
作物学报 ›› 2011, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (08): 1423-1431.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2011.01423

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  1. 扬州大学 / 江苏省作物遗传生理重点实验室 / 农业部长江中下游作物生理生态与栽培重点开放实验室,江苏扬州225009
  • 收稿日期:2010-11-22 修回日期:2011-04-27 出版日期:2011-08-12 网络出版日期:2011-06-13
  • 通讯作者: 杨建昌, E-mail: jcyang@yzu.edu.cn, Tel: 0514-87979317
  • 基金资助:

    本研究由国家自然科学基金国际重大合作项目(31061140457), 2008年中央级科研院所基本科研业务费专项基金项目(农业)(200803030), 大学生科技创新基金项目(2010)资助。

Effects of Interaction between Phosphorus Nutrition and Cultivation Methods on Grain Yield and Phosphorus Utilization of Upland Rice and Paddy Rice

ZHANG Ya-Jie,HUA Jing-Jing,LI Ya-Chao,CHEN Ying-Ying,YANG Jian-Chang*   

  1. Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology of Jiangsu Province / Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology, Ecology and Cultivation in Middle and Lower Reaches of Yangtze River of Ministry of Agriculture, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, Jiangsu, China
  • Received:2010-11-22 Revised:2011-04-27 Published:2011-08-12 Published online:2011-06-13
  • Contact: 杨建昌, E-mail: jcyang@yzu.edu.cn, Tel: 0514-87979317

摘要: 以粳型陆稻中旱3号和粳型水稻扬辐粳8号为材料,设置裸地旱种和水种2种种植方式及3种磷素(P2O5)水平:低磷(LP),45 kg hm-2;常磷(NP),90 kg hm-2;高磷(HP),135 kg hm-2。结果表明,在旱种条件下,增加施磷量,陆稻和水稻HP和NP的产量和磷素累积量均较LP显著增加,陆稻HP和NP的磷素物质生产效率和磷素籽粒生产效率较LP显著下降,而水稻的差异不显著; 在水种条件下,陆稻的产量、磷素累积量和磷素籽粒生产效率HP较NP差异不显著,但较LP显著增加,磷素物质生产效率HP较NP显著下降,水稻产量、磷素累积量HP较NP有下降趋势,磷素物质生产效率和磷素籽粒生产效率HP和NP之间差异不显著。旱种使稻株不定根数减少,磷素累积量降低,磷素物质生产效率增加,磷素籽粒生产效率下降,产量下降,但水稻产量下降幅度比陆稻更大。与水稻相比,陆稻不定根数少,磷素累积量少,成穗数少,结实率和千粒重高,产量较低,磷素物质生产效率和磷素籽粒生产效率增加。种植方式×磷素水平的互作对水稻和陆稻花后磷素累积量、磷素籽粒生产效率和不定根数、磷素物质生产效率有显著和极显著影响。花后磷素累积量与产量和不定根数呈极显著正相关,与磷素利用率呈极显著负相关。在旱种条件下,增加施磷量可以增加陆稻和水稻的产量,但无论旱种还是水种,水稻和陆稻产量对磷素响应有差异。

关键词: 陆稻, 水稻, 旱种, 磷素利用, 产量

Abstract: The objective of this study was to investigate the grain yield and the phosphorus utilization efficiency in responses to phosphorous (P) fertilizer and the interaction between cultivation methods and P levels in upland rice and paddy rice. One japonica upland rice cultivar Zhonghan 3 and one japonica paddy rice cultivar Yangfujing 8 were grown under the moist cultivation (MC, contro1) or bare dry-cultivation(DC) with low amount of P (LP, 45 kg ha-1), norma1 amount of P (NP, 90 kg ha-1), and high amount of P (HP, 135 kg ha-1). Under DC, with the increase of P level, both upland rice and paddy rice significantly increased grain yield and P accumulation, andupland rice showeda significant decrease and paddy rice had no difference in P use efficiency of matter production and P use efficiency of grain yield production. Under MC, there was no significant difference in grain yield, P accumulation amount, and P use efficiency of grain yield production. There was a significant decrease in P use efficiency of matter production between HP and NP for the upland rice, but the grain yield and P accumulation at HP were lower than at NP, there was no significant difference in P use efficiency of matter production and P use efficiency of grain yield production between HP and NP for paddy rice. When compared with MC, DC showed less number of adventitious roots, lower P accumulation amount, higher P use efficiency of matter production, lower P use efficiency of grain yield production, and lower grain yield for both upland and paddy rice with more reduction in grain yield for upland rice than for paddy rice. Compared with paddy rice, upland rice showed less number of adventitious roots, lower P accumulation amount, fewer panicles, higher seed setting rate and higher 1000-grain weight, lower grain yield,higher P use efficiency of matter production and higher P use efficiency of grain yield production. Upland rice showed a faster declining inchlorophyll content (SPAD value) of the flag leaf after anthesis. The cultivation methods and phosphorus nutritionhad significant or very significant effects on the P accumulation amount after anthesis, P use efficiency of grain yield production, and adventitious roots for both upland rice and paddy rice. The P accumulation amount after anthesis was very significantly and positively correlated with grain yield and adventitious roots, and very significantly and negatively correlated with P use efficiency. Increase in P levels could increase grain yield for both upland and paddy rice under DC, and the response of the two types of rice cultivars to P levels is different under either DC or MC.

Key words: Upland rice, Paddy rice, Dry cultivation, Phosphorus utilization, Grain yield

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