
作物学报 ›› 2015, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (07): 1105-1111.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.01105

• 耕作栽培·生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 南京农业大学农学院 / 农业部作物生长调控重点开放实验室,江苏南京 210095
  • 收稿日期:2015-01-16 修回日期:2015-05-04 出版日期:2015-07-12 网络出版日期:2015-05-14
  • 基金资助:


Effects of Different Cultivation Patterns on Cotton Field Resources Use Efficiency in Yangtze River Valley

ZHANG Chang-He,DAI Yan-Jiao,YANG Hong-Kun,ZHANG Xin-Yue,DU Xiang-Bei,CHEN Bing-Lin,ZHOU Zhi-Guo*   

  1. Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology & Ecology, Ministry of Agriculture / Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China
  • Received:2015-01-16 Revised:2015-05-04 Published:2015-07-12 Published online:2015-05-14



关键词: 棉花, 栽培管理方式, 产量, 资源利用效率


The agricultural production in China is mainly dependent on nature environment. But the use efficiency of field resources in China is lower than those in developed countries, and the current crop cultivation theory and technology need to be innovated and improved continuously. The efficiency field stationary experiments using cotton cultivate Siza 3 with different cultivation patterns were carried out in high and low soil fertility levels in Dafeng, Jiangsu province. The cultivation patterns included super high cultivation patterns (SH), farmers practice cultivation (FP), high yield and high efficiency cultivation (HH). The result showed that lint yield of cotton was significantly affected by cultivation patterns and soil fertility levels. Lint yield difference was correlated with the differences of temperature production efficiency (TPE), radiation use efficiency (RUE) and nitrogen partial factor productivity (NPEP) under different cultivation patterns. Our results suggested that the key factor limited cotton production is the lower resources use efficiency. The lint yield, temperature and radiation use efficiency and nitrogen partial factor productivity of HH were 27.5%, 27.7%, 23.4%, and 10.1% higher than there of FP. Therefore, HH should be encouraged to extend in the Yangtze River Valley, and field resources use efficiency in wheat-cotton double cropping system should be further improved in the future for increasing cotton productivity.

Key words: Cotton, Cultivation patterns, Yield, Resources use efficiency

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