitted to 1:3 and there were no segregation in T2 generation with mutant phenotype,indicating that the mutant phenotype was controlled by a single recessive gene. Basta determination on the healthy rice leaves in T1 and F2 generations showed that the mutant phenotype was co-segregated with the T-DNA. PCR and Southern blotting analysis further confirmed that the mutant phenotype was caused by T-DNA insertion with single copy. This insertional T-DNA mutagenesis will be useful for isolating the tagged gene in rice by Tail-PCR method easily, and for elucidating the gene functions accordingly.

      Development and GISH Analysis of Amphidiploid Raphanobrassica between Raphanus sativus and Brassica alboglabra
      CHEN Hong-Gao;WU Jiang-Sheng;CHENG Yu-Gui;LIU Chao
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(08):  1117-1120. 
      Abstract ( 1851 )   PDF (594KB) ( 1232 )   Save
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      Artificial intergeneric amphidiploids Rapahnobrassica (2n=36, RRCC) between Raphanus sativus L.(2n=18, RR)and Brassica oleracea L. (2n=18, CC) have been studied for more than eighty years as potential new fodder crop or bridge crop, for their disease resistance, cytoplasm male sterility and vegetative vigor. However, their use as one new crop was mainly limited for the low seed productivity. Amphidiploids synthesized from different crossing combinations showed different levels of seed fertility, which could be improved to some extent by repeated selections. To exploit the useful R. sativus genes for Brassica breeding, one new amphidiploid Raphanobrassica was produced by doubling the chromosome number of the F1 hybrids R. sativus cv. Heqing×B. alboglabra Bailey with colchicine treatment. As previous reports, the developments of siliqua and seeds were very difficult in the early generations of the present amphidiploid (PlateⅠ-A, B), most siliquas stopped growth and became shriveled after about 30 days of fertilization, and no seeds were visible in pods. A small part of short and thick siliquas formed and contained one or several seeds per pod, but most of seeds were small, shriveled and morphologically un-regular and only a minority was of full size. Selections were made from F4 to F10 with special attention for the improvement of seed fertility, and consequently siliqua number per plant and seed maturation level increased generation by generation, on the other hand the frequency of small and shriveled seeds decreased. F10 plants showed good seed fertility (PlateⅠ-E, F, G), for the mean seed yield reached 32.3 g per plant, the number of siliqua per plant was about 700, the number of seed per siliqa was 14.9 (Table 1), approximately 80% of the seeds were fully developed (PlateⅠ-F). Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) investigations on the meiosis of F10 pollen mother cells (PMCs) showed that these plants had the expected chromosome complements of the 18 chromosomes from R. sativus and the other 18 ones from B. alboglabra. The normal meiotic pairings and segregations occurred in their PMCs, for 18 bivalents were formed at diakinesis and chromosomes only paired with their homologs (PlateⅠ-H, I), segregations at anaphaseⅠ were also very regular with 18 chromosomes in each polar and without bridges and fragments (PlateⅠ-J, K). These results indicated that diploid-like meiotic behavior was established in the amphidiploid. Fertility factors analysis showed that available fertile pollen grains in anthers were enough to produce seeds in every generation, and the shriveled seeds observed frequently in the early generations might be attributable to ovule abortion. The application potential of the Raphanobrassica was discussed as a fertile genetic bridge for gene transfer from R. sativus to Brassica crops.

      Relationship between N Accumulation and Root Traits in Conventional Indica Rice Varieties (Oryza sativa L.)
      ZHANG Yue-Fang;WANG Yu-Long;ZHANG Chuan-Sheng;DONG Gui-Chun;YANG Lian-Xin;HUANG Jian-Ye;LONG Yin-Cheng
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(08):  1121-1129. 
      Abstract ( 2098 )   PDF (978KB) ( 1377 )   Save
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      It is important in the long term to explore and exploit the potential of plant traits contributing to the nitrogen (N) absorption efficiency of rice. Root is primary organ for rice to explore and utilize N nutrient. However, little knowledge is known about the relationship between N accumulation and rice root traits. A solution culture experiment was conducted in 2001 and 2002, using eighty eight and one hundred and twenty two conventional indica rice varieties, respectively. A total of 13 traits responsible for morphology and physiological activity of rice roots was measured at heading stage while dry matter accumulation and N accumulation were determined both at heading and maturity. The tested rice varieties were classified into 6 types based on their N accumulation at maturity by the MinSSw method, and the differences of root traits between the types were analyzed to investigate the main root traits that significantly affected the N accumulation level. The average N accumulation of different types of rice varieties varied significantly, from 10.40 to 25.13 g·m-2 in 2001, and from 8.53 to 33.31 g·m-2 in 2002, respectively. Both whole growth duration and N uptake per day significantly affected N accumulation at maturity with the determinant coefficient ranged from 0.960 to 0.996, and the latter was more important than the former. N accumulation was closely correlated to number of adventitious roots per plant, root dry weight per plant, total length of adventitious roots per plant, total root absorption area per plant, root active absorption area per plant and total α-NA oxidizing amount of roots per plant, other than the traits for single adventitious root or root activity per unit dry weight. Polynomial stepwise regression analysis showed that N accumulation at maturity was significantly influenced by root dry weight per plant, ratio of shoot to root, number of adventitious roots per plant and total length of adventitious roots per plant (R2=0.429-0.591). Morphological and physiological evidence in this study provided some prospects for improvement of root traits to improve N accumulation in indica rice.

      Analysis of Protein Subunit Composition of Chinese Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] Cultivars and Screening of Soybean Cultivars Lacking Some Subunits
      GUO Shun-Tang;MENG Yan;ZHANG Xue-Mei;ZHANG Xiao-Lei;QI Jing;QIU Li-Juan;CHANG Ru-Zhen
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(08):  1130-1134. 
      Abstract ( 2078 )   PDF (2464KB) ( 1445 )   Save
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      Soybean is a good food resource of plant protein. Processing characteristics of soybean have been found to have a close relationship with the subunit composition of soy protein. Mutant soybean lines lacking α, α′ subunits or with lower ratio of β subunit were induced by γ-ray irradiation. China has a wide natural soybean germplasm variation in terms of cultivars with different properties including anti-disease, high oil content, high protein content, respectively. However, systematic evaluation of this occurrence on protein composition had been rarely investigated. The aim of this work was to identify the soybean germplasm variation with certain subunits absence therefore enable a deeper insight of its relationship with functional properties of soy protein.
      Based on Laemmli’s(1970) method, the subunit composition of soy protein extracted from 1 624 Chinese soybean cultivars was analyzed by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis, and a simplified sample pre-treatment method was proposed(Fig.1). This qualitative analysis revealed that there were many native aberrant varieties having a lower proportion of or lacking A3, A5, γ, β-subunits in the 1624 soybean cultivars (Table 1). The SDS-PAGE patterns of some distinct soybean cultivars lacking certain subunit were shown(Fig.2-a, Fig.2-b). In addition, the result of Western Blot analysis proved the finding of a unique soybean cultivar lacking the β subunit in β-conglycinin(Fig.3, Fig.4), which was first reported among Chinese soybean cultivars. Thus it provides an essential material for further breeding experiments to improve the functional quality of soy protein.

      QTL Mapping and Epistasis Analysis for Yield and Its Components in Brassica napus L.
      ZHANG Shu-Fen ;FU Ting-Dong;ZHU Jia-Cheng;WANG Jian-Ping;WEN Yan-Cheng;MA Chao-Zhi
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(08):  1135-1142. 
      Abstract ( 2464 )   PDF (1798KB) ( 1580 )   Save
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      Since yield traits are complicated quantitative traits, QTLs mapping and genetic effects analyzed for seed yield and its components can help us to understand the source for heterosis and improve the selecting efficiency for good genotype of seed yield. A genetic linkage map consisting of 244 DNA markers was constructed based on F2 population derived from a cross between double low parent CMS maintainer 1141B and double high CMS restorer KenC1. The markers in the linkage map distributed on all the 20 main linkage groups and 1 triplet and covered 2 769.5 cM of the rapeseed genome. The statistic software of Windows QTL Cartographer Version2.0 and Composite Internal Mapping (CIM) were applied to detect QTLs for seed yield and its components, including seed yield per plant, number of silique per plant, number of seed per silique and 1000-seed weight. A total of 16 QTLs located in nine different linkage groups were identified for seed yield and the three component traits. There were three QTLs (the most QTLs) in LG6 and LG13, respectively. Each of these QTLs explained 0.38%–73.34% of the phenotypic variance. They had additional effect of alleles that came from maternal parent, the others from paternal parent for the same trait. Epistatic effect was screened in all 20 linkage groups using all possible loci pairs by two-way ANOVAs between co-dominant markers. Twenty-six two-locus combinations had significant epistatic effects. The results showed that there were many interaction loci involving the entire genome detected in yield traits. The epistatic interactions had pleiotropic effects, interactions were contained epistasis between QTL and non-QTL (non-significant effect loci) and between non-QTL. The later was the majority. In general, the independent effect of interaction loci was lower, on the opposite, the value of interaction effect was higher, and much higher than the total of independent effects.This indicated that the genes controlling seed yield was complicated. Epistasis interactions might play an important role as the basis of heterosis in Brassica napus L. Some questions about QTLs mapping were also discussed.

      Genetic Analysis on Panicle Angle and Number of Spikelets per Panicle by Using Six Generations of Three Crosses Derived from Erect×Curve Panicles in Japonica Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
      CHEN Xian-Gong;LIU Jin-Bo;HONG De-Lin
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(08):  1143-1150. 
      Abstract ( 1997 )   PDF (919KB) ( 1229 )   Save
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      There are two kinds of panicle type, erect and curve, in japonica rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties at maturity stage. In practice, erect panicle type variety has higher yield and worse quality than that of curve panicle type variety. In Jiangsu and Liaoning Provinces, cultivated area of erect panicle type variety in japonica rice has an increasing trend. However, with development of rice market, rice quality is paid more and more attention. In order to breed new varieties with good quality and high yield, it is necessary to combine the advantage of the two types above. Researches showed number of spikelets per panicle were the main factor of heterosis in rice. Thus, it is very important to understand genetic mechanism of both panicle angle and number of spikelets per panicle. This paper reported phenotypic distributions of panicle angle and number of spikelets per panicle in P1, P2, F1 ,B1, B2 and F2 generations from three crosses Zhendao 88 (erect panicle)×C Bao (curve panicle), Bing 8979 (erect panicle)×C Bao (curve panicle) and Bing 8979 (erect panicle)×77302-1(curve panicle). Genetic segregation analysis for the two traits were conducted by using major gene-polygene mixed inheritance models and joint analysis method of P1, P2, F1, B1, B2 and F2 generations. The results showed that both panicle angle and number of spikelets per panicle were controlled by two major genes with additive-dominance-epistatic effects plus polygenes with additive-dominance-epistatic effects (Table 4 and Table 7); additive effects were principal in panicle angle trait (Table 8), while epistasis effects in number of spikelets per panicle (Table 9); both traits were mainly governed by major genes (Table 8 and Table 9). Therefore, new varieties with good quality and high yield can be breed by using methods of pedigree breeding, backcross breeding or marker assisted selection breeding.

      Screening and Identification for Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Tolerance to Pi Deficiency at Seedling Stage
      GAO Fang-Yuan ; LU Xian-Jun; KANG Hai-Qi ; SUN Shu-Xia; LIU Guang-Chun and REN Guang-Jun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(08):  1151-1155. 
      Abstract ( 1986 )   PDF (983KB) ( 1259 )   Save
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      Phosphorus (P) shortage in soil is a key-limiting factor in agricultural production. There are P-efficiency differences among different rice genotypes, screening and cultivating low-P tolerant cultivars have become very important. To evaluate the screening method and identification indexes, Chenghui 448(GP1), the recurrent parent, M401(GP4), the donor parent, low-P tolerant line GP9 and low-P sensitive line GP14 identified from backcross progenies of Chenghui 448/M401 were used in pot soil cultural experiments with three treatments, including the original P concentration of supplied soil (P2, 2.31 mg/kg), and two supplementary P application levels of P30 (30 mg/kg) and P80 (80 mg/kg). The concentration P80 was used as the normal control; the effects of different inorganic phosphorus supply on relative number of tillers, relative leaf area, relative number of green leaves, relative leaf age, relative chlorophyll content and relative plant height of cultivars were investigated. The main results were summarized as follows: Genotypic differences were found distinctly in many traits with P2 treatment, which was better than P30 treatment to distinguish low-Pi tolerant genotypes from those sensitive to P deficiency at seedling stage. Under P2 condition, the differences among the relative number of tillers in different lines for 52 d, 59 d and 66 d were significant, indicating that relative number of tillers may be used as main index for screening and identifying the tolerance to Pi deficiency. In addition, relative leaf area, relative number of green leaves and relative leaf age can be employed to evaluate the tolerance to Pi deficiency in rice germplasm, comprehensively.

      Genetic Diversity Assessment in Peanut Genotypes with Bacterial Wilt Resistance

      JIANG Hui-Fang ;LIAO Bo-Shou;REN Xiao-Ping;LEI Yong;FU Ting-Dong;Mace E ;Crouch J H

      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(08):  1156-1165. 
      Abstract ( 1994 )   PDF (2328KB) ( 1034 )   Save
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      Bacterial wilt disease is a serious threat to peanut production in China. Understanding the genetic diversity in peanut genotypes with bacterial wilt resistance and enhancing the germplasm resources are helpful for peanut breeding for disease resistance. In this study, the DNA polymorphism among 31 genotypes with various bacterial wilt resistance including 4 botanical types from 2 subspecies of cultivated peanut were assessed by SSR and AFLP analysis. Polymorphism in morphological characters and seed chemical composition were also analyzed. The results indicated that there was enough polymorphism in the peanut genotypes with bacterial wilt resistance based on SSR and AFLP analysis. The SSR-based genetic distance was bigger than the AFLP-based genetic distance among the 31 genotypes. But the cluster based on SSR data was very similar to that based on AFLP data. Considering the botanical type, origin and pedigree of the genotypes used in the study, the cluster based on SSR data was conformed with that based on morphological and seed quality characters. However, there were a few differences between the cluster through AFLP approach and that through morphological and seed quality characters. The distances between the high yielding varieties with bacterial wilt susceptivity “Zhonghua 5” and the genotypes of Var. Virginia and Hirsuta were big relatively. But the distances between “Zhonghua 5” and “Yuanza 9102” as well as the two donors used widely “Xiekangqing” and “Tanshan Sanlirou” were small.

      Ecogeographic Difference and Variation Pattern of Mineral Concentrations for Yunnan Rice Landraces
      ZENG Ya-Wen ;LIU Jia-Fu;WANG Lu-Xiang;DU Juan;PU Xiao-Ying;YANG Shu-Ming;ZHANG Hong-Liang
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(08):  1166-1173. 
      Abstract ( 1867 )   PDF (969KB) ( 1422 )   Save
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      It was analyzed using ICP-AES spectrometer method that ecogeographic difference and variation pattern based on P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn concentrations in brown rice of 583 accessions landraces for core collection from the five regions and 16 prefectures/cities in Yunnan Province. Results showed that the mean and diversity index of 8 mineral concentrations of 583 accessions in brown rice followed an order as P>K>Mg>Ca>Fe>Zn>Cu>Mn,P>Mn>Cu>K>Mg >Zn>Fe>Ca. Central Yunnan single season japonica-indica region was the distribution center of higher Ca(164.86 μg/g), Fe(38.33 μg/g) and Zn (39.03 μg/g) concentrations in brown rice, especially Dali and Chuxiong prefectures with the highest Ca(205.88, 223.33 μg/g), Fe (87.89, 121.45 μg/g) and Zn(44.13, 39.33 μg/g) concentrations. Simao prefecture was the lowest P and K and Mg concentrations zones in brown rice among prefectures, Honghe and Wenshan were the distribution center of K and Cu concentrations of brown rice in Yunnan. For one of the important discover in this article, the genetic diversity center based on 8 mineral concentrations in brown rice from Lincang, Simao, Xishuangbanna and Dehong prefectures has the similar trend with both the genetic and gene diversity center of rice landraces in Yunnan based on morphological traits and isozyme and SSR markers. The region with highest genetic diversity index for grain-P concentrations in brown rice was located in rice genetic diversity center of Yunnan Province in China. Therefore, the diversity of mineral concentrations, especially for phosphorus, in brown rice is likely to associate with the genetic and gene diversity in rice.

      Influence of Introducing LPAAT and KCS Genes into Rape on Erucic Acid Content of Seed
      CHEN Liu;MAO Shan-Jing;LU Li;CHU Cheng-Cai;SONNTAG Karin;WANG You-Ping
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(08):  1174-1178. 
      Abstract ( 2027 )   PDF (1298KB) ( 1114 )   Save
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      A protocol for Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of Brassica napus hypocotyls was designed. A strain with a LPAAT (lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase) gene from Limnanthes douglasii and a KCS (beta-ketoacyl-CoA synthase) gene under control of a napin promoter was co-cultivated with hypocotyls from two genotypes of B. napus, erucic-acid-free cv. ‘Drakkar’ and high-erucic-acid cv. ‘Maplus’. In total, 247 plants were regenerated, with the regeneration percentage of 15.1% for ‘Drakkar’ and 2.0% for ‘Maplus’, respectively. Transformants were confirmed by PCR of the LPAAT gene and NAP/KCS expression cassette, and Southern blotting analysis, indicating that the foreign genes were integrated into the genome of rapeseed. The transformation frequencies of B. napus cv. ‘Drakkar’ and ‘Maplus’ were 3.6% and 0.7%, respectively. Seeds of the transformants showed a changed fatty-acid profile. The content of erucic acid was up to 10.5% in the seeds of transformants of erucic-acid-free cv. ‘Drakkar’ and increased by 5% in the seeds of transformants of cv. ‘Maplus’, compared with the control . The highest content of erucic acid in some individuals of transgenic ‘Maplus’ was 62.8%.

      Effects of Different Water Supply Treatment on Vegetative Growth, Photosynthetic Characteristics and Grain Yield in Paddy and Upland Rice
      ZOU Gui-Hua ;MEI Han-Wei;YU Xin-Qiao;LIU Hong-Yan;LIU Guo-Lan ;LI Ming-Shou;LUO Li-Jun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(08):  1179-1183. 
      Abstract ( 1946 )   PDF (783KB) ( 1111 )   Save
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      The growth, photosynthetic characteristics and grain yield were studied using paddy rice “Shanyou 63” and upland rice “Zhonghan No 3” with five treatments: A (irrigated water was 25% of CK), B (irrigated water was 43.75% of CK), C (irrigated water was 62.5% of CK), D (irrigated water was 81.25% of CK) and E (irrigated watered 12 000 m3/hm2, CK). The results showed that irrigation treatments affected obviously the characters above in two kinds of rice. Compared with those under conventional irrigation, the loss of grain yield of Zhonghan No 3 was 68.42% and the difference was significant in treatment A, while not significant among other treatments. The losses of grain yield of Shanyou 63 in treatment A and B were 80.58% and 42.98%, respectively, while the difference of grain yield was not significant among treatment C, D and E. In our research, the optimal irrigated water was 7 500 m3 per hm2 and 5 250 m3 per hm2 to produce high yields for Shanyou 63 and Zhonghan 3, respectively. When irrigated water was beyond the values, grain yield of the two cultivars decreased. Upland rice save about 30% of irrigated water than paddy rice to produce high yield. In all of water treatments, the yields of upland rice were lower than that of paddy rice because of less effective panicles per plant in Zhonghan 3.

      Construction of Uncloned Single Chromosomal DNA Libraries in Jute (Corchorus olitorius L.)
      XIE Xiao-Fang;HUANG Dai-Qing;WU Wei-Ren
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(08):  1184-1187. 
      Abstract ( 1628 )   PDF (1628KB) ( 1253 )   Save
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      The technology of isolation, amplification and cloning of single chromosome is of significant value in plant genetic research, especially for those plants with poor genetic research basis. However, the technology has not been widely applied to plants because most plants have small chromosomes that are difficult to be distinguished. To investigate the feasibility and possibility of applying the technology to plants with small chromosomes, we experimented on the construction of uncloned single chromosomal DNA libraries using jute as a model, which has typical small chromosomes. We successfully isolated 80 single chromosomes from cultivar Minyin-1 of jute (Corchours olitorius L.) by micromanipulation with glass needles and amplified individual chromosomes by two-round LAM-PCR or DOP-PCR, from which DNA fragments ranging 250–2 000 bp or 100–600 bp were obtained. Southern hybridization with a-32P-dCTP labeled genomic DNA confirmed that the PCR products were really from the jute genome. Hence, we acquired uncloned DNA libraries of single chromosomes of jute. A total of 50 uncloned single-chromosome DNA libraries were established. Our research suggests that isolation individual small chromosomes with glass needles and amplification of DNA fragments from them with LAM-PCR or DOP-PCR for constructing uncloned single chromosome DNA libraries in plants is feasible. Issues concerning the application of uncloned single-chromosome DNA libraries are discussed.

      Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation of Soybean Germinating Cotyledonary Node Cells
      XUE Ren-Gao
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(08):  1188-1192. 
      Abstract ( 2015 )   PDF (1242KB) ( 958 )   Save
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      An efficient transformation method for obtaining a high frequency of transformants of soybean [Glycine max (L) Merrill] was developed by inoculation of germinating cotyledonary node with Agrobacterium tumefaciens cells. Soybean seeds were germinated for 12–16 h, and the cotyledonary node cells of half seeds were inoculated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens cells harboring a binary vector pGB that contained the bar and sgfp genes conferring phosphinothricin (PPT)-resistance and green fluorescent protein (GFP) activity, respectively. The inoculated explants were selected on the shoot initiation,shoot elongation, and root induction media containing PPT, respectively. The optimal selection concentrations of PPT for 5-day-old explants were 5 mg/L for shoot initiation, 3 mg/L for shoot elongation, and 3 mg/L for root induction. To determine the effect of the different target tissues on the transformation efficiency, a total of four different cotyledonary nodes germinated for 12–16 h, 2 day, 5 day, and 10 day, respectively, were tested under the optimal selection system. The highest average transformation efficiency (8.9%) of soybean was obtained when the cotyledonary nodes germinated for 12–16 h were used as a target tissue, while in case of using the cotyledonary nodes germinated for 5 and 10 days, respectively, as a target tissue, their transformation efficiencies were remarkably reduced. Stable integration and maintenance of the transgenes in the genome of the PPT-resistant plants were confirmed by Polymerase chain reaction and genomic Southern blot analysis. GFP analysis revealed that the transgenes were highly expressed in the leaves and stems of the transformants. Transgenic plants were resistant to 100 mg/L PPT when applied on the leaves, demonstrating their herbicide-resistance. The transformation strategy described in this study will provide a practical protocol to generate diverse transgenic soybean plants

      Protein Content and Its Correlation with Other Quality Parameters of Rice in China
      CHEN Neng;LUO Yu-Kun;XIE Li-Hong;ZHU Ri-Wei;DUAN Bin-Wu;ZHANG Lin-Ping
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(08):  1193-1196. 
      Abstract ( 2932 )   PDF (660KB) ( 1868 )   Save
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      Rice protein is rich lysine, which is the first limiting essential amino acid. In an earlier study, the genetic properties of rice protein, the environmental conditions that affected the protein content, and the correlation between protein content and grain quality have been reported. The protein content of rice can be the result of interaction between environmental forces and genetic properties of the individual. From 1970–1990, several institutions, such as Chinese academy of agriculture science began a screening and identifying program to research the quality and protein content from the China’s germplasm collections. To our knowledge, there are few studies concerning the distribution, classification of all the rice varieties. In this paper, the distribution, classification and related quality of protein content of 5 323 varieties (times) rice in China were studied. Of these, 3 805 are indica varieties (times) and 1 518 are japonica varieties (times).
      Results showed that there was a normal distribution for protein content of rice varieties in general. The protein content was 8%–11% for most rice varieties, although a broad range from 6.0%–15.7% was found in this study. There were some differences for indica and japonica rice on distribution curve of protein content. The protein content ranged from 6.3% to 15.7%,in indicas, and 6.0% to 13.6% in japonicas(Fig.1). Classifying the rice protein content into high (11%), middle (8%–11%) and low (8%) groups, 73% of rice varieties belonged to middle group, 14% to high, and 13% to low. Among them, the percent of varieties with high protein content for indica rice was 5 times more than that for japonica rice, but that with low protein content, for indica rice, was one third of that for japonica (Fig.2). Either indica or japonica rice, the rate of superior varieties with low or middle protein contents was significantly higher than that with high protein content, Due to the negative effect of protein content on chalkiness, translucency and amylose content of rice.
      The protein contents among paddy rice, brown rice and hull were compared, and their correlation and regression analyses were also made in this study. Mean protein content is 9.55% for brown rice, 8.34% for paddy rice, and 3.18% for hull (Table 1), and the ratio of protein content in above three parts was 3.0:2.6:1. The protein content of paddy in indica rice often exceeded that in japonica, there was a same case for hull and brown- rice protein content. For indica rice, the protein content was negatively correlated to Gel consistence (GC) and amylose content with a significant coefficient r of -0.093 and -0.17, respectively, and positively related to translucency (grade) with a significant coefficient r of 0.154. For japonica rice, the protein content was negatively correlated to GC and amylose content with a significant coefficient r of -0.233 and -0.0258, respectively, and positively related to translucency (grade) with a significant coefficient r of 0.219. High-protein rice was usually preferred over poor translucency, hard GC and low amylose content.

      Molecular Tagging of QTLs for Yield and Its Components of G. hirsutum. cv. Simian 3
      ZHANG Pei-Tong;GUO Wang-Zhen;ZHU Xie-Fei;YU Jing-Zhong;ZHANG Tian-Zhen
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(08):  1197-1203. 
      Abstract ( 1919 )   PDF (1702KB) ( 1143 )   Save
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      Molecular tagging of QTLs for yield and its components is a base of great significant to MAS for high yield breeding in cotton. Simian 3 have been one of the cotton cultivars most extensively grown in Yangtze River cotton-growing valley with high yield and high lint percentage, while Carmen is a Spanish cotton cultivar. QTL tagging of yield and its components in the RIL population from a cross between Simian 3×Carmen were conducted using 65 SSR markers having polymorphism between parents screened from a total of 2 523 pairs of SSR primers. The results showed that 1 QTL for fruit nodes per plant and 1 for boll size, 2 for seed index, 1 for lint index and 1 for seed-cotton weight of 100 seeds were detected in RIL population acress more than two environments based on composite interval mapping and marker multiple regression methods. Using the method of single-marker analysis, 17 QTLs controlling the yield and its components were screened in more than two environments. The molecular markers tightly linked with the QTLs controlling high yield and its components in this paper can be used for MAS in high-yield breeding program.

      High Efficient Organogenic Regeneration from Hypocotyl Explants of Soybean (Glycine max L.) on BA-free Medium
      Amarasinghe Arachchige Yasarathna AMARASINGHE;YANG Yue-Sheng
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(08):  1204-1208. 
      Abstract ( 2065 )   PDF (569KB) ( 1294 )   Save
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      Plant regeneration from soybean hypocotyl explants has already been reported many times but the regeneration rates were always low, and in all the cases adventitious buds were obtained on media containing cytokinin, which causes the production of excessive amount of callus on the explants and hinder the further growth of the regenerated buds. To tackle these problems, experiments were designed where surface-sterilized mature seeds of soybean were placed on two kinds of germination media, one contained 2 mg/L benzyl adenine (BA) but the other not, and hypocotyl explants were obtained from six days old seedlings and inoculated on two regeneration media, one contained 2 mg/L BA but the other not, for the induction of adventitious bud formation. With all the 12 soybean cultivars tested including 9 local, 2 from USA and 1 Brazilian, the best results were all obtained from the treatment using hypocolyl explants from seedlings germinated on medium containing BA and cultured on the BA-free regeneration medium without any exception. By this treating method, the regeneration rate was significantly increased with the highest of 72% from a local cultivar Guangdali, and the quality of the regenerated buds was also improved.

      Photosynthetic Characteristics and Relative Physiological Mechanism of Wheat Cultivars with Different Phosphorus Efficiencies
      GUO Cheng-Jin;LI Bin-Xing;WANG Bin;LI Yan-Ming;XIAO Kai
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(08):  1209-1217. 
      Abstract ( 2102 )   PDF (1051KB) ( 1621 )   Save
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      The experiment was conducted using the typical wheat cultivars with different phosphorus (P) efficiencies with normal P (P+) and P deficiency (P-) two treatments to study the photosynthetic characteristics and their physiological mechanism. With the leaf growth the CO2 conductance parameters, such as stomatal conductance (Gs), mesophyll conductance (Gm) and carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity in flag leaves (Table 2), the chlorophyll content (Chl) and soluble protein content (SP) in the fourth spring leaves and flag leaves (Fig.1, Fig.5), as well as the inorganic phosphorus (Pi) content in the chloroplast (Fig.3), Mg2+-ATPase activity in the chloroplast and the photosynthetic rate (Pn) (Fig.2, Fig.4) were all decreased. Meanwhile, the key enzyme in the dark reaction of photosynthesis, RuBPCase, showed the highest activities at 15 d after leaf expansion, the middle at the early growth stage (0 d after leaf expansion), and the lowest at 30 d after leaf expansion (Fig.6). Under P-deficient condition, all the physiological parameters measured in the whole experiment in the fourth spring leaves and flag leaves of cultivars with high absorption efficiency (Ha) and high utilization efficiency (Hu) were higher than those with low P efficiency (L), implicating that the relative improvement in photosynthesis of Ha and Hu under P-deficient condition were coordinately caused by the increase of light energy capture, the decrease of the stomatal limitation and non-stomatal limitation of CO2 conductance, and the enhancement of dark reaction of photosynthesis. The higher Mg2+-ATPase activities of chloroplast in leaves of cultivars with high P efficiency were possibly related to the more Pi content of the chloroplast, RuBPCase activities and RuBPCase specific activities at 15 d after leaf expansion were higher than those at the early growth stage (0 d after leaf expansion), implying that some metabolic enzymes in plants, such as RuBPCase, had some self-regulation and protection mechanisms to maintain plant function under the conditions of leaf aging and P-deficiency.

      Comparison of Yield and Nutritive Value in Sorghum, Sudangrass and Sorghum-Sudangrass Hybrid
      XU Wen-Hua;WANG Kong-Jun;WANG Yong-Jun;ZHAO Jiu-Ran;DONG Shu-Ting;HU Chang-Hao
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(08):  1218-1222. 
      Abstract ( 2049 )   PDF (545KB) ( 856 )   Save
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      Many studies have reported about sorghum-sudangrass hybrid, which is a new grass species for forage cultivation. However, the relation of yield and forage nutritive value between sorghum-sudangrass hybrid, sorghum and sudangrass is less clear, which effected the management of the hybrid of sorghum and sudangrass. Our objective was to conduct a field trial to evaluate the yield and forage nutritive value of sorghum, sudangrass and sorghum-sudangrass hybrid. The results showed that there were significant differences of yield and forage nutritive value between sorghum, sudangrass and sorghum-sudangrass hybrid. Compared with sorghum and sudangrass, fresh matter yield (FM) and dry matter yield (DM) were the highest in Sorghum-sudangrass hybrid Wancao2 and Jingkecao1. The increment of FM and DM was 83.8% and 121.9% respectively in Wancao2 and 98.6% and 139.9% respectively in Jingkecao1 compared with those of sudangrass. Crude protein (CP) content and ether extract (EE) content were the highest and nitrogen-free extract (NFC) content was the lowest in the hybrids (Table 2). The yields of CP, EE, NFC and gross energy (GE) were the highest in the hybrids while the medium in sorghum and the lowest in sudangrass (Fig.3 and Fig.4). The FM of stalks (sheathes and leaves) was higher than that of leaves while stalks and leaves played an equally important role in DM and GE for Sorghum-sudangrass hybrids and their parents.
      Genetic Variation of Quality Characters of Seed in Adzuki Bean Germplasm Resources
      JIN Wen-Lin;PU Shao-Jing;ZHAO Bo;WANG Li-Ying;WU Gang;SU Li-Li
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(08):  1223-1230. 
      Abstract ( 1878 )   PDF (1027KB) ( 1070 )   Save
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      Quality characters of seed including 100-seed weight, seed coat color, production rate of sweetened bean paste, starch content, size of starch granule, etc. were analyzed using adzuki bean germplasm resources from major production regions in China. The 100-seed weight of adzuki bean averaged 11.63 g, and ranged from 61.90% to 75.98%. The geometric value of starch granules of adzuki bean 57.71 μm, and ranged from 46.21 to 83.46 μm. The red value(a*) 19.71, and ranged from 13.0 to 26.0. The yellow value(b*) 9.58, and ranged from 5.2 to 16.8. The brightness value(L*) 26.47, and ranged from 18.1 to 34.0. The production rate of sweetened bean paste 68.08%, and ranged from 61.90% to 75.98%. The total starch content 57.06%, and ranged from 44.79% to 67.44%. The amylopectin relative content 82.24%, and ranged from 62.61% to 98.94%. There were remarkable differences between varieties on each of the eight investigated quality characters. The heritability values of the six characters of 100-seed weight, a*, b*, L*, tatol starch content and amylopectin relative contents were comparatively high. The heritability values of the two characters of geometric average value of starch granules and production rate of sweetened bean paste were relatively low. There were comparatively high potentialities select to all of the eight quality characters. A batch of excellent germplasm resources were obtained by selection, which can be applied to quality breeding in adzuki bean.

      Effect of Phosphorus on Yield and Mineral Nutrient Absorption and Accumulation in Rape (Brassica napus L.)
      SHEN Jin-Xiong;LI Zhi-Yu;LIAO Xing;GUO Qing-Yuan
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(08):  1231-1235. 
      Abstract ( 1772 )   PDF (601KB) ( 1099 )   Save
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      In agricultural systems, low soil phosphorus availability is a primary constrain to the improvement of crop yield and quality. In order to investigate the effect of phosphorus on yield and mineral nutrient absorption and accumulation in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.), a pot experiment using six cultivars was conducted in Oil Crops Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences during the rape growing season from October, 2001 to May, 2002. The soil used in this study was the Magan soil short of efficient phosphorus, from the South of Dabie Mountains in Hubei province. The results showed that the seedling dry weight and seed weight per plant were increased by 8.33–14.79 and 16.60–68.00 times, respectively in all the six cultivars with phosphorus application compared to those without phosphorus. The yield increasing rate was Zhongshuang 6>Zhongyou 821>Zhongyouza 2>Zhongyouza 1>Zhongshuang 4>Zhongshuang 7. Of them, Zhongshuang 7, Zhongshuang 4 and Zhongyouza 1 might be more tolerant to low soil phosphorus availability. The contents of phosphorus and potassium in aboveground parts at different stages and in seeds at maturity and the contents of molybdenum and magnesium in seeds at maturity were increased, and those of nitrogen, magnesium, sulfur and iron in aboveground parts and sulfur in seeds at maturity were decreased in the treatment of phosphorus application, whereas the contents of calcium and most micronutrients in seedlings and seeds were variegated in different cultivars. However, the accumulation of all the nutrient elements tested in the study was increased largely by phosphorus application.

      The Mutator Transposable Element of Maize and Its Utilization
      GAO You-Jun;LIU Wen-Ting;ZHENG Yong-Lian
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(08):  1236-1243. 
      Abstract ( 2044 )   PDF (1338KB) ( 1286 )   Save
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      Mutator elements are a novel type of transposable element in maize. In this review, the discovery, distribution and subfamilies of mutator elements are briefly introduced. The basic attributes of mutator elements and regulation of mutator activity are described as well. The emphasis of this review is on the regulation of Mu activity and the utlization of mutators for maize insertional mutagenesis and gene tagging.

      The Characters of Graft Chimera of Brassica juncea (stock) and Brassica napus (scion)
      GUAN Chun-Yun;HUANG Jian-Liang;LI Xun;TIAN Sen-Lin
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(08):  1244-1247. 
      Abstract ( 2236 )   PDF (564KB) ( 889 )   Save
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      A graft chimera was formed from Brassica juncea (stock) and Brassica napus (scion). Its botanical, agrionomic characters and the absorbing capacity of hardly soluble phosphate from phosphoric ore powders were studied. Results show that, except the claretls, the graft chimera had no other characters different from these of Brassica napus. Its agronomic characters were much better than those of Brassica napus and Brassica juncea. The root absorbing capacity of graft chimera to hardly soluble phosphorus in fertilizer was strong. And the absorbed phosphorus was transferred mainly to above-ground organs and distributed reasonably in the plant.

      LRP Transgenic Indica Rice Restorer Line without Resistance Selection Marker
      TANG Li;LIU Qiao-Quan ;DENG Xiao-Xiang;WU Xiao-Jin;Samuel S M Sun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(08):  1248-1251. 
      Abstract ( 2183 )   PDF (1817KB) ( 902 )   Save
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      The gene encoding a lysine-rich protein from the edible winged bean has been cloned and transferred into R893 and a transgenic line C28 has been generated, which expresses the lysine rich protein well and is resistance selectable marker-free. The transgenic R line or hybrid is numerically higher than the normal ones in lysine content, which is 3.752 mg/g for C28, 3.503 mg/g for R893, 3.338 for Zhun-S/C28 and 3.175 for Zhun-S/R893, respectively. The transgenic R line is numerically lower than the normal in seed setting rate, which is 76.37% for C28 and 78.56% for R893, while the transgenic hybrid is highly significantly lower than the normal, which is 76.63% for Zhun-S/C28 and 89.35% for Zhun-S/R893.

      Single Leaf Photosynthetic Rate of Rice Germplasm Resources
      LIU Huai-Nian ;LI Ping;DENG Xiao-Jian
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(08):  1252-1255. 
      Abstract ( 2035 )   PDF (576KB) ( 1015 )   Save
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      The measurement of 117 rice germplasm resources at different growing stages proved that the net photosynthetic rate (Pn) from initial heading to full heading stage was stable (Fig.1), which could be need to compare the varietal difference in photosynthetic rate. The result showed that different rice varieties had great difference in their photosynthetic rates (Table 1,2). The photosynthetic rate showed a normal distribution skewed (Fig.2). According to the result from clustering analysis, 117 rice varieties were classified into five groups, i.e. very high, high, middle high, middle low, and low of Pn. The photosynthetic rates were close to or higher than 25 µmol·m-2·s-1 in 14 germplasm resources, which accounted for 11.97% of the total materials tested, including Indica rice Ainanzao, Teqing, Fulidao, Ai50, Ketan Bajong, etc; japonica rice Longdao, Longken 46 and Daoshaguang; and Oryza glaberrima Steud Rico-1. The results of the relationship between agronomic characters and photosynthetic rate showed that the resources with high photosynthetic rate have such characteristics as green or dark green leaves, middle erective or nearly erective flag leaves and moderate loose plant type (Table 3).

      Cloning and Expression Analysis of Maize LFY-like Gene
      GAO Wei;CHEN Yan-Hui;KU Li-Xia;REN Yong-Zhe;CHANG Sheng-He;WANG Tie-Gu;CHEN Xiao
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(08):  1256-1260. 
      Abstract ( 1977 )   PDF (2246KB) ( 1127 )   Save
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      Two maize (Zea mays L. ) inbred lines, CML288 from tropical zone (CIMMYT) and Huangzao 4 from temperate zone (China) were employed in the study. Plants were grown in 2 different controlled photoperiod conditions with diurnal sunlight of 9h and 15 h, respectively. A 1 265 bp cDNA (LFY-like) clone was isolated from the stem top of maize by RT-PCR. The LFY-like gene shared a homology of 93% with zfl2, 84% with RFL, 57% with LFY and FLO. Compared to zfl1, the deduced protein lacks an alanine, proline, theonine in the position of 28th, 29th and 160th respectively and has an additional methionine in the position of 188th. Expression analysis showed the gene expressed all time under long-day condition, but not expressed at early or late stage of maize under short-day condition. The function of the gene needs to be studied further.

      Effect of Soil Moisture on Yield and Quality of Rice
      ZHENG Gui-Ping;LI Jin-Feng;QIAN Yong-De;LI Hong-Yu;GUO Xiao-Hong;WANG Bo-Lun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2006, 32(08):  1261-1264. 
      Abstract ( 2505 )   PDF (568KB) ( 1380 )   Save
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      A pot experiment with controlling water treatments (CWT) for the two cultivars, Shangyu 397 and Suijing 3 at -30 kPa to -35 kPa and -60 kPa to -65 kPa of soil water potential(SWP) monitored by soil negative pressure water potential tester was carried out during tillering period, panicle formation period, 1–10 days after heading, 11–20 days after heading, 21–30 days after heading, 1-30 days after heading, respectively. The results showed that the yield of two cultivars was decreased significantly before heading stages, especially at panicle formation stage by lower SWP, but no longer obvious decrease was observed when SWP continued to be decreased .The yield lower of Shangyu 397 was greater than that of Suijing 3 at tillering stage, however that was in reverse at panicle formation stage. The effect of CWT on grain quality of the two cultivars was greater at panicle formation stage than at other stages, with the lowest comprehensive index embodied quality. Water sensitive stage of yield and quality was panicle differentiation stage. Comparing drought resistance coefficient and comprehensive index of the two cultivars, the effect of CWT after heading stages on quality was greater than that on yield.

the Crop Science Society of China
the Institute of Crop Science, CAAS
China Science Publishing & Media Ltd.
Published: Science Press
Editor-in-chief: Wan Jian-min
Associate Editors-in-Chief:
Chen Xiao-ya Yang Jian-chang Zhang Xian-long Wang Jian-kang Xu Ming-liang Liu Chun-ming Wang Dao-wen Sun Chuan-qing Ding Yan-feng Jin Wei-wei Chu Cheng-cai Cheng Wei-hong
Director of the editorial department:
Yan Chun-ling
CN 11-1809/S
ISSN 0496-3490
Post subscription code: 82-336

  • Started in 2013
  • Covered by SCIE
  • Open access in ScienceDirect

Editor in chief: Wan Jian-min
CN 10-1112/S
ISSN 2095-5421, 2214-5141(online)
Online published:
Submission: https://www.editorialmanager.com/cj/
E-mail: cropjournal@caas.cn
