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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (10): 2493-2502.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.42007


QTL mapping for salt tolerance traits throughout the entire growth period of deep-water rice

XIA Xiu-Zhong1,**(), ZHANG Zong-Qiong1,**(), NONG Bao-Xuan1, FENG Rui1, GUO Hui1, CHEN Can1, LIANG Shu-Hui1, ZHUANG Jie1, LIAO Zu-Yu1, SONG Guo-Xian2, YANG Xing-Hai1,*(), LI Dan-Ting1,*()   

  1. 1Rice Research Institute, Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences / Guangxi Key Laboratory of Rice Genetics and Breeding, Nanning 530007, Guangxi, China
    2Qinzhou Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Qinzhou 535000, Guangxi, China
  • Received:2024-01-31 Accepted:2024-06-20 Online:2024-10-12 Published:2024-07-08
  • Contact: *E-mail: ricegl@163.com;E-mail: yangxinghai514@163.com
  • About author:
    **(Contributed equally to this work)
  • Supported by:
    National Key Research and Development Program of China(2021YFD1200505-2);National Natural Science Foundation of China(32260487);National Natural Science Foundation of China(32360519);Guangxi Science and Technology Major Program(Gui Ke AA23073004);Guangxi Science and Technology Program(Gui Ke AB21238009);Special Funds of Basic Scientific Research Foundation of Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences(Gui Nong Ke 2021YT030)


Salinity stress is a major constraint to rice production in many coastal regions, particularly in the salt-fresh water interface areas. Salt tolerance in rice is a complex trait that can be localized through quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping, which can facilitate the breeding of rice varieties with enhanced salt tolerance. In this study, an F9 mapping population consisting of 174 recombinant inbred lines was developed from a cross between the coastal deep-water rice variety Chihe (donor parent) and the U.S. rice variety Lemont (receptor parent). The population was subjected to salinity stress during the germination, seedling, and reproductive stages with NaCl concentrations of 15 g L-1, 5 g L-1, and 5-6 g L-1, respectively. Data were collected on relative germination rates, seedling salt tolerance grades, and seven phenotypic traits during the reproductive stages. Linkage genetic mapping and QTL mapping were performed using 142 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. The results indicated that Chihe was salt-sensitive at the germination stage but exhibited salt tolerance at the seedling and reproductive stages, while Lemont lines were consistently salt-sensitive. Approximately 70.11%, 50.57%, and 60.34% of the lines showed salt sensitivity in the germination, seedling, and reproductive stages, respectively, with a weak negative correlation of salt tolerance across the stages. A total of 33 QTLs were identified, with LOD values ranging from 2.52 to 10.32 and phenotypic variation explained ranging from 0.06% to 13.68%. Specifically, 4 QTLs were identified for the germination stage, 6 for the seedling stage, and 23 for the reproductive stage. Four overlapping QTLs were identified at the reproductive stage, and the QTLs contributing to the largest phenotypic variation were all derived from the salt-tolerant parent. Further investigation of these QTLs can provide new genetic resources for improving salt tolerance in rice breeding, thereby aiding the development of rice varieties with enhanced tolerance to salinity stress.

Key words: whole growth period, salt tolerance, deep-water rice, identification and evaluation, quantitative trait locus (QTL)

Fig. 1

Distribution of salt tolerance in germination stage of 174 RILs A: violin plot of germination rate distribution under control and salt tolerance treatment. B: evaluation of salt tolerance grade at germination stage. *** represents significant difference at the 0.001 probability level. Tukey test was used to calculate P-values."

Fig. 2

Distribution of salt tolerance in seedling stage of 174 RILs A: violin plot of plant height distribution under control and salt tolerance at seedling stage; B: distribution histogram of leaf blight rate under salt tolerance; C: evaluation of salt tolerance grade at seedling stage; *** represents significant difference at the 0.001 probability level. Tukey test was used to calculate P-values."

Table 1

Statistical results of salt tolerance phenotypes in reproductive stage"

亲本Parentage 重组自交系Recombinant inbred lines
赤禾Chihe Lemont 均值
变异系数CV 最小值Min. 最大值Max.
株高 PH (cm) 224.5 96.8 130.04* 25.28 0.19 83.33 185.00
有效穗 TN 7.6 9.3 10.41 2.44 0.23 6.33 18.00
穗长 SL (cm) 29.5 16.8 26.25 2.93 0.11 18.83 35.67
实粒数 FGN 170.6 115.8 124.32** 127.58 0.34 141.00 801.00
结实率 SSR (%) 89.4 82.5 74.12** 10.96 0.15 44.95 97.95
单株产量 PY (g) 14.7 12.8 7.90** 2.57 0.33 3.10 17.06
千粒重 TGW (g) 23.1 26.8 21.55 3.17 0.15 15.27 30.88
Salt treatment
株高 PH (cm) 194.6 86.2 123.12 27.94 0.23 67.40 194.60
有效穗 TN 6.4 7.8 10.45 2.44 0.23 5.80 18.40
穗长 SL (cm) 25.7 15.5 26.15 2.91 0.11 17.93 33.27
实粒数 FGN 113.5 53.2 110.70 93.86 0.28 138.00 587.00
结实率 SSR (%) 59.5 37.9 0.69 0.13 0.19 34.46 92.26
单株产量 PY (g) 11.2 3.0 6.87 2.00 0.29 2.45 12.38
千粒重 TGW (g) 19.8 23.2 20.99 3.62 0.17 13.04 38.90

Fig. 3

Distribution of salt tolerance in reproductive stage A: violin plot of plant yield distribution under control and salt tolerance at the reproductive stage; B: distribution histogram of salt tolerance coefficient; C: evaluation of salt tolerance grade at reproductive stage; *** represents significant difference at the 0.001 probability level."

Fig. 4

Genetic linkage map of 142 SSR markers and location of QTL for salt tolerance"

Table 2

Associated QTL identified for salt tolerance at three rice growth period"

Growth period
QTL 分子标记
Marker interval
Position (cM)
LOD value
加性效应Additive effect 显性效应Dominant effect 贡献率
Germination stage
qGR-7.1 RM11-RM10 55.17 10.32 1.037 1.914 13.68
qGR-7.2 RM10-RM3826 69.77 7.88 0.923 2.060 11.33
qGR-7.3 RM3286-RM505 73.91 2.55 -0.429 2.134 1.32
qGR-10 RM8201-RM596 38.16 3.29 -0.659 1.206 2.40
Seedling stage
qSDI-1 RM259-RM572 45.84 3.34 -0.224 -1.206 0.98
qSDI-2 RM525-RM1092 119.43 2.60 0.429 0.575 3.48
qSDI-4 RM335-RM5687 23.30 2.59 0.533 -2.083 5.98
qSDI-7.1 RM125-RM214 30.51 2.96 -0.515 -0.400 5.22
qSDI-7.2 RM8263-RM11 34.50 4.31 -0.683 -0.029 9.65
qSDI-10 RM6128-RM6824 46.81 2.62 0.460 -1.561 4.02
Reproductive stage
qPH-2 RM3355-RM263 88.53 3.77 0.006 0.174 0.77
qPH-8 RM223-RM210 76.28 3.18 -0.005 0.072 0.59
qPH-9 RM215-RM205 64.98 3.20 -0.010 0.206 2.64
qTN-4 RM5687-RM273 58.40 2.64 -0.029 0.346 4.53
qTN-5.1 RM169-RM289 29.75 3.17 0.006 -0.123 0.20
qTN-5.2 RM274-RM1054 88.17 2.67 -0.044 0.020 8.83
qFGN-5 RM405-RM413 5.92 3.11 0.006 0.191 0.31
qFGN-7 RM505-RM3589 76.91 2.52 0.019 0.063 3.45
qSSR-5 RM413-RM5994 9.92 3.04 -0.005 0.274 0.12
qSSR-10 RM216-RM311 12.17 2.58 -0.031 0.122 5.78
qPY-2 RM5764-RM7581 9.65 2.54 0.029 0.040 4.48
qPY-3 RM16-RM227 108.01 2.68 -0.035 -0.013 6.24
qPY-5 RM413-RM5994 11.92 2.83 -0.012 0.306 0.74
qPY-9 RM201-RM215 57.47 2.61 -0.038 -0.018 8.02
qTGW-2.1 RM5764-RM7581 1.00 3.20 0.021 -0.002 8.01
qTGW-2.2 RM3355-RM263 90.53 2.57 0.001 0.280 0.06
qTGW-3.1 RM545-RM517 5.01 4.78 -0.004 0.219 0.35
qTGW-3.2 RM517-OSR13 11.11 4.14 -0.005 0.281 0.46
qTGW-4 RM5687-RM273 48.40 4.10 0.003 0.280 0.23
qTGW-6 RM3827-RM5371 77.46 2.80 0.004 0.188 0.31
qTGW-12.1 RM19-RM453 20.60 3.76 -0.015 0.088 4.13
qTGW-12.2 RM453-RM7003 27.44 4.47 -0.012 0.143 2.67
qTGW-12.3 RM309-RM235 71.71 2.96 -0.003 0.208 0.15
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