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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2025, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (3): 621-631.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2025.44120


Analysis of genes associated with expression characteristics and high resistance in response to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum infection in Brassica juncea

ZHANG Jin-Ze1(), ZHOU Qing-Guo2, YANG Xu1, WANG Qian1, XIAO Li-Jing1, JIN Hai-Run1, OU-YANG Qing-Jing1, YU Kun-Jiang1, TIAN En-Tang1,*()   

  1. 1College of Agriculture, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, Guizhou, China
    2Anhui Dingke Seed Industry Co., Ltd., Hefei 230001, Anhui, China
  • Received:2024-07-25 Accepted:2024-10-25 Online:2025-03-12 Published:2024-11-13
  • Contact: *E-mail: erictian121@163.com
  • Supported by:
    Guizhou Provincial Science and Technology Support Program(Guizhou Kehe Support [2022] Key 031);National Natural Science Foundation of China(32160483);National Natural Science Foundation of China(32360497);National Natural Science Foundation of Guizhou University([2023] 093);Guizhou Provincial Key Laboratory of Molecular Breeding of Grain and Oil Crops(Guizhou Kehezhong Yindi [2023] 008);Guizhou Provincial Key Laboratory of Functional Agriculture in Colleges and Universities(Guizhou Jiaoji [2023] 007)


Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is a major disease affecting rapeseed, often causing significant yield losses after infection. In this study, we evaluated the resistance of 200 Brassica juncea lines to S. sclerotiorum and selected one highly resistant line (G21-243-1, HR) and one susceptible line (G21-149-2, LR) for transcriptome analysis. A total of 138.16 Gb of clean data was generated by simulating leaf responses at 12, 24, and 36 hours post-infection (hpi) with S. sclerotiorum. The analysis identified 1899 up-regulated genes and 1330 down-regulated genes, with 445 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) detected across two time points and 90 DEGs across all three time points. Subsequent Gene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) functional analyses revealed significant enrichment in pathways related to plant-pathogen interactions, plant hormone signaling, and the MAPK signaling pathway in plants. By integrating transcriptome and functional analysis results, we preliminarily identified 20 candidate genes associated with resistance to S. sclerotiorum. Six of these genes were randomly selected for validation via qRT-PCR analysis. The findings of this study provide a foundation for future research on S. sclerotiorum, including the characterization of gene expression, the identification of resistance genes, and the development of resistant rapeseed varieties.

Key words: Brassica juncea, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, transcriptome analysis, differentially expressed genes

Table 1

qRT-PCR primer sequences for the candidate genes"

Gene name
Forward primer (5'-3')
Reverse primer (5'-3')

Fig. 1

Frequency distribution of lesion areas in the leaves of 200 B. juncea lines (A), and the different resistance of LR and HR lines (B and C) *** indicates a significant difference at P < 0.001."

Table 2

Sequencing data statistics and quality testing"

Clean reads
Clean bases
Mapped reads
Mapping rate (%)
Q30 bases rate (%)
HR12 21,049,953 6,304,265,677 39,172,284 93.04 93.56
HR24 20,890,365 6,255,809,943 38,776,834 93.02 93.50
HR36 21,801,040 6,529,517,940 40,687,767 93.31 94.05
LR12 21,522,196 6,444,737,219 39,803,989 92.48 93.88
LR24 20,142,620 6,032,972,157 37,585,078 92.98 93.69
LR36 20,359,340 6,097,753,385 37,899,609 93.08 93.68

Fig. 2

DEGs statistics at different time points (A) and DEGs Venn diagram (B)"

Fig. 3

Statistics of GO-enriched pathways of DEGs in different time periods The top five entries in Biological process and Molecular function enrichment, and the top three entries in Cellular component enrichment."

Fig. 4

Significant enrichment of KEGG in DEGs at different time periods DEGs are enriched in the KEGG pathway common to the first ten and three periods."

Table 3

Candidate genes for S. sclerotiorum resistance in B. juncea"

gene ID
Information of Arabidopsis homologous genes
Gene function
BjuB043567 AT4G31800, 转录因子WRKY18
AT4G31800, transcription factor WRKY18
Regulates the expression of defense-related genes
BjuB043588 AT4G30530, γ-谷氨酰肽酶GGP1
AT4G30530, γ-glutamyl peptidase GGP1
Synthesis of glucosinolate and phytoprophylaxis
BjuA037008 AT1G12220, 抗病蛋白家族基因RPS5
AT1G12220, disease resistance protein family gene RPS5
Glucosinolin synthesis
BjuB032919 AT1G32640, 转录因子MYC2
AT1G32640, transcription factor MYC2
Jasmonic acid-mediated defense responses
BjuB043577 AT4G31550, 转录因子WRKY11
AT4G31550, transcription factor WRKY11
Activation of the jasmonic acid (JA) signaling pathways
BjuA024994 AT5G45510, (LRR)家族蛋白
AT5G45510, (LRR) family proteins
Cell adhesion and signaling
BjuB023180 AT3G54030, 蛋白激酶蛋白BSK6
AT3G54030, protein kinase protein BSK6
Regulates the expression of low R:FR response genes
BjuB027474 AT2G01640, 核仁蛋白SAHY1
AT2G01640, nucleolar protein SAHY1
Shuttle transport between nucleoplasms
BjuB040356 AT4G25690, HLS家族 AT4G25690, HLS family 赤霉素相关合成 Gibberellin-related synthesis
BjuA017705 AT2G47140, 短链脱氢酶还原酶SDR5
AT2G47140, short-chain dehydrogenase reductase SDR5
Plant defense responses
BjuA028613 AT4G17390, 核糖体蛋白家族基因EL15Y
AT4G17390, ribosomal protein family gene EL15Y
Ribosomal biosynthesis and protein translation
BjuA024292 AT5G66900, 抗病蛋白基因NRG1A
AT5G66900, the disease resistance protein gene NRG1A
Plant defense response and apoptosis
BjuB011722 AT5G59070, UDP-糖基转移酶超家族蛋白
AT5G59070, UDP-glycosyltransferase superfamily proteins
转移酶活性, 转移糖基
Transferase activity, transfer glycans
BjuB041379 AT2G46450, 环核苷酸门控通道CNGC12
AT2G46450, cyclic nucleotide-gated channel CNGC12
Triggers Ca2+ signaling
BjuA014448 AT3G62600, 结构域蛋白基因ERDJ3B
AT3G62600, domain protein gene ERDJ3B
Pathogen receptor signaling pathways
BjuB033192 AT1G13060, 蛋白酶体基因PBE1
AT1G13060, the proteasome gene PBE1
Degradation of damaged proteins
BjuA022756 AT3G48000, 醛脱氢酶基因ALDH2
AT3G48000, aldehyde dehydrogenase gene ALDH2
Encodes mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase
BjuA039403 AT3G01640, 葡萄糖醛酸激酶基因GLCAK
AT3G01640, glucuronide kinase gene GLCAK
D-GlcA phosphorylation to D-GlcA-1-phosphate
BjuA022423 AT3G48950, 果胶裂解酶样超家族蛋白基因PGF7
AT3G48950, pectin lyase-like superfamily protein gene PGF7
Carbohydrate metabolism processes
BjuO000727 AT1G65930, 异柠檬酸脱氢酶基因CICDH
AT1G65930, isocitrate dehydrogenase gene CICDH
Redox signaling associated with defense responses

Fig. 5

qRT-PCR validation (A) and RNA-Seq analysis results (B) H1, H2, and H3 are disease-resistant materials inoculated for 12, 24, and 36 h, and L1, L2, and L3 are susceptible materials inoculated for 12, 24, and 36 h."

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