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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (8): 2122-2130.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.44006

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Establishment of screening method for salt tolerance at germination stage and identification of salt-tolerant germplasms in soybean

LIU Xin-Yue1,2(), GUO Xiao-Yang2, WANG Xin-Ru2, XIN Da-Wei1,*(), GUAN Rong-Xia2,*(), QIU Li-Juan2,*()   

  1. 1Agricultural College, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, Heilongjiang, China
    2National Key Facility for Crop Gene Resources and Genetic Improvement (NFCRI) / Key Laboratory of Soybean Biology, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs / State Key Laboratory of Crop Gene Resources and Breeding / Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
  • Received:2024-01-09 Accepted:2024-04-01 Online:2024-08-12 Published:2024-04-20
  • Contact: * E-mail: xdawei@163.com;E-mail: guanrongxia@caas.cn;E-mail: qiulijuan@caas.cn
  • Supported by:
    Science and Technology Innovation 2030-Major Projects(2023ZD0403601);National Natural Science Foundation of China(31830066)


Salinity tolerance is prioritized for soybean because salt can affect soybean germination and growth. Screening for salt-tolerant soybean germplasms is of great significance for the breeding salt-tolerant soybean varieties and the utilization of saline lands for production. In this study, eight representative soybean germplasms were used as the experimental materials, soybean seeds were planted in vermiculite and treated with 150 mmol L-1 NaCl or water as the control. The germination rate and radicle length of soybean were measured after 2 days and 3 days treatment, aiming to establish the identification index and evaluation method of soybean salt tolerance at germination stage. In comparison to control, the germination rate and radicle length of soybean decreased under salt stress. No significant difference was observed in the germination rate and relative radicle length (RRL) between germplasms after 2 days salt treatment. Significant difference was observed in RRL after 3 days salt stress. Therefore, RRL was selected as the evaluation indicator to distinguish salt tolerance of 48 soybean germplasms. The 48 germplasms were divided into 5 levels by using RRL after 3 days salt treatment. Level 1, level 2, level 3, level 4, and level 5 was high tolerant, tolerant, medium sensitive, sensitive, and most sensitive, respectively. Five high salt-tolerant germplasms and 12 salt-tolerant germplasms were identified at germination stage. These germplasms were screened for salt tolerance at both emergence and seedling stages Three soybeans were identified for salt tolerance from germination stage to seeding stage, namely Zhonghuang 685, Heinong 94, and Dongsheng 104. In conclusion, a screening method for salt tolerance at germination stage under controlled condition was established, which laid a foundation for the identification and utilization of salt tolerant germplasms.

Key words: soybean, germplasm, germination stage, evaluation for salt tolerance

Table 1

Salt tolerance indices and GmSALT3 haplotype of 48 soybean germplasms at germination, emergence, and seedling stages"

Soybean name
3 d相对芽长Relative radicle length 3 d after salt stress 耐盐等级Salt tolerance level GmSALT3基因型
Haplotype of GmSALT3
萌发期Germination stage 出苗期Emergence stage 苗期Seedling stage
1 中黄685 Zhonghuang 685 0.61 1 1 2 耐盐单倍型 Salt-tolerant haplotype
2 东生104 Dongsheng 104 0.60 1 2 2 耐盐单倍型 Salt-tolerant haplotype
3 黑农94 Heinong 94 0.59 1 2 1 耐盐单倍型 Salt-tolerant haplotype
4 通农15 Tongnong 15 0.58 1 3 2 耐盐单倍型 Salt-tolerant haplotype
5 铁丰31 Tiefeng 31 0.56 1 2 4 敏感单倍型 Salt-sensitive haplotype
6 中吉602 Zhongji 602 0.54 2 1 3 敏感单倍型 Salt-sensitive haplotype
7 吉科黄豆20 Jikehuangdou 20 0.53 2 5 2 耐盐单倍型 Salt-tolerant haplotype
8 赤16-33 Chi 16-33 0.50 2 4 3 敏感单倍型 Salt-sensitive haplotype
9 中黄39 Zhonghuang 39 0.50 2 2 3 敏感单倍型 Salt-sensitive haplotype
10 齐农7号 Qinong 7 0.50 2 4 4 敏感单倍型 Salt-sensitive haplotype
11 通农943 Tongnong 943 0.50 2 2 5 敏感单倍型 Salt-sensitive haplotype
12 中黄320 Zhonghuang 320 0.49 2 2 4 敏感单倍型 Salt-sensitive haplotype
13 中黄324 Zhonghuang 324 0.48 2 1 4 耐盐单倍型 Salt-tolerant haplotype
14 中联豆5022 Zhongliandou 5022 0.48 2 4 4 敏感单倍型 Salt-sensitive haplotype
15 汾豆78 Fendou 78 0.47 2 3 1 耐盐单倍型 Salt-tolerant haplotype
16 中黄204 Zhonghuang 204 0.47 2 3 1 耐盐单倍型 Salt-tolerant haplotype
17 长农52 Changnong 52 0.46 2 3 4 敏感单倍型 Salt-sensitive haplotype
18 抗线虫8号 Kangxianchong 8 0.45 3 2 4 敏感单倍型 Salt-sensitive haplotype
19 中黄343 Zhonghuang 343 0.44 3 1 5 敏感单倍型 Salt-sensitive haplotype
20 中黄48 Zhonghuang 48 0.44 3 1 4 敏感单倍型 Salt-sensitive haplotype
21 中黄349 Zhonghuang 349 0.44 3 3 1 耐盐单倍型 Salt-tolerant haplotype
22 Williams 82 0.43 3 3 3 敏感单倍型 Salt-sensitive haplotype
23 中黄311 Zhonghuang 311 0.41 3 1 4 敏感单倍型 Salt-sensitive haplotype
24 通农102 Tongnong 102 0.40 3 2 4 敏感单倍型 Salt-sensitive haplotype
25 中黄314 Zhonghuang 314 0.40 3 1 1 耐盐单倍型 Salt-tolerant haplotype
26 中黄329 Zhonghuang 329 0.40 3 2 4 敏感单倍型 Salt-sensitive haplotype
27 中黄354 Zhonghuang 354 0.40 3 1 1 耐盐单倍型 Salt-tolerant haplotype
28 公552 Gong 552 0.39 3 4 4 敏感单倍型 Salt-sensitive haplotype
29 中黄357 Zhonghuang 357 0.39 3 1 2 耐盐单倍型 Salt-tolerant haplotype
30 吉大豆2号 Jidadou 2 0.37 3 5 2 耐盐单倍型 Salt-tolerant haplotype
31 中黄37 Zhonghuang 37 0.36 3 5 1 耐盐单倍型 Salt-tolerant haplotype
32 中黄306 Zhonghuang 306 0.36 3 3 1 耐盐单倍型 Salt-tolerant haplotype
33 中黄339 Zhonghuang 339 0.36 3 1 1 耐盐单倍型 Salt-tolerant haplotype
34 吉育3528 Jiyu 3528 0.35 4 1 3 敏感单倍型 Salt-sensitive haplotype
35 中黄301 Zhonghuang 301 0.34 4 2 3 敏感单倍型 Salt-sensitive haplotype
36 通野19-4260-3 Tongye 19-4260-3 0.33 4 5 4 敏感单倍型 Salt-sensitive haplotype
37 吉农169 Jinong 169 0.32 4 4 3 杂合 Heterozygous haplotype
38 齐农5号 Qinong 5 0.32 4 4 3 敏感单倍型 Salt-sensitive haplotype
39 黑农532 Heinong 532 0.32 4 4 4 敏感单倍型 Salt-sensitive haplotype
40 NY27-38 0.31 4 4 2 耐盐单倍型 Salt-tolerant haplotype
41 圣豆17 Shengdou 17 0.31 4 4 3 敏感单倍型 Salt-sensitive haplotype
42 中黄302 Zhonghuang 302 0.30 4 3 1 耐盐单倍型 Salt-tolerant haplotype
43 中黄318 Zhonghuang 318 0.30 4 1 2 耐盐单倍型 Salt-tolerant haplotype
44 齐转19147 Qizhuan 19147 0.29 4 5 3 敏感单倍型 Salt-sensitive haplotype
45 齐转20364 Qizhuan 20364 0.27 4 5 5 杂合 Heterozygous haplotype
46 中黄616 Zhonghuang 616 0.25 5 4 4 敏感单倍型 Salt-sensitive haplotype
47 齐农30 Qinong 30 0.24 5 3 5 敏感单倍型 Salt-sensitive haplotype
48 中黄618 Zhonghuang 618 0.21 5 4 4 敏感单倍型 Salt-sensitive haplotype

Fig. 1

Photos used for root system analysis A: black and white binary image of soybean; B: label of the radicle."

Fig. 2

Phenotypes of 8 soybean germplasms under control and 150 mmol L-1 NaCl treatment after 2 d (A) and 3 d (B)"

Fig. 3

Germination rate and radicle length of soybeans under 150 mmol L-1 NaCl treatment A and B: the germination rate and radicle length after 2 d treatments (control and 150 mmol L-1 NaCl); C and D: the germination rate and radicle length after 3 d treatments (control and 150 mmol L-1 NaCl). Data are means ± SEs with three biological replicates (n = 3). Lowercase letters above the column indicate statistic difference at P < 0.05 in the different concentrations of the same germplasm."

Table 2

Variation of relative germination rate and relative radicle length of soybean germplasms at germination stage"

Index name
Standard deviation
Coefficient of variation
2 d相对发芽率
Relative germination rate after 2 days (%)
72 100 92.17 0.11 -0.75 -0.98 0.12
3 d相对发芽率
Relative germination rate after 3 days (%)
74 100 95.76 0.10 -1.31 2.30 0.10
2 d相对芽长
Relative radicle length after 2 days
0.26 0.52 0.39 0.10 -0.18 -1.80 0.25
3 d相对芽长
Relative radicle length after 3 days
0.21 0.61 0.44 0.12 -0.63 0.35 0.27

Table 3

Relative germination rate and relative radicle length of eight soybeans under salt stress treatments after 2 d and 3 d"

Soybean name
2 d相对发芽率
Relative germination rate after 2 d (%)
3 d相对发芽率
Relative germination rate after 3 d (%)
2 d相对芽长
Relative radicle length after 2 d
3 d相对芽长
Relative radicle length after 3 d
中吉602 Zhongji 602 79±14 a 93±9 a 0.38±0.08 a 0.55±0.10 a
中黄685 Zhonghuang 685 100±0 a 97±5 a 0.50±0.06 a 0.61±0.06 a
中黄311 Zhonghuang 311 86±8 a 100±5 a 0.30±0.06 a 0.41±0.07 abc
中黄39 Zhonghuang 39 100±6 a 100±0 a 0.52±0.04 a 0.50±0.07 ab
中黄324 Zhonghuang 324 100±8 a 90±0 a 0.44±0.03 a 0.48±0.02 ab
中黄349 Zhonghuang 349 100±0 a 100±0 a 0.46±0.07 a 0.44±0.04 ab
中黄616 Zhonghuang 616 72±7 a 100±0 a 0.26±0.04 a 0.34±0.08 bc
中黄618 Zhonghuang 618 94±12 a 74±19 a 0.26±0.07 a 0.21±0.04 c

Fig. 4

Difference of salt tolerance levels at soybean germination, emergence, and seedling stages A: Relative radicle length differences among germplasms at germination stage; B: Venn diagram of salt-tolerant germplasms at germination, emergence, and seedling stages. Lowercase letters indicate significant difference at P < 0.05."

Table 4

Correlation analysis of salt tolerance level at three developmental stages in soybeans"

Salt tolerance
Germination stage
Emergence stage
Seedling stage
萌发期Germination stage 1
出苗期Emergence stage 0.282 1
苗期Seedling stage 0.136 0.093 1
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[13] LIU Wei, WANG Yu-Bin, LI Wei, ZHANG Li-Feng, XU Ran, WANG Cai-Jie, ZHANG Yan-Wei. Overexpression of soybean isopropyl malate dehydrogenase gene GmIPMDH promotes flowering and growth [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2024, 50(3): 613-622.
[14] SONG Jian, XIONG Ya-Jun, CHEN Yi-Jie, XU Rui-Xin, LIU Kang-Lin, GUO Qing-Yuan, HONG Hui-Long, GAO Hua-Wei, GU Yong-Zhe, ZHANG Li-Juan, GUO Yong, YAN Zhe, LIU Zhang-Xiong, GUAN Rong-Xia, LI Ying-Hui, WANG Xiao-Bo, GUO Bing-Fu, SUN Ru-Jian, YAN Long, WANG Hao-Rang, JI Yue-Mei, CHANG Ru-Zhen, WANG Jun, QIU Li-Juan. Genetic analysis of seed coat and flower color based on a soybean nested association mapping population [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2024, 50(3): 556-575.
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