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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (9): 2207-2218.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.34216


Comprehensively evaluation on cold tolerance of foxtail millet varieties at germination stage

YAN Feng1(), DONG Yang1,*(), LI Qing-Quan1, ZHAO Fu-Yang1, HOU Xiao-Min1, LIU Yang1, LI Qing-Chao1, ZHAO Lei1, FAN Guo-Quan2, LIU Kai3   

  1. 1Qiqihar Branch, Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Qiqihar 161006, Heilongjiang, China
    2Industrial Crops Institute, Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Harbin 150086, Heilongjiang, China
    3Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Harbin 150086, Heilongjiang, China
  • Received:2023-12-30 Accepted:2024-05-21 Online:2024-09-12 Published:2024-05-31
  • Contact: *E-mail: dongyang0717@126.com
  • Supported by:
    China Agricultural Research System of MOF and MARA(CARS-06-14.5-B21)


Heilongjiang province, located in high latitudes, frequently experiences cold damage during the germination period of millet after sowing. This leads to slow and uneven emergence, as well as insufficient seedling growth, which is a key limiting factor for millet yield and quality in this region. Identifying the cold tolerance of millet and screening appropriate evaluation indices for cold tolerance can provide a theoretical foundation for breeding cold-tolerant millet varieties. It holds great significance for ensuring the safe production of millet. In this study, 52 foxtail millet cultivars were selected as research subjects. Twelve cold stress treatments were applied during the germination stage, and the suitability of using germination rate as the index for evaluating cold tolerance at this stage was explored. Following low-temperature stress, the cold tolerance coefficients of seven indices, including germination potential, germination rate, germination index, bud length, root length, bud fresh weight, and root fresh weight, were measured. Comprehensive evaluation of the tested varieties' cold tolerance was conducted using membership function analysis, principal component analysis, correlation analysis, and cluster analysis. Stepwise regression analysis was employed to establish a regression equation for predicting cold tolerance. The results revealed that the germination rate of millet varieties exhibited the largest variation range after seven days of low-temperature treatment at 8℃. This treatment effectively distinguished the differences in cold tolerance among varieties and proved to be the most suitable condition for evaluating cold tolerance during the germination stage. Following low-temperature stress, all seven evaluated indices showed lower values compared to the control treatment at 28℃, although the degree of reduction varied among the indices. Through principal component analysis, the seven individual indices were transformed into three independent comprehensive indices. It was found that bud length, bud fresh weight, and root fresh weight best represented the response of millet during the germination period to low-temperature stress. These indices can be used for evaluating cold tolerance during the germination stage. Cluster analysis categorized the 52 millet varieties into three groups, identifying 17 highly cold-tolerant varieties such as Nenxuan 14, Chaogu 14, and Mengheigu 8, as well as 15 cold-sensitive varieties such as Lugu 7 and Jingu 20. These varieties serve as valuable germplasm resources for breeding cold-tolerant millet and enhancing millet production.

Key words: foxtail millet, germination stage, cold stress, comprehensive evaluation, principal components analysis

Table 1

Name and sources of the 52 foxtail millet varieties"

1 嫩选11 Nenxuan 11 黑龙江 Heilongjiang 27 金谷1号 Jingu 1 河北 Hebei
2 嫩选14 Nenxuan 14 黑龙江 Heilongjiang 28 冀谷27 Jigu 27 河北 Hebei
3 嫩选15 Nenxuan 15 黑龙江 Heilongjiang 29 冀谷30 Jigu 30 河北 Hebei
4 龙谷26 Longgu 26 黑龙江 Heilongjiang 30 保谷18 Baogu 18 河北 Hebei
5 龙谷31 Longgu 31 黑龙江 Heilongjiang 31 衡早1号 Hengzao 1 河北 Hebei
6 龙谷37 Longgu 37 黑龙江 Heilongjiang 32 衡早9号Hengzao 9 河北 Hebei
7 胜谷2号 Shenggu 2 黑龙江 Heilongjiang 33 坝谷214 Bagu 214 河北 Hebei
8 公矮5号 Gong’ai 5 吉林 Jilin 34 郑谷2号 Zhenggu 2 河南 Henan
9 公谷88 Gonggu 88 吉林 Jilin 35 郑谷4号 Zhenggu 4 河南 Henan
10 白谷6号 Baigu 6 吉林 Jilin 36 豫谷12 Yugu 12 河南 Henan
11 九谷15 Jiugu1 5 吉林 Jilin 37 豫谷18 Yugu 18 河南 Henan
12 九谷19 Jiugu 19 吉林 Jilin 38 豫谷31 Yugu 31 河南 Henan
13 九谷23 Jiugu 23 吉林 Jilin 39 豫谷32 Yugu 32 河南 Henan
14 朝谷14 Chaogu 14 辽宁 Liaoning 40 豫谷35 Yugu 35 河南 Henan
15 朝谷58 Chaogu 58 辽宁 Liaoning 41 鲁谷6号 Lugu 6 山东Shandong
16 朝438 Chao 438 辽宁 Liaoning 42 鲁谷7号 Lugu 7 山东Shandong
17 燕谷16 Yangu 16 辽宁 Liaoning 43 鲁谷10号Lugu 10 山东Shandong
18 燕谷18 Yangu 18 辽宁 Liaoning 44 陇谷4号 Longgu 4 甘肃 Gansu
19 朝新谷8号 Chaoxingu 8 辽宁 Liaoning 45 陇谷7号Longgu 7 甘肃 Gansu
20 赤谷1号Chigu 1 内蒙古 Inner Mongolia 46 陇谷13 Longgu 13 甘肃 Gansu
21 赤谷4号 Chigu 4 内蒙古 Inner Mongolia 47 大同25 Datong 25 山西 Shanxi
22 赤谷17 Chigu 17 内蒙古 Inner Mongolia 48 大同29 Datong 29 山西 Shanxi
23 峰红4号 Fenghong 4 内蒙古 Inner Mongolia 49 晋谷13 Jingu 13 山西 Shanxi
24 蒙黑谷8号 Mengheigu 8 内蒙古 Inner Mongolia 50 晋谷20 Jingu 20 山西 Shanxi
25 金苗K1 Jinmiao K1 内蒙古 Inner Mongolia 51 中谷2号 Zhonggu 2 北京 Beijing
26 金苗K2 Jinmiao K2 内蒙古 Inner Mongolia 52 中谷9号 Zhonggu 9 北京 Beijing

Fig. 1

Comparison of germination rate and variation range among varieties after low temperature treatments"

Fig. 2

Statistics of cold tolerance coefficient of different index under chilling stress GE: germination energy; GP: germination percentage; GI: germination index; SL: sprout length; RL: root length; SFW: shoot fresh weight; RFW: root fresh weight."

Table S1

Low temperature tolerance coefficient of each index under chilling stress (8℃, 7 d)"

嫩选11 Nenxuan 11 0.840 0.747 0.330 0.614 0.772 0.681 0.533
嫩选14 Nenxuan 14 0.906 0.931 0.370 0.790 0.949 0.686 0.880
嫩选15 Nenxuan 15 0.850 0.910 0.336 0.710 0.885 0.594 0.793
龙谷26 Longgu 26 0.888 0.558 0.234 0.678 0.720 0.230 0.301
龙谷31 Longgu 31 0.811 0.903 0.292 0.802 0.962 0.623 0.851
龙谷37 Longgu 37 0.913 0.958 0.237 0.624 0.730 0.399 0.487
胜谷2号 Shenggu 2 0.958 0.890 0.299 0.725 0.802 0.615 0.833
公矮5号 Gong’ai 5 0.917 0.735 0.354 0.765 0.878 0.444 0.552
公谷88 Gonggu 88 0.960 0.807 0.339 0.664 0.520 0.479 0.597
白谷6号 Baigu 6 0.909 0.830 0.266 0.702 0.888 0.523 0.667
九谷15 Jiugu 15 0.920 0.826 0.313 0.687 0.782 0.620 0.710
九谷19 Jiugu 19 0.818 0.775 0.369 0.673 0.969 0.395 0.476
九谷23 Jiugu 23 0.803 0.840 0.247 0.851 0.952 0.455 0.562
朝谷14 Chaogu 14 0.870 0.986 0.246 0.661 0.863 0.562 0.722
朝谷58 Chaogu 58 0.920 0.909 0.291 0.487 0.893 0.364 0.415
朝438 Chao 438 0.912 0.892 0.227 0.819 0.658 0.627 0.855
燕谷16 Yangu 16 0.833 0.844 0.263 0.810 0.703 0.613 0.822
燕谷18 Yangu 18 0.947 0.750 0.262 0.533 0.896 0.377 0.444
朝新谷8号 Chaoxingu 8 0.917 0.873 0.257 0.729 0.530 0.620 0.589
赤谷1号Chigu 1 0.913 0.682 0.275 0.747 0.817 0.617 0.834
赤谷4号 Chigu 4 0.803 0.779 0.308 0.567 0.900 0.451 0.557
赤谷17 Vhigu 17 0.977 0.862 0.255 0.486 0.942 0.561 0.711
峰红4号 Fenghong 4 0.929 0.961 0.335 0.636 0.848 0.479 0.593
蒙黑谷8号 Mengheigu 8 0.880 0.896 0.218 0.727 0.892 0.676 0.933
金苗K1 Jinmiao K1 0.956 0.758 0.275 0.484 0.842 0.171 0.281
金苗K2 Jinmiao K2 0.875 0.672 0.297 0.655 0.580 0.429 0.535
金谷1号 Jingu 1 0.876 0.571 0.255 0.726 0.830 0.568 0.730
冀谷27 Jigu 27 0.950 0.905 0.310 0.564 0.662 0.396 0.476
冀谷30 Jigu 30 0.760 0.790 0.259 0.753 0.676 0.563 0.722
保谷18 Baogu 18 0.795 0.849 0.197 0.525 0.682 0.657 0.891
衡早1号 Hengzao 1 0.750 0.840 0.213 0.481 0.620 0.550 0.702
衡早9号Hengzao 9 0.792 0.732 0.288 0.614 0.858 0.390 0.471
坝谷214 Bagu 214 0.762 0.798 0.249 0.780 0.818 0.587 0.762
郑谷2号 Zhenggu 2 0.840 0.640 0.254 0.680 0.747 0.264 0.358
郑谷4号 Zhenggu 4 0.802 0.816 0.248 0.382 0.760 0.322 0.385
豫谷12 Yugu 12 0.696 0.838 0.248 0.569 0.550 0.600 0.807
豫谷18 Yugu 18 0.875 0.856 0.287 0.667 0.772 0.183 0.282
豫谷31 Yugu 31 0.625 0.708 0.167 0.442 0.690 0.408 0.515
豫谷32 Yugu 32 0.783 0.645 0.272 0.584 0.612 0.622 0.849
豫谷35 Yugu 35 0.404 0.771 0.248 0.569 0.845 0.405 0.500
鲁谷6号 Lugu 6 0.720 0.802 0.228 0.733 0.960 0.550 0.705
鲁谷7号 Lugu 7 0.961 0.460 0.287 0.427 0.610 0.367 0.429
鲁谷10号Lugu 10 0.763 0.797 0.232 0.721 0.887 0.385 0.451
陇谷4号 Longgu 4 0.609 0.738 0.231 0.600 0.730 0.484 0.602
陇谷7号Longgu 7 0.842 0.503 0.284 0.677 0.900 0.589 0.763
陇谷13 Longgu 13 0.960 0.921 0.360 0.720 0.848 0.530 0.620
大同25 Datong 25 0.792 0.630 0.355 0.519 0.740 0.464 0.565
大同29 Datong 29 0.894 0.853 0.322 0.520 0.780 0.479 0.591
晋谷13 Jingu 13 0.560 0.787 0.271 0.517 0.606 0.850 0.410
晋谷20 Jingu 20 0.383 0.637 0.340 0.600 0.806 0.582 0.746
中谷2号 Zhonggu 2 0.845 0.635 0.259 0.613 0.728 0.384 0.448
中谷9号 Zhonggu 9 0.792 0.801 0.248 0.619 0.860 0.396 0.479
平均值 Average 0.828 0.786 0.277 0.639 0.784 0.497 0.611
变异系数CV 0.153 0.150 0.166 0.174 0.155 0.276 0.284

Fig. 3

Correlation analysis of cold tolerance coefficient of different index under chilling stress * and ** indicate significant correlation at the 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels, respectively. Abbreviations are the same as those given in Fig. 2."

Table 2

Loading matrix, eigen value, and contribution rates of each principle factor"

主成分Principle factor
发芽势 GP 0.173 0.373 0.140
发芽率 GR 0.134 0.284 0.321
发芽指数 GI 0.173 0.370 0.076
芽长 SL 0.353 0.067 0.293
根长 RL 0.028 0.139 0.846
芽鲜重 SFW 0.365 0.264 0.138
根鲜重 RFW 0.390 0.251 0.009
特征值 Eigen value 2.482 1.538 1.164
贡献率 Contribution ratio (%) 35.612 21.765 15.390
累计贡献率 Cumulative contribution ratio (%) 35.612 57.377 72.767

Table 3

Comprehensive index value, U(X), D-value, and predictive values of varieties under chilling stress"

X1 X2 X3 U(X1) U(X2) U(X3) D
嫩选11 Nenxuan 11 0.750 0.731 0.794 0.651 0.428 0.525 0.472 33 0.495
嫩选14 Nenxuan 14 0.850 0.886 1.050 0.815 0.744 0.979 0.804 1 0.837
嫩选15 Nenxuan 15 0.786 0.868 0.986 0.709 0.706 0.865 0.699 10 0.717
龙谷26 Longgu 26 0.494 0.774 0.916 0.230 0.516 0.740 0.332 44 0.304
龙谷31 Longgu 31 0.814 0.897 1.012 0.755 0.765 0.911 0.758 5 0.767
龙谷37 Longgu 37 0.782 0.877 0.965 0.703 0.726 0.828 0.692 11 0.676
胜谷2号 Shenggu 2 0.862 0.831 0.977 0.834 0.632 0.848 0.738 7 0.741
公矮5号 Gong’ai 5 0.641 0.855 1.023 0.471 0.681 0.931 0.578 21 0.598
公谷88 Gonggu 88 0.797 0.628 0.938 0.728 0.218 0.780 0.518 29 0.539
白谷6号 Baigu 6 0.747 0.905 0.954 0.645 0.782 0.808 0.673 12 0.660
九谷15 Jiugu 15 0.809 0.789 0.930 0.747 0.546 0.765 0.636 16 0.639
九谷19 Jiugu 19 0.547 0.929 0.964 0.317 0.831 0.826 0.513 30 0.554
九谷23 Jiugu 23 0.718 0.919 1.062 0.597 0.811 1.000 0.713 9 0.706
朝谷14 Chaogu 14 0.843 0.921 0.957 0.803 0.814 0.813 0.773 2 0.758
朝谷58 Chaogu 58 0.626 1.008 0.905 0.445 0.992 0.721 0.608 17 0.598
朝438 Chao 438 0.962 0.712 0.986 1.000 0.389 0.865 0.752 6 0.735
燕谷16 Yangu 16 0.875 0.697 0.973 0.855 0.358 0.841 0.654 14 0.658
燕谷18 Yangu 18 0.582 0.967 0.865 0.373 0.909 0.651 0.519 28 0.495
朝新谷8号 Chaoxingu 8 0.938 0.621 0.932 0.96 0.203 0.769 0.639 15 0.636
赤谷1号Chigu 1 0.755 0.768 0.897 0.658 0.504 0.708 0.556 23 0.547
赤谷4号 Chigu 4 0.593 0.891 0.870 0.392 0.753 0.659 0.479 32 0.481
赤谷17 Chigu 17 0.729 1.012 0.812 0.616 1.000 0.556 0.657 13 0.623
峰红4号 Fenghong 4 0.762 0.926 0.998 0.670 0.825 0.886 0.724 8 0.736
蒙黑谷8号 Mengheigu 8 0.890 0.888 0.908 0.881 0.748 0.727 0.768 3 0.742
金苗K1 Jinmiao K1 0.425 0.915 0.874 0.116 0.802 0.666 0.345 41 0.436
金苗K2 Jinmiao K2 0.666 0.626 0.886 0.512 0.212 0.687 0.370 40 0.379
金谷1号 Jingu 1 0.659 0.756 0.847 0.500 0.479 0.618 0.433 35 0.413
冀谷27 Jigu 27 0.737 0.813 0.932 0.629 0.594 0.769 0.589 20 0.594
冀谷30 Jigu 30 0.796 0.661 0.917 0.726 0.285 0.742 0.529 25 0.529
保谷18 Baogu 18 0.821 0.710 0.749 0.767 0.384 0.444 0.498 31 0.489
衡早1号 Hengzao 1 0.763 0.688 0.734 0.671 0.339 0.419 0.422 36 0.404
衡早9号Hengzao 9 0.565 0.854 0.893 0.345 0.678 0.699 0.440 34 0.439
坝谷214 Bagu 214 0.785 0.768 0.936 0.708 0.503 0.776 0.603 18 0.593
郑谷2号 Zhenggu 2 0.526 0.784 0.934 0.281 0.536 0.773 0.377 38 0.368
郑谷4号 Zhenggu 4 0.548 0.872 0.772 0.318 0.714 0.486 0.374 39 0.358
豫谷12 Yugu 12 0.822 0.583 0.766 0.768 0.126 0.475 0.419 37 0.412
豫谷18 Yugu 18 0.607 0.882 1.037 0.415 0.735 0.955 0.573 22 0.568
豫谷31 Yugu 31 0.586 0.727 0.657 0.380 0.419 0.282 0.248 50 0.201
豫谷32 Yugu 32 0.724 0.581 0.728 0.608 0.121 0.408 0.309 46 0.307
豫谷35 Yugu 35 0.514 0.744 0.780 0.262 0.453 0.500 0.258 49 0.260
鲁谷6号 Lugu 6 0.703 0.885 0.914 0.572 0.742 0.738 0.598 19 0.583
鲁谷7号 Lugu 7 0.451 0.660 0.673 0.158 0.282 0.310 0.087 52 0.104
鲁谷10号Lugu 10 0.592 0.906 0.990 0.390 0.784 0.873 0.552 24 0.550
陇谷4号 Longgu 4 0.644 0.694 0.784 0.475 0.353 0.506 0.344 42 0.327
陇谷7号Longgu 7 0.578 0.771 0.793 0.368 0.510 0.523 0.343 43 0.330
陇谷13 Longgu 13 0.809 0.904 1.021 0.747 0.780 0.927 0.764 4 0.767
大同25 Datong 25 0.568 0.732 0.753 0.350 0.429 0.451 0.285 47 0.274
大同29 Datong 29 0.682 0.845 0.867 0.539 0.661 0.654 0.527 26 0.539
晋谷13 Jingu 13 0.667 0.597 0.741 0.514 0.155 0.430 0.275 48 0.321
晋谷20 Jingu 20 0.355 0.522 0.498 0 0 0 0.130 51 0.160
中谷2号 Zhonggu 2 0.563 0.736 0.838 0.342 0.438 0.603 0.327 45 0.342
中谷9号 Zhonggu 9 0.624 0.888 0.900 0.443 0.747 0.713 0.521 27 0.506

Fig. 4

Cluster analysis of cold tolerance of 52 foxtail millet varieties in germination stage"

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