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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2020, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (6): 858-868.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2020.91063


Genetic analysis of plant height and its components for wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars Ningmai 9 and Yangmai 158

JIANG Peng,HE Yi,ZHANG Xu,WU Lei,ZHANG Ping-Ping,MA Hong-Xiang()   

  1. Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences / Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory for Agrobiology / Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center for Modern Crop Production, Nanjing 210014, Jiangsu, China
  • Received:2019-10-15 Accepted:2020-01-15 Online:2020-06-12 Published:2020-02-17
  • Contact: Hong-Xiang MA E-mail:hxma@jaas.ac.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Key Project for the Research and Development of China(2017YFD0100801);China Agriculture Research System(CARS-3);National Natural Science Foundation of China(31671690)


Ningmai 9 and Yangmai 158 are the main wheat cultivars and core parents in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China. In the past three years, 80% of the released varieties in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River had the background of Ningmai 9 or Yangmai 158. To make better use of these two parents, the genetic mechanism of their traits need to be further clarified. A high-density genetic map was constructed by Illumina 90k chip using 282 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from the cross between Ningmai 9 and Yangmai 158. In this study, the traits including plant height, internode length, and spike length were determined in three consecutive growing seasons, and 14 stable QTLs were obtained by QTL mapping. By further position alignment, we focused on six chromosome intervals, which preliminarily revealed the genetic regulatory mechanism of the internode on plant height. KASP markers suitable for high-throughput analysis were developed based on the low-homology markers in the six chromosome intervals, and they were further validated in 101 wheat accessions. The polymerization of Qph-2D and Qph-5A.1 had high selection efficiency which might be decreased if further intruding Q2A. It suggests that the selection of Q2A and Q5A should mainly focus on the alleles reducing plant height, and Qd1-5D could be used in marker-assisted selection for internode length below spike (D1). The results in this study may provide assistance for wheat height genetic improvement in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

Key words: wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Ningmai 9, Yangmai 158, plant height, KASP marker

Fig. 1

Field phenotype for Ningmai 9 and Yangmai 158"

Fig. 2

Molecular marker test of plant height for Ningmai 9 and Yangmai 158 a: Ningmai 9; b: Yangmai 158; M: marker."

Table 1

Phenotypic analysis for plant height and its components"

Ningmai 9
Yangmai 158
重组自交系群体 RIL population 遗传力
2017 4.71 5.64 8.72 2.92 5.83 1.06 18.14 0.43
2018 4.39 5.66 10.15 3.49 5.84 1.06 18.17
2019 3.72 3.76 6.36 1.88 3.86 0.87 22.58
2017 7.38 8.05 12.59 5.58 8.16 1.04 12.79 0.51
2018 6.89 7.76 12.75 5.50 8.47 1.01 11.96
2019 5.28 6.78 10.63 4.93 7.04 0.92 13.10
2017 8.43 10.08 15.84 8.50 11.28 1.31 11.62 0.61
2018 11.56 13.80 18.87 9.09 13.05 1.56 11.92
2019 9.11 11.16 15.73 7.61 11.17 1.30 11.63
2017 15.65 19.24 25.58 12.33 19.62 1.91 9.74 0.76
2018 18.66 20.63 27.27 16.83 22.17 1.88 8.47
2019 17.40 21.34 26.21 15.66 21.11 1.82 8.60
2017 26.28 28.99 38.16 20.04 29.40 2.97 10.11 0.83
2018 29.83 32.31 42.63 23.87 32.43 2.82 8.70
2019 27.53 31.26 41.41 23.02 32.07 3.05 9.50
Spike length
2017 9.85 10.43 12.37 6.50 9.49 0.89 9.40 0.72
2018 8.14 9.11 10.78 5.97 8.73 0.88 10.03
2019 7.31 8.21 10.33 5.44 7.82 0.87 11.13
Plant height
2017 72.29 82.43 101.93 59.54 83.84 6.45 7.69 0.78
2018 79.48 89.26 108.17 72.53 90.78 6.20 6.83
2019 70.35 82.51 102.62 64.25 83.07 6.11 7.36

Table 2

ANOVA for plant height and its components (F-value) "

Spike length
Plant height
基因型 Genotype 4.15** 7.08** 8.37** 18.23** 17.98 ** 13.91** 40.51**
环境 Environment 1009.08** 719.59** 783.47** 1205.13** 693.65** 1859.74** 2491.39**
基因型×环境 Genotype×Environment 2.35** 3.45** 3.25** 4.30** 3.06** 3.87** 8.81**

Table 3

Correlation analysis for plant height and its components"

倒五节D5 倒四节D4 倒三节D3 倒二节D2 倒一节D1 穗长
Spike length
Plant height
2017 (0.266**)
2018 (0.294**)
2019 (0.049)
2017 0.632** (0.370**)
2018 0.551** (0.400**)
2019 0.714** (0.070)
2017 0.546** 0.631** (0.347**)
2018 0.466** 0.697** (0.500**)
2019 0.531** 0.803** (0.268**)
2017 0.388** 0.510** 0.637** (0.506**)
2018 0.285** 0.487** 0.549** (0.639**)
2019 0.219** 0.452** 0.570** (0.459**)
2017 0.242** 0.277** 0.309** 0.471** (0.616**)
2018 0.163** 0.320** 0.184** 0.524** (0.733**)
2019 0.057 0.190** 0.198** 0.618** (0.512**)
Spike length
2017 0.026 0.055 0.059 0.169** 0.157** (0.467**)
2018 -0.058 -0.042 -0.171** 0.105 0.187** (0.524**)
2019 0.222** 0.125* -0.015 0.067 0.118* (0.326**)
Plant height
2017 0.610** 0.683** 0.737** 0.815** 0.771** 0.287** (0.533**)
2018 0.531** 0.719** 0.670** 0.821** 0.765** 0.199** (0.689**)
2019 0.490** 0.673** 0.678** 0.840** 0.784** 0.267** (0.456**)

Table 4

QTL analysis for plant height and its components "

QTL 遗传位置
Genetic position
2017 2018 2019
LOD 表型贡献率
PVE (%)
LOD 表型贡献率
PVE (%)
LOD 表型贡献率
PVE (%)
1 Qd5-5A 52.35?55.75 wsnp_Ex_rep_c104539_89224552-RFL_Contig4162_1285 5.90 8.89 0.31 3.11 4.69 0.24
2 Qd4-5A 52.35?56.55 wsnp_Ex_rep_c104539_89224552-RAC875_c103967_76 4.22 7.66 0.26 4.40 2.73 0.24
3 Qd3-5A 52.45?59.75 wsnp_Ex_c49211_53875575-BS00000365_51 6.90 7.89 0.39 4.23 5.18 0.38 4.73 5.25 0.32
4 Qd2-2A 109.15?112.05 Tdurum_contig61938_424-wsnp_Ex_c3695_6740339 3.97 5.93 ?0.46 3.34 4.26 ?0.39
5 Qd2-5A 55.85?59.25 BS00096758_51-BS00098207_51 6.58 9.97 0.58 7.50 10.18 0.60
6 Qd2-7A 49.55?51.95 RAC875_c16624_970-wsnp_Ex_c14009_21899923 4.10 6.13 ?0.48 8.13 11.05 ?0.62 5.30 6.13 ?0.49
7 Qd1-2A 109.35?110.25 Tdurum_contig61938_424-IAAV880 4.74 6.53 ?0.79 3.65 5.51 ?0.63 6.22 9.29 ?0.89
8 Qd1-5A 56.95?58.55 RAC875_c103967_76-BS00098207_51 3.46 5.20 0.60 3.51 5.38 0.66
9 Qd1-5D 9.35?13.85 Kukri_c14878_97-Kukri_c7786_81 3.57 4.87 0.67 3.92 5.90 0.64 2.96 4.30 0.59
10 Qph-2A 109.35?110.55 Tdurum_contig61938_424-IAAV880 4.65 5.79 ?1.56 3.03 3.45 ?1.26
11 Qph-2D 15.55?29.65 BS00022211_51-RAC875_c173_905 3.16 3.99 ?1.25 4.48 4.88 ?1.45
12 Qph-5A.1 18.85?26.55 wsnp_Ex_c12440_19836844-Ex_c6161_335 3.07 3.76 1.21 2.99 2.84 1.08
13 Qph-5A.2 52.65?59.75 wsnp_Ex_c49211_53875575-BS00000365_51 6.49 8.24 1.79 7.34 9.53 2.03 6.35 6.38 1.67
14 Qph-7A 43.45?52.05 Ex_c6196_971-wsnp_Ex_c14009_21899923 7.09 8.94 ?2.02 5.45 5.57 ?1.62

Fig. 3

QTL mapping for plant height and its components The numbers in the figure are consistent with the sequence numbers of QTL in Table 4. "

Table 5

Sequence of KASP markers for plant height and its components"

标记 Marker QTL SNP F1 F2 R
IAAV880 Q2A T/C ccAgaacgcagtggagagtT ccAgaacgcagtggagagtC tgcagacgggagcttagG
IACX9152 Qph-2D T/C aacagagtctcaGtctctccA aacagagtctcaGtctctccG gcctgtCattctcttttcctAtCtT
BobWhite_c1796_701 Qph-5A.1 T/G ggccccggatccaaaatcT ggccccggatccaaaatcG acggagcaaagtggtcttgt
BS00098207_51 Q5A T/C ccaagcttcccgtgacaT ccaagcttcccgtgacaC gccatgatgttTCtgaacttctcT
Kukri_c7786_81 Qd1-5D T/C catcaccttgtatccttcctcA catcaccttgtatccttcctcG ggttctttgttttgagaagagagG
wsnp_JD_c6050_7214383 Q7A A/G GtCgttccacctaacagtacT GtCgttccacctaacagtacC gCtgaatcagaagaatgcacagA

Fig. 4

Development of KASP markers for plant height and its components A indicates the allele of Ningmai 9 and B indicates the allele of Yangmai 158. "

Table 6

t-test of different alleles in the materials from regional test"

Q2A Qph-2D Qph-5A.1 Q5A Qd1-5D Q7A
宁麦9号等位变异Ningmai 9 allele (cm) 87.82 (79) 87.08 (53) 88.53 (57) 86.44 (9) 87.75 (40) 86.50 (2)
扬麦158等位变异Yangmai 158 allele (cm) 88.41 (22) 88.92 (48) 87.20 (44) 88.10 (92) 88.08 (61) 87.98 (99)
差值 Difference (cm) 0.59 1.84 1.32 1.65 0.33 1.48
tt-value -0.54 2.08 1.47 -1.05 0.36 0.46
PP-value 0.59 0.04* 0.15 0.30 0.72 0.65

Table 7

Effect of QTL polymerization"

Qph-2D+Qph-5A.1 Qph-2D+Qph-5A.1+Q2A
株高+ Plant height+ (cm) 89.64 (22) 95.50 (2)
株高? Plant height? (cm) 85.61 (18) 84.85 (14)
差值 Difference (cm) 4.03 10.65
tt-value 2.45 2.21
PP-value 0.02* 0.04*
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